Do you wear a watch?



  • GingerRunner
    I love watches! I want far more than I own (a paltry 4--1 broken). My current favorite is my GARMIN 610! Oh. Yes. Workouts and time telling in one....who could ask for more?
  • GingerRunner
    This would be just one more thing to take off when I weigh in so NOPE. Just gettin in my way. People are lucky I even wear clothes anymore.

    hahaha! GREAT one!
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    Over 30, wear a watch. My fav watch is my G-Shock Mudman watch.
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    I gave up watches. Figured with my cellphone, computer and car I could always see the time.
    That was a few years ago.
    Lately I've found its a pain having to get my phone out every time I need to know the time, plus then I go onto fa cebook and other apps.
    So I started really really just wanting a simple watch again.
    So the weekend just been (this is a very timely post) I bought a really cute white Ice watch with a pink face. LOVE IT. and use it all the time and can forget my damn cellphone a bit more now!
  • Mercenary1914
    Mercenary1914 Posts: 1,087 Member
    Who remember's Swatches?


    Swatches and Friendship braclets for me are like silly bands for kids nowadays....
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    For me it has more to do with the enviorment. During my normal life I don't wear a watch. There's a clock in the car, a clock on the stove, hit the program guide on your TV and there is a clock there, there are THREE clocks on my desk (phone, computer, & one of those awards I got for something), and of course the clock on my cell phone. Why in the world do I need a watch?

    However, when I'm running or biking I need a watch. So that's when I wear one.
  • AthenaErr
    AthenaErr Posts: 282 Member
    oh mercenary, I totally <3 you now!
  • jwaitman
    jwaitman Posts: 367 Member
    I have many watches all sitting at home with dead batteries. I have 2 phones so really no need to wear one. However I do wear my heart rate monitor watch most days unless outside. I don't want any tan lines where there shouldn't be any.
  • jdhosier
    jdhosier Posts: 315 Member
    I feel utterly naked when I don't have my watch on. I only take it off to work out and sleep. I sometime take it off when I am doing heavy sweating in the yard or working on the car or any other time when I might damage it. I am also a bit obsessive about the accuracy of my watch or any other time keeping devise within sight.

    My dear wife, on the other hand, treats punctuality like an amusing suggestion. It has made for some interesting moments in our 32 year marriage. <sigh>

    Oh, and my watch has to have the date and day of the week on it. Otherwise, I would have no idea what the day or date is.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Good points about clocks everywhere. Except, it seems for me, when I actually want to know the time, there's no clock, and my cell phone is in my laptop bag at my desk, and I'm far away from it.

    I think I prompted this because I am finding that I am carrying my cell less, leaving it in the car or just leaving it at home. It's a burden and distracting. So, without a cell, often, I need to know the time.

    Interesting. Seems to be pretty split down the middle. Age doesn't appear to have much to do with it.
  • ScientistStudy
    ScientistStudy Posts: 249 Member
    I'm 22 and I always wear a watch, it drives me mad not knowing the time and it's so much easier to look at my wrist than dig my phone out of my bag!

    I got this Juicy Couture beauty off my partner at christmas and I wear it most of the time. It's rose gold to match the ring and necklace I have from him too.

    I got this one the year before from his parents, except mine doesn't have the diamontes (which I prefer) but don't wear it as often since getting the Juicy Couture one. Red is my favourite colour :)

    Fair to say I've been spoilt, before these amazing gifts I wore a plastic childs Toy Story watch.. which my partner also bought me haha.
  • HartJames
    HartJames Posts: 789 Member
    I do- at all times to cover a much hated tat. Polar for workouts and lately my gold coach boyfriend watch the rest of the time. 35
  • DisneyAddictRW
    DisneyAddictRW Posts: 800 Member
    I wer a watch linked with my body bugg.
  • usera1365
    usera1365 Posts: 146 Member
    over 30 wink and I never leave home without it!
  • ashleynicoleb
    ashleynicoleb Posts: 376 Member
    I just recently started wearing a watch I got last Christmas. They used to annoy me but I’ve grown used to it now.
  • mevalentina
    mevalentina Posts: 362 Member
    Im over 30 no watch haven't worn one since I got my cell phone, but sometimes I walk by the watch cases and think ooo I like that one :)
  • ElleOQuent
    ElleOQuent Posts: 431 Member
    Only if it matches with my outfit.
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    Nope. I'm not even sure I own a watch.
  • xxnellie146xx
    xxnellie146xx Posts: 996 Member
    Always :)
  • directorj
    directorj Posts: 537 Member
    I'm the few under 30s that always wear a watch.