Don't know how common knowledge this is



  • NaturalNancy
    NaturalNancy Posts: 1,093 Member
    I don't like the lactose and sugar in it.
    I like to drink water, then some almonds or a protein shake.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,243 Member
    edited February 2016
    jetabear10 wrote: »
    They have commercials all the time about chocolate milk. I would watch out though. Most chocolate milk is made with either 1% or 2% milk, meaning fat content is high. You can get similar results by just drinking skim milk after a workout (the chocolate milk's only benefit is that it has the taste and more simple carbs, sugar, which gets delivered to the body quickly).

    Chocolate milk: 226 calories, 9g protein, 9g fat and 33 g carbs
    Skim milk: 90 calories, 9g of protein, 0g of fat 13 g of carbs

    Personally, I would just drink 2 servings of skim milk and look to get the fat another source of food in my diet.

    the point is the perfect balance of carbs and protein for your muscles to heal faster.

    Keep in mind peeps that it is full of sugar too. The Great Chocolate Milk Conspiracy is funded by the makers of chocolate milk. Just like the gatorade people tell you gatorade is good for you. Buyer beware. I was duped by the ads for chocolate milk too until I dug a little deeper. It just isn't worth it compared to other options out there. (and since I am trying to keep the sugar consumption down ~ it is out for me)

    Good luck all!
    Cronic high sugar (above recommended limits) will not only make you fat but increases your chances of diabetes too. Being healthy isn't just about looking good on the outside, we need to look good on the inside too!

    Sugar is not going to make a person fat who is eating at a calorie deficit. It is simply not going to happen. For that matter you are completely neglecting the context of drinking this, it is following an intense workout. That means glycogen stores would be depleted in muscles and likely in the liver as well, all that sugar does provide what is needed to quickly replenish those stores so one has energy to do more rather than feel completely drained. I don't necessarily think that chocolate milk is necessarily superior to everything else out there, but I know following a 2 plus hour intense bike ride something with sugar is wonderful to pick me up and keep me from feeling flat the rest of the day. Chocolate milk happens to have a little protein alone with the sugar and it tasty to boot. Nothing wrong with it as long as it fits in ones calories and better yet into their macro breakdown. It will not cause harm in that context for any healthy person.
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    Nothing wrong with chocolate milk, but nutrient timing, including drinking chocolate milk after working out, is majoring in the minors. Sure there is some science but truth is the 99+% of us have many other things in our nutrition and exercise that are much more important.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    edited February 2016
    Psst - it's a necro'd thread.

  • ElizabethOakes2
    ElizabethOakes2 Posts: 1,038 Member
    jfanent wrote: »
    My son's wrestling coach has the entire team drink chocolate milk after practice....even the one's cutting weight.

    So did my nephew's, but only after a member of another team that they compete against ended up in the ER after having too much sports drink (powerade, if I remember rightly) during an event. Kind of scary!
  • sheermomentum
    sheermomentum Posts: 827 Member
    I was wondering if this depends on how hard you workout? For someone who takes a light walk..say 2.0 for 20 minutes is drinking chocolate milk benficial????

    Well, it would certainly nourish your soul.

    Milk was what bodybuilders drank before protein powder became popular. Chocolate is....chocolate.