Sixers Sweating It Off wk 2



  • candycaneps
    candycaneps Posts: 340 Member
    Elaine (Edjsmom) SW 234.5 lbs / GW 225 lbs / CW 232.5 lbs PROGRESS -2 lbs
    Kristin SW 000 lbs / GW 000 lbs / CW 000 lbs PROGRESS growing a baby sixer!
    Robin (pettmybunny) SW 184/ GW 180/ CW 182 Progress -2 lbs
    AmyLou SW 153/GW 147/CW 152 PROGRESS -1.0 lbs
    Maggie (magglett) SW 184.5/GW 174.5/CW 185 PROGRESS =.5 lbs
    Tammy (derocco) SW 235.8 / GW 225 / CW 234.0 PROGRESS: -1.8 lbs
    Lauryn.... SW 158.2 lbs/GW 156.0 lbs/CW 160.0lbs PROGRESS +/-1.8 lbs
    Falha (falhaone) SW 210 lbs GW 190 lbs CW 210lbs (since i started today in this board, No weigh loss)
    malinda(mxburke) SW 155 lbs /GW/ CW lbs PROGRESS +/-lbs.
    Amy(pdxmomof2)SW 200 lbs/ GW 188 lbs / CW 199 lbs PROGRESS - 1.0 lbs
    Katie (kge8580) SW 181/ GW 170/ CW 183 PROGRESS + 2lbs
    Amy (amypyr) SW 152.4 lbs / GW 145 lbs / CW 152.4 lbs PROGRESS +/-0.0 lbs
    Jennifer (candycaneps) SW 140.4/GW 135/CW 140.4 PROGRESS +/- 0.0lbs

    Tammara (drtamm) SW193/ GW 185/ CW 193 PROGRESS +/- 0lbs
    Melody (exorcize) SW 215 /GW205 /CW 210 PROGRESS - 5 lbs
    Martha (mjheinrich) SW 135/ GW 130/ CW 135 PROGRESS -0.0 lbs
    Rhiannon SW 179 lbs / GW 170 lbs / CW 174.8 lbs PROGRESS - 4.2lbs
    Melynda (mam885) SW 158lbs/GW 150lbs/CW 156lbs PROGRESS -2.0lbs
    Kel (redneckwoman) SW 157lbs /GW 150lbs /CW 157lbs PROGRESS +/- 0.0lbs
    Nikki (nightshadow) SW 154/ GW 125/ CW 151 PROGRESS +/- 0.0 lbs

    I think I gained a few pounds =( I haven't weighed myself, but I can tell. It's TOM and I have been eating like crazy. I keep telling myself I will regret it but that instant gratification kicks in and I lose it.

    Lauryn-I hope things get better. I am a comfort eater too, but there have been times in my life where things were so wrong I went the complete opposite and lost a lot of weight because of it. It's great that you are recognizing this and you are doing what you can to maintain healthy eating habits.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    morning ladies. i won't say it's good cause i had to get out of bed. LOL.
    have to leave soon for my allergist appt. check up on new meds. did i mentioned i am now allergic to mold. new for me. so now it's two things that are everywhere, dust and mold. oh well.

    back later.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Cathy, looks like we woke up in the same mood this morning. :grumble: (BTW, it appears we lost you at the top of the most recent list. )

    Jennifer, thanks dear! Just keep drinking your water and hopefully when TOM is gone, you won't have gained. I eat terribly during TOM too. I'm a bottomless pit of hunger!

    Robin, now that you mention it.... I think I usually say "offen" but I'm sure I've said "often" before too. I think "offen" is more my casual speak, and "often" is more business pronounciation... I think. LOL

    I did a prelim weigh in this morning and I was at 159.8, which is down 0.2lbs from Tuesday. I am happy with that trend. It doesn't have to be a lot, I just need to see a steady decrease, even in tenths of a pound! :smile:

    Hope you all are having fabulous mornings!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hello my friends ... I don't think I'm quite awake yet ... just wanted to say hello ... I'll stop in again later when the foggy head clears.

  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Hi all,

    Happy Thursday and I hope you are all having a good week. Have steady faith in yourself and you can do anything, it just takes time.

    Anyway, I am excited today because I reached my first 20lbs lost today and I have already surpassed my goal of being 235 lbs by my birthday next week. I weighed in today at 233.4 having started at 253.4 on June 26th. Woohoo!!!!

    I am on vacation next week thank goodness so I can get more active and hopefully drop a couple more, maybe even make it into the 220's. I work a desk job during the week and sit at a computer for 8 hours a day so it is hard to be active during the week.

    Well, take care and be good to yourselves!!

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi all,

    Happy Thursday and I hope you are all having a good week. Have steady faith in yourself and you can do anything, it just takes time.

    Anyway, I am excited today because I reached my first 20lbs lost today and I have already surpassed my goal of being 235 lbs by my birthday next week. I weighed in today at 233.4 having started at 253.4 on June 26th. Woohoo!!!!

