What time of day/night do you work out?



  • relly1008
    relly1008 Posts: 175 Member
    on my days off, AM on my work days PM
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    whenever I find the time and energy to do it. No particular timing. Though I do try and workout atleast 1 hour after eating so I have the strength from food but don't feel sluggish right after eating something
  • redcat17
    redcat17 Posts: 267 Member
    I'm not a morning person, so I go to the gym after work which means I work out from about 7 PM-8:30 PM three nights per week. If I go an extra day on the weekend its in the afternoon. I really hate having to go out early in the morning on the weekends!
  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    ^Ditto. I'm not a morning person and work a typical 9-5 schedule. I *tried* getting up early to exercise before work and that lasted about four days :blushing:

    I exercise after work (~6-7 pm) and while I'm tired from working all day, I'm not nearly as tired as I would have been before dawn...! Plus, I'm often outside so I'm counting on the heat tapering off a little, too..
  • piratesaregrand
    piratesaregrand Posts: 356 Member
    After 8pm. I have fatigue, so any earlier and I land up going to bed and sleeping away the day
  • I also work 12 hour shifts (rotation schedule) I have to be at work by 6am so on work days I get up at 3:45a and work out at home on my spin bike or run for about 45- an hour then on off days later in the morning around 7 or 8 am. I have more energy in the morning and it keeps my mood balanced throughout the day. You have to get enough sleep though. Work days I'm usually in bed by 9pm - I feel like a 5 year old but hey...it's work the sacrifice!
  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    As soon as I'm done with first cup of coffee 5-5:30am :) oops almost done with coffee right now
  • mrsmerrithew
    mrsmerrithew Posts: 74 Member
    My alarm for gym days is set for 2:50 am. I'm usually up and ready to leave by 3:10 and at the gym no later than 3:30. Luckily, my workout schedule is only 3 days a week. I'm usually in bed BY 8pm the night before gym days.

    If I didn't wake up early to go I'd have to go after work, and my gym is PACKED at 4. I tried it once. Pulled in, saw all the cars, and left. I don't like being at the gym when there are a lot of people. It intimidates me. I am one of maybe 4 total at the gym in the mornings. :o)
  • me277
    me277 Posts: 4 Member
    I do 45 minutes on the Elliptical at 5:30 am then fit in a 30 minute walk on my lunch hour. I usually walk another mile in the evening with my husband. I really want to start lifting weights but don't see how I can fit anymore into one day! I work full time outside the home.....
  • fit4lyfeLisa
    fit4lyfeLisa Posts: 529 Member
    Between 7:00-8:00 p.m.
  • shiloh911
    shiloh911 Posts: 13
    It depends on the day. Some days I take a half hour or so walk right after lunch, and other days I do Wii Fit after dinner (I eat at about 5:30 and work out at about 6:30 to give my stomach a little time to digest).
  • bicoastalgirl
    bicoastalgirl Posts: 85 Member
    I was getting up at 4:20 every day to work out. I now work from home three days a week, so I still get up at 4:20 on the office days, but I sleep in until 5:15 on the work from home days. Every once in a while, I work out at lunch instead of in the morning, depending on what I have going on.