

  • mahardin
    mahardin Posts: 18 Member
    They are not all that great for you and ... "that lean cuisine really filled me up, said no one ever"
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I think your biggest error in this whole scenario is that you consider these health foods. Healthier, sure. Health foods, no.

    This. None of these companies claim they are health food companies. These are simply an option that, while not the best food you could eat, is still healthier than say a Banquet frozen dinner or McDonalds.

    I agree. While better for you than a large #7 from McDonalds, it is still poor quality, over-processed, sodium-laden food, just scaled down to fit a certain calorie amount. Healthy they are not.
  • Ilysandrew11
    Ilysandrew11 Posts: 133 Member
    I pretty much eat the lean cuisines for lunch and sometimes at work for dinner. I am usually home by myself during the day...I think I am going to check out the Fresh and Easy selection like someone suggested above :)
  • islandmonkey
    islandmonkey Posts: 546 Member
    The companies you mentioned are NOT health food companies. I'm not sure where you got that idea?

    In fact I hate all so called health food companies because they do not list all the vitamins and minerals in their foods and whether they are fortified (vitamins sprinkled on them) or not. I understand if you can't list it on your package because there isn't enough room, but at least put it on your website.

    I realize that the FDA only requires a few vitamins and minerals to be listed on the packaging, however as a HEALTH FOOD COMPANY you would think they'd go out of their way to let you know of every single vitamin and mineral in their foods. Please for the love of god put it on your website and start a trend in this direction.

    It is absolutely disgraceful that Smart Ones will list sodium on their packaging but not potassium on the packaging or on their website for something that has potatoes in it. GIVE US FULL VITAMIN AND MINERAL details! What is this costing you? Do you not realize it would dramatically increase your sales if your product is high in a key vitamin or mineral that people need. Start listing them all.