Anybody tracking sugar? I keep going over ughh!



  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    unless you have a medical problem with sugar; I'd think that if you are eating a good amount of good foods then a little too much suagr isn't a big deal.
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    Since the only sweetness in my diet comes from fresh fruit I don't track sugar.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    i track my sugar and sodium. i almost always go over too. unfortunately a greek yogurt has like 18 grams of sugar in it and thats really high since my limit is like 39 grams. then add a banana or a bowl of cheerios and im over lol. right now im in the red at 10 grams over and i still have way too many calories im suppose to be eating. it sucks.

    you don't need to track sodium, either, more than likely. a very small percentage of people are sodium sensitive.

    This. I try to meet and exceed sugar and sodium, not diabetic or taking medication for blood pressure though. :)
  • treehugger215
    treehugger215 Posts: 97 Member
    I track my sugars. Little things add up, like a tsp in your coffee, or an extra piece of fruit. Grab some veggies instead of fruit (I'm not saying fruit is bad, but in moderation if you're watching sugars)! Make your own sauces, ect. Try unsweetened almond milks? Also avoid processed foods. Hope that helps!
  • There are different kinds of sugar though. There is lactose, sucrose, fructose and glucose. They all react differently in the body, so the sugar category is kinda vague. It counts ALL sugar, where the fructose (from fruit) is utilized in the body immediately, and the other forms are stored. I.E. the glycemic index. So I think if you eat the right kinds of sugars (like other smart ppl have said previously) then you dont need to worry as much. Here is a video that explains it better...