Bad mom......



  • hamncheese67
    hamncheese67 Posts: 1,715 Member
    I think it's more common for households to have TVs, but I think the coworker's statement is ludicrous.
  • Kirkajuice
    Kirkajuice Posts: 311 Member
    There is a tv in my house, I only use it for occasional dvd watching and game playing. I went to uni and couldn't afford the tv license and realised I was much happier when I didn't watch the news everyday. That was about 7 years ago and I can count on one hand the number of times I've voluntarily gone to watch something on it. I'll find it online if it's super important to watch.
  • TaylorsGranddad
    TaylorsGranddad Posts: 453 Member
    If my memory serves me correctly, Cher (the singer) never had a TV in her home while her kids were growing up.

    I can't see the harm in having a TV as I can't see the harm in not having a TV either, my kids live with TV's and always have, but they all are normal well rounded individuals (as much as teenagers can be :happy: )
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    The average person spends 9 hours with media daily and now that there are smart phones and hand held video games it is more like 16 only leaving time for sleep. Media in itself is not bad, but my god there is so much more that you can do with your day and more educated ways you can expand your mind than just watching TV. And now, studies show that many people choose to take everything they see on TV or online at face value and have no skills to dig deeper into a story and trust anyone with a blog or a show as factual based reports. Even kids shows no longer teach little life lessons at the end, and news coverage from major outlets can be filled with one sided commentary and sensationalized celebrity gossip. As long as you are teaching your kids how to obtain unbiased and well rounded information without watching TV then who needs one? There is never anything good on anyway lol
  • icemaiden17_uk
    icemaiden17_uk Posts: 463 Member
    Wouldnt the kids be more happier?

    Why? Do they know any different? If not then no! I don't think they would be any happier! Good on the poster for not letting the TV do the parenting like her coworker obviously does!!
  • joannea1988
    im jealous, i often think how much better would life be with out tv, but im addicted :(. great on you for not having 1 x
  • sprfly
    sprfly Posts: 57 Member
    I guess I'm the exception in this thread...I love my TV. I'd hate to imagine not being able to watch the Food Network. :-P
  • ZombieChaser
    ZombieChaser Posts: 1,555 Member

    Is it really that unusual to not have a tv?

    I own a TV, but I haven't turned it on in 3 weeks.

    And that lady should mind her own business lol.
  • samf36
    samf36 Posts: 369 Member
    well I am a bad mom also. It was not till a few years ago we got tv. My dd who just graduated from high school with a 3.998 and a full academic scholarship has not suffered in the least . We also do not have a gaming system. : )
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    another tvless parent checking in.

    my kids have never pestered me for one. they get plenty of books, mags & papers.
    some people just can't accept their being a POV other than their own.
  • futuremalestripper
    futuremalestripper Posts: 467 Member
    It is unusual, BUT THE GOOD KIND of unusual.

    I know only 2 others that don't have tv's in their house and their kids benefit immensely because of it.
    Just make sure you don't socially shelter them at the same time.
  • k2charmed4u
    k2charmed4u Posts: 282
    Ignore that person they're fruitloops lol :laugh:

    If you don't want a TV don't have one. To be honest I have one but don't watch it lol so just need to ditch the TV for good and i'll be the same haha.
  • hypallage
    hypallage Posts: 624 Member
    It is unusual but you are surely not NEGLECTING them by not having a TV!! I would have thought that this gave you more time to spend with them. Rather than parking them in front of a TV and letting them entertain themselves you are far more responsible for their free time.
    I would say though that it might be a bit harsh on them with their peers at school - they will miss out on quite a few conversations and knowing what is going on in the drivel that teenagers watch these days. I only recently got a TV and my year 11's (aged 15/16) were in shock that I didn't have one, they really could not comprehend what I could possibly be doing instead of sitting watching TV!!
  • SilviCor
    SilviCor Posts: 110 Member
    I wish I was as brave as you are and remove the TV from my home.
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    Unusual yes but good on you! Stick to your guns, kids don't need TV. When I was a kids my dad got so sick of us fighting over the TV and saying "but it's my favourite programme" that he cut the plug off the TV for 6 months - was so much better for us as a family, we read, played board games, made models and certainly didn't suffer. I try to limit my kids TV viewing but it is really easy to plonk them in front of it when you need a break LOL

    Definitely have the good Mom vote from me :)

    WEll..I don't think not having a TV makes me a "good" mom necessarily, but I'm a single mom and have to live on a frugal budget. Cable is something I just cant' justify as an expense (I'd much rather spend that money on outings/travel/camping etc..). We used to have a tv, but when I divorced and cut off the cable, the tv sat there unwatched for weeks (my house is very little, so space is precious). I ended up getting rid of it, and the kids didn't even NOTICE for over a week.

    I had the same senerio... my dad did feel bad for me and bought me a digital anntenna so I now get a few channels. My daughter can watch PBS and that is it.
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I don't have a TV and tbh, I don't think you need one at all - bad mum because you don't have one? rofl ;) You always get the bad press to go with it though, the question that makes me laugh is "wow, what do you do instead?" uuuuuh. ./rolls eyes

    Pay no attention to that person - if anything I think it makes you a better parent :)
  • smiley245
    smiley245 Posts: 420 Member
    I tip my hat to you! I wish I could get rid of electronics in our BF would freak if he came home and the TV was gone.....he and the kids also have, x box, psp, game boys, iphones, ipods,Wii and im sure im forgetting a few. Not to mention the hours on the pc gaming...... Ive literraly thought of chucking the computers (we have 2) out the window......
    before the divorce the ex, kids and I had moved in the middle of nowhere, we had a tv with cheap bunny ears and on a good day we got TVO and PBS, Lived 3 years like this and it was awesome!
    I think this makes you a better mom not a bad one:)
  • KissMyAx
    KissMyAx Posts: 129 Member
    A lot of people don't have tv....they're called Amish! Don't feel so bad!