Protein shakes for breakfast?



  • mjmusic2003
    Abs Diet has some great smoothie recipes with protein powder. It's usually a little yogurt, some skim milk, fruit, protein powder, and often flaxseed. I have found that it usually fills me up until 11 - so if my lunch is later than that I need some almonds or a cheese stick as an a.m. snack.
  • lavieboheme1229
    lavieboheme1229 Posts: 448 Member
    I've had shakes for breakfast the past 3 mornings. I eat at 7, and it keeps me until 11:30. I think yogurt really helps it, and berries are good for you. Check out my diary to see how I have been making it. 1/2 a cup each of skim milk, yogurt, berries. 3 ice cubes, a scoop of chocolate protein powder. 260 calories. I think it's awesome.
  • kittymoney
    kittymoney Posts: 115 Member
    I use Syntrax Nectar - Crystal Sky and Nectar are my favorite 1 scoop 90 cal, 0 carb, 23 g prot. I blend it with 1/2 c straw, 1/2 small banana and ice. Yummy - most mornings it keeps me full until break time. I also do a protein muffin with it that is 45 cal.
  • gickielynn
    For me, as a rule- I do not like to drink my calories....I have lost 11 lbs, in 7 weeks staying on a 1200 calorie a day diet and get on my eliptical for 20 minutes 3 times a week, and it is working great for me!! I am 56 and just felt is was time to get back in shape!!
  • 75Juniper
    75Juniper Posts: 376
    I mix 1 scoop of chocolate powder, 1 cup of skim milk, 1 tsp. of instant coffee, and a couple of ice cubes. It's pretty filling, but if you're still hungry you could also have some fruit or some almonds along side it.
  • patricknsmith
    patricknsmith Posts: 261 Member
    I either just have it as a shake or I make protein pancakes. Protein pancakes are a nice, filling way to start the day off with a good amount of protein and healthy carbs.
  • CrystalFlury
    CrystalFlury Posts: 400 Member
    I've thinking about getting some protein powder and using that for my breakfast to make sure I get enough protein in the AM.

    If you use protein powder in the morning, how do you use it? Do you make it a shake, and if so, is that the only thing you eat, and is it enough to keep you satisfied til a morning snack?

    Or, how else do you use it, and is it satisfying?

    Any help or info is greatly appreciated. I've really only used protein for after working out, mixed with water.

    I use Jillian Michaels Whey Protein (the vanilla cream shake is my favorite, triple chocolate is ok). I've drank it as a meal before, most recently breakfast. I liked it a lot. It really does keep me full until lunch. I did one scoop (as recommended) and 8 oz. 1% milk and had a banana on the side. I think it's alright to do that once in a while but I wouldn't make that an every day thing (having a protein shake).
  • ashshort
    ashshort Posts: 8
    I have a protein shake in the morning with 8oz skim milk,1 tbsp peanut butter and 1 tbsp sugar free chocolate syrup. Sometimes I add a banana. It is really good! I have that at 7:30am and I am not hungry until lunchtime. I have been using the Visalus mix but that got expensive so i switched to Body Fortress Whey Protein. I have been using 1/2 scoop of the BF mix due to calories. The Visalus mix is really good! There is a app for iphones with Visalus recipes that can be used with any protein mix. The app itself does not work great however once you download, immediately tap recipes and it will come up. If you don't have an iphone just do a google search for Visalus shake recipes. Hope this helps! :-)
  • sizzler0123
    I often have 1 1/2 scoops of protein powder mixed with 1 cup of almond milk and a little water for breakfast. I just shake it up in a bottle. It is fairly filling and i usually have a piece of fruit in the morning at some point for a snack. I also have 1 scoop mixed with water after my workouts.
  • jmach002
    jmach002 Posts: 113 Member
    i did protein shakes for breakfast however i got bored with i make protein pancakes. i mix the powder with liquid egg whites until its a batter consistancy and fry it up in a pan! its great!!!
  • NYactor1
    NYactor1 Posts: 9,642 Member
    I have been using the ready to drink protein shakes for my breakfast - usually along with a yogurt, nuts, etc. Been working at using the shake as a replacement for my mid morning coffee. At night I make a protein shake with 2% milk after a workout or run - I really like BSN Syntha - 6, tastes like a milkshake!
  • dwilkerson89
    Perfect morning Protein Shake:

    8oz Black Coffee (brewed night before so it's cooled) + Ice Cubes + 1-1.5 Scoops Whey (Vanilla or PB Chocolate work great)
    Buzz it in the blender for 20-30 seconds and you're done.

