A little sad that I can't see any difference w/20lb loss



  • BHRussell
    BHRussell Posts: 83 Member
    I didn't have strangers telling me how much I had lost until 65 lbs were lost not I have them telling me and asking me to help them. Everyone is different keep trying, don't give up. If you are watching what you eat, follow calorie intake based on your BMR and exercise when you can, you are leading a healthy lifestyle change, be patient it will come .I can't stress enough stick with it . You can do it. Proud of you :)):happy:
  • GaidenJade
    GaidenJade Posts: 171
    I don't have a way to measure. What are you using to measure inches?

    Just go to a store and buy one of those material measuring tapes. Then measure the largest part of your upper arms, upper thighs and stomach. Some even measure their chest and neck. These are all great places to keep track of, because we all lose in different areas first.
  • mcpherson4
    mcpherson4 Posts: 287 Member
    I was 301 at the beginning, and there was pretty much ZERO physical change in my appearance until I'd lost right around 40 lbs. I lost a pants size right around then too.

    When you're bigger, it just takes longer..and that's SO darn frustrating! Other people didn't really notice til around 60 lbs tho..that seemed even worse!

    You'll get there, and you're gonna be amazing!

    Love this! Great encouragement!!!
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Oh no!! You are wrong! I can see the difference in your arms. You have lost some from your arms. & it does look like you have lost some weight around your waist. Why not post a sideways picture too & I am sure a lot of us are going to find more difference then.
    Don't lose hope. Keep doing what you are doing. Why don't you measure yourself so that you can see the inches fall off? 20lbs is a lot of weight to lose & I congratulate you on that. Keep up the good work.. :)

    Yes, there's definitely a difference in your upper arms, and also in your face.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    you should be so proud honey.. really proud... 20 is major.. very happy for you
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    Did you feel a difference before you took the picture? Did you feel better about yourself? You lost 20 lbs. That is fantastic. Just because you can't see it in a picture doesn't mean you didn't lose it. You have started the journey and that's 20 you won't have to lose again.

    I bet you felt great about that loss until you took the picture. Measure, measure measure.

    Keep going, It gets easier and you will start really noticing it. Just smile and know you did it.

    Good luck!!
  • parallax693
    10 years ago I had lost 25 pounds and couldn't really tell either. In fact, I didn't go down a size until around the 20. Lb mark...THAT was frustrating. I feel yah. Keep pushing, it's a big accomplish,ent and if you take measurements you will see the differences easier.
  • PeterJonBoyd
    PeterJonBoyd Posts: 4 Member
    don't give up 20 lbs what percent age of your body weight is 20 lbs, If you were in excess of 200 lbs that is only 10 percent. Take it slow and keep on track
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    Please don't be discouraged. I've lost 52 pounds. BUT... it wasn't until I had lost 30 pounds that I went from a size 16 to a size 14. Then it took another 15 pounds before I lost another size and became a size 12. So 52 pounds later, I've only lost 2 sizes! But believe me, people notice a difference. Anyway, we all lose weight differently, at different rates, in different areas, etc. Be proud of yourself.
  • mbk830
    mbk830 Posts: 164 Member
    I was thinking the same thing this weekend. The thing about it is that I'm wearing summer clothes this year that would not comfortably fit last summer - to me that is worth celebrating. So no, I can't see it (and in my case I doubt anyone else can either), but I can feel it in my clothes and in my energy level!
  • melneh
    melneh Posts: 25
    Oh no!! You are wrong! I can see the difference in your arms. You have lost some from your arms. & it does look like you have lost some weight around your waist. Why not post a sideways picture too & I am sure a lot of us are going to find more difference then.
    Don't lose hope. Keep doing what you are doing. Why don't you measure yourself so that you can see the inches fall off? 20lbs is a lot of weight to lose & I congratulate you on that. Keep up the good work.. :)

    I can definately see the difference in your arms too!! My highest weight was 232, I didn't change clothes size until about 205 and I felt like i didn't see a difference until I was at 200 (although it was 32 lbs down!)

    We are our own worst critics, no doubt someone has already said that, but it is a good one! you look great. and I bet you feel great! and I understand the vanity that drives us to want to look better (honestly, if I said I wanted to lose weight to get "healthy" I would be straight up lying to your face,, err computer screen, I am doing it so the body matches the face ;) Vain I know... modesty was never one of my fortes :P

    keep at it, it DOES happen. It has no choice but to right?

  • 20jasmine07
    its sometimes hard to tell on pics depending on what u r wearing and how u stand make a big difference. dont leave that get to u. just keep up the hard work and before u know it. every one will notice it :):):):):):):)
  • Erikhulse
    Erikhulse Posts: 51 Member
    I can really tell a difference in your face. Keep it up. Another 20 pounds and you will REALLLLLY start to see it!!
  • happypath101
    happypath101 Posts: 534
    Sometimes, one of the reasons that we struggle with our weight is that we don't see ourselves properly to begin with. I call it the "fat mirror phenomena". You can be really slim and see only what's wobbly and think you're heavy. And, I know when I was really heavy, I'd look in the mirror and think it wasn't too bad - when really it was. LOL! So, don't rely on your own eyes too much. And give your man a hug; he sounds wonderful!
  • Shariforschen
    Shariforschen Posts: 3 Member
    Twenty pounds down and I can't see ANY difference. I'm a little sad..maybe it's because I am "bigger" than most so it will take more of a loss to "see" a difference. The first is before and the second is after losing 20lbs. How much do you have to lose to really start to see a difference??


  • happypath101
    happypath101 Posts: 534
    Just in case you're wondering what someone who's lost 4 pounds has to offer..... ;o) I was over 200 at one point years and years ago. I'm basically maintaining right now with the slight variation to the theme that I'm trying to lose 10 pounds before a vacation. Take care! :O)
  • Shariforschen
    Shariforschen Posts: 3 Member
    Be proud! You are doing it and losing it. KNOW that 20 pounds is a great start. Keep up the work and it will show. Little by little, pound, by pound, you will notice. Don't lose heart. You are on the right track.
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    i had this issue. i lost 18 lbs, asked hubby and he agreed in a way that meant he saw no diff but was trying to be nice. i felt like ok, maybe it might pass as a ten lb on other ppl, but really just was not a big thing on me. i think its the long torso vs short torso type deal. i have a veryyyy longgg one.
  • Promqueen_74932
    Promqueen_74932 Posts: 203 Member
    Start taking measurements, weight, and photos monthly. Along with any blood pressure, sugar, BMI, any health concerns if any. You will start seeing the difference. It will be like a flip book! Twenty pounds is a lot! Even if you can't SEE the 20 pound difference, you lost 20lbs! You KNOW there is that change! That's wonderful!

    WHat is your overall goal weight? Add me and we can encourage one another to reach our goals! :bigsmile:

  • mrsjennifermaffei
    Dont be discouraged! I lost 30lbs and BARELY see a difference!