    I am on vacation next week thank goodness so I can get more active and hopefully drop a couple more, maybe even make it into the 220's. I work a desk job during the week and sit at a computer for 8 hours a day so it is hard to be active during the week.

    Well, take care and be good to yourselves!!

    Congratulation my friend Tammy ... YAY to 20 lb. milestone!!!

  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    Morning gals! Thanks for moving me up! I was home with a migraine yesterday!:grumble: But feeling better today! Since I shared belly pictures last week, I thought I'd share nursery pictures this week!

    Walking into the nursery...
    The changing table...
    The crib...
    Where my little munchkin will sleep...

    I also have another dresser I didn't take a picture of. It's like the changing table but taller with five drawers, plenty of room for all baby's stuff!:happy: Oh! And I have a rocking chair in there now too...took the picture before it was in there. Maybe I need to take some more!

    Hope you are all having a great morning!:flowerforyou:
    So precious!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Good morning all! I didn't have a good eating night last night. DH was out of town (so there went that bit of accountability) and I had a long meeting at church last night (so kiddos had to come w/ me :grumble: thank goodness for the portable DVD player!). So after meeting, stopping at grocery store, & talking to daddy on the phone before bed, the kids got to bed around 10:30. At that point, I was too tired to exercise, so I sat on the couch like a lump and watched tv and ate. Amazingly enough, I lost 0.2 lbs yesterday when I weighed myself this morning. So I'm not sure if that was due to drinking 9 cups of water, ending TOM, won't show up until tomorrow, or all 3. DH is back tonight, so I'll get my exercise in tonight! I'll check back in later and reply to more personally, but had to confess my day yesterday. Gotta get back to work!

    Happy Thursday!
  • KatieEppers
    KatieEppers Posts: 301 Member
    Hi ladies sorry I didn't make it here to post yesterday, the kids and I were pretty busy. I did my 30 Day Shred workout again yesterday. Then made lunch for the kiddos. Then we biked to their new favorite park and we were there for about an hour or so. Biked home to load up Jaden's skateboard and ripstick and we went to the skate park for a little over an hour. Then I went grocery shopping while they were at VBS, then bed when they got home. It was crazy! But fun!

    Anyway, didn't sleep very well last night haven't really greeted the day yet other than to break up the kids fighting over and over and over again. SO SICK of their CONSTANT bickering. Any of you seasoned veterans of siblings have any advice. I swear, I really can't take it much longer, I see military school in their future, lol.

    So, when I started this post I had loads of personals to address from you guys but I fear I have been interrupted so many times to break up the fights that I have forgotten. My apologies. Have a great day, ladies!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning gals. Busy morning for me. Just wanted to say hello.

    BTW...anyone know where Rhiannon is??:sad:
  • KatieEppers
    KatieEppers Posts: 301 Member
    Wow! A quiet day on here, huh? Where is everyone? I did half of my Shred tonight, but got nauseous and couldn't finish, so went for a walk instead. We biked to the park and back today, got in some crunches while the kiddos were playing and some extra biking. Plus got all the laundry in the house done, yay! So, not a total failure. I am excited for Tuesday, I won't let myself get on the scale until then. Have a great night, ladies!!!
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Good morning girlies!

    Yesterday was a busy day for me... Left work a little after noon (only half days on Thursday) and picked my son up from drivers ed. He wanted Pizza Hut for lunch, since he had to drive for class at 2. I was VERY good, and ordered the all you can eat soup, salad, and breadsticks. I had the tomato basil soup, the garden side salad, and got plain breadsticks. And, I only ate one of the breadsticks! My entire lunch was 410 calories.

    Then, dropped son off to do his driving time, and met up with DH to go to court. We went last month, because DH's ex wanted custody of their oldest (they have 3 together). Last year she tried to get custody of all 3, this year, only the one. Whatever. Anyways, she didn't get custody, but then she objected to the high school he was going to be enrolled in (only one in the district), so we had to go to court over that today. As well as the fact that she refused to sign the permission paper for us to take the kids out of the country when we go on the cruise. Now, mind you, she did sign for us to get the kids passports in June, so it was transparent that she was refusing because the custody thing didn't go her way. Lucky for us, everything went our way in court. I think she's taken us to court every summer for the past 4 years, and she hasn't won yet. You'd think she'd learn by now... Ugh.

    After court, picked up son from his driving time and dropped him at the library. Then I went shopping. Came home, and DH was making supper, isn't that sweet? We had lasagna, cheesy garlic bread, and cheesy mixed veggies. Yeah, a lot of cheese, I can feel my arteries clogging now, but I didn't have to cook a thing!

