Who still have chocolate (or anykindof sweets) daily?



  • cmbalint
    cmbalint Posts: 71 Member
    dark chocolate is a mood stabilizer helps with stress re leaf .A little is very satisfying
  • LH2011
    LH2011 Posts: 176 Member
    Totally I tried cutting out chocolate as I have a mega sweet tooth and ended up binging on it anytime I had some so now I save 185 calories every day and I have my Cadbury Twirl or Cadbury Carmel (the mutli-pack size as they have less calories than normal bars) every evening with a cup of herbal tea and it works great!!
  • This is what I like about MFP. I can losing weight without dieting.

    I've been overweight (and now obese) all my life. Have tried any kind of diet who told you to eat this and this. You have to prepare your food and you can not have lunch w/ you friends at the cafeteria. Dieting did ruined my social life when I was younger.

    I just cant have that kind of weight loss program anymore.

    I usually buy a bar of chocolate and share it w/ my friends. Or having coffee and afternoon snack w/ my friends at the local hawker. If i have to give up my social life to have great body, hmm no I can't.

    *Here' in asia, we dont eat many processed food. Those protein bars, and shakes...arent they processed food too? I prefer soy milk made by my mom :D
  • SorchaRavenlock
    SorchaRavenlock Posts: 220 Member
    I love the kiddy-sized bags of MilkyBar buttons. Very low on calories and I nibble them slowly one by one. CurlyWurlys are great too :)
    For me this is a lifestyle change, and life without chocolate is not worth living :wink:
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    I am of the school of IF IT FITS YOUR MACROS.... or in my case, just calories.

    I usually have some kind of confectionery, quite often an almond Magnum-style ice cream lolly as an after dinner treat.

    It's one of the things which drives me to exercise regularly is the knowledge I can eat and drink with impunity (as long as I don't go crazy) :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • mitzi801
    mitzi801 Posts: 38
    i have a chocolate bar every evening, i dont think it has affected my progress
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I just ate a donut :tongue:

    It was wonderful!
  • inkandsheep
    inkandsheep Posts: 101 Member
    I try to have healthier treats instead, like fruit bars (the ones in the dried fruit section in supermarkets meant for kids' lunchboxes are great at about 70 kcals each!) or just a couple of squares of dark chocolate.

    I found that once I started eating a healthier balanced diet, my cravings for chocolate and other sweet stuff pretty much went away. I used to eat milk chocolate and biscuits pretty much daily and have now cut them off completely.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I typically have a Kashi dark chocolate oatmeal cookie and a glass of skim milk before bed. If I don't have enough calories left for the day, I'll have a trader joes 100calorie dark chocolate bar (it's about the size of one kit-kat stick).

    There were a couple of days last week where I burned so many calories at the gym that I wound up having two cookies and the glass of milk. I now take a closer look at my calorie budget before/after the gym and before/after dinner to see if I can have extra food at dinner so I'm only eating the one cookie at night.

    If we're out for dinner I've probably added extra time at the gym earlier in the day so I can have a very yummy dessert. Carmel-apple something is my go-to if I can have it.
  • nlawing
    nlawing Posts: 36
    I do.

    I had 1 mini Milky Way Dark and 1 triple chocolate brownie cookie yesterday. Still fit under my calorie goal and it helps keep me sane.
  • momtokgo
    momtokgo Posts: 446 Member
    I don't have chocolate everyday, I don't eat dairy and dairy free chocolate is expensive! I do have some in my fridge but I save it for when I really really want it. But I do have one of my kids freezies every day. 15 calories and it is wonderful in the afternoon.

    I also just had a banana chocolate chip muffin (dairy free) for breakfast, thats more then enough choclate for me for the day.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    i do. i have a thing for little green spearmint leaves..... or baci kisses, or rocher hazelnut yummies or 321 cake. then again.. gnc has these little bags of chocolate and mango goodies for about 20 calories apiece and I munch them too. then there's jello with fat free whipped cream.. yeah.. I like it sweet
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    Everything in moderation, of course if you can't control your hands, it's best to get mini or bite sized sweets. Me? I portion out my bigger sweets and still enjoy at least one or more sweets daily. I'm not "Dieting" I'm losing weight while eating the food I love... I'd much rather it be like that then me totally cutting food groups out of my life!!
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I usually keep Skinny Cow ice cream or chocolate covered frozen bananas in the freezer. And I'll have the occasional candy bar if it's been and especially bad week. There are some things I know I can't have in the house, but if it fits in my calorie goals and I just indulge occasionally then I don't see a problem. I honestly don't think I'd have lasted 11 months of dieting if I couldn't have some sweets.
  • apham16
    apham16 Posts: 5 Member
    If i can fit it in my calories than yes, but I don't have it everyday, maybe every three days.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member

    It's one of the things which drives me to exercise regularly is the knowledge I can eat and drink with impunity (as long as I don't go crazy) :drinker: :bigsmile:

    Me too. I have even on occasion put in a fair amount of extra time or a 2nd session so I can be extra indulgent.
  • ipsamet
    ipsamet Posts: 436 Member
    I have cut nothing out of my life completely, I just don't eat as much of it as I used to and make it fit into my calories for the day. I tried that before and it always backfired on me, I would binge and eat way more than I needed and feel gross and hate myself. This is working WAY better for me and my weight loss!

    And yes, I have a Reese's cup pretty much every day :)
  • vice1989
    vice1989 Posts: 34 Member
    I have fixed the problem for the most part, by just not having junk in the house. But I do have DARK chocoalte in small amounts.

    I read evrerywhere that in small portionas its good for you, antioxidant I believe. But you should buy pure stuff not a packaged chocolate bar, too much crap in them.
  • fatchiick
    fatchiick Posts: 105
    I eat whatever I want. I was surprised I disnt have a snack yesterday wasn't hungry for one today I'm starving so I fully expect to come close to 2,000 cals.

    I usually have some watermelon or a skinny cow ice cream sandwhich or a scoop of ice cream and an ice cream cone.. I usually try and keep my sweet treats under 150 calories.

    I had a bag of pretznel m&m I believe they are 180 per bag but that was a splurg lol 180 ohh no!
  • Flaming_Reef
    Flaming_Reef Posts: 34 Member
    Edy's Slow Churned Cookie Dough Ice Cream or their Mint variety most days of the week...YUM