Paleo Diet... yes.. no..



  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Hay guise! Just came in to be like


    it's food, not capital punishment, ya? :)

    These--and ANY--diets are what you make of them. If you want processed foods, fine. If you want au natural, fine. Do whatever works for you. Try it out. Fit it to your lifestyle. I always have my diary open. Do I eat perfectly? No way. Does it matter? Apparently not, cause I look damn good.

    Cheers! :drinker:
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    You'll want to view it more as a lifestyle. My brother has been doing it for years and he encouraged me to give it a try.

    I won't get into the theories or rationale behind it, that's already been hashed out elsewhere and there are many resources on the web for people to do their own research.

    I went completely strict for 30 days to get an idea of what foods are irritating to me by slowly experimenting and adding things back in. I dicovered that I am in fact sensitive to many grains, something I wouldn't have realized without giving it a try. When I "cheat" I have a whole host of problems for a day or two and I'm encouraged to keep with it, you begin to decide whether junk is really worth it.

    Here is some of what we've experienced
    - Less to no cravings for sweets and junk
    - IBS symptoms improved or gone
    - No more afternoon crashes
    - Feeling satiated
    - Drop in BF%
    - Real food tasting better
    - Surprisingly easy to go wothout the breads and pastas, I thought this would be the hardest part, but again, cravings go away quickly.

    My problem with strict paleo long term is that it is difficult to get my calories up high enough without eating when I'm not hungry. I have been eating cheese and some yogurt again since about March which helps get calories up, but no more milk. Even the cheese and yogurt sometimes triggers IBS, so I'm working on limiting that.

    I've also been playing with adding oats in, so far so good. My brother also does this to help fuel his intense workouts and meet calories. It's not paleo but it hasn't bothered either of us like gluten does and some adaptions need to be made for athletes.

    This may all be more info than you need... but it's been a very positive experience for me. I'll stick with it long term as a lifestyle, not a diet, but not beat myself up when I "fall of the paleo/primal wagon" All you can do is give it a try and see for yourself if you think it's doable. Just remember that it can be very nutritious and healthy.

    thank you sooooo much for sharing your experience with paleo. I am just starting down this road and so far it is amazing! I have fibromyalgia, and my body soreness is all but gone! a miracle for me really. I also have more energy and the cravings are GONE! Yesterday my husband and I went out for lunch at a lovely Italian restaurant and I could have cared less about the bread to dip in olive oil! Even though my husband was nom nomming it all up :) I had an amazing salmon salad with a lemon vinagrette and I did not feel deprived for even a moment.............quite the opposite actually.......I felt very very satisfied. And oh yes.....the weight is coming off too :bigsmile:

    I don't care what it is called........or what the *history* is on it........I just like it as a way to eat. period. Thanks!