40+ Club - Fall Fitness Fanatics

I hope you all found this thread!!!

Good morning!

I trust that your weekend was a pleasant one. I decided to skip my Insanity on Sat & Sun so that my calf & knee could heal a bit. Since this week is my "recovery" week, I will make up those lost sessions today and Wednesday. The rest of the week I will do some stretching and light exercising. Insanity month 2 will begin next Monday.

We are going to the Boston area for the weekend, so we will be doing a lot of walking. I'll save some room for a bowl of rich, creamy "Chowdah"!!!

Have a great day!


  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Found you! Guess I've just become a Fitness Fanatic. Considering that yesterday I went up to my building's gym, which is poorly air conditioned, and worked out without a breath of air, I really have become one!
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Bump! Haven't had time to post but I am keeping up! Hello All!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Thanks for starting the new thread sing....:flowerforyou: Take care of that knee. My husband tore his meniscus and had a lot of problems with his knee. Dont want to see that happen to you.:wink:

    String.... Thank you for all your research and good advice. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I really appreciate it.

    I decided to try to eat every 2 hours. My "diet" that I used had me doing that and I lost quite a bit of weight. Of course I'm gonna try to see what happens if I eat MY food instead of the non stop chicken and veggies. I am gonna eat healthy for example I had oatmeal for breakfast and for snack and lunch I will have a half of a 99% fat free ham sandwich. Dinner will be chicken BBQ'ed with veggies and the other snack..... Hmmmm I dunno. Does that sound pretty good? I am also gonna do random exercises today like push ups and cruches along with what ever else I squeeze in in between running my errands.
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Hey everyone....found the new thread :happy: :happy:

    Not doing so great this weekend and today - did something to my upper back/neck late last week, and spent the weekend hurting. Felt so rotten this morning that I called my daughter's chiropractor and made an appointment for myself. Wow!!!!!! First time I've gone to one, and I'm impressed!! One visit and my neck feels MUCH better!!!! :happy: :happy: Back is still pretty sore, but he told me it would be for awhile; I'd let myself get so tense from the pain that it'll take a few days for everything to relax and stop hurting.
    Our insurance doesn't cover chiropractic care, (gee, thanks TRICARE - way to support your veterans and their families! :grumble: :grumble: ), but it's well worth every $ to me not to hurt! He said it's OK for me to continue to work out, just to listen to my body and stop if something hurts. Makes perfect sense to me:laugh: So, will try tonight and see how I do......
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,834 Member
    mkwood, sorry to hear you hurt yourself. I'm glad the chiropractor helped. And, yeah, let's not get started on TRICARE. :grumble:

    tron, your day's diet looks good to me. I think it's good to continue eating foods you enjoy, albeit maybe in a healthier fashion and maybe in smaller portions. That's what I try to do (within reason, of course).

    zebras, I'd say working out in a non-air conditioned gym this time of year clearly qualifies you as a 'fanatic'! Kudos to you for putting up with that.

    I did P90X Plyometrics today. I've heard about how tough this workout is. I found it very enjoyable actually. :tongue: It was tough, but not over-the-top. And I love this style of workout (what I think of as a drill-style workout). Good stuff.

    And after all the pushups yesterday, I fully expected my shoulders/chest to be sore today. Not even a hint of soreness. But my abs, on the other hand......yowza! That surprises me. But it's a good pain. :wink: I just hope it lets up a bit before doing Ab Ripper X again tomorrow.

    Hope everybody is enjoying their day. Thanks for starting the thread, singfree!
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Found you all! Thanks for starting the new thread, Sing. Enjoy the Chowda! Hope the weather cools down a bit for your visit.

    Yes, zebras, that is true dedication, to work out in a poorly air conditioned workout space. Good for you!

    Good to see you Hoosiermama!

    Tron, I like your plan. Change things up, and see how your body responds. Good luck!

    Mkwood, sorry your back and neck have been hurting. I know several people who swear by their chiropractors. Hopefully you'll recover much more quickly using one.

    I think the higher carb intake is working for me, as my weight has gone back down. In the last 3 weeks I dropped around 5 lbs. Not super fast weight loss, and possibly the fluctuation was off earlier, but I'm feeling pretty lean these days. :happy: My training sessions are getting even more intense, so I'm certain the carbs are helping out there. Last plyo session was 35 burpees, and to me, that's intense.

    Hope everyone has a great week! :drinker:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: Found ya'! :laugh:

    MK, sorry about your neck and back. :cry: Yes, it is unfortunate that Tricare will not cover some services. My daughter, who is serving now, saw a chiropractor at the hospital in Ft Hood. Do you live near a military post or base? Do they have chiropractors there?