    Tastes like any perfect morning coffee drink you'd imagine, w/out all the sugar. Great tasting and filling.
  • minli313
    minli313 Posts: 1 Member
    I have a shake every morning with frozen berries, soy yoghurt, soy milk and vanilla protein powder. For variation I sometimes add a banana and/or a handful of muesli. Great taste, very filling and no dairy!
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    I've been mixing half a scoop with water and drinking that as soon as I wake, and then having breakfast an hour later. I don't function without carbs so I couldn't just have the protein.
    I've been drinking ****loads of water recently too, and either the protein shake or the water is making me super bloated so I need to work out which it is.
  • kaydensmom12
    kaydensmom12 Posts: 338
    I drink a special K protein shake, because the fiber fills me up, and taste great. Its like a morning treat, I just can not eat in the mornings but am hungry. I know that they are high in carbs but that doesn't bother me, we need carbs too:) I drank pure protein shakes for months but they just didn't fill me up so I lowered my protein intake from 40% of my diet to 20%, and it is working out much better now.
  • benzie314
    benzie314 Posts: 12
    I have Isoflex chocolate protein power and I mix it:
    1 - 1.5 scoops of powder
    about 8 ice cubes
    1/2 cup of milk
    1/2 a banana.

    This is so yummy its almost like desert but it mixes great in a blender bottle too with just water
  • flechero
    flechero Posts: 260 Member
    I like the 100% natural product line by Optimum Nutrition. For breakfast I use the Oats & Whey... the oatmeal makes it a much longer lasting "full feel" and I can go until lunch with no trouble. My breakfast shake usually looks like this:

    Light vanilla soy milk
    1/2 frozen banana
    big scoop vanilla oats & whey
    handful of frozen strawberries if the mood hits
    zap it in the blender.
  • ready2tryagain42
    I have used protein powder to make protein pancakes. They are very different from regular pancakes (don't rise the same) but you can flavor them however you want with yogurt, cottage cheese, etc.
  • MoveTheMountain
    I have Isoflex chocolate protein power and I mix it:
    1 - 1.5 scoops of powder
    about 8 ice cubes
    1/2 cup of milk
    1/2 a banana.

    This is so yummy its almost like desert but it mixes great in a blender bottle too with just water

    That's almost exactly what I use in the morning after my workouts, but I use rice milk and also add about half a cup of frozen blueberries, plus some BCAAs, glutamine, and creatine (even tho Isoflex has some of the last three already in it). If I want some extra calories, I add a tblsp of almond butter; but that really bumps the calories.

    One thing to keep in mind is that your body needs carbs to help it digest protein, so definitely figure out a "way" (get it?) to also get some carbs - either in the shake, or have something with it on the side. Protein by itself does not make a balanced meal.

    If I'm trying to watch my calories, and I don't want keep the sugar down a little bit (although again, that sugar is precisely what helps you metabolize the protein), I'll use no-sugar almond milk.

    Question, what's your goal with the protein shakes? Are you having this as a recovery drink after a workout? (In which case you *definitely* want to add a lot of carbs... try for half protein and half carbs.) Or are you just trying to put something into your stomach so you'll feel full and won't snack on stuff at the office, etc? Or do you just want to bump your daily protein? If it's the latter, I recommend having it with a meal, not by itself.
  • benzie314
    benzie314 Posts: 12
    It sucks that Isoflex is so darn expensive though but its the only protein i like