Turbo Jammers 8/17-8/23



  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    I had Burn 3 today. It was really hard to get started today because I had little sleep last night (client had a horrible nightmare and started to confuse it with reality).

    Anyway, I'm off to breakfast.
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Good evening everyone! I hope you all had a great Friday! I know I did:tongue:
    I feel really good about my workouts today-accomplished a lot! I completed a bikeride, Burn It Off, TJ FatBlaster and a Recharge session:happy: I'm off until Tuesday so woohoo-I'll be kickin it all weekend!:laugh:
    Great job with your workouts girls! Don't fret about missing a couple workouts, sometimes life gets in the way-PLUS you know there is always tomorrow to push it a bit harder!:glasses: hehehe
    Have a good one!
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Happy Friday! I got an extra workout in yesterday. My stinking car got towed for being parked too close to a driveway. I ended up walking 4 miles to get it back. Not happy about what happened and the expense but I am trying to focus on the positive and that is extra calories burned.

    Today I started CE. I did Burn1. I also got in 30 minutes of dance cardio and a quick walk on my lunch. It was also my weigh in day and I lost 2.8 pounds since last Friday. WOOHOO!!

    Will be finishing painting this weekend but will get my workouts in. Hope everyone has a great night!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Last night I finished CE Burn #3. I am officially to day 90 with the program! I had a lot of fun doing the program, but am ready for a short break (maybe a month or 2) to do some other strength training and then I'll probably do another round. I am proud of myself for making it the whole 90 days even!

    I took my after measurements, and I did lose 1" in the hips, but that was it. I didn't really expect to lose inches in my thighs or arms, as I am one of those that bulks up some when I lift weights. Nothing major, but definitely am up inches in measurement instead of down in those 2 areas. I like how my body looks more toned, and that's what matters to me!

    I'm going to get my workout in this morning and then off to spend the day with the fam! Have a great day everyone!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Good Morning all!
    I just finished breakfast (slept in a little after a looong week):tongue: so I figured I should eat first so as to not mess up my schedule. Made me some french toast made with egg beaters and topped with some PB! Can you believe that? haha-paired with a protein shake and I'm set! :laugh: Anyway, I am headin out for a bikeride this morning before it gets too hot, and then going to complete TJ CardioPartyMix1 a little later morning:smile: I hope your all having a great AM also!
    Erika-GREAT JOB completing CE! I'm so proud! I can't wait til I get there and can say YES I DID IT! Although, it will be almost winter(:explode: ) here when I finish so I might just do another round to keep going through the season..haha
    Spiralgirl-I'm sorry to hear about your car! That just stinks! I'm glad you got her back though! Just think of the 4-mile walk to get her and how many calories you burned--:laugh: Awesome job with the workouts!
    Keep pushin hard ladies! We ROCK!
  • BioGrimm
    BioGrimm Posts: 15
    Spiral Girl- I am so sorry about your car, but 4 miles to walk is awesome! (although it probably didn't seem that way then :flowerforyou: Congrats on your 2.8 pound loss!

    Erika- I am looking forward to ordering my CE! I have to wait until Spt. 1st to order, so will probably begin around the middle of Sept. My 90 days will end right before Christmas. In the meantime I have been doing TJ (of course) and following the Body-For-Life weight lifting regime. I really notice a difference in my arms and abs. I can FEEL a difference in my legs, but cannot see it due to that terrible fat layer.:grumble:

    I have to fit in a TJ workout today, get my hair cut and colored, and spend time visiting my mother and cleaning house. Everyone have a great day. Melissa
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Hi Everyone!

    Great job to all of you on your workouts!

    Erika, congrats on finishing CE!! :drinker: I did Burn 3 today and am getting ready for a nice long walk/jog later this afternoon.

    Hope everyone's having a great weekend!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Well, I did my full stretch routine for the first time since starting CE and wow, I really need to start doing it more often! Miranda recommends 3x per week so I might just go ahead and do it as a second routine on circuit days. I'm feeling really good though.
  • ecrb77
    ecrb77 Posts: 78
    Hi Everyone-
    Sounds like you all had a healthy week!
    My cold/flu is finally going away and I'm going to try to go for a walk and do some yoga this evening. Can't wait until my red nose is gone:smile:

    have a good one!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Good morning all! I always end up sleeping in a little on my days off-:grumble: But I guess no harm done-I've got all day to workout! haha! The rain has put a ca-bosh on my bikeride-at least for now anyway:mad: Oh well, I am going to fill in my morning with some pilates and another round of Turbosculpt! I think first is to do sculpt and TJ CardioPartyRemix or Mix1 followed by the pilates while my muscles are warm:smile: . This afternoon is Burn1 again! Can't wait!! I'm just hope that pairing it with Turbosculpt in the same day won't be a problem--:huh: I think if I stay light for sculpt it will be fine:smile:
    Erica-Glad you're feeling better! I'm sure you'll be kickin it up a notch now! hehe!
    Ghanie-Stretching is great! Hence my morning with pilates-I've been feelin it because my hamstrings are tight.
    Great job girls! I'll check back later this AM!
  • ecrb77
    ecrb77 Posts: 78
    Hi All-
    I'm feeling so much better today- didn't even take a dayquil! Last night the rain put a stop to my walk so I did TJ 20 minutes and 10 minutes of pilates abs (boy are they sore today!)
    Today during my study break I did 20 minutes of kickboxing and TJ 20 minutes. Hopefully tomorrow morning I can start up AM runs again.

    Hope you all have a great day:flowerforyou:
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Hi Everyone!

    Lilangel, definitely take advantage of the chance to sleep in...your body with thank you for it!!

    Erica, glad you're feeling better! :flowerforyou:

    Today I did Get Lean Intervals and I've Got Abs.

    Hope everyone is enjoying wha'ts left of your weekend! See you all tomorrow...
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Hi! Yesterday I did a 50 minute walk DVD and 20 minutes of pilates. I was a bit stiff from Burn 1 on Friday so I was trying to do routines that would help ease that.

    Today I did CP3 and Burn 2. Off to run errands and pick up last minute back to school supplies for my oldest son.

    Hope everyone has a great afternoon!!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Whew, the weekend just flew by! Spent the day yesterday at Valleyfair (it's an amusement park in MN), we were there for 10 hours...walking the whole time! I'm sure I burned off the not so great food I had. :happy: Today was a lot of yard work, house work and playin with my kiddos. Finally got them down for bed and got up the energy to do 20 minute TJ. Looking forward to getting back on schedule tomorrow...weekends are always so hard as I sleep in and throw my whole day off!