    This morning, I plan on doing c25k. Then a quick shower, and back to town for son's drivers ed. During the time he's there, I'm getting the oil changed on the car, going to tan, and going to the library--I have today and tomorrow to get book slips in, that reading contest ends on the 15th. Then home to do some laundry and pack, because this weekend is DH's birthday ACDC concert. We leave tomorrow as soon as we drop off son at drivers ed. His dad is supposed to pick him up afterwards. And get him to his driving time on Sunday, so I really hope he does! Oh, and tonight is DH's neice's birthday. She's gone vegetarian, so we're having vegetarian lasagna tonight. DH keeps picking on her about the vegetarianism, saying "It's great that you're sticking to your guns on this. Even though it's stupid, it's great that you're sticking with it." She's 18 and just rolls with it.

    Anyways, hope you all have a great day!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    DH keeps picking on her about the vegetarianism, saying "It's great that you're sticking to your guns on this. Even though it's stupid, it's great that you're sticking with it." She's 18 and just rolls with it.

    Honestly, it's still an empowering statement. It still tells her, " I don't agree with what you are doing for whatever personal reason, but I applaud your effort and your personal strength." Still a great statement imo. :smile:

    I weighed in at 162.0 this morning. Considering I was exhausted yesterday, drank all sodas, ate 2 servings of M&Ms and a chocolate poptart, pizza for lunch, etc etc (you get the point), I am not upset. Some of that is water retention. Some is valid weight gain. Just encouragement for me to do better over the weekend!!! --- My daughter's 4th birthday weekend! :bigsmile: I'll try to go easy on all the cake and ice cream :wink:

    I got her a cute little outfit to wear for pictures (no one knows yet but I'm taking her for pictures with a big "4" prop), a Hello Kitty t-shirt (she loves HK), new Dr Suess magnets (She loves the books), Dr Suess socks, little spongy creatures in pill cases that "grow" when you put them in water, and a handheld Dora electronic game (designed for ages 3+). I can't wait to see her face when she opens it all. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    xo Sixers!! Have a great Friday!!
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Hi Sixers!

    Well I got a busy week ahead of me even though I am on vacation as of tomorrow. Tomorrow is my daughter's birthday and she will be turning 11 and since I am the one carried her for 9.5 months and gave birth to her, I am treating myself to getting my hair done (dyed in varying shades of brown and black). Part of her present this year was that she got to go to an educational day camp for 5 weeks. She enjoyed it since they are high on the edutainment factor while still learning something valuable. Got her some clothes, the DVD '17 Again', and a cell phone (that can only dial 6 phone numbers that I program into it). Since she is pretty spoiled this year we aren't having a big party, just a small family BBQ.

    We are also going to go visit my sister out of town for a couple of days, pull up all our patio stones and redo the patio, my birthday is on Thursday, build a shed, switch all my files and software to my new computer, hopefully go hiking a couple of times... and the list goes on.

    With all that activity I hope to lose at least a few lbs that

    Well, take care and have a great Friday!!!

  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Tammy, our daughters share a birthday!!! :glasses:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Good Morning ... IT'S FRIDAY!!!!! So as you know I was planning a killer hike to the beat of some groovy new tunes on my iPod on Wednesday night but then my DH said as I was about to leave ... "If you wait 'til I'm done eating I can walk with you". Well who am I to discourage him from getting some exercise right? It's so interesting walking with him ... it's like being with a child with ADD. We've lived in the Niagara Region for all of my life (and he's been here for a good 40 years) and when I walk with him it's like he's never seen it before. I love it ...he's always "Hey, look at this, isn't that nice?" or "How cool is that?". Needless to say, the hike that usually takes me about 40 minutes took almost an hour and a half. But you know what? According to my new fangled HRM I burned the same amount of calories anyway ... it was the same distance but it took longer to get it done ... so I now know that I can leisurely lose some calories once in a while so I can stop and smell the roses. Last night I finally got out and hoofed it to the iPod ... very high energy and so much fun. Well, I best get back to my job before they fire my tookus ... have an awesome day all.

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    SOoooo...I'm 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced!!! WOOOHOOO!!! We're on our way there!! When she was checking my cervix, she touched the baby's head and the baby started kicking like crazy! What a feeling!!!:happy:
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Tammy, our daughters share a birthday!!! :glasses:

    Cool! I saw that you mentioned it was her birthday weekend but wasn't sure if that meant Sat or Sun. Well, I hope she has a wonderful day and with everything you described she will no doubt be on cloud nine.

    Take care,
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    SOoooo...I'm 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced!!! WOOOHOOO!!! We're on our way there!! When she was checking my cervix, she touched the baby's head and the baby started kicking like crazy! What a feeling!!!:happy:

    OH MY GOODNESS!!!! That's tooo exciting ... I can't wait for my daugters to go through this.
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    SOoooo...I'm 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced!!! WOOOHOOO!!! We're on our way there!! When she was checking my cervix, she touched the baby's head and the baby started kicking like crazy! What a feeling!!!:happy:

    Yay Kristen!