Looking for busy working moms



  • chengjer123
    Hi all, I am a working mom of four boys, ages 13, 7,6 and 4. Work 40 hrs a week. I work from home, i exericse during my lunch and breaks. This is the only time I have for myself. My husband is very supported, but being a mom, i feel guilty if the kids are home and i am going out to exercise (like to spent my evening with the boys)...not sure if anyone else feel the same. Sometime I will exerice at night, if my day schedule is mess up and i can't do it during my lunch and breaks (meeting to go to in the office or appointment during the day).

    Feel free to add me..i am pretty new here.
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Full time working mom with 2 kids (4 and 2.5). I work out at home while DH watches the kids. We alternate days for after work and night time workouts.
  • AmbieSweetz
    AmbieSweetz Posts: 72 Member
    Feel free to add me!! Working mom with a 2 yr old here!! Both hubby and I work oppisite shifts, and it is hard to find time. Luckily I have my own elliptical, but still its hard to have "mommy time" to work out and i do liketo change things up. Whether I do 3 mins or 30mins, I at least do!! Youtube has tons of at home workouts routines to do at home!
  • Tonya0605
    Tonya0605 Posts: 111 Member
    I work 35 hours a week and am Mom to four - 18, 16, 10 and 16 mos. I like to workout during my lunch hour - mostly walking. I feel like that time doesn't interfere with anything else I am obligated to do. I park exactly one mile from my office building - so when I don't have to make a mad dash home to carry someone somewhere, I walk to my car. I also have a treadmill and I work out at least 3xs a week on it followed by weight training with resistance bands. My hubby is very supportive, too; however, he works night shift. The older children help ALOT - so that is very helpful.
  • PTOMom
    I work a full time job as does my husband. We have two little boys, our youngest will be three in October and our oldest is five and just started Kindergarten. We are so very busy! As I said, my husband and I both work full time and our oldest just started Kindergarten (which I am actively involved in), so it is very hard to find time to exercise. I find it best to try and incorporate the whole family. We take walks and bike rides, and play some kind of sport in the yard. Granted, I'm still pretty new at all of this, but I'm hoping that this gives you some good ideas!
    CHESHIREKATUS Posts: 5 Member
    Great question. I have been on MFP for a year now and just haven't had the time to post something similar, so thanks for that. I am a working mom of two. I have a daughter who is 8 and a son who is 2. I am a biologist so I do a lot of hiking and walking at work during the spring and fall, but during summer and winter, I barely have enough time to do any exercise beyond my 50 hour a week schedule and the fact that when I get home the kids want all of my attention. My hubby works part time (30 hours a week 65 miles away), drops the girl off at school, and takes the boy to his grandma's before work and picks him up after work. So definitely couldn't do it without him, but some days I do feel guilty for attempting any me workout time in the evening (like a trip to the gym or Zumba or yoga) because he does so much, and I want him to be able to rest too. It is all I can do some days to make a healthy dinner and spend some time with my kids. I have gone on lunch hour walks and was possibly thinking of joining the gym down the road from work to fit in some workout time during lunch. There are also some really nice workout vids on Netflix which I have been sneaking in late at night, when my kids go to bed early enough and I don't just collapse. :yawn: Good luck to you, and feel free to add me if you like. :flowerforyou:
  • traynorj82
    traynorj82 Posts: 234 Member
    Any of you ladies please feel free to add me. I am also a mother of a very active 2 year old little girl, work full time during the week and my husband works full time weekends. I exercise from home after my daughter goes to bed during the week and go for walks with her on the weekends. I do what I can to eat right. I would love more support from other women.
  • TiffanyNicole421
    TiffanyNicole421 Posts: 43 Member
    I am a working mom with two kids. I have to be at work at 6:45 am and I get off at 4pm. I get off work and go pick up my kids. Wednesdays is swim class at 6pm with my five yr old. My husband works in the evenings so help from him is limited. Once we get home I cook dinner and get the kids to bed. I usually work out at 8pm. It is the only time I have left in the day.
  • rmchapman4
    rmchapman4 Posts: 152 Member
    Busy mother of 3 here...so i understand completely feel free to add me as well

    Likewise; working mother of three daughters (10, 11, and 14) with a variety of after-school activities. My husband travels a lot iwth his job. If I get 2 days a week in --- it is a milestone!
  • yoyogirl68
    I am 44yo Australian single mum to one 13yo girl and need to lose 25-30kg. I work full time and the daily commute takes about 2.5 hours a day.

    I walk to the train station, and then from the train to my office, so that is about a 45 minute walk every day. That is pretty much my exercise. This weekend I have been for a one hour walk every day.

    For food, I guess it is in some ways easier for me as I'm not cooking for a whole family. It's just me and my daughter. I'm doing the BodyTrim system, which is basically a high protein, low carb food plan. So we eat mainly chicken or fish with green vegies and my daughter likes raw veggies, so that is easy, I just cut up what she likes, and have a salad for myself.

