40+ Club - Fall Fitness Fanatics



  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Hi Everyone ... I just caught up on some of the postings, very inspirational to see your successes. I have been off the site for about 5 days and it's amazing how much I missed it. Was much harder eating right and staying motivated without it.

    While I was off PMSing big time I was doing some exercise, and today I did the pool for 40 minutes. Last week when I weighed myself I was up on the scale and was discouraged. I need to make a record of my measurements, I know sometimes it's possible to make some changes in body and still gain weight. I think I gained weight though from overeating, and perhaps some water weight gain from monthly cycle. Thankfully it finally began last night, so maybe there will be some relief from my aching breasts this week.

    On a non-exercise topic, I saw my family Sunday and did my best to eat the way I wanted to, and today my Mom commented I should reduce my carbs. This is so frustrating as I ate very little carbs when she saw me, it so happens. Anyway, I had called her on my way to the pool today to wish her a good day and it was the usual unsolicited bashing of my weight, my eating carbs. "You should reduce your carbs, it's the only thing that will work". I told her to stop the unsolicited comments and that I was getting of the phone, and I did. WHY DO I CALL MY MOM? WHY WHY WHY. Probably because my Dad died a year ago and she is lonely and needs support .... but she has always commented on my weight, my food, my hair, my EVERYTHING. And then she says these comments are not criticism.

    Anyway, sorry for the diabtribe, just venting I guess. But I'm 48 years old and I wish she'd get off my back. My Dad always said I had to learn not to let what she does upset me, but it just doesn't work that way. And still, I keep contact with her. She is not a bad mother, loves me a lot, but in this area she causes me grief. Okay, I'm fat, yes, I may die early, but leave me alone.

    Okay, that is not all that positive sounding, but it is so frustrating.

    Okay, I'm going to go log my food and exercise now. Should I wait until after my period to take my measurements? I talked myself out of eating bad food to reduce the frustration I felt with my Mom, I don't want to punish myself. That at least is a good thing.

    Everyone have a great great day.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Stiring, I'm here for you kid!!! BACK AWAY FROM THE CANDY>>DO IT >>>NOW!!!! :laugh: How's that? I see those candy aisles in the store and begin salivating like Pavlov's dog. I'm salivating even now!!! Now that you are almost finished P90X, what do you think of it as a stand-alone workout series (I think I know the answer)... My take on it is that while it is good by itself, I don't always feel "drained" the way i would like. Therefore, I feel that it needs a bit more cardio. What I'm trying to do is on the strength training days, do P90X and a short Insanity workout. Then the following day do a long Insanity workout and maybe abs, but no other P90X. I know what my body needs and can handle, so i will tailor my workouts according to my own particular needs. Does this make sense to you?

    Sunny, parents (Mothers in particular) can be pretty rough on their adult kids. I don't really know why this is, but I see it time after time. They think that by being demeaning, it will motivate you into action. Quite often, the opposite happens. Don't let this get to you. You know your body. You know what to do to improve your situation. Just let all that negativity pass you by. Accept only the good, encouraging words from people. You can do it!!! We are here to help and encourage. Best wishes to you on this journey!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    sing, thanks for the encouragement! I think it has worked....for now. I have two batches of cookies and loaf of bread cooling in the kitchen, and I'm munching on an apple. That's a good sign. Hopefully, I won't be munching on anything else after the apple. :laugh:

    My thoughts on P90X....I totally agree that there isn't enough cardio. In fact, I would say my overall impression of P90X is that it is a great program for creating a show-off body, but that it is an incomplete program when it comes to overall fitness, including some aspects of strength training. Okay, maybe 'incomplete' isn't the best word to use regarding the strength training aspect of the program and 'imbalanced' would be a better word. For instance, I happen to think there is way too much focus on creating the back muscles (for that show-off V look), and not enough focus (as an example) on working the legs. And when the legs are worked, again, I find it primarily focused on the quad portion of the legs (the show-off muscle) and not enough work on the hamstrings and glutes.

    That being said, I think it is an excellent program and I will definitely do it again, but I will do it again like I did it this time...by adding additional leg work focusing on hamstrings/glutes, by adding additional cardio (nearly every day) and, during phase 1 and 2, adding an additional upper body workout at the end of the week. Doing the program this way has definitely made me as fit--and LOOK as fit--as I've ever been. But I don't think I would have had the same results if I hadn't balanced out the program a bit. Like you, I know what my body needs, and I had to tailor this program to fit those needs. But the good thing about this program is that is easily possible to tailor it.

    sunnysmile, I'm so with you on the mother situation! My mother visited this summer, and I'm as thin as I've ever been. In fact, the first few days she was here, she kept commenting on how my body had changed. But, alas, by the end of the week, she was commenting on everything I ate, making me feel guilty for eating anything. I mean, during our last dinner together, she made me feel bad about eating a salad. It takes talent to make a woman who weighs 100 pounds (which is what I weighed when she was here) feel like she is overeating when she is eating a salad, but my mother has that unique talent. :laugh: Lucky me. :ohwell:

    Like singfree said, just let it go. Don't let it get to you. I've come to the conclusion that my mother makes comments like the ones she makes because she knows her comments get to me, so it makes her feel superior. I'm not even sure she is totally aware that she is doing it, but she is and I have no doubt that is why. So I just brush the comments off as being more about her than they are about me. But it never ceases to amaze me how I can go from being a 44 year old confident and accomplished woman to a 12 year old chubby girl who wants to hide in the corner after talking to my mother for three minutes some days. But I'm the one who gives her that power, and as long as I don't give it to her, I will always be the 44 year old confident and accomplished woman that I am. Does that make sense?

    So continue to walk your own path. You are doing wonderful things to your body right now, and that is all that matters. :flowerforyou:

    Okay, so I did Chest/Back this morning and since it was the last time for me to do this workout during this 90 day period, I really pushed it. I upped everything....and ended up doing 333 pushups, all on my toes. :drinker: But silly me decided to do Insanity Cardio Power after that. Ummmm.....there were alot of pushups in that workout. :noway: That will teach me not to do a workout before previewing it again. Anyhow, I did the best I could on my spaghetti arms, and really focused on the cardio work....and loved it! I'm going to love these Insanity workouts. But, yowza, I don't