Too big to exercise?

I have a problem where 30seconds - 2 minutes into a workout I feel like I am DYING. I've heard several theories: I'm not breathing right, I just have to get my endurance up, and then that I'm physically too large right now to do heavy cardio. Is there any truth to this? I've seen several bloggers who were trying to lose 100+ lbs that didn't start an exercise regimen until they'd lost about half of that so I was wondering if it's true. I certainly don't want to use that as a cop-out, but I also don't want to endanger myself exercising in a way that isn't good for me. Any thoughts? Or should I speak with a doctor about it?


  • spidey008
    spidey008 Posts: 2
    I weighed 290lbs. I lost 10 lbs and then started walking some. I started off only walking about 10 minutes. After about 1 month I was up to 30 minutes per day. Some days I can walk 50 minutes split up into a morning and afternoon walk. It would be best for you to see your doctor to ask how much you should be exercising.
  • BostonMatt
    BostonMatt Posts: 258
    First off, always consult with a doctor about an exercise program and any potential issues. There might be underlying issues. Better to be safe than sorry.

    With that said, I exercised at 350 by walking short distances and resting frequently. It takes a while but you will build an endurance. Important thing is to stick with it.
  • 416runner
    416runner Posts: 159
    I think consulting a doctor is always a good idea when you're starting an exercise program for the first time.

    What kinds of activities are you doing so far? Maybe you need to slow things down and ease into it a little more?
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    Yes, see a doctor. It's good to know the facts about your health. (personally, mine put me on Beta Blockers, but I'm old) The facts that help you lose are: what is your health like, how many calories are you taking in and how many calories are you burning.
    Walking is a good place to start. I started on bicycling because it was low impact. I wear a HRM whenever I exercise.
    The best exercise is the one you will enjoy enough to keep doing. For me that is currently Jazzercise, because I love to dance and they are good at showing modifications for low impact.
    Perhaps swimming would appeal to you and you might try weight training to balance out your cardio.
    Best of luck! :happy:
  • LynzeNichole
    Thanks for all the responses! I'll definitely see a doctor soon to see what I should be doing. I've tried a variety of things, never lasting more than a day or two on each: 30 day shred, couch to 5k plan, various workout videos. I think I'm trying to do too much too fast because I never exercised AT ALL. I'm going to start just walking and building up my endurance for other things.
  • bzgl40
    bzgl40 Posts: 69 Member
    Thanks for all the responses! I'll definitely see a doctor soon to see what I should be doing. I've tried a variety of things, never lasting more than a day or two on each: 30 day shred, couch to 5k plan, various workout videos. I think I'm trying to do too much too fast because I never exercised AT ALL. I'm going to start just walking and building up my endurance for other things.

    I think you nailed it here. See the dr, make sure you are cleared but then start slow. If you have not been exercising walking is a darn good stepping stone to the road to fitness. Good luck on your journey.
  • TheNewDodge
    TheNewDodge Posts: 607 Member

    A lot
  • onikonor
    onikonor Posts: 473 Member
    I approached my doctor with a question whether he sees any reason for me not to start a heavy cardio workout regimen.

    I'm currently about 15 lb overweight, but I have a sedentary lifestyle. His suggestion was to start out slow with walking etc. Then gradually increase exercise. I'm assuming this would be the same advise for any weight loss target.

    "weighed 290lbs. I lost 10 lbs and then started walking some. I started off only walking about 10 minutes. After about 1 month I was up to 30 minutes per day. Some days I can walk 50 minutes split up into a morning and afternoon walk. " this is great advise.
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    Never too big to swim. I had a 100+ to lose. I have always been a swimmer but there are ladies in the water exercise group much larger than I am. Many just walk laps in the pool. I could also walk just not far. Swimming is not only easy on the joints it does provide resistance so it isn't just straight walking.
  • angie_sample
    angie_sample Posts: 190
    I started with being 100+ pounds over weight and i started exercising right away. When i first started i could do about 2 minutes on the elliptical and 10 walking very slowly on the treadmill. I found swimming was easiest for me at my heaviest though and did a lot of swimming at first. Once i lost about 50 pounds i started really working on cardio. Just keep going. Make sure u r healthy enough for exercise but i dont think u need to wait before u have lost weight to start exercise. Every step matters!! :)
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    I was 290 2 months ago and started walking 20 minutes a day. I'm now doing 60-90 a day. Yesterday I did 50 minutes hard exercise walking, 40 minutes doing errands in the neighborhood, 30 minutes weights,and 10 minutes stretching. I"n not ready for hard cardio or anything that's going to risk tearing muscles.

    I now can walk up a hill that's 17 flights of stairs - I do wear an HRM to ensure I'm not stressing myself.

    Walking is a good place to start- 5 or 10 minutes for a week, then try doing that twice a day and keep building up.
  • Erica27511
    Erica27511 Posts: 490 Member
    I am 300+ lbs and am currently doing zumba 2x a week, 30 day shred, and walking 2 miles. I have done eliptical as well. I am about 2 months in. When I first started I was very winded about 2 minutes and thought i was GOING TO DIEEEEEEEEEE. You will get stronger with each workout. I was not able to jump up and down until yesterday, so when you reach those little NSV's you will see how worth it it was to keep going. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!
  • MustBeTheRows
    MustBeTheRows Posts: 377 Member

    A lot

  • kaetmarie
    kaetmarie Posts: 668 Member
    I'm going to add one on for walking! It's a great place to start.
  • secondchance82
    I started to run when I was 210lbs. Hard on the joints and I could only run a mile at a time, but I got it done. What about lifting weights?
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    Walk, Walk, Walk.


    Swim. Water Aerobics.
  • patchesgizmo
    patchesgizmo Posts: 244 Member
    I have a problem where 30seconds - 2 minutes into a workout I feel like I am DYING. I've heard several theories: I'm not breathing right, I just have to get my endurance up, and then that I'm physically too large right now to do heavy cardio. Is there any truth to this? I've seen several bloggers who were trying to lose 100+ lbs that didn't start an exercise regimen until they'd lost about half of that so I was wondering if it's true. I certainly don't want to use that as a cop-out, but I also don't want to endanger myself exercising in a way that isn't good for me. Any thoughts? Or should I speak with a doctor about it?

    talk to your doctor make sure your not pushing a heart attack. Then start slow, with a walk and work your way up to heavy cardio. I am sitting at about 264 I walk for about 30 minutes twice a day now. I also garden a lot, right now my project is moving wood mulch from a pile in my driveway into my garden shovel by shovel full. So far I have moved about 8 yards of the 12 yards I bought, and my garden is looking fantastic, and my arms are getting little muscles. My whole front yard is now garden, keeping it weeded is a major challenge.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    I am now down to 298 and I started swimming 10 laps in a pool followed by cardio on a Cybex Arc Trainer. You hafta start somewhere and work your way up.
  • Fit4_Life
    Fit4_Life Posts: 828 Member
    Start by doing 10 minute slow walks..then gradually increase your time and speed. You need to build your endurance; but slowly. I use to start by walking my dog for 10 minutes every day...then started to walk around the mall parking lot. It all takes time. You will get patient. :smile:
  • Wuggums
    Wuggums Posts: 339 Member
    You're never "too big" to get some sort of exercise in! I started at over 350 pounds with walking. In order to prevent myself from making excuses *not* to exercise, I went to the local animal shelter and adopted a dog who liked to go on lots of walks. Three years later, I've lost over 150 pounds, Maxine and I now walk up to 9 miles a day, and I throw in lots of other exercise as well including swimming, biking, jogging, elliptical, strength training, DVDs, etc. Just start slow and don't give yourself any excuses to *not* do it!!