Facebook Vs MFP



  • focus4fitness
    focus4fitness Posts: 551 Member
    I like that you can "like" posts and comment on pictures with facebook. I like that I can talk about weight loss stuff here. I wish MFP was set up a bit more like sparkpeople. But I feel like people on sparkpeople don't interact the same way and are not as supportive as MFP.
  • ShyGirl89
    ShyGirl89 Posts: 60 Member
    I deactivated my FB 5 months ago. I don't miss it either, it got boring real quick and I was tired of the constant changes, plus there was so much pointless drama. I actually like my friends on MFP way more than the ones I had on FB. Although it would be kinda cool to go back to it, having lost all the weight I wanted and to have everyone (who are active on there) go, "Omg, look at you!"
  • jaimrlx
    jaimrlx Posts: 426 Member
    I stopped using FB about a year ago. IMO, MFP is for weight loss.. so usually any non-weight loss posts are generally hidden or deleted from my feed. However, usually people who are in a weight loss regimen are apt to posting only about weight loss... so I'm going to say MFP, but I think we're all a little biased here. :smokin:
  • Th3Machine
    Th3Machine Posts: 45 Member
    FB = people you know in real life who have millions of different goals & interests.
    MFP = people you don't know in real life with common goals & interests.

    People tend to hang tighter with those who have same common goals and interests.

    Right On!
  • k8lyn_235
    k8lyn_235 Posts: 507 Member
    mfp! yes, there's drama on here, but not as much as there is on fbook! and i just can't stand fbook in general anymore.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Yeah, Facebook doesn't allow me to eat back my exercise calories! :laugh:

    Honestly, I can't compare the two on any level. Facebook is where all of my real life friends are. The MFP forum is where I meet other people who are also struggling with weight loss and request and offer help.

    Both are effective at accomplishing the goals they set out to accomplish.
  • megmay2591
    megmay2591 Posts: 621 Member
    I love MFP, but I do wish they would implement a notification system for posts and replies. I feel like some of the people here are friendlier than the people on my friends list on facebook. Facebook is pretty boring; bad rap lyrics as statuses, annoying drama related relationship changes, etc.

    I spend way way more time on MFP because there is so much more to see and do.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    mfp! yes, there's drama on here, but not as much as there is on fbook! and i just can't stand fbook in general anymore.

    Drama? On Facebook?

    I obviously need to acquire some more interesting friends. :happy:
  • Jalyst79
    Jalyst79 Posts: 50 Member
    This is so much better for weight loss! You get to find new people facing the same struggles and it's so annoying reading people's fb pages when all they talk about is fitness ( especially if you are one of the people who aren't running or exercising)
  • Neecy_Pooh
    Neecy_Pooh Posts: 122
    FB sucks! I heart MFP!!!
  • twistofcain
    twistofcain Posts: 190
    Google+ > MFP > Talking on The Phone > Getting Clawed By Lucy > Jasper Hitting Me In The Nuts > Facebook.
  • AlexanderK1994
    AlexanderK1994 Posts: 243 Member
    You know MFP wins over FB x)
  • Snotori
    Snotori Posts: 156
    Thoughts are I'm in agreement with the before said they serve 2 different purposes. That's like comparing eggs to horses. Silly :P
  • BeccaLevine
    BeccaLevine Posts: 315 Member
    I don't use FB much, it's full of drama, and if I want to talk to my friends I can text/call/hang out with them! I prefer MFP because it's full of positive people (for the most part) who keep me motivated! It's great talking to so many people with similar goals from all over the world!
  • kateflourishes
    kateflourishes Posts: 257 Member
    they are two different purposes, however i used to be on fb all the time and now im always on mfp! i totally perfer mfp!

    ^^ This.
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    I love them both. Facebook is great because I have been living on the opposite side of the country from my family and friends for the past 7 years and it keeps me connected :)
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Personally i prefer mfp...hate facebook!!what are yer thoughts? :love:

    I used to...now I'm not too happy with either of them. For the record though Facebook > MFP, because there are no busy body moderators going around handing out strikes for complimenting someone on a mature post you found that they'd put up.

    Oh, wait...I think that comment was against the rules.
  • MitchCumstein81
    Facebook is a joke. I got rid of it months ago because all my friends that I never spoke with would post the stupidest crap. Plus, FB is nothing but trouble anyway. Break-ups and divorces!
  • Briski1411
    Briski1411 Posts: 296 Member
    I have both and love MFP more.. mainly because it keeps me focused more on fitness than fb ever could lol. Love the friends I have here and they actually show interest in what I'm doing to make my life better and healthier.. fb they prob don't care what I do lol.

    Totally agree MFP is where I am with like minded fitness ppl. I come here for support and knowledge. FB is friends and familyof past and present. FB allows me to share my life with my family in other states. None of them even care about my fitness goals or plans. I have been doing this so long they think it is just the next fad.
  • Maude_Lewbowski
    Maude_Lewbowski Posts: 395 Member
    MFP and Twitter!