I`m still fat! I wasn`t counting all my calories?

OMG I wasn`t counting all my calories. Most of you are familiar with WW points system I assume. The new one where you don`t count fruits and veg in your daily calories.

Well, I was doing that and had my calories set at 1900.

gained weight

Found EMTWL and all the online calorie counters. All said I should lose tons of weight at that calorie level.

Then started eating at the recommended calorie level from my fit bit 2900 cal per day.

Actually started counting exactly how much I eat, including veggies. I also was not counting sauces in the past sometimes.

I finally maintain at 2900 cal a day.

I am 5'8" 183 lbs and very active.

How stupid have I been? Even if the majority of what you eat is healthy, it still has calories. Someone on this forum was saying that losing weight isn`t rocket science. I though they must be joking because I never lost weight by counting calories.

I did all kinds of other diets and have been really strict with myself in the past. But I never bothered to count the veggies.

Total diet fail!

And can you believe 2900 cal a day. I do not know how anyone survives on 1200. Or why any doctor recommends it. That is less than is recommended for a 2 year old. 2 year olds need anywhere from 1500-2000 cal a day for their growing bodies.

Interesting huh?


  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I never understood those point systems. I think they purposely make it complicated so that you have to keep paying them money to lose weight. You know what else I don't understand? Those crosswalk buttons that say, 'push here to cross'. It doesn't change the light any faster no matter how many times you push it. I timed it.
  • I never understood those point systems. I think they purposely make it complicated so that you have to keep paying them money to lose weight. You know what else I don't understand? Those crosswalk buttons that say, 'push here to cross'. It doesn't change the light any faster no matter how many times you push it. I timed it.

    Haha! No they do not change any faster!
    MFP has me eating around 1300 calories a day but I generally eat more because of exercise. So far so good. I never got into Weight Watchers because it just seemed like too much work for me.
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    totally agree with you, but I gotta bump bump and watch the crazies roll in and rag*debate* on the thread. O.O
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    I never understood those point systems. I think they purposely make it complicated so that you have to keep paying them money to lose weight. You know what else I don't understand? Those crosswalk buttons that say, 'push here to cross'. It doesn't change the light any faster no matter how many times you push it. I timed it.

    I love this post as much as I love eating 2,900 calories. Seriously.... I love me a 2,900 calorie day.

    That said, 1,200 is not the way to go. I didn't lose a pound at 1,200. 1,500, however, I began to see a difference. I calculated my bmr (1,420) and my tdee (1,880) and I aim for at least the 1,420. it's been magical. I highly recommend eating more than 1,200 personally.
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    Most people who have not looked too closely at what they are eating need to educate themselves on all types of food.

    An example

    80g of sweet corn + 80g of raisins = 294 calories
    80g of spinach + 1 apple = 113 calories

    Yes they have different amounts of protein, minerals, fiber etc but it does show how different 2 portions of fruit/veg can be.
  • MomMel65
    MomMel65 Posts: 47 Member
    I was just talking with a friend of mine who is doing the Weight Watchers points program. I agree with you that it's nonsense to not count your fruits or veggies - hello - last time I checked, every food has calories! She was telling me about this "bonus 49 points" that everyone gets each week - that they are free for you to use whenever you like. Interesting!! BONUS FOOD!! Unreal... they telling these people lies, that certain calories don't count, and that you can have these mega-bonus-points each week, and they are free. What, because "they say so" - these foods automatically are zero calorie?? It's all such a crock. It's calories in, calories out, simple stuff, yet they make millions of $$ each year with their inventive programs.

    Funny though, she keeps telling me to join, that's it's really great, and yet she's only lost 18 lb.; and I, while using MFP have lost 44. Umm, sorry, but no thanks!

    Glad to see that you are maintaining your weight using common sense and not wasting anymore of your hard earned cash on WW lies.

    I've got myself on 1400 calories a day - but I've got a pretty intense surgery coming up in August - so I need to drop a lot of weight quickly and get into a healthy BMI for it. I'll have to admit, I went from 2200 calorie MFP-recommended intake to 1400 and thought it would be really hard - but it's not too bad.... I'm just WAY more aware of calorie content, and choose to spend them very wisely! It also helped me to realize all the sugar I was taking in... all them empty calories, such a waste.
  • chanson104
    chanson104 Posts: 859
    2900 calories! That is awesome! I strive for 1800/daily. I'm trying to get up the nerve to increase that.
  • XxxxDONNA
    XxxxDONNA Posts: 17 Member
    I was doing weight watchers. Progress was slow. I thought mmm lets see what im eating. Counted caloried up and came in a 2000 most days. Way to much for me. 1200 to 1400 is me and i loose every week :)
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    I was just talking with a friend of mine who is doing the Weight Watchers points program. I agree with you that it's nonsense to not count your fruits or veggies - hello - last time I checked, every food has calories! She was telling me about this "bonus 49 points" that everyone gets each week - that they are free for you to use whenever you like. Interesting!! BONUS FOOD!! Unreal... they telling these people lies, that certain calories don't count, and that you can have these mega-bonus-points each week, and they are free. What, because "they say so" - these foods automatically are zero calorie?? It's all such a crock. It's calories in, calories out, simple stuff, yet they make millions of $$ each year with their inventive programs.

