Office ppl, what annoys you at work?



  • lauleipop
    lauleipop Posts: 260 Member
    When there are three people on a conference call, all at their respective desks, all on speaker phone, and they are all dialed in to the same call. Seroiusly? Could the three of you not go sit in a conference room together? We've got NINE conference rooms for Christ' sake!

    The girl who sits next to me, who eats almonds all. day. long. She has TMJ, so her jaw pops everytime she chews. *crunchPOPcrunchPOP* And then she complains about gaining weight. I counted once, just out of curiousity. That day, assuming she ate one almond at a time, she ate 163 almonds.

    People who try to talk to me through the cubicle wall, essentially yelling. Really? Couldn't get up and walk around? Had to yell, thus interrupting every single person in the office with this unnecessarily loud conversation?

    The people who stand across the hallway to talk, requiring anyone needing to pass by to walk between them and through their conversation. Could you not stand on the same wall together? Or, here's a thought, could you not stand in the hallway at all? Perhaps in one of the open areas? Or in a conferene room? Or the break room? Or the service center? Or the lobby? Or one of your cubicles?
  • Erica_Rae
    Erica_Rae Posts: 96 Member
    #1. The loud chewing and smacking gum coming from surrounding cubicles.
    #2. Every one here is older than me, so they talk to me like im stupid because of my age.
    #3. When people blame you for someone else's mistake
    #4. People who YELL on the phone instead of using a normal, reasonable voice.
  • adamsurpren
    So far...noise noise noise is the winner here. We all seem to hate noise, whether it be chewing, walking or talking. Interesting.

    As for my noise complaints, I'd say the loud vaccuum cleaner of the custodian. it's 2012 dude, get a new vaccuum.

    The noise of when people talk about shows I dvr'ed. OMG not everyone watches them live!!

    And also, the noise of that one person in the office who counts down the days. Happy tuesday! 2 down 3 to go! Yeah...we ALL know. Remember when we did it LAST week?
  • twinkle320
    twinkle320 Posts: 23
    I work in a very small department of a very large company, they decided to place the cubicles for my group smack dab in the middle of one of the company call centers, so hearing some of the conversations can get annoying but specifically:

    -The guy who sits in the cube on the other side of the wall from mine and farts all day thinking no one can hear it.
    - The HIGH PITCHED voice same guy puts on at the end of every phone call he takes.
    - And my biggest manger CONSTANTLY bringing in junk food of some kind and putting on the full court press to try to get me to eat it.
  • patty43ck
    patty43ck Posts: 248 Member
    When HR people don't know how or just don't want to do their job and then pass it off to you and then take all the credit for it!!!

    People who don't know how to operate a printer/copier/fax and just stand there dumbfounded until you walk over there and pull the jam out for them!!

    People who can't seem to talk about anything else but their TPS reports (work stuff) during a group lunch away from work! UGH!!!

    People who don't flush the toilet!! So Grossss!!
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    Perfumes and colognes - ugh. Actually that bothers me anywhere.

    People that won't change the water bottle on the cooler or bring up paper for the upstairs printer.

    And the bathroom habits of some of my co-workers (*shudder*). Flush, light a match, turn on the fan, leave the door closed - I don't want to know any of you that well.
  • HellsKells
    HellsKells Posts: 671 Member
    Business jargon is my top pet peeve. Especially when people want to "Circle back offline" on something. Really?
  • Erica_Rae
    Erica_Rae Posts: 96 Member
    The woman in the cubicle next to me growls at her phone when it rings..... really?
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    StrengthIDidntKnow Posts: 568 Member
    Pop, pop, pop, the gum popper. Seriously how much gum can one person chew.

    Whiners. Just do your job and stop worrying about what everyone else around you is doing.
  • DrewMaxwell
    DrewMaxwell Posts: 269 Member
    When HR people don't know how or just don't want to do their job and then pass it off to you and then take all the credit for it!!!

    People who don't know how to operate a printer/copier/fax and just stand there dumbfounded until you walk over there and pull the jam out for them!!

    People who can't seem to talk about anything else but their TPS reports (work stuff) during a group lunch away from work! UGH!!!

    People who don't flush the toilet!! So Grossss!!
  • Erica_Rae
    Erica_Rae Posts: 96 Member
    People that stay on personal calls virtually the WHOLE day
  • Erica_Rae
    Erica_Rae Posts: 96 Member
    And when people don't answer the phone when it is their turn!
  • L00py_T0ucan
    L00py_T0ucan Posts: 1,378 Member
    1. The constant stream of "Blesh You's" every time someone sneezes. No, not 'god bless you', not even 'bless you', slurred as 'blesh you'. Not to mention the unique sounds of the sneezes...

    ^ I'm just curious - are you saying you would you prefer no response, or that you would prefer that it's said clearly and articulately?
    i'm not criticizing you - i am genuinely curious about this... :flowerforyou:
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I work in an office with all men.

    -The fact that I had to print out a sign that says "Please remember to put the toilet seat down" and tape it to the wall in direct eye line when they stand up and they STILL don't always put it down.

    -Grown men can't seem to be able to e-mail a simple time card correctly but the younger guys that work here can.

    -The guy that used to work for our company and whom I've known my whole life that came back to work for us and thinks that he owns the place and I must report/cater to him. Um, NO I don't work for you, it is not my job to do YOUR work.

    -When the guys in the office and in the field order materials and don't go through me like they're supposed to do and then I have to scramble around trying to figure out which invoice goes to which purchase order or if there is even an existent purchase order for that order!
  • twistofcain
    twistofcain Posts: 190
    My Co-workers.
    People that do not state their name when they answer the phone...just a Hello.
    We do not have a Jameson Cooler...just a water one.
  • Leslie85
    Leslie85 Posts: 265 Member
    Trying to take information over the phone when there's so much gabbling going on in the background. All my co-workers seem to be very noisy!

    Mine is similar to this- people who keep talking to you even when they see you're on the phone!!
  • L00py_T0ucan
    L00py_T0ucan Posts: 1,378 Member
    We do not have a Jameson Cooler...just a water one.

    :drinker: :laugh: aw...yeahhhh....

    you've patented this, right?
  • kristalael
    kristalael Posts: 69 Member
    My Co-workers.
    People that do not state their name when they answer the phone...just a Hello.
    We do not have a Jameson Cooler...just a water one.

    My co-workers are the most annoying part of my job too! And the fact that we don't have liquor to deal with said co-workers.
  • pxkjmeandmine
    GOSSIP!!!!!!!! Enough said!
  • twistofcain
    twistofcain Posts: 190
    We do not have a Jameson Cooler...just a water one.

    :drinker: :laugh: aw...yeahhhh....

    you've patented this, right?

    Working on it!