Should I Stop Jogging?



  • nikkincs
    nikkincs Posts: 22 Member
    I've heard about that zombie game! have you tried it?
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    I wouldn't say I LOVE jogging, but I do know I HATE the treadmill as opposed to outside. I try to jog outside as much as possible when the weather is nice because Michigan spring/summer seems so short!

    Definitely try outside! There's so much to look at and take in.

    It's also more challenging, so take it slow at first. Your speed will probably decrease as you adjust to uneven ground & slight changes in elevation.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Thanks guys! During the program, I did jog outside 3 times. I didn't like it because it was still in intervals and it was just annoying to pay attention to the time. Maybe now that I'm finished and can jog for a straight 30 minutes, it will make a difference. I will give it a shot this week and see how it goes! It's raining today...just my luck!

    So get outside and run for fun! I know you're following C25K, but you can also just get out and run/jog/fast walk at a pace you can sustain, and focus on enjoying the scenery once in a while. It doesn't ALL have to be serious training. In fact, if your exercise is always serious training, I respectfully submit that you might be doing it wrong.

    And if you are serious training, are you training for an actual 5K? I find that training for an event really helps with motivation (but for goodness sake, real 5Ks are outside and if you have only trained on a dreadmill a real honest 5K is going to be completely different - train outside as much as you can!)

    If you're not training for an event, try something different. Go find a tall, steep mountain and hike up it. Use those buff powerful legs to find something worth looking at. :bigsmile:
  • I've been in the same position as you when I was a new runner.....even on days I look forward to a run I sometimes dread it....and Ive completed a half Marathon and 15 5K's....on days I find my motivation or energy down ...i start with a 5 minute walk at a brisk pace....if i walk the whole route Great....but more times than not after 5 minutes I start running and go anywhere from 4 to 6 miles...

    On the treadmill.....I have to do HIIT or swallowing thumb tacks would be more fun...

    keep your head's not easy some days and you are NOT alone!
  • legnarevocrednu
    legnarevocrednu Posts: 467 Member
    When I started jogging (as a sophomore in high school) I hated it and only did it because my friends were doing it. 15 years later as a 29 year old mom of 2, I LOVE jogging! Somewhere along the way, it grew on me and now it provides me with stress relief, time to think, time to spend with my friends. Most people I know who became runners did not enjoy it at first. I wouldn't give up on it just yet.

    When I started I was running outside, running with friends, running with music occasionally, and I still didn't like the running part of it. Now I have completed two marathons and run half marathons routinely, but more importantly, it is FUN. It might take more time than you expected to grow to love it, but I wouldn't be surprised if it eventually happens. Something about running, it's addictive after a while :)
    That makes me feel better! I WANT to love it because of how beneficial it's been. Hopefully I'll get there! You guys have inspired me to keep going! There is a park right down the street from where I work and it's on the way home, so it's perfect! :)
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    again try outside - I have a treadmill at home but never use unless I'm stuck inside due to poorly kids or even the weather gets really bad. I like jogging outside as each time I get a new target to reach and once I get better I can change my route.
  • JMJohnson1005
    JMJohnson1005 Posts: 209 Member
    I feel the same way when I run on the treadmill. I have recently switched to running outside. Even though it is a lot harder, I love it! I get to see all the different people out and about and the beautiful scenery of the park. I switch up my route each day just to mix it up a bit. I would suggest trying that. If that doesn’t work, then you may want to give it up, at least for a bit. I don’t think your body will regress unless you stop working out completely.
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    If I do decide to take up jogging again in the future, will I have to start back at square one, even if I've been keeping myself fit other ways?
    Maybe not all the way back to square one but probably no better than square two. Fitness for running is muscle specific
  • FatCopThinCop
    FatCopThinCop Posts: 40 Member
    For me, I wish I could run. My knees are shot and from other things than running. For you, I would not stop running. Just don't do it as often. I do believe you would be going backwards in the running department but if you keep the other things going and use Running as one of those things you have to do, once or twice a week and fit other things you like in for your other workouts. Only stop runnng if you hurt I say. Go to the gym. Don't stop that. As life goes on, you will find many reasons not to go workout. You have to be true to yourself. I know you don't want to be overweight or unable to keep up with people twice your age, so keep going. If you don't, you will not be able to keep up with your own kids one day. If you need to take a break, then do so but do something else instead of running but get back to running soon. Take a week off if you need.

    I know I am kinda all over the place, but don't give up.. Keep wanting more and the rest will fall into place.

