Help I like to drink!



  • stormystrickland
    stormystrickland Posts: 187 Member
    This is my first week of actually counting calories and so far, Im not doing so well. I cant seem to stay within my calorie range. I keep going over and to top it off we go out on Thursday and I like to drink! What do I do?

    Well, when I was seeing my trainer, I wasn't able to lose any weight no matter how much I worked out or tried. It was because my metabolism was wayyyy too low for someone like me. I was drinking 3 days a week and having about 7-8 drinks each night. I go to college so I didn't see anything wrong with it, but she explained to me that alcohol lowers your metabolism and makes you fat. I mainly drank beer so that was my whole problem right there. My trainer told me to try to drink only one night a week and if I couldn't stay away from the beer, casually start having one or two vodka and waters (or something with low calories) each week that I drank. Her thought was that if she could get me drinking less days a week and less calories that what I was used to drinking each day, then she was doing well. I had been drinking like this for three years and it was very hard to change, but now I only drink one night a week, if that and I have lost about 7 pounds and I haven't been strict on my diet or exercise. Main thing I'm trying to say, drinking does make a significant difference, but it depends on how much you drink. If you go out one night a week and you have 5 drinks, I wouldn't consider that a big deal. You will almost always go over your calorie limit when you go out, unless you are aiming to stay sober when you go out....

    What I would do is track the things you drink, but don't feel bad about it. It's only one night and you are set to a calorie deficit anyways. This means that you will have to eat healthier and work out more to make up for your drinking habits, but if drinking is something you really value then you will be able to do it.

    Good luck! If you find a way to cut out drinking completely, let me know! lol
  • grag79
    grag79 Posts: 70 Member
    I love to drink too.I just try to exercise extra if I am going to have a drink.Saying that it is not always the case I have often went well over but I have to be extra good during the week.I wont cut out the booze cause realisticly I will not stick to that but I do try and save calories the days I am going to have a drink or two or......:) xgx
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    I drink every night of the week,,,I have found a low cal wine 40 cals per 125ml so it works in just fine with my 4 glasses a night!

    I always put 4 drinks down but some days I have 1 somedays I have more depends how I feel if you cut everything you enjoy out of your life then you are prob not going to stick with it.

    All the alchohol haters prob still have a little of something that they used to enjoy in bulk

    Just work it into your cals and if you want to get rid of it later down the line then go for it!
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    Stop drinking. Dependency on alcohol is rampant in our society. Myself, I don't quite understand it. I'll buy a six-pack of beer and it will sit in my fridge for a year. People seem to find a way to include alcohol in everything they do.

    Edit: I forgot to mention that not only do alcoholic beverages contain a lot of calories, the processing of alcohol taxes your liver and hinders its ability to metabolize fat.
  • stupot73
    stupot73 Posts: 5 Member
    Simple answer.. don't drink.

    As a regular beer drinker it is hard to stop.. but two pints is more than a quarter of my daily calorie allowance, so I'm cutting it out until I lose another two pounds. That is good motivation for me.

    Maybe 'treat' yourself to one drink after every pound you lose, and don;t cheat - or you are just cheating yourself.
  • BigRedgw2010
    BigRedgw2010 Posts: 127 Member
    I used to drink a lot until I watched a video how drinking destroy your liver. It's only posion, so I quite cold turkey. Now I only drink one glass of wine every two to three months. No more black out and no more hangovers and I feel great. :happy:
  • robston
    robston Posts: 67 Member
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    I drink every night of the week,,,I have found a low cal wine 40 cals per 125ml so it works in just fine with my 4 glasses a night!

    I always put 4 drinks down but some days I have 1 somedays I have more depends how I feel if you cut everything you enjoy out of your life then you are prob not going to stick with it.

    All the alchohol haters prob still have a little of something that they used to enjoy in bulk

    Just work it into your cals and if you want to get rid of it later down the line then go for it!
    Please look into getting help. 4 drinks a day....everyday is far from moderation.
  • Salasel
    Salasel Posts: 69 Member
    Michelobe Ultra has become my new drink of choice when I go out. 98 calories a bottle and taste like real beer!
  • JenMull44
    JenMull44 Posts: 226 Member
    I drink every night of the week,,,I have found a low cal wine 40 cals per 125ml so it works in just fine with my 4 glasses a night!

    I always put 4 drinks down but some days I have 1 somedays I have more depends how I feel if you cut everything you enjoy out of your life then you are prob not going to stick with it.

    All the alchohol haters prob still have a little of something that they used to enjoy in bulk

    Just work it into your cals and if you want to get rid of it later down the line then go for it!
    Please look into getting help. 4 drinks a day....everyday is far from moderation.

    I thought the same thing when I read this thread. Four drinks a day is offiicially a habit.
    This person is either VERY young and still has a high metabolism or does not have a lot of weight to lose.
  • I drink every night of the week,,,I have found a low cal wine 40 cals per 125ml so it works in just fine with my 4 glasses a night!

    I always put 4 drinks down but some days I have 1 somedays I have more depends how I feel if you cut everything you enjoy out of your life then you are prob not going to stick with it.

    All the alchohol haters prob still have a little of something that they used to enjoy in bulk

    Just work it into your cals and if you want to get rid of it later down the line then go for it!

    4 a day, every day, is a bit heavy... I mean 1 a day, most days, sure. But a minimum of 4 every day, and maybe more? That is pretty high, and really isn't healthy (even if you are counting it into your calories). And believe me, I am noooo alcohol hater.
  • Yep, I hear you. I've been logging every beer I drink and, on the days I do drink, I rarely ever stay within my caloric goal. I love winding down at night with a couple of beers--and thus the stubborn midsection weight! In general, I go over about 300 calories when I drink beer in the evenings. I keep my food diary private, but this morning (after having a couple beers last night), I decided to start posting the days I drink on my news feed. My goal is to develop new habits to wind down and cut the drinking in half, at least.

    If anyone has similar goals, feel free to add me : )