    Funny though, she keeps telling me to join, that's it's really great, and yet she's only lost 18 lb.; and I, while using MFP have lost 44. Umm, sorry, but no thanks!

    Glad to see that you are maintaining your weight using common sense and not wasting anymore of your hard earned cash on WW lies.

    I've got myself on 1400 calories a day - but I've got a pretty intense surgery coming up in August - so I need to drop a lot of weight quickly and get into a healthy BMI for it. I'll have to admit, I went from 2200 calorie MFP-recommended intake to 1400 and thought it would be really hard - but it's not too bad.... I'm just WAY more aware of calorie content, and choose to spend them very wisely! It also helped me to realize all the sugar I was taking in... all them empty calories, such a waste.

    49 calories = one calorie short of a packet of Fun Dip.

    I can tell you right now that I would fail at this program.
  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 797 Member
    Well of course a child in rapid development is going to need more calories than an adult maintaining. I know it sounds counter intuitive, but I don't think it's something to make an argument out of.
  • threeta
    threeta Posts: 2
    2900 sounds like eating heaven - even after using 2900 on the bike I still struggle to get back to zero for the day. I can manage on 1800 net - 6'1.
  • Werglum
    Werglum Posts: 378 Member
    I've been double tracking for a couple of months now (ww and mfp) and the thing that people don't seem to realize is that WW does account for the calories in fruits and vegetables by giving you a lower base number of calories to begin with, the way they do it is by having the pointed foods worth more than their own calorific value to account for the average amount of extra fruit and vegetables people eat (keeping in mind that they recommend you eat 2 serves of fruit and 5 serves of vegetables a day) - for example, if I just tracked my foods that are worth points on mfp then I'd struggle to hit 1200 calories (my daily mfp goal is 1720) and by logging my fruits and veggies on here I hit it easily. The thing not to do is to aim for 1520 and then eat a whole lot more fruit and vegetables as you would soon eat up your deficit and either stay the same or gain.
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    I was just talking with a friend of mine who is doing the Weight Watchers points program. I agree with you that it's nonsense to not count your fruits or veggies - hello - last time I checked, every food has calories! She was telling me about this "bonus 49 points" that everyone gets each week - that they are free for you to use whenever you like. Interesting!! BONUS FOOD!! Unreal... they telling these people lies, that certain calories don't count, and that you can have these mega-bonus-points each week, and they are free. What, because "they say so" - these foods automatically are zero calorie?? It's all such a crock. It's calories in, calories out, simple stuff, yet they make millions of $$ each year with their inventive programs.

    Funny though, she keeps telling me to join, that's it's really great, and yet she's only lost 18 lb.; and I, while using MFP have lost 44. Umm, sorry, but no thanks!

    Glad to see that you are maintaining your weight using common sense and not wasting anymore of your hard earned cash on WW lies.

    I've got myself on 1400 calories a day - but I've got a pretty intense surgery coming up in August - so I need to drop a lot of weight quickly and get into a healthy BMI for it. I'll have to admit, I went from 2200 calorie MFP-recommended intake to 1400 and thought it would be really hard - but it's not too bad.... I'm just WAY more aware of calorie content, and choose to spend them very wisely! It also helped me to realize all the sugar I was taking in... all them empty calories, such a waste.

    49 calories = one calorie short of a packet of Fun Dip.

    I can tell you right now that I would fail at this program.

    No 49 points was the bonus - not 49 calories. I just looked it up, in the old points system a McD cheeseburger was 8 points!
  • KnittingSoo
    KnittingSoo Posts: 42 Member
    Well, I know this is pointless but I'll try.

    Most WW'ers are on 26-29 points per day (it varies by height, weight, age and gender) which equates to approximately 1040 - 1160 calories day. On top of that you have zero point fruit and veg - to be eaten to 'satisfaction' (not binge). (You do get more points the more overweight you are.)

    On top of that, you have 49 weekly points (1960 calories) which you can use over the week if you need/want to. If you spread them evenly over the week it brings your daily total (ex fruit and veg) to 1320 - 1440. The 49 points are to provide flexibility for days where you want/need more calories (going out etc).

    Finally, if you are exercising regularly you can earn (and eat) activity points if you want to.

    As someone who as (out of interest) double tracked her WW week against MFP, Fitbit and Nutracheck I wasn't surprised to discover it was in line with each of those 'systems'! Yep - at the end of the day it's just calories in vs calories out - however you monitor/track it.

    Not trying to send anyone to WW -- just wanted to clear up the misconceptions here.
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    Well, I know this is pointless but I'll try.

    Most WW'ers are on 26-29 points per day (it varies by height, weight, age and gender) which equates to approximately 1040 - 1160 calories day. On top of that you have zero point fruit and veg - to be eaten to 'satisfaction' (not binge). (You do get more points the more overweight you are.)

    On top of that, you have 49 weekly points (1960 calories) which you can use over the week if you need/want to. If you spread them evenly over the week it brings your daily total (ex fruit and veg) to 1320 - 1440. The 49 points are to provide flexibility for days where you want/need more calories (going out etc).

    Finally, if you are exercising regularly you can earn (and eat) activity points if you want to.

    As someone who as (out of interest) double tracked her WW week against MFP, Fitbit and Nutracheck I wasn't surprised to discover it was in line with each of those 'systems'! Yep - at the end of the day it's just calories in vs calories out - however you monitor/track it.

    Not trying to send anyone to WW -- just wanted to clear up the misconceptions here.

    My Auntie and cousin do WW. I never really understood why??

    Thinking about it though, it looks like it's pretty much the same as I do on here. A community of like-minded people, sharing their experiences and supporting each other. Calories/points, I guess the equate to the same thing really
  • kaydensmom12
    kaydensmom12 Posts: 338
    I would love to eat 2900 calories a day, but I am only 5'1" and eat 1300. I ate 1500 for a few months but gained many lost inches back. A 2 year old only needs 1100 calories, a child needs a baseline of 1000 calories for a year old and then 100 more each year until they are 4.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Thats because losing weight isn't rocket science.. It's all about calories in vs calories out.. and if you weren't counting all of them, well then I'm not surprised that you didn't get the results that you wanted.

    I'm 5'9 and eat between 1000-1700 calories per day depending on the day, what I'm eating/doing, etc.. and I lost weight fine. Took a year, but I got the weight I wanted off.. and now it's more about fine tuning things, and losing the last pesky 10 pounds!
  • JessLLoser
    JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member
    I don`t know I was listening to the Jillian Michael`s show and she said that is what her nutritionist told her about her adopted two year old.

    But a tiny child in rapid development would not need more than an adult 5 times their size in maintenence. That just does not make sense.

    My point is most people are working out burning 400 or 500 calories and eating as much as their body would need in a coma. Not to mention that you burn calories just sitting. Any movement you do burns calories. I burn about 1300 calories a day just walking around to and from places I go and playing with my kids. Hence the 2900 calories.

    1300 plus my BMR of 1600.

    I think all of you could lose at a much higher number if you stuck it out for 6-8 weeks. Unfortunatly it`s very scary to go through the process after fighting for every lb you lose.

    I hope those of you at really low numbers think about how your skinny friends seem to eat so much and still stay slim.
    According to those calculators even someone my height 5'8" and 154 lbs needs 2700 cal per day to maintain.

    I thought it was bull until I started counting everything. I usually eat atleast 2500 per day anyway, when I wasn`t starving myself. I just missed so many things.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    I think all of you could lose at a much higher number if you stuck it out for 6-8 weeks. Unfortunatly it`s very scary to go through the process after fighting for every lb you lose.
    I would be prepared to think about it if things like the Body Weight Simulator backed it up, or someone published a controlled study showing faster fat loss at higher food intakes.

    It would also help if your ticker didn't say zero weight loss ;-) (that's a joke, for clarity).
  • Discoveri
    Discoveri Posts: 435 Member
    Well, I know this is pointless but I'll try.

    Most WW'ers are on 26-29 points per day (it varies by height, weight, age and gender) which equates to approximately 1040 - 1160 calories day. On top of that you have zero point fruit and veg - to be eaten to 'satisfaction' (not binge). (You do get more points the more overweight you are.)

    On top of that, you have 49 weekly points (1960 calories) which you can use over the week if you need/want to. If you spread them evenly over the week it brings your daily total (ex fruit and veg) to 1320 - 1440. The 49 points are to provide flexibility for days where you want/need more calories (going out etc).

    Finally, if you are exercising regularly you can earn (and eat) activity points if you want to.

    As someone who as (out of interest) double tracked her WW week against MFP, Fitbit and Nutracheck I wasn't surprised to discover it was in line with each of those 'systems'! Yep - at the end of the day it's just calories in vs calories out - however you monitor/track it.

    Not trying to send anyone to WW -- just wanted to clear up the misconceptions here.

    My Auntie and cousin do WW. I never really understood why??

    Thinking about it though, it looks like it's pretty much the same as I do on here. A community of like-minded people, sharing their experiences and supporting each other. Calories/points, I guess the equate to the same thing really

    The people in my family that do WW do it for the accountability of having to weigh in everyweek. I'm trying to turn them on to MFP but they are hesitant so far (1 of them is a real technophobe).