    Good luck and you can do it!
  • Chagama
    Chagama Posts: 543 Member
    Try outside, it makes a huge difference. I can run for hours outside, up to 20 miles in a workout, and I've done several marathons. But in the winter on the treadmill, it's a struggle to get through 4 or 5 miles. The boredom and tedium just wear me down.
  • monalissanne
    monalissanne Posts: 159 Member
    I'd be bored to tears too if I had to stare at the same clock and other people moving but not going anywhere for 30 minutes. Get outside where your scenery changes. Also, it's a little bit tougher to run outside because you don't have the help of a treadmill propelling you forward. Maybe that's the challenge you need to make things interesting.
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    Find a running track. Some gyms have them, some outdoor parks have them. It's a great mid-way between outside running and treadmill running.
    Switching to track running and purchasing a heart rate monitor gave me a deep love of running. Before, it was neat that I could do it, but it was what you said, just counting down til I could be done. When running on the track at the gym instead, it's much easier to free my mind, and when I've hit my mile, it's easy to think "oh, I could do that again, and again, and again." And just keep going.
    I'd like to run outside more, but the gym offers childcare, so that's where I stay.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    I hate jogging on a treadmill, but I like to jog outside. So, trying outside may help.

    However, there are many things you can do besides jog. Have you tried spinning? I tend to do spinning in the winter and jogging in the summer.

    In the end, if you don't like doing it, you won't do it--as you've already noticed. It's better to find something you love and will continue to do.
  • NMJosephs
    NMJosephs Posts: 185
    How about aiming for a goal? Like a 5K, 10K, or half marathon. I HATE running too. I'd come up with any excuse not to run. But I started training for a half marathon. I never started liking running, but it gave me a goal and once I completed the half I was OK with stopping the running. Now my new goal is NROLFW! :)
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    I've heard about that zombie game! have you tried it?

    I use it every time I run. It's so much fun. It's called "Zombies, Run!" It's available on iPhone and, if not already, Android very soon. Not cheap, but it gets me running.
  • I run both outside and on the treadmill. When I am running on the treadmill, I watch TV (have to put on the surround sound to hear it). If I am watching basketball or football, l I can get to the point where I almost forget I am running. Outdoors, that is the best. I change routes and love being outside. Right now, it is just too hot here in west Texas to run in the afternoon (the time I have to get in my workouts). So, find something to do while you're jogging to help your mind stay busy. Once you really get into running you'll never want to stop (IMO).
  • rbrannock
    rbrannock Posts: 169
    I have been runnnig on my treadmill since January....and I love it but am starting to get bored and have been talking myself OUT of running outside. I can come up with all sorts of'll be too hard, I won't know how fast/slow I'm going, won't know how many miles I've ran, etc. (I have an HRM but the P.O.S. has stopped working correctly, it won't count my calories, so until I can get a new one, I'm S.O.L. on that part) but after reading all your posts, I think I'm going to give it a shot as well. Maybe it'll help break this plateau I've been in for a good month or so. Maybe I'll put the excuses aside and try it tomorrow. :)
  • LilLolo22
    LilLolo22 Posts: 229 Member
    Thanks guys! During the program, I did jog outside 3 times. I didn't like it because it was still in intervals and it was just annoying to pay attention to the time. Maybe now that I'm finished and can jog for a straight 30 minutes, it will make a difference. I will give it a shot this week and see how it goes! It's raining today...just my luck!

    When I did the program, I downloaded these Podcasts which had music and queues. You just put some headphones on and then hit the pavement. No need to bother with keeping the time. Maybe try it that way?
  • JenniferInNY
    JenniferInNY Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks guys! During the program, I did jog outside 3 times. I didn't like it because it was still in intervals and it was just annoying to pay attention to the time. Maybe now that I'm finished and can jog for a straight 30 minutes, it will make a difference. I will give it a shot this week and see how it goes! It's raining today...just my luck!

    You can still do intervals outside without staring at your watch. I use a phone app (Android) called HIIT, and it times your intervals for you and beeps with different sound effects when it's time to change pace. You can do all different intervals, alternating, cycles of 5-6 different intervals, etc. I love it. The only downside is I have to jog with my phone in my hand or in my pocket. (Be careful not to put it in your pocket in a way that bumps the screen, though).
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    GET OUTSIDE - the treadmill is a torture apparatus.....

    And rain will cause you to get wet, you won't melt...I'm in Vancouver BC, if I have to not run when it rains, I won't ever run...

    Btw, if you just started running, don't bother working on speed - get distance in...and get used to running outside, it is different....