A Question of Etiquette



  • HunterKiller_wechange
    HunterKiller_wechange Posts: 369 Member
    Smile and ask her if you have something in your teeth?!
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    I would pop out my smartphone and track the calories.

    How many grams of protein in a fly?
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    I would have called the waitress over, pointed it out, and asked for a fresh drink.

    Proper Etiquitte doesn't require that you eat a dead fly.

    Exactly, having discreetly removed the fly from my mouth to my napkin, I'd be calling the waitress/waiter over and making them aware of the problem calmly and without making a fuss. Or excused myself from the table and asked for the manager out of the hearing of my table mates if it was very formal.
  • tmos512
    tmos512 Posts: 119 Member
    I would have called the waitress over, pointed it out, and asked for a fresh drink.

    Proper Etiquitte doesn't require that you eat a dead fly.
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    Run, screaming out the door, leaving the remaining guests to fend for themselves.
  • loneworg
    loneworg Posts: 342 Member
    mmmmm protein :bigsmile:
  • Ohmydaze
    Ohmydaze Posts: 403 Member
    I want to know what you did :laugh:
  • DalexD
    DalexD Posts: 236 Member
    Welllllll, if it was me I would have:

    a) discreetly taken the offending fly out of my mouth whilst covering it with a napkin
    b) called over the prettiest waitress I could see
    c) show her the malodorous insect and say
    d) "I'm afraid I will have to return your generous gift because it's rather unsafe to drink and fly"
    e) watch as she giggles
    f) get her number
    g) meet her for a drink after her shift finished
    h) end the evening doing the horizontal hoolah

    (authors note: this is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead or previous events is purely coincidental.)

    Actually sitting laughing at work, haha!!
  • angeeishere
    angeeishere Posts: 89 Member
    Gross me out the door!! I think I'd be getting a free meal at least, I wouldn't freak out but I would let management know for sure.
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    I'd have made a huge hilarious deal out of that situation - give everyone something to remember and maybe turn some acquaintances into friends
  • NelehY
    NelehY Posts: 52 Member
    I would have called the waitress over, pointed it out, and asked for a fresh drink.

    Proper Etiquitte doesn't require that you eat a dead fly.

    Definitely this!

    But what DID you do???
  • strunkm4
    strunkm4 Posts: 265 Member
    Oh I'd flip. Nice place or not. I'd probably actually throw the hell up.
  • nakabi
    nakabi Posts: 589 Member
    I would pop out my smartphone and track the calories.

    How many grams of protein in a fly?

    this lol
  • Lotte34
    Lotte34 Posts: 429 Member
    swallow it and just say your sorry it went down the wrong hole
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,339 Member
    I wish I didn't read this while I was eating breakfast
  • MandaPaigeSparkles88
    MandaPaigeSparkles88 Posts: 1,289 Member
    I am sorry I would've thrown up right then and there. Disgusting!!!
  • tweetybaby69
    tweetybaby69 Posts: 258 Member
    I would have called the waitress over, pointed it out, and asked for a fresh drink.

    Proper Etiquitte doesn't require that you eat a dead fly.

  • Dead_Darling
    Dead_Darling Posts: 478 Member
    I would have called the waitress over, pointed it out, and asked for a fresh drink.

    Proper Etiquitte doesn't require that you eat a dead fly.

    Exactly, having discreetly removed the fly from my mouth to my napkin, I'd be calling the waitress/waiter over and making them aware of the problem calmly and without making a fuss. Or excused myself from the table and asked for the manager out of the hearing of my table mates if it was very formal.

  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    Spit it out into something, I don't think I would even think about the other guests at that point lol and if they don't like it tough, its a fly! Maybe caution them afterwards to check their own drinks.
  • caramkoala
    caramkoala Posts: 303 Member

    There is a third option;

    c. Log 1g Pure Protein.

    :drinker: :laugh: