how often and when do you weigh yourself



  • julienib
    julienib Posts: 12 Member
    Every morning in whatever I wore to bed that night. I don't freak out about fluctuations, because I know what causes them (too much sodium, not enough water, etc.) and I like to look back to the day before and see what I can improve on to keep that downward trend goin' :)
  • feather314
    feather314 Posts: 97
    Typically once a week on Sunday morning (after tinkling and in a t-shirt).

    Sometimes I do a mid-week check. Seems I always weigh less on Thursday morning for some reason... I actually thought about changing my weigh day.
  • thatTASHAgirl
    I was using Noom which prompted me to do it once a week which I think is too much. When I do, always in the morning after I've gone to the bathroom and naked. I always do it the same way and around the same time for a basis of comparison. Typically, every two to three weeks works for me; psychologically, I need to feel like I'm making strides in order to keep motivation. The one to two pounds a week a demotivating effect.
  • SexyMidnight
    SexyMidnight Posts: 72 Member
    i weigh naked everyday in the morning before shower
  • ZForce915
    ZForce915 Posts: 23
    I weigh myself on Wed and Sun in the morning, buck naked.

    Anything more than that seems obsessive. (to me at least)
  • Ash_ah_lee
    Ash_ah_lee Posts: 116 Member
    Every time im in the bathroom.. Naked!!!
  • ladybarometer
    ladybarometer Posts: 205 Member
    everyday, but I only do an official recorded weight in once a week on Fridays
  • lilybear84
    lilybear84 Posts: 57
    Whenever I feel like. Dont have a weigh in schedule.
  • tjwood70
    tjwood70 Posts: 16 Member
    Typically once a week, first thing in the morning, either on Wednesday or Thursday. Sometimes more if I am about to reach my weekly loss!
  • AlabasterJar68
    I weigh myself daily, out of habit, but I only record it once a week.
  • Brandi0418
    Brandi0418 Posts: 63
    Daily, in the morning, nude, before showering! :blushing:
  • SelkieDiver
    SelkieDiver Posts: 260 Member
    I weigh in every day, but I only log the "official" weigh in which is Tuesday mornings.
  • Prudiddy
    Prudiddy Posts: 262 Member
    I have been weigh in once a week at GNC on Sunday because it gives me a print out for my diary. I haven't weighed in a couple of weeks on purpose because June 17th is my first official goal date and I wanted to be surprised. I usually get up tinkle/number 2 then go straight to GNC by 10:00 wearing a head scarf no undergarments, some flip flops and a moo moo/house dress. Hope this helps.
  • amivox
    amivox Posts: 441 Member
    I am ridiculously addicted to that stupid thing, so I weigh myself EVERY morning. Buck *kitten* naked, after my morning poop.

    I don't let the fluctuations get to me much, its just nice to know what your fluctuations are so that when you see a consistent drop, you can trust its right.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Every morning.

    It's the best way to really learn just how ridiculously volatile your scale weight can be. After witnessing a few +/-5 pound swings in 24-48 hours, you realize...(or at least you *should*)...that the scale can be misleading whether you're weighing daily, weekly, or monthly because those variations are still potentially in there.
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    In the beginning... I was weighing everyday...and I got very discouraged with the crazy weight I went to weekly. Now that I am starting to understand how my body works, I weigh every morning before I shower. I actually get a kick outta the days I am up 5 pounds.

    I have a love/hate relationship with my scale...the weight changes really dont bother me at all anymore!
  • kadins_momma07
    kadins_momma07 Posts: 328 Member
    I weigh every Monday Morning when I wake up and after I go pee. I usually weigh naked, but most of the time I sleep in minimal clothing anyway, so if it's just my underwear and a light tank top, I'll weigh in that if I'm lazy.

    Although, I do peek at the scale mid-week or so, just to get an idea of how Monday's weight will be!
    LALOCHA34 Posts: 340 Member
    Once a month!
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    Daily but recorded Friday and Sunday for two different groups
  • bluzenith
    bluzenith Posts: 12 Member
    Daily since I started this site :/