The "fat Burning zone" thing...



  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    If you exceed your target heart rate you will only burn sugar...not fat.

    Wrong. In the so-called fat burning zone you burn a higher proportion of calories from fat but in the more intense zones you're still burning calories from fat.

    The second thing that's erroneous is that most HRM monitors use the formula of 220- your age as MaxHR which has been demonstrated to be a pretty useless calculation. To really establish what your MaxHR is you need to do a stress test and then base your zones on that. Most people will never do that so perceived exertion works just fine for those with no underlying heart problems.
  • taxidermist15
    taxidermist15 Posts: 677 Member
    Thanks guys! definately Taking this advice!
    Here's the best answer possible:

    1. Your actual max heart rate could be as high as 210 or more and still be "normal". An estimated max heart rate should just be used as a general road map until you actually start exercising and can compare your feelings of perceived exertion with your exercise heart rate.

    2. There is no "fat burning zone". There are intensity levels at which the body burns a higher percentage of fat for fuel (the highest percentage being at rest). However, the percentage of fat burned during a workout or the total amount of fat burned during a workout HAS NO EFFECT ON STORED BODY FAT. In other words there is NO advantage whatsoever in trying to "burn more fat" during a workout.

    2A. The same holds true for "working for a certain duration so that your body switches from burning carbs to burning fat". That indeed might happen, but it is of zero significance when it comes to reducing body fat. Your goals during exercise are to: train for fitness, maximize overall calorie expenditure, and conserve lean muscle mass. That is achieved through a balanced program that includes cardio exercise of different intensities and duration, and resistance training.

    in other words, go for it !! push yourself

    This is important... Unless you're an athlete, heart rate target zones are not relevant to you.

    and also this

    you guys are brilliant!