    Stiring, I also had a lot of fun doing plyo this morning. I was a little nervous since hearing so much about it so I thought it was going to be awfully hard. I totally enjoyed it!!! :drinker: I am not sore either from chest/back. I guess we are both truly fit. I would love to be able to workout together, it would be so much fun. I need to preview the dvd for tomorrow so I know what equipment to set up. This morning I just had an apple before plyo because I wanted to workout as soon as I fed my puppy. I started the workout at 5:30am. I had a lot of energy. So I guess I will be having a piece of fruit or working out on an empty stomach if I workout that early. I am planning an afternoon workout tomorrow so I will have some food in my stomach.

    Take care!! :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Alf & Stiring!!! Great work with P90X!!! All of your hard work and dedication is paying off big time. It's funny, I thought plyo was fun too. Everyone says it's the mother of all workouts. I have to disagree. It's hard on the joints but not a terribly difficult workout. Insanity plyo is a different story!

    Yesterday I walked 3 miles at lunch, did a make-up session of Insanity, and biked. Well, I started out biking and about 5.5 miles from home I got a flat tire. No problem. I thought. My CO2 cartridge to fill the tire malfunctioned, leaving me with a nice walk home, pushing my bike. It was dark when I arrived home. Today I am going to also carry a pump with me. :grumble:

    Cardi, thanks! We will be eating a light lunch in Boston, since we have dinner plans at Capone's in Peabody. We are staying up in Andover, but taking the Newburyport Line commuter train to North Station. Less hassles with parking. Friday night we are eating at Grassfield's in Andover. We've been to both places before and enjoyed them very much.

    MK, I hope you are up and about very soon!! :flowerforyou:

    Tron, the diet plan sounds fine. Just take a common sense approach to it. Shoot for balance in your diet and your exercise. Change it up a bit. Variety is the spice of life!!!!

    Hoosier!!! Hello!!! Great that you are still with us. We're here for you!!

    Have a great day all!
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: Found ya'! :laugh:

    MK, sorry about your neck and back. :cry: Yes, it is unfortunate that Tricare will not cover some services. My daughter, who is serving now, saw a chiropractor at the hospital in Ft Hood. Do you live near a military post or base? Do they have chiropractors there?

    Take care!! :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for the kind thoughts everyone........
    Ft Riley doesn't have any chirpractors on staff, so went to a civilian one. Didn't make it to work out last night, cuz my back and neck hurt pretty bad again by the time I left work. Spent the evening in my recliner with the massaging heating pad on me; helped quite a bit. Of course, the valium I took may have also helped a little:laugh: :laugh: . Back to see the chiro tomorrow and take it from there.

    Getting older SUCKS!!!!!!:grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble:

    Will try to work out on my way home today IF I'm feeling up to it.
    Have a good day all:wink::wink:
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    MK.... I love :heart: Chiropractors. I could tell you a few stories where they helped when the doctor couldn't. Not that I think you should choose one or the other, use them both and get all the benefits they both can offer. I just hate it when medical doctors say thing like... "Its just coincidence that you had results with a chiropractor" Yes, I had one say that to me...... Talk about having a "god" syndrome. Like he's the only one that could help me.... Hope your back and neck feel better soon.

    Sing... You are a workout machine. Some people feel good about just doing one of those things you do in a day. Too bad you dont live closer (or for that matter Alf or String) I'd pay you to come push me into shape. :laugh:

    Alf and String... Did you take before pictures for P90X? That way we can see how ripped you get from the program. I watch the infomercials quite a bit, think about it, then get scared that its too hard for me. I am a weakling.:wink:

    Cardi... Glad to see you've found a balance that is working for you. Did someone suggest it to you or are you just experimenting to see what works for you?

    Yesterday was crazy. I live in a remote area so getting anywhere takes me a half hour +..... I had my own errands to do then the husband calls, he forgot a tool... The son calls, he needs a ride. And so on and so on. I really wanted to start on the pushups and planks. Things to work on my core strength where I need it the most. Today I am gonna get a few in before the hubby calls. I have to meet him for a business opportunity. Keep your fingers crossed everything goes smoothly because its an awesome deal!!!!:smile:
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    I found you guys!!!

    I've been super busy lately....with the college starting it's fall classes. I'm teaching one online class and one class at the prison so my days are pretty busy.

    Lately I haven't had time to breathe, it's been so busy. I've been work 10-15 hour days just to keep ahead of my work. I don't know why I'm complaining though lol, I work well under pressure.

    Anyways, just wanted to drop a quick note to let you guys know that I'm still here and still kickin'. Just been super busy and haven't had time to log into mfp.

    Hope everyone is doing well!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,834 Member
    tron, I have my fingers crossed for you!