    Anyway, I plan to be here every day and track my food and exercise and comment on the wall. I know I am in a different time zone, so my comments may not be prompt, but I'll do my best. I've found that being on this site at night time stops the post dinner binge.

    If you read my profile and think we can help one another, please add me. Thanks!
  • klacount77
    klacount77 Posts: 270 Member
    Hello!!! Friend me! Friend me! I work two jobs, go to school and have 6 kids! I need more busy mom friends! But I try to log daily. I try to move my butt every day and it has taken me 15 months to lose 60.6 pounds.

    Woo hoo! Power to the working mom!
  • aussie_nic_getting_fit
    hey all the lovely mummies..

    i am a single mum of a nine year old girl.. i am a shift worker (24hour/7day week roster).
    My girl spends no time with her dad or his family (deadbeat is to kind of a word, but he blessed me with an amzing gift, so i gues i''l owwe him for that ).

    i get to the gym minimum of 5 days per week & exercise the 6th day and have one rest day. as we all know, its hard at times to find the time to get to the gym, but i find NO excuses... I FIND THE TIME.... i add it into my diary, like an appointment.. sometimes i may have to train at 11.30pm after work or in the morning afgter a 10 hour night shift..

    sometimes us mummies just gotta use our time wisely...

    feel free to add me...
  • squintz223
    squintz223 Posts: 3 Member
    Add me as well...need all the help I can get.

    I have 4 kids, two girls and two boys, ages 10, 9, 6 and 4.5. I work between 60 and 70 hours a week, and normally run between 20 and 30m a week. I recently injured my foot, while training for a marathon and have become fairly sedentary. Like if I can't run, I don't want to do anything exercise related....Not right, but that's what's happened over the last 3 weeks since I got hurt.

    Normally, I'm at work by 6:15am, home by 6pm, go for a run 2-3 days a week while the husband makes dinner. Eat when I get back, showers all around, and then bed. On the weekends, I was doing a long run. Eventually I'll get back to running, I hope, but until then, it's all I can do to remember to log my food, nevermind look at what I'm eating.

    I'm fortunate, my mom watches my kids, or I wouldn't be able to do nearly what I manage now. :(
  • JLynnScov
    I have 2 boys. One is 3.5 and the other is 1.5. I work 25 hours a week, but my commute is 1.5 hours a day. I don't know how to fit it all in. I notice that a lot of you work out at night. I think I am going to have to start doing that. It's usually the only time I spend with my husband, so I wanted to keep it that way. My 3.5 year old is a very light sleeper and would definitely get up if I got up at 6 am. I would love to continue a support group on here for busy Moms! I have over 50 pounds to lose.
  • GiaBellDebbs
    GiaBellDebbs Posts: 6 Member
    I am with you. I have teen now in high school and a two year old. I work full time. 40 hours a week. So I squeeze it workout after kids eat dinner and hubby is home. I am still needing to drop 30 to get back to my goal 130 lbs
  • FashionableZoe
    I am also a working mother of two children and struggle to find time to work out---in 3 months i am down 21 pounds but really need to loss about another 20 pounds to be happy. I would really appreciate anyone advise to help me get there...
  • Lmns218
    Lmns218 Posts: 155
    Hello where are the single working mothers? I was working at home and working out after my son went to bed, but this is my first week on a new job, and it is outside of the home and I find myself absolutely exhausted!!! I haven't worked out since Saturday but my eating has been pretty good all week for the most part.

    I'm thinking maybe I should at least strive for working out on the weekends maybe?
  • Rochester_mom
    Rochester_mom Posts: 100 Member
    I work full time and I have three kids ages 6,4 and 3 and I have been carving time out during lunch to get to the gym. I'm not always successful and I continually struggle to keep my motivation up. My gym has child are so my Saturday am body conditioning class is sacrosanct and I plop the kids in the child watch while I work out. I want to lose another 25 lbs to get to goal weight and it has been such a struggle. My husband is supportive in that he really encourages me but there is no doubt that dinner, bath and bedtime are my responsibility.... I am definitely looking for other working moms to help keep me motivated to get to the gym!!
  • Emmienz
    Emmienz Posts: 29
    Oh i feel everyones pain here !! im a working mum of one very busy little boy i do a 40-45 hr week with a husband in the Armed forces so is very offen away for long times ! ... I find I really have to push myself to work out after a busy day at work cooking dinner and bath time etc

    Im very lucky that when my husband is home I tend to take the dog out for a walk/run while he baths our son but when hes not there i find i slip back into not working out so reading threw all your tips and advice on when you work out is very helpful!

    We have been doing more and more as a family to get out and get fit which is really motivating getting out riding our bikes as a family or talking a walk and having a picnic hiking etc or just taking a ball down to the park.. my son loves the out doors and my husbands already fit due to his job so i find getting out and doing things together really motivates me to keep on track and keep pushing myself rather than watching :)

  • changingmylife85
    I work full time myself. I have 3 amazing kids, but I don't own a gym membership. I refuse to. I'm part of a few motivational support groups on Facebook. You're more than welcome to join! Its hard, trying to balance all at once without threading your fingers into your scalp and pulling!