Any one else here addicted to Caffeine?



  • SpydrMnky27
    SpydrMnky27 Posts: 381 Member
    I get about 4 hours of broken sleep a night. I drink a lot of coffee. It's probably the worst thing for me since I have anxiety issues but I don't know what else to do. Hopefully my son will stop waking up throughout the night soon. He's 2 already!!

    I used to be addicted to sugar free Rockstars and Monsters but I'm afraid of what they might be doing to my body so I stopped . I'll have one occasionally but I used to drink 2 or 3 a day.
  • efarrar13
    efarrar13 Posts: 78
    I was drinking 7 cans of Diet Mt Dew a day. Did a three day juice fast and now only drink green tea and water. Didn't have the bad caffeine headaches or anything which was surprising.
  • kgprice11
    kgprice11 Posts: 750 Member
    nom nom nom I love my caffeine
  • AnisaMG
    AnisaMG Posts: 154 Member
    I LOVE a cup of GOOD black coffee in the morning. I used to drink 3-4 cups of coffee through the day just to have the energy to make dinner at night. But then I started taking Vitamin B100 and an adrenal support and I have more energy than ever, and it has nothing to do with the caffeine!
  • jessienmiller
    jessienmiller Posts: 73 Member
    On a daily basis I drink about 4 cups of black coffee with artifiacial sweetner, 6-8 glasses of water and either a diet sweet tea or a diet fountain pepsi.I love caffiene!
  • workoutgirl23
    caffeine rocks. i love the energy high i get off it.
  • mymichelle1964
    I pretty much have to have my caffeine daily... now it's getting for like twice a day, where it used to be only in the mornings. I am up to 2 espresso shots + 1 shot of hazelnut + half/half to the top. I know I have to cut out the half and half now and make sure to order the hazelnut syrup in diet! As for the energy drinks...... be careful, a much better choice is FRS - its has much more vitamins (lots of vitamin B) and less suger and they have a diet one too. Much, much better. Try them out. I stay away from all the other energy drinks. Today is day 1, yes, I will need more caffeine, it does help the hunger.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    yes addicted to our Tim Horton's coffee here in Ontario, Canada :bigsmile:
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Caffeine puts my anxiety level through the roof. I went through a bad breakup recently and have been trying to stay away from it. But it's finals week, and I felt like I needed it. And here I am, more pissed off than usual, wishing I'd just slept a little later instead.
  • harleykat64
    Coffee and zip fizz are my addictions
  • Maureenf418
    Maureenf418 Posts: 6 Member
    Definitely! 3 cups of coffee or diet Pepsi!
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I need it, but it's usually only coffee with a lot of milk or a latte in the morning. Sometimes I'll have a latte in the afternoon as well. I don't add sugar, artificial sweetener or flavor.
  • yougojo170
    yougojo170 Posts: 62
    I love my coffee to get me thru the day, but energy drinks and caffine pills are really bad for you. too much caffine is really bad for your heart. Be careful.
  • reyopo
    reyopo Posts: 210 Member
    I'm allergic to coffee and energy drinks make me sick just to smell them. I limit black tea, but love it with coconut milk and stevia. Green tea I drink all all day long... probably about 50 oz... and yes, I log SOME of that as water intake. I also drink a caffeine free coffee substitute called Dandy Blend, and lots of herbal tea too... guess I just really love warm beverages!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Big time!

    Iced tea year round, morning, noon & night. Oh yeah, I like hot tea too. Black or green, it's all good.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    True story, my mom used to heat my formula by adding some coffee (that's what being the 4th child gets ya). Oddly enough I drink a fair amount of coffee. When I was a kid I had enough cream and sugar that you could freeze it to make ice cream. Now I take my coffee black as I have found that cream and sugar only exist to cover up poor coffee. Although if you are having flavored coffee and small amount of sweetener helps the flavor come out.
  • B_Running
    B_Running Posts: 158
    I'm allergic to coffee and energy drinks make me sick just to smell them. I limit black tea, but love it with coconut milk and stevia. Green tea I drink all all day long... probably about 50 oz... and yes, I log SOME of that as water intake. I also drink a caffeine free coffee substitute called Dandy Blend, and lots of herbal tea too... guess I just really love warm beverages!

    allergic to coffee? I've never heard of this before... how did you find out (what were your symptoms/reactionsm -- if you don't mind me asking)?
  • reyopo
    reyopo Posts: 210 Member
    I'm allergic to coffee and energy drinks make me sick just to smell them. I limit black tea, but love it with coconut milk and stevia. Green tea I drink all all day long... probably about 50 oz... and yes, I log SOME of that as water intake. I also drink a caffeine free coffee substitute called Dandy Blend, and lots of herbal tea too... guess I just really love warm beverages!

    allergic to coffee? I've never heard of this before... how did you find out (what were your symptoms/reactionsm -- if you don't mind me asking)?

    No problem!

    Symptoms - I've struggled with eczema all my life, and additionally digestive and other issues since adulthood.

    Testing - Sheesh, you name it! I started with Applied Kinesiology (muscle) testing when I was a kid. That doc determined caffeine, sugar, wheat, corn and dairy allergies (or intolerances, if you prefer). Since then I've had a GI health panel (stool and saliva testing) that uncovered a soy allergy as well, I did igG finger prick blood testing that confirmed all of the above, and lastly I tried something called Electrodermal Screening (or EAV testing) which is an electro vibrational testing machine. I was skeptical about the latter, but it uncovered all of the same foods, but specifically coffee (not black or green tea, so not caffeine per se), and additionally most nuts, tomatoes, and then seasonal airborne stuff like maple and juniper. All seem very accurate, as I will react if I'm not careful and something sneaks in...but it's under control now, so the symptoms never become acute. My diet is certainly restrictive, but it's made me an awesome cook, much more flavor and imagination, since I have to prepare most of my food from scratch. When I eat out, I just go for simple protein and veggies. Never felt better in my life too!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I like getting my caffeine from chocolates.
  • kizzaii
    kizzaii Posts: 52
    I was addicted to it so badly, cut it out from my diet completely and feel so much better for it. Those horrid caffeine headaches that used to set in by 9am if I hadn't had my fix, bad times!