    And, no, I didn't take any 'before' photos for starting P90X. I thought about it and mentioned it to my husband, but he didn't seem interested in taking a photo of me.....so I didn't take a photo. I wanted to take an 'after' photo after completing STS, but the same thing happened. Maybe after I finish P90X, I'll finally get him to take a photo of me....and it will serve as my 'before' Insanity photo I suppose as well. :tongue:

    annaliza!!!!! :drinker: So good to see you! I've been thinking about you and wondering where you've been. Glad to know you are still around! Thanks for checking in!

    mk, happy to hear you are doing a little better. I took valium when I hurt my shoulder a few years ago, and boy did I love that drug! It worked wonders for me (in fact, I still think of it as a miracle drug because it eased my pain so effectively). Here's hoping you continue to heal. Just take care of yourself and don't push a return to working out too quickly. Necks/backs are too sensitive for that.

    singfree, I hope you have a good time in Boston. I love Boston! I'm actually happy to hear that Insanity Plyo is tougher than P90X Plyo. I did enjoy the workout, but didn't consider it to be an outrageously tough cardio workout (I felt it in my legs, but not as much in my heart), so I continue to look forward to Insanity. I think that's my biggest problem with P90X. I'm a cardio enthusiast, and I just don't feel like I get enough good cardio workouts with P90X.

    That being said, I did Shoulders/Arms today and loved the workout! Shoulders, biceps and triceps are my favorite body parts to workout, and I felt this DVD worked them very effectively. I'm going to have to play around with my weights a bit next week because I felt I was getting too many reps on some exercises (up to 18) and want to get them down into the 10/12 range. But it's been a few hours since I completed the workout, and my muscles still feel nicely fatigued. I love that feeling! I also did Ab Ripper X again, and everything went well with that as well. Tomorrow is supposed to be YogaX, but I think I'll actually get some cardio in instead. Like I said, I'm really missing my cardio right now. I might try a little YogaX if I have time, but I don't think I'll do all 80 minutes of it (or however long it is....I just know it is long!)

    Still eating well and trying new things. Last night I made Sloppy Joes using my own sauce for the first time. They were really good! So much better than the canned stuff...and no HFCS! During football season, my husband and I love meatball subs for dinner on Sunday night. This weekend, I made my own whole wheat sub rolls for the first time (and they actually turned out okay!), and I will be making my own meatballs this year. I'm still working on the sauce (though I've got some ideas), and then I'll be able to enjoy meatball subs for football days again this year....but they will be clean and nutritious! Yay! I really can't figure out why I didn't try this years ago. I think it was laziness. :ohwell: Better late than never, I suppose.

    Hope everybody enjoys the remainder of your day.
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member

    Cardi... Glad to see you've found a balance that is working for you. Did someone suggest it to you or are you just experimenting to see what works for you?

    Tron, I work out with a trainer, and my weight was stuck, and actually going up a bit. He took a look at my food diary and recommended a 50 to 55% carbs, and 25% protein and fat ratio. If I do the 55% carbs, I lower the fat a bit more.

    Apparently, the high carbs is the latest thing in diet advice (according to SH Boss). I've been trying to follow it for about a month now. I reset my percentages in the tracker here. I'm doing 50-25-25. In addition to that, the trainer recommended that I try to stay between 30 and 40 grams of fat per day, but closer to 30 if I can. And of course, I watch the sodium.

    Now he recommended this to me and it seems to be working, but I don't know if it'll work for everybody. It is really carb heavy, and I think he recommended it to me because of the workouts we do plus the cardio and weight exercises I do on the alternate days.

    It also could be working because it's a "shock" to the system since I was eating a lot less complex carbs before. I'm going to stick with it for awhile longer as I feel pretty good at these percentages and see what happens. I'm willing to change things up if it stops working but for now I'm just happy to be seeing that scale move in the right direction. :laugh:
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member

    Still eating well and trying new things. Last night I made Sloppy Joes using my own sauce for the first time. They were really good! So much better than the canned stuff...and no HFCS! During football season, my husband and I love meatball subs for dinner on Sunday night. This weekend, I made my own whole wheat sub rolls for the first time (and they actually turned out okay!), and I will be making my own meatballs this year. I'm still working on the sauce (though I've got some ideas), and then I'll be able to enjoy meatball subs for football days again this year....but they will be clean and nutritious! Yay! I really can't figure out why I didn't try this years ago. I think it was laziness. :ohwell: Better late than never, I suppose.

    Hope everybody enjoys the remainder of your day.

    Stiring, would love those recipes if you care to share! The idea of sloppy joes is making me hungry! :smile:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello!!! Glad to see so many stop by today. Annaliza, glad to hear from you!!! :drinker:

    I did P90X shoulders and arms. It was a pretty good workout. It is pretty fast and I had gotten used to ChaLean's method of lifting slow. So at this fast pace I am using lighter weights to complete 12-15. This is my "test" week so it is trial and error. I think I might be sore tomorrow from this one. :laugh: Ab ripper was great! :drinker: I did not take pictures either, I might tomorrow.

    Tron, I hope your husband gets that great deal!! :drinker: :drinker:

    Have a great evening! :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning! Only 2 more days (of work) before leaving for Boston! I don't know what I'm more excited about, vacation, food, or sightseeing. When we travel we like to stay in a "suites" hotel. We are staying at a Staybridge Suites in Andover MA. It's nice to have a small living room to relax in. They also provide a free hot breakfast. I don't usually eat a large breakfast, but i will make an exception this weekend!!

    Lest I forget, we will be leaving very early on Friday morning, so I will probably report sometime tomorrow...with your kind permission, of course!

    I'm glad to see that the P90X is going well. Keep bringing it as Tony says. Alf, I am a proponent of the 8-10 rep sets. My arms & shoulders are so tired after the workout, I can't lift my hands above my head to apply shampoo in the shower!! You will very quickly find what weights are appropriate for your goals.

    Stiring, I agree that the X plyo is not heavy on cardio. I really think that he is concentrating on building power in the legs. Actually, you will find that P90X is probably 75% strength and 25% cardio. Insanity plyo is very fast paced and will get your heart pumping! The fat reduction most people experience with "X" is via the high protein in the nutrition plan. Are you doing any tweaking of your diet yet? It will be an interesting experiment for you!

    Annaliza, great to hear from you! We missed you!

    Cardi, I'm glad the nutrition advice is working for you. Hey, whatever works is great!! My diet is so hit and miss that I really can't say what percentages works best for me. I do know that my body functions well on more carbs, especially when I am doing a lot of cardio & biking.

    Have a great day!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning!!! Sing, have a great time in Boston. :drinker: I have never been there but I hear it is a beautiful city.

    My arms are nicely sore :laugh: But they actually feel really good. It is yoga day and I decided to try it this afternoon and skip the running. But who knows, I might squeeze it tonight. The only problem with that is that I will then have tons of calories to eat after a run and it will be too late, close to 9pm by the time I am done. That could be a problem.

    I will be leaving to work very soon. Early day for me but I love it. This is my last chance I can be at work that early because my son starts school on Monday. I will then be at work around 9am or so. In a way it is good because it gives me more time in the morning to workout and get ready for work. I love to workout in the morning.

    Have a wonderful day!!! :flowerforyou:
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Happy Hump Day and Glad I found y'all. Busy Busy Busy here this week. You know all those school is starting soon doctor, dentist, back school shopping, fall sports practices etc. Plus my 10 mile race is Saturday so I'm preparing for that as well. Glad to her P90X is going well for ALF and Stiring. I'm still enjoying CX and looking forward to the PUSH starting next week.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,834 Member
    Good morning!

    cardigirl, here is a link to that sloppy joe recipe I used: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ellie-krieger/sloppy-joes-recipe/index.html. I think the only change I'll make next time is to add some real tomatoes to the sauce, but that's just a personal preference.

    singfree, no I haven't started tweaking my diet yet for P90X, but I must admit....I've been SO hungry since starting the program. I'm happily maintaining my weight right now, so I'm kind of hesitant to make too many changes since it has taken me so long to actual get to a maintenance place. But if I stay this hungry, I will increase my protein (and perhaps calories) because, as I said to alf the other day, if I'm this hungry, my body is telling me something! Without doing as much cardio, I probably don't need all the carbs I'm eating right now anyhow, so.......we'll see how it goes next week and then modify.

    That being said, I'm headed off to do some cardio (not in the schedule!) and then try some of YogaX. I'm really looking forward to a good calorie-burning cardio session right now.

    duffy, happy to hear from you! Good luck on your race Saturday!!

    Hope everybody has a great day. :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Wow!!! I can't believe that no one checked in since yesterday morning. I hope you are all doing well. :flowerforyou:

    Good morning!! Today is my "Friday Reporting Day" since I will be leaving early tomorrow morning for Boston. It's about a 6 hr. drive, IF the I-95 traffic cooperates in the NY/ CT areas. This week is my "recovery week" for Insanity. I must say that I need it!!! The old joints took quite a pounding this month. I normally do very little high impact exercises, so I'm doing fairly well. Insanity is living up to it's name!! I still walk and bike in addition to the Insanity workouts, but I have not lifted weights in a month. Little by little I am losing the fat...a good thing!!

    My eating habits are not always great, but generally I'm doing pretty well there. Always room for improvement. It won't be happening this weekend. Filet Mignon on Friday night and Italian on Saturday night. My life is so structured that I plan what I am going to eat in advance. Actually, I had the Filet on our last visit and it was the best that I've ever eaten.

    Enough about me. Come on gang, let's get some good gossip going! :drinker:

    I'll check in later, have a great day!!!! :smile: