I`m still fat! I wasn`t counting all my calories?



  • KnittingSoo
    KnittingSoo Posts: 42 Member

    The people in my family that do WW do it for the accountability of having to weigh in everyweek. I'm trying to turn them on to MFP but they are hesitant so far (1 of them is a real technophobe).

    I do WW online - so no meetings or public weigh ins for me! I have considered moving to MFP (or Nutracheck or Fitbit or...) to save a bit of money but I like the WW plan, and I like the online tracker and tools. It's working well (which helps!) and I guess I'm just comfortable with it.
  • JessLLoser
    JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member
    I know! I`m maintaining! I`ve never done that before. For me a real NSV. I have NEVER maintained before. I always gain a lb a week. Always, well since two years ago when I went on the HCG diet and lost 50 lbs in 2 months.

    I ate 500 cal per day. After the diet I ate about 1800 per day exercised my a** off and gained a lb a week. Which brought me here.

    Now I eat 2900 and maintain. What a mindblower.

    This is awesome. I knew I was being a bit brave to put it on the main forums anyway. I guarantee you`ll see me in the success section in the future. I hope you`ll see a lot more people putting how many calories they ate in order to get their success.

    Wouldn`t it be great if you could lose at a higher number? That would be a great thing for all of us.

    BTW the body weight simulator does back it up. You probably underestimated your activity level if it doesn`t.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    I was just talking with a friend of mine who is doing the Weight Watchers points program. I agree with you that it's nonsense to not count your fruits or veggies - hello - last time I checked, every food has calories! She was telling me about this "bonus 49 points" that everyone gets each week - that they are free for you to use whenever you like. Interesting!! BONUS FOOD!! Unreal... they telling these people lies, that certain calories don't count, and that you can have these mega-bonus-points each week, and they are free. What, because "they say so" - these foods automatically are zero calorie?? It's all such a crock. It's calories in, calories out, simple stuff, yet they make millions of $$ each year with their inventive programs.

    Funny though, she keeps telling me to join, that's it's really great, and yet she's only lost 18 lb.; and I, while using MFP have lost 44. Umm, sorry, but no thanks!

    Glad to see that you are maintaining your weight using common sense and not wasting anymore of your hard earned cash on WW lies.

    I've got myself on 1400 calories a day - but I've got a pretty intense surgery coming up in August - so I need to drop a lot of weight quickly and get into a healthy BMI for it. I'll have to admit, I went from 2200 calorie MFP-recommended intake to 1400 and thought it would be really hard - but it's not too bad.... I'm just WAY more aware of calorie content, and choose to spend them very wisely! It also helped me to realize all the sugar I was taking in... all them empty calories, such a waste.

    49 calories = one calorie short of a packet of Fun Dip.

    I can tell you right now that I would fail at this program.

    No 49 points was the bonus - not 49 calories. I just looked it up, in the old points system a McD cheeseburger was 8 points!

    I see it now. I was distracted by the open packet of fun dip. :laugh:
  • tcm118
    tcm118 Posts: 54
    WW only changed to the "free" fruits and (non-starchy) veggies to encourage participants to make healthier choices. In the old system, an apple was the same point cost as some mini snickers bars. Which did people choose? They changed it and built into the system extra calories unaccounted for in the points specifically for fruits and veggies. That is the only reason. I left WW simply because I got very tired of tracking everything BUT calories, which they took out of the equation. I felt like I was losing important information, even though I was making healthy choices. I'm not spending the rest of my life on WW, but in order to keep losing and then maintaining weight, I will be spending the rest of my life tracking my calorie intake. I like this site so much better, since I'm tracking ALL of it. The difference is that I can now tell you how many calories are in PLENTY of foods.
  • tbetts23
    tbetts23 Posts: 303 Member
  • spicypepper
    spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
    I never understood those point systems. I think they purposely make it complicated so that you have to keep paying them money to lose weight. .

    Touche! Last year I tried the new Points System at WW and I ended up gaining weight. When I switched over to MFP and logged what I actually ate, I lost 48 lbs in 5 months. (then promptly got pregnant...). I'm almost back to what I lost before this last pregnancy and then I'll be at it again for the remaining 25lbs.
  • abbygaelsmom
    abbygaelsmom Posts: 2 Member
    i have a question along the same lines. when i signed up i put in i wanted/needed to lose 112 lbs and my life is mainly sedentary and whatever walking i do, i log and i wanted to lose 2 lbs per week. however, it only gives me 1466 calories per day (i'm currently 267 5'8"). i've been counting these calories every day for a little bit and i haven't moved a pound. am i eating too much? too little?
    i signed up for lose it and with same activity level it's allowing me a little over 1800. i'm so confused and getting all kinds of discouraged.
  • Southernb3lle
    Southernb3lle Posts: 862 Member
    I have done WW and started on it when it was the "old" point system (you actually counted fruit and veggies)..then they changed it to the new point system. I had pretty good results all in all, as I lost about 30 lbs while following the program. ALTHOUGH...when I tried to go back on it here not too long ago I wasn't seeing any progress..SOOO this is when I decided to start counting my calories instead. So far so good for me. Why pay for a system when you can follow one for free?
  • JessLLoser
    JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member
    i have a question along the same lines. when i signed up i put in i wanted/needed to lose 112 lbs and my life is mainly sedentary and whatever walking i do, i log and i wanted to lose 2 lbs per week. however, it only gives me 1466 calories per day (i'm currently 267 5'8"). i've been counting these calories every day for a little bit and i haven't moved a pound. am i eating too much? too little?
    i signed up for lose it and with same activity level it's allowing me a little over 1800. i'm so confused and getting all kinds of discouraged.

    I was really confused at first too. Check out the Eat More to Weigh Less group on MFP. Just look under groups. They have tons of info. It really helped me.

    The thing about Lose It or MFP is it doesn`t really know how active you are. So unless you log all your exercise and I mean even the laundry and how many times a day you pick up your kids it can`t tell how much your really burning. The on line calculators can give you a good number to eat every day. But don`t be afraid to be in the moderate to very active category. Moms are never sedentary.

    I think your not eating enough. But it`s going to be a process to figure it out. If you do take the time to do it, you will be so glad you did.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    The thing about Lose It or MFP is it doesn`t really know how active you are. So unless you log all your exercise and I mean even the laundry and how many times a day you pick up your kids it can`t tell how much your really burning. The on line calculators can give you a good number to eat every day. But don`t be afraid to be in the moderate to very active category. Moms are never sedentary.

    Thing is MFP does get a gauge of how active you are based on what activity level you pick.. so in a way, it does know how active you are.

    If you pick sedentary, you are telling it that you sit around all day and don't move much.. if you pick lightly active, then you may sit for a good part of the day but you also move around quite a bit... and so on down the line. You are also supposed to include exercise in this conclusion... so for me, I work as a teachers aid with high schoolers in special education... I also exercise 3-4 days a week, so I picked lightly active based on what I do all day, plus my exercise.

    That being said, MFP isn't an end all, be all.. and you still have to play around with the numbers till you find something that works for you.
  • sherronh
    sherronh Posts: 119 Member
    your pretty tall thats probably why you can do that. different bodies need different intakes.

    Ive lost 40 lbs with a 1200-1400 diet, but I'm 5'1. it depends on the quality of food your eating and what your body needs.

    My maintenance calories are 1750, If i eat over that I gain. If you eat a ton of veggies and lean meats the calories can go a long way.