Anyone have any hacks for drinking more water?



  • healthyamberB
    healthyamberB Posts: 47 Member
    My dad got me this giant, 64 oz water bottle from the dollar store and i take that around with me everywhere. I constantly drink a few sips every couple of minutes and by the end of the day i'm done with the bottle. Its a good thing the bottle was only a dollar though. Its super cheap and shatters like glass when you drop it from a low height (and its made of plastic!)
  • Dwamma
    Dwamma Posts: 289 Member
    I ususally drink over a gallon of water a day....In the moring I drink two glasses before I leave for work... I fill my water bottles and take them to work, I put them in the frideg cuz I like it cold....Once a day i will add a walmart energy powder to it (dragon fruit, wild know those single powders you can add to water) the rest of the water I just drink cold and plain....My goal it to drink all my water before I leave for work....I am usually successfully!! Best of Luck!! Blessings!!
    FITFORT Posts: 85
    I have a two 32-oz water bottles that I rotate out in the Fridge. While I'm drinking one, the other is chilling. My goal is to drink 4 32-oz bottles a day. Sometimes it's only 3. But I do a lot better if I space it out as follows:

    1 bottle - after workout/with breakfast/shortly after breakfast
    1 bottle - with lunch and shortly after
    1 bottle - mid-afternoon
    1 bottle - with dinner and shortly after.

    Anything over that is bonus territory!
  • jsukhan
    jsukhan Posts: 149 Member
    At present I drink at least 4L of water at day, which is what I should be drinking for my body weight (160). I have a 1L bottle that I take to work with me. I started my water trying to drink more water last year. I would fill my bottle in the morning and have half gone by coffee break, then finish it by lunch, same for the afternoon. Then summer came and I was finishing my bottle by morning coffee break, again by lunch and same for the afternoon.
    I'll admit it was hard at first, but once I got used to it I love it. I feel much healthier. Sometimes you want to eat, but your really only thirsty. On week-ends when I'm not working its harder, I don't really pay attention at work, just drinking all day. So if I haven't kept up my water on the week-end I'm craving it monday. Its easier to work with smaller amounts too. Easy to down .25L at coffee breaks and refill it.
    Yes downside, you have to go to the bathroom alot. But water cleanses your system. Other than milk with my cereal I pretty much only drink water and love it.
  • imlik
    imlik Posts: 64 Member
    I've found two large tumblers whose designs make me happy to look at, and they hold about three cups of water. I keep gallon jugs of water in the fridge and leave my empty cup beside it, so that when i go into the kitchen, I see the cup and want to drink out of it. It is helping so far!
  • TauTheBull
    TauTheBull Posts: 96
    I have 1 cup when I wake up with my L-Carnitine and another cup before bed with L-Carnitine.

    1 cup during workout

    1 cup after workout

    I eat 4 meals and I have 2 cups with each meal... One before and one after.
  • caramkoala
    caramkoala Posts: 303 Member
    Put lots of chilli in your food!

    Or find something has happens at least 50 times a day, and drink every time it happens (then it's like a game) In summer, I have a drink everytime someone complains about the weather, in Winter, I do the same. At home on front of a computer, everytime a person posts a stupid fb status update, youtube comment, forum topic or comment...etc etc Or some says the game can be everytime I hear my name (Mum!)
  • jsukhan
    jsukhan Posts: 149 Member
    My dad got me this giant, 64 oz water bottle from the dollar store and i take that around with me everywhere. I constantly drink a few sips every couple of minutes and by the end of the day i'm done with the bottle. Its a good thing the bottle was only a dollar though. Its super cheap and shatters like glass when you drop it from a low height (and its made of plastic!)

    I have broken more plastic water bottles than I can remember due to dropping them on concrete floors. I get mine at the dollar store too.
  • GetSkinny97

    I don't know how to post a picture, but if you visit the link, I think it's a great way to get enough water down!
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I keep one of those squirting bottles near me all the time and sip on it throughout the day. I endup drinking 9-12 glasses on a typical day and have drank 20 glasses on a high sodium day
  • annieinshape
    Just make it a habit, my throats always wants more water for some reason, & I'm pretty sure I drink enough water. I leave water bottles around the house, and everytime I see it, I just drink it
  • FredHodges
    sounds like you are doing good
  • ChelleSchefcik
    I would really like to phase out my a.m. coffee/creamer, even though I measure both and am accountable, I know that I could be drinking something better for me. Thanks for offering up the MiO suggestion. I get all my water in during te day but that would make for a nice change of pace too!
  • laughablyginger
    I keep a case of water in my car and drink a 16 oz bottle with breakfast, between bfast and lunch, another one at lunch, another one at 3 pm snack time, one before my workout, one after my workout, one with dinner, and one between dinner and bedtime. A total of eight 16 oz bottles equivalent of a gallon a day. Some days I go a little over that, on days I don't workout, I usually drink about 96 oz.

    Your water intake is beastly! Kudos on that.
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    I know you're asking for ways to drink more, but I'm going to be the lone dissenter and say you probably don't need as much as you've been led to believe, so maybe it's one less thing to worry about. I personally only drink when I'm thirsty. I NEVER get "8 glasses a day." On a normal day I get 5, on a water-heavy day, I'll get 7. 8 would be a freak accident. I don't avoid it, I just use my body's cue to drink when I'm thirsty. I have had no problem losing weight, feeling healthy, having energy, with bad skin, etc...Drink when you're thirsty. The old adages "if you're thirsty, you're already dehydrated" or "most hunger signals are really thirst signals" are like other old wive's tales. Why would this one human need (probably the most necessary one, behind breathing) be so undeveloped or unreliable that we can't trust it to cue us to drink? How would our ancestors have survived if they didn't know their bodies were misrepresenting their NEED for water?

    And I rarely drink with meals. Does it make sense that ancient man HAD to enjoy a few glasses of water while eating? Where did he store this water? Was he only able to eat creek-side in order to drink several glasses with his scavenged or hunted meal? I doubt it. He probably drank his fill when he was near water, it most likely wasn't stored in a convenient cave-side aquifer, ready for frequent, consistent doses throughout the day.

    Lest you think me crazy, there are many others starting to question the old 8 cups a day: (just a quick google search...)

    Just something to think about. Maybe you can feel good about what you get now and not stress about it not being enough. I bet you're doing great the way you're going now. If you physically feel like you need more though, I'd listen, but if it's the media's frightening you into thinking you need more, I'd listen to my own body first.
  • laughablyginger
    I'm seeing a lot of comments about strapping a water tower to my back, going swimming with my mouth open, and yodeling under waterfalls. How do you people drink two gallons a day!?

    I'm shocked and awed by your determination.

    Also @gauchogirl, those are interesting points you brought up and I appreciate other opinions.
  • ZoeMJ
    ZoeMJ Posts: 10
    I love water but can't get myself to even drink 8 cups a day. When I'm at home I use a straw. I always tend to drink faster using with one.
  • rahrahrita
    rahrahrita Posts: 225 Member
    I just drink plain water, but I've been drinking a lot less than I used to. When I DID drink a lot of water, it was because I had a refillable water bottle with a filter and I would just take that with me everywhere I went. Clear pee! haha
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    I just drink plain water, but I've been drinking a lot less than I used to. When I DID drink a lot of water, it was because I had a refillable water bottle with a filter and I would just take that with me everywhere I went. Clear pee! haha

    Oh yes, I forgot to mention that. If your urine is light to clear, you're probably getting enough. Another awesome sign from our amazing bodies!
  • zrmac804
    zrmac804 Posts: 369 Member
    I agree with gauchogiril - very few people need to constantly chug water. Drink when you're thirsty, and maybe a little extra for insurance, and you'll be fine.

    I have a couple of aversions that make this a challenge for me, so I'm not a shining example! Cold water hurts my mouth and makes me feel sick, and diet pop also makes me feel nauseated. :embarassed: I'll drink room -temperature water, but don;t enjoy it.

    My favourite low-cal drinks are:
    green tea
    caffeine-free herbal tea
    mineral water
    light beer (around 55 calories a bottle)