Beating a dead horse..

Every time I think I undserstand I find myself questioning what I think I know..

I'm sorry to be the queen of redundant topics, but I'm curious... I hear a lot of people say NEVER eat bellow your bmr because that's what your body needs just to function.

Then I hear people say you should eat your tdee- 500..

If I follow these rules then I would be eating bellow my bmr on the days I don't excersize..

my bmr 1631

tdee 1958 (with little to no excersize) = 1458 Bellow bmr?...
tdee 2243 (1-3 days excersize) =1743
tdee 2529 (3-5 days excersize) =2029

Is this right? Basically my calories for the day would be determined by my activity level and subtracting 500 from that days tdee?


  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    You don't need to eat above your BMR. That's the biggest bit of misinfo thrown around like fact here. You're fine with your TDEE minus 500.
  • angelaraedesigns
    angelaraedesigns Posts: 68 Member
    Every time I think I undserstand I find myself questioning what I think I know..

    I'm sorry to be the queen of redundant topics, but I'm curious... I hear a lot of people say NEVER eat bellow your bmr because that's what your body needs just to function.

    Then I hear people say you should eat your tdee- 500..

    If I follow these rules then I would be eating bellow my bmr on the days I don't excersize..

    my bmr 1631

    tdee 1958 (with little to no excersize) = 1458 Bellow bmr?...

    tdee 2243 (1-3 days excersize) =1743
    tdee 2529 (3-5 days excersize) =2029

    Is this right? Basically my calories for the day would be determined by my activity level and subtracting 500 from that days tdee?

    Yes, this topic is talked about a lot.....but I, like you, think that just when I think I understand I question it all over as well. So thank you for posting a new thread on this popular topic. Because I'm a petite, when I reduce my TDEE by 500 I'm way below my bmr. AND I'd like to lose more than 1 lb a week. So WTH?
    Patience is a virtue, but it ain't one of mine. lol.
    I'd like to know if someone has ever, dropped their calories below their BMR and achieved their weight loss goal and then kept it off for more than 6months. Is that possible?

    ok, now. others....join in. love to follow this thread.
  • Lissette_Brooks
    Lissette_Brooks Posts: 173 Member
    . So this tdee- 500 ( depending on my daily activity) is the way to go then?
  • tenunderfour
    tenunderfour Posts: 429 Member
    You don't need to eat above your BMR. That's the biggest bit of misinfo thrown around like fact here. You're fine with your TDEE minus 500.

    +1 million!
  • Lissette_Brooks
    Lissette_Brooks Posts: 173 Member

    Glad i'm not alone! I feel confident one minute and totally lost the next reading these message boards! lol

    Every time I think I undserstand I find myself questioning what I think I know..

    I'm sorry to be the queen of redundant topics, but I'm curious... I hear a lot of people say NEVER eat bellow your bmr because that's what your body needs just to function.

    Then I hear people say you should eat your tdee- 500..

    If I follow these rules then I would be eating bellow my bmr on the days I don't excersize..

    my bmr 1631

    tdee 1958 (with little to no excersize) = 1458 Bellow bmr?...

    tdee 2243 (1-3 days excersize) =1743
    tdee 2529 (3-5 days excersize) =2029

    Is this right? Basically my calories for the day would be determined by my activity level and subtracting 500 from that days tdee?

    Yes, this topic is talked about a lot.....but I, like you, think that just when I think I understand I question it all over as well. So thank you for posting a new thread on this popular topic. Because I'm a petite, when I reduce my TDEE by 500 I'm way below my bmr. AND I'd like to lose more than 1 lb a week. So WTH?
    Patience is a virtue, but it ain't one of mine. lol.
    I'd like to know if someone has ever, dropped their calories below their BMR and achieved their weight loss goal and then kept it off for more than 6months. Is that possible?

    ok, now. others....join in. love to follow this thread.
  • Lissette_Brooks
    Lissette_Brooks Posts: 173 Member
    You don't need to eat above your BMR. That's the biggest bit of misinfo thrown around like fact here. You're fine with your TDEE minus 500.

  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    You don't need to eat above your BMR. That's the biggest bit of misinfo thrown around like fact here. You're fine with your TDEE minus 500.

    Did this person just say you DON'T need to eat ABOVE BMR??? WRONG WRONG WRONG

    What people are trying to say is, it you eat at your TDEE you will maintain your weight. If you eat below your TDEE (but not below BMR) then you will lose weight. The amount you eat below TDEE will have a factor on how quickly you lose weight.

    If you consistently eat BELOW your BMR your body (most likely) will not be getting all the energy it needs to function to the best of its ability.
  • verapamil
    verapamil Posts: 94
    bump-- I had the same confusion.
  • Lissette_Brooks
    Lissette_Brooks Posts: 173 Member
    You don't need to eat above your BMR. That's the biggest bit of misinfo thrown around like fact here. You're fine with your TDEE minus 500.

    Did this person just say you DON'T need to eat ABOVE BMR??? WRONG WRONG WRONG

    What people are trying to say is, it you eat at your TDEE you will maintain your weight. If you eat below your TDEE (but not below BMR) then you will lose weight. The amount you eat below TDEE will have a factor on how quickly you lose weight.

    If you consistently eat BELOW your BMR your body (most likely) will not be getting all the energy it needs to function to the best of its ability.

    So what would I do with days I don't excersize? Eat my bmr? I'm sorry to sound like a dumb *kitten* but i'm hearing different things from people. I'm just trying to set my cals each day accordingly without feeling like its too much or too little...

  • gaia3rd
    gaia3rd Posts: 151
    Did this person just say you DON'T need to eat ABOVE BMR??? WRONG WRONG WRONG

    What people are trying to say is, it you eat at your TDEE you will maintain your weight. If you eat below your TDEE (but not below BMR) then you will lose weight. The amount you eat below TDEE will have a factor on how quickly you lose weight.

    If you consistently eat BELOW your BMR your body (most likely) will not be getting all the energy it needs to function to the best of its ability.

    ^this^ - with the caveat that it's almost impossible to know your exact BMR - however, these are good general calculations. Way too many folk eat way below BMR - definitely not a good idea to do that for any length of time: slowing your metabolism just makes this all harder.
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    Any slowdown in metabolism is (1) slight and (2) temporary. It's a myth that you will hurt yourself or starve or not lose or die or be miserable and eat your couch and murder your family.
  • burbanum
    burbanum Posts: 38 Member
    I have done the Very low cal concept too many times. It will work for awhile until your body realizes it is really hungry and starts holding onto eveyr morsel you put in it. I highly recommend eating at least BMR....this is what you need to maintain your weight and the energy you need daily if you were to lay in bed all day and only get up to pee. Since I am sure you are doing more than that, you want to give your body fuel so it knows you are not starving it. It may not come off 3-5 lbs a week, but it will go down (your weight). You did not gain weight at 5 lbs a week and it is not really realistic to lose it that way either. Patience is not fun, but a maintainable lifestyle is so important if you want to succeed beyond the weight loss part of this. I wish you the best. You are doing great!!!
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    Every time I think I undserstand I find myself questioning what I think I know..

    I'm sorry to be the queen of redundant topics, but I'm curious... I hear a lot of people say NEVER eat bellow your bmr because that's what your body needs just to function.

    Then I hear people say you should eat your tdee- 500..

    If I follow these rules then I would be eating bellow my bmr on the days I don't excersize..

    my bmr 1631

    tdee 1958 (with little to no excersize) = 1458 Bellow bmr?...
    tdee 2243 (1-3 days excersize) =1743
    tdee 2529 (3-5 days excersize) =2029

    Is this right? Basically my calories for the day would be determined by my activity level and subtracting 500 from that days tdee?

    If you are doing the TDEE-500 method, you eat the same amount every day. If you exercise 1 to 3 days a week, eat 1743 every day, for instance. Only if you're using the MFP method do you tailor your eating so strictly to your workout on a daily basis.

    Regarding whether it's "ok" to eat below BMR, I don't think that debate is ever going to be settled. Read up on the pros and cons and pick a side, I guess. Personally I wouldn't but if I were very obese I might consider it.
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member

    That's a nice article on BMR. Very, very short. They recommend "eating enough" so you don't "slow your metabolism" but their recommendation of enough is up to 2 lbs/week loss. And they say they're talking about the thermic effect of food with the "slow your metabolism" part. I.e., you burn a higher percent of that gram of protein in digestion than you do the gram of fat because it's harder to digest the protein. So you're not actually hurting your metabolism or slowing it for a long time. You're burning fewer calories in the act of digestion that day, hence "slower metabolism".

    I've read there is another metabolism slowing effect, namely that a deficit makes you feel like moving less so you're actually less active. But if you track your activity, you can compensate. There might be other slowing effects but they're slight and temporary, from all I've read.
  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    In all seriousness, there is no right or wrong. Do what you need to do to achieve your goals. Here's the never. If you want to lose fat never eat above TDEE. The rest is up to you.

    If you'd like to go lower cal then do it. Just be aware of what you'll be facing should you ever move to maintenance calories. Pay attention to your micros and enjoy your weight loss.

    If you'd like to eat at a cut of your TDEE then do it. Educate yourself and know what that process entails. Enjoy your fat loss.

    20 methods, 20 different ways to get this done. Tweaks are part of the process but pick the method you can stick to and to hell with the rest. If what you pick doesn't give you the results you want, go to plan B. It's like a science experiment.

    Whatever gives you what you want out of this is 100% the right thing to do.
  • angelaraedesigns
    angelaraedesigns Posts: 68 Member
    In all seriousness, there is no right or wrong. Do what you need to do to achieve your goals. Here's the never. If you want to lose fat never eat above TDEE. The rest is up to you.

    If you'd like to go lower cal then do it. Just be aware of what you'll be facing should you ever move to maintenance calories. Pay attention to your micros and enjoy your weight loss.

    If you'd like to eat at a cut of your TDEE then do it. Educate yourself and know what that process entails. Enjoy your fat loss.

    20 methods, 20 different ways to get this done. Tweaks are part of the process but pick the method you can stick to and to hell with the rest. If what you pick doesn't give you the results you want, go to plan B. It's like a science experiment.

    Whatever gives you what you want out of this is 100% the right thing to do.

    brill! well said theartichoke
  • Lissette_Brooks
    Lissette_Brooks Posts: 173 Member
    In all seriousness, there is no right or wrong. Do what you need to do to achieve your goals. Here's the never. If you want to lose fat never eat above TDEE. The rest is up to you.

    If you'd like to go lower cal then do it. Just be aware of what you'll be facing should you ever move to maintenance calories. Pay attention to your micros and enjoy your weight loss.

    If you'd like to eat at a cut of your TDEE then do it. Educate yourself and know what that process entails. Enjoy your fat loss.

    20 methods, 20 different ways to get this done. Tweaks are part of the process but pick the method you can stick to and to hell with the rest. If what you pick doesn't give you the results you want, go to plan B. It's like a science experiment.

    Whatever gives you what you want out of this is 100% the right thing to do.

  • PittShkr
    PittShkr Posts: 1,000 Member
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Eat below what your body needs to survive in a coma?

    Sounds smart to me.
  • MizSaz
    MizSaz Posts: 445 Member
    Do what works for you. It's been my experience that 9 people out of 10 on MFP don't know their backside from their elbow but talk like they have a PhD in nutrition.