The men who made us fat



  • mmcbutterpants
    mmcbutterpants Posts: 16 Member
    Some men contributed to my weight gain. Like Uncle Ben and Chef Boyardee. But so did Mrs Butterworth and Auntie Anne.

    I was thinking about Ben and his jerk of a friend Jerry
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    We put drug dealers and users in jail. Both are responsible. Same with food. Those that produce the crap and engineer it to be addicting and those that consume it without thinking contribute to the problem.

    The difference being that most drug users know that drugs aren't good for them, a lot of people eatng low fat foods are conned into thinking it's good for them
    The problem isn't "low fat" foods. Yogurt is low fat. The problem is lack of awareness of what people are ingesting in general. Then you have politicians who fight it whenever we want greater accuracy in food labeling, improve school lunches and get vending machines out of the schools. There's lots of blame to go around.
  • Ledgehanger
    Ledgehanger Posts: 125 Member

    My overeating and sitting my *kitten* on the couch is what made me fat. Since nobody held me down and shoved food into my mouth, I won't watch anything that points blame at anyone else.

    *standing ovation!*
  • mmcbutterpants
    mmcbutterpants Posts: 16 Member
    My wife makes me chubby :bigsmile:


  • WestCoastPhoenix
    WestCoastPhoenix Posts: 802 Member
  • Lonewolf1507
    Lonewolf1507 Posts: 507 Member
    One other part of the program was about this introduction of Low Fat Foods that replaced the fat content with sugar, those members of MFP from the Western side of the pond will know of SnackWell's products. Low Fat but the calories were similar to other products due to their sugar content, there were a lot of products that were marketed under the same banner but calorie content still wasn't good for you.

    I am also responsible for putting to much of the wrong things in my mouth.
  • mmcbutterpants
    mmcbutterpants Posts: 16 Member
    No one made anyone else fat....except Kevin Spacey in Seven, he over fed that one guy.....

  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    I just watched it, found it really interesting, it makes me angry that the big food corporations have no interest in giving people healthy food, it's all about profit, so they found substances to use eg. Corn syrup that is highly addictive and messes with the production of lectin in the body that tells you when you've had enough to eat. They put high amounts of sugar in "low fat healthy" foods, it's obscene

    OMG! Because there are just NO Other options...we should starve ourselves. time you go through the store, LOOK. There are plenty of healthy options. They make crap food because they can. YOU have the choice to either eat it or not. /facepalm
    Did you watch the programme?

    No, and I dont NEED to watch a program. The FACT is you have a CHOICE. Put **** in your mouth, or dont. Not difficult to understand...we as individuals are the problem.
  • skoshness
    skoshness Posts: 175
    We put drug dealers and users in jail. Both are responsible. Same with food. Those that produce the crap and engineer it to be addicting and those that consume it without thinking contribute to the problem.

    The difference being that most drug users know that drugs aren't good for them, a lot of people eatng low fat foods are conned into thinking it's good for them
    The problem isn't "low fat" foods. Yogurt is low fat. The problem is lack of awareness of what people are ingesting in general. Then you have politicians who fight it whenever we want greater accuracy in food labeling, improve school lunches and get vending machines out of the schools. There's lots of blame to go around.
    I meant the low fat diet foods and they're just one example, you should watch the documentary if you can, it is interesting, more people in this thread should watch it instead of spouting **** based purely on the title
  • skoshness
    skoshness Posts: 175
    I just watched it, found it really interesting, it makes me angry that the big food corporations have no interest in giving people healthy food, it's all about profit, so they found substances to use eg. Corn syrup that is highly addictive and messes with the production of lectin in the body that tells you when you've had enough to eat. They put high amounts of sugar in "low fat healthy" foods, it's obscene

    OMG! Because there are just NO Other options...we should starve ourselves. time you go through the store, LOOK. There are plenty of healthy options. They make crap food because they can. YOU have the choice to either eat it or not. /facepalm
    Did you watch the programme?

    No, and I dont NEED to watch a program. The FACT is you have a CHOICE. Put **** in your mouth, or dont. Not difficult to understand...we as individuals are the problem.
    Whatever mate
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member
    i urge any person wacthing theese kind of documentries to consider thier opion carefully.

    i make no excuises for the fact that they are evil and yes what they do is wrong, but as consumers all we have to do to stop it is not partake and they will look for things which appeal to us.

    sadley they found something that appealed to quick and easy side within us and thier profits sored, but we (as in people) allowed it to happen and did not care where are greater conveince came from.

    also if you take just one message from these documentries, take the message that large scale corparations are evil and only intrested in profit...because this is not uniqure to the food industry.

    I have some extra tin foil if your hat ever gets lost.
  • ravenclawseekergirl
    ravenclawseekergirl Posts: 342 Member
    I just watched it, found it really interesting, it makes me angry that the big food corporations have no interest in giving people healthy food, it's all about profit, so they found substances to use eg. Corn syrup that is highly addictive and messes with the production of lectin in the body that tells you when you've had enough to eat. They put high amounts of sugar in "low fat healthy" foods, it's obscene

    OMG! Because there are just NO Other options...we should starve ourselves. time you go through the store, LOOK. There are plenty of healthy options. They make crap food because they can. YOU have the choice to either eat it or not. /facepalm
    Did you watch the programme?

    No, and I dont NEED to watch a program. The FACT is you have a CHOICE. Put **** in your mouth, or dont. Not difficult to understand...we as individuals are the problem.
    Children don't....and only now am i able to sort out the damage.
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    I read about this and thought it sounded interesting and have it recorded to watch at some point (probably when the euros are over!).

    Of course it's ultimately each persons choice what they put into their body. But as someone has already said many people have no idea about what they are actually eating, so if a program like this helps to make a few people stop and think that can't be a bad thing. I do usually find with these sorts of shows you have to take some of what is said with a pinch of salt though!!
  • shavon007
    shavon007 Posts: 143 Member
    nope I havent seen it. thanks for putting the link up im gonna check it out.
  • mogolo
    mogolo Posts: 30
    I just watched it, found it really interesting, it makes me angry that the big food corporations have no interest in giving people healthy food, it's all about profit, so they found substances to use eg. Corn syrup that is highly addictive and messes with the production of lectin in the body that tells you when you've had enough to eat. They put high amounts of sugar in "low fat healthy" foods, it's obscene

    OMG! Because there are just NO Other options...we should starve ourselves. time you go through the store, LOOK. There are plenty of healthy options. They make crap food because they can. YOU have the choice to either eat it or not. /facepalm
    Did you watch the programme?

    No, and I dont NEED to watch a program. The FACT is you have a CHOICE. Put **** in your mouth, or dont. Not difficult to understand...we as individuals are the problem.
    Children don't....and only now am i able to sort out the damage.

    well I dont know about you but i'm almost 30 and when I was a kid my mom cooked fresh local veggies and real meat. I was in great shape untill I got on my own and started eatting crap myself and not doing much of anything. thats 110% my fault. Now my kids my wife and me. We eat "real" food. So go ahead and blame your parents since thats what your doing but you still had a "choice" to be more active wether in school, playing outside, so on... I know people who eat nothing but mcdonalds,taco bell and pizza and play sports, work out and arent overweight at all. they bust there A** to not get that way with what they eat. are they healthy? maybe maybe not but they are in shape,active and not overweight like most of us on here were or are. Blame otheres + dieting doesnt go hand and hand very well......
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    I wish people would stop going on about the title. It's not about blaming someone else for the weight you gain.
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    We put drug dealers and users in jail. Both are responsible. Same with food. Those that produce the crap and engineer it to be addicting and those that consume it without thinking contribute to the problem.

    The difference being that most drug users know that drugs aren't good for them, a lot of people eatng low fat foods are conned into thinking it's good for them
    The problem isn't "low fat" foods. Yogurt is low fat. The problem is lack of awareness of what people are ingesting in general. Then you have politicians who fight it whenever we want greater accuracy in food labeling, improve school lunches and get vending machines out of the schools. There's lots of blame to go around.
    I meant the low fat diet foods and they're just one example, you should watch the documentary if you can, it is interesting, more people in this thread should watch it instead of spouting **** based purely on the title
    I've watched "Food Inc" which posited what appears to be the same arguments. I have no love for people who make a profit off of making other people miserable, even if individual will is involved. I know it's anathema in America to judge people who pursue profit at all costs but that's where I stand. I think it's morally wrong to make money by exploiting people's weaknesses.
  • skoshness
    skoshness Posts: 175
    We put drug dealers and users in jail. Both are responsible. Same with food. Those that produce the crap and engineer it to be addicting and those that consume it without thinking contribute to the problem.

    The difference being that most drug users know that drugs aren't good for them, a lot of people eatng low fat foods are conned into thinking it's good for them
    The problem isn't "low fat" foods. Yogurt is low fat. The problem is lack of awareness of what people are ingesting in general. Then you have politicians who fight it whenever we want greater accuracy in food labeling, improve school lunches and get vending machines out of the schools. There's lots of blame to go around.
    I meant the low fat diet foods and they're just one example, you should watch the documentary if you can, it is interesting, more people in this thread should watch it instead of spouting **** based purely on the title
    I've watched "Food Inc" which posited what appears to be the same arguments. I have no love for people who make a profit off of making other people miserable, even if individual will is involved. I know it's anathema in America to judge people who pursue profit at all costs but that's where I stand. I think it's morally wrong to make money by exploiting people's weaknesses.
    I agree and unfortunately it happens a lot
  • emrys1976
    emrys1976 Posts: 213 Member
    If there were one complaint I would have to make about these forums is how judgmental people can be. I was told once to stay away from forums because they're poison. I see what they mean now.
  • anthemforagirl

    My overeating and sitting my *kitten* on the couch is what made me fat. Since nobody held me down and shoved food into my mouth, I won't watch anything that points blame at anyone else.
