The Movers & The Shakers - Week 4



  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Yup, I'm with the plank haters. Day 2 today. I squeezed one off (why does that just not sound right?) at work, while my boss was out to lunch today... Still have a couple more to do tonight.

    Kat, I am impressed with your clapping pushups. I would be too skeered to even attempt it.

    sjmay, Yay you on week 4. I did week 4 for a week and a half, and only completed all the intervals one time. Then, took almost a week off. Now, I'm working on week 3 again. Sheesh, and I was hoping to be almost done with the program by the time we go on our cruise next week, so I'd look all hawt and awesome running the track on the ship. LOL whatever keeps us motivated, eh?
  • soupandsandwich
    soupandsandwich Posts: 59 Member
    I am drinking my water. I have done my planks. I suppose, since I said I would work up to 2 60 second planks, I had probably do them tomorrow. So excited about it! :ohwell:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Thanks everyone! Your kindness is greatly appreciated.:flowerforyou:

    Through my last grieving process I ended up eating a lot. This time I am running it off. I can't believe how different it seems like my life is now.

    So, I tried the planks last night for the first time. I had always heard they were hard, but WOW! :noway: I didn't think they'd be anything like they are! :laugh: But, it is now an exercise that I want to make sure I do a lot of, because I can tell that I will definietly benefit from it!

    I started week 4 of c25k this morning. I couldn't believe myself! I can jog 5 mins straight! And only weeks ago, I could barely make it the 1 min.:laugh: And I bet I looked like such a fool too, b/c once I hit the 4 min mark I was grinning like an idiot:bigsmile: I was just so proud of myself that I could do it!

    Hope everyone has a great day! Don't forget to keep up on the water :drinker:

    Way to go for running it off instead of eating. That is fantastic. You are doing great.
    I actually started the Couch to 5K this week and I can not wait to make it to 30 mins straight. It sounds like so much fun. Keep up the good work. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Sorry about your uncle. Death always puts things into perspective eh? Reminds you how precious time is.

    Congrats the week 4 of c25k. I have done the program and it is amazing how quickly your running improves. I have a 1/2 marathon in Oct, and it wasn't that long ago that even the thought of running made me tired :laugh:

    So I have tried the clap push ups. I figured for sure I could do at least 1 or 2 on my toes. They didn't look too hard. I thought the hardest part would be getting my hands back in place in time not to land on my face!:laugh: Boy was I wrong. The hardest part is just pushing your body up far enough to be able to get your hands in to clap in the first place. I can't do any on my toes! I did 3 on my knees but it was hard and the carpet hurt my knees. I have found the best place for me to do them is on the stairs where I have some added leverage. However, I have whacked my head off a step a few times doing them. My plan is to keep doing them on the stairs but to also keep trying to improve enough to eventually do one on my toes.:happy:

    You might think about getting a Yoga mat, and then fold it a couple of times. That is what I have to do when I do pushups. I still can not do any on my toes. All on my knees. :bigsmile:
    WINEYINVA Posts: 75 Member
    Well we took the kids to the pool today and I did a bunch of laps (lengthwise) across the pool, I have not done that forever. so I guess that counts for my exercise but I only did it one day. Better luck for me next time I hope.:cry:
    I have been thinking about that couch to 5k and logged on to to get the info, I may try it when I am finished with the 13th week of p90x which should be by middle sept.:smile: