Protein shakes for breakfast?

bobbiedr Posts: 260 Member
I've thinking about getting some protein powder and using that for my breakfast to make sure I get enough protein in the AM.

If you use protein powder in the morning, how do you use it? Do you make it a shake, and if so, is that the only thing you eat, and is it enough to keep you satisfied til a morning snack?

Or, how else do you use it, and is it satisfying?

Any help or info is greatly appreciated. I've really only used protein for after working out, mixed with water.


  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    i either have a shake made with water or almond milk or sometimes I add a scoop of dairy flavour to my milk and pour over cereal :)
  • mymission92
    I either have it with just water or mixed with spinach in a blender.
    It fills me more than any breakfast and i'm not hungry at all until lunch :)
  • Tashia_HH
    Tashia_HH Posts: 99 Member
    I drink a protein shake for breakfast with water or almond milk. I use either GNC Lean or Beverly International UMP chocolate.
  • ChancyW
    ChancyW Posts: 437 Member
    I eat a protein shake really early in the am (around 6 or 7 after my am workout) so I usually eat 2 ounces of almonds around 10 to tide me over until lunch.
  • FitBunnyEm
    FitBunnyEm Posts: 320
    i have it after my workout in the morning at around 8am...keeps me full for like 2 hours tops
  • bobbiedr
    bobbiedr Posts: 260 Member
    do any of you add it to smoothies and eat that for breakfast?
  • autumn_mix
    autumn_mix Posts: 34 Member
    I make a smoothie every morning for breakfast that is vanilla protein powder, yogurt, an orange energy crystal light on-the-go packet, some ice and a splash of almond milk. All told, it's about 210 calories and it's all I eat for breakfast. It definitely keeps me satisfied until lunch much more than cereal did.
  • wheezybreezy
    wheezybreezy Posts: 315 Member
    I've tried oh so many times to just use a protein smoothie for breakfast, but i'm always hungry later. I've done all sorts of fruits and veggie combos, chia seeds, flax meal, dry oatmeal (STOMACHACHE CITY!) but unless a smoothie keeps you pretty full, I don't think the added protein does muchh good.
  • natesangel
    natesangel Posts: 210 Member
    i start my morning with a tbsp of bulk barn 100% whey isolate in my coffee (grind it in with the sugar before pouring the coffee) then i do my workout (the coffee combo helps with the am stiffness from sleeping funny) and finish with a body fortress shake and 2% milk the combo gives enough cals for my breakfast (switched to this from slim fast!) and protein to help after the workout.
  • reggie2run
    reggie2run Posts: 477 Member
    I add protein powder to skimmed mlk and fresh fruit like strawberries.
    I combine protein powder to greek yougart and then add to oatmeal.
    I add protein powde to low fat chocolate milk with a banana and peanut butter.
    I add protein powder to no fat cottage cheese and add fruit.

    There are various ways to enjoy it.

    I have any of the above after my AM workout (around 8am) and I am full then till lunchtime.
  • JennBona
    JennBona Posts: 255 Member
    I make a smoothie in the morning for breakfast after my workout...1 scoop of protein, 1 cup of almond milk, half a banana and 1 tsp of peanut butter with ice...yummy!
  • sanalva
    sanalva Posts: 13 Member
    Yes, i do drink a protein shake for b'fast...
    I have been making me a smoothie by adding ice to the shake & blending it to make it thicker. I also eat something very light, like a caramel flavor rice cake or cereal bar to get me thru the morning.

    in my shake i use water or a combo of water & almond milk w/'s yummy

    oh & i use body fortress chocolate whey protein powder.
  • sanalva
    sanalva Posts: 13 Member
    that does sound yummy! I might just try that!
  • 916lude
    916lude Posts: 305
    I use a cup of milk, water, sometimes oats, flaxseed, and protein powder. Mix it up in a shaker. I use this for the morning but I also eat something as well. I'm sure some peanut butter and banana in there would fill you up
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    yep i usually do almond milk + whey protein + frozen berries. blend in blender til smooth. i prefer frozen fruit so it's nice and cold
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    I make my shakes with almond milk and ice in the blender. They come out like milkshakes! I drink them anytime, including breakfast sometimes :)
  • StacyPervis
    I use EAS shakes. Low carb high protein. Saves time not making it myself. Only about $1 each.
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    with almond milk, pb and a banana
  • Werglum
    Werglum Posts: 378 Member
    I put skim milk, frozen banana, frozen blueberries, ground flaxseed and chocolate protein powder in a smoothie, it is really good and fills me up until lunch time.
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member