SBF2 Reboot Boogaloo! week of Aug 17



  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    Sounds like a great day, MM.

    Kitty still hasn't eaten, back still hurts. It was a little better after yoga yesterday, but four hours of sitting for dinner and Wicked ruined me again. Could be worse - it could hurt when walking :tongue:

    I'm very grateful I do not get migraines. I used to have daily headaches (pre-yoga), but they were never stay home all day affairs.

    Today - ride bike to store, walk on treadmill. Ask for rain. Next week is only supposed to hit 98 degrees.

    Being grateful, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    All churches eat too much, MM. I brought a non-church friend to a potluck once and she looked at the spread and said "Gluttony is a sin, right?" It was meant as a joke, but it is interesting to think that overeating is the one vice embraced by nearly all church functions. :ohwell:

    Hope kitty eats soon Mary, that is really troubling. Mine just randomly stopped eating a few months ago (they were stressed out due to some street construction, I think) and I was a worried mama until they started again.

    Head still hurts, but is better than yesterday. . .it may be some weird sinus headache as our weather has been hazy and heavy for a few days. Even after Thursday's super-exciting tornadoes, we still haven't had a break from hot (well, hot for us) and humid. When I walk around, I feel like the contents of my skull are magically three feet behind me wherever I go. . .

    I'm going to try the gym anyways in a little while, in the hopes that it will loosen things up. I may try to sit in the steam room and see if that helps. I'm debating between a C25K treadmill session and the elliptical. . .

    I'm wondering if this could be some sort of weird withdrawal due to the diet? I wasn't using a lot of caffeine before, so that can't be it. . .hmmmmm. . .

    Breaking through (and novel) boogaloo!

    Take care.:flowerforyou:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    It's interesting, I've been getting headaches for the past couple of weeks myself. Not migraines, though (thank goodness!) - just mildly annoying because they don't seem to respond to ibuprofen or tylenol. I was just starting to wonder if it could be related to the weather or allergies. The past couple of days have actually been a bit better.

    I pulled out the DDR pad last night - and it was fun! My hip flexor is a bit sore, though - it's been getting sore after running, and now apparently dancing makes it act up, too. Not sure what's going on there. I read online that butt exercises can help because working those muscles forces the hip flexor muscles to relax. So I need to find some good exercises for my backside. I think I'll start over week 4 of pushups tonight or tomorrow - so I can get back to 3x/week without getting confused as to what day I'm on.

    MM, sounds like you have a fun day planned. V, hope the steam room helps. And Mary, I'll be thinking about both you and your kitty. :flowerforyou:

    Sunday boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    I do think headaches can definitely be weather related. Earlier this year I went to the doctor and found out that I had upper respiratory and sinus infections. The doc said both were related to the barometric change and since people get migraines/headaches due to sinuses, I can see how it could be related. It is also possible the my migraine a few days ago was weather related because we had a "cool" front come through that dropped in a few degrees. I also believe that you could be having withdrawals V. I have heard that sugar or wheat and things of the like can cause withdrawal symptoms. I know my son is an extreme case, but when I put him on the elimination diet over a year ago the first four days were absolutely horrible. He was worse than ever because he was having withdrawal symptoms. He may have been having headaches but didn't know how to tell us. I think with all the pollution in the air and in our water etc it's no wonder people have headaches all the time.
    Okay. I'm done. lol
    Had a good time at church, over ate a little bit but not as much as I wanted so that's somewhat of a victory. Now I am just goofing off and playing Farm Town. :laugh: