What do you use to saute stuff



  • sarahcuddle
    sarahcuddle Posts: 349 Member
    if you use a good non stick pan and make sure it is really hot first you quite often don't need anything! I do salmon fillets like this and lean meats. For just veg I use 1tsp olive or groundnut oil (which is better at a higher temp like stir frying). If you haven't got a misto sprayer spread the oil out over the pan with a pastry brush. You can also buy olive oil flavoured with garlic which I find useful.
  • allison0820
    allison0820 Posts: 325 Member
    I use genric "pam" sprays, you can find different flavors. I use butter flavor. I get the taste without the calories ect

  • kiki2289
    kiki2289 Posts: 11
    Coconut oil Its great for you!
  • faefaith
    faefaith Posts: 433 Member
    I put olive oil in the pan and then spread it around with a paper towel. The excess is sopped up by the towel and what's needed to saute is still on the pan. yup!
  • eviltwinkie
    eviltwinkie Posts: 153
    small amount of oil (coconut is my fav lately) and low sodium (chicken) broth. I use broth as the bulk liquid for saute' or stir fry. In a non-stick pan.

    It does take some getting use to, but it's quite tasty. And for mushrooms, I really like it, as they absorb the broth and get all meaty.
  • ❤lindsay❤dawn❤
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Real butter or coconut oil. Commercial PUFA oils (grain/seed) are rancid on the shelf (and highly processed with chemicals). Heating them makes them worse. They have high smoke points but they are very dangerous oils. (the body's fat stores are only about 4% PUFA; any higher than that is toxic - why the body will convert if the % of intake is higher).

    Saturated fats have the highest smoke point and are the most stable therefore are the best fats for frying (and why would you use spray chemicals on your food?). Lowest chance of burning and oxidizing. MUFAs are next in line but shouldn't be used for frying due to a lower smoke point (olive oil, nut oils) and higher chance of oxidizing.

    Correct frying is done at high temps and the food will not soak up the grease. Frying in natural fats can be healthy.

    I eat a high-fat diet. About 65%-70% of my daily calorie intake. Sometimes more, sometimes less. But never industrial PUFA oils. Lots of saturated though. My body loves it.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Well, this isn't going to be helpful because I use olive oil It is fat so high in calories, but it's good healthy fat that my body needs.

    You can use less oil by adding just a touch of liquid (water or broth). Just enough to keep your food from sticking but will still all evaporate before the food is done, leaving only the tiny bit of oil.
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    I use an olive oil that comes in a mister bottle (http://global.filippoberio.com/products/product-range/olive-oil-spray/). It distributes the oil well, and you don't need much. And since it's just olive oil it's safe to use on non-stick pans.
  • Jenn_10
    Jenn_10 Posts: 83
    I use olive oil and add water it works just fine for me if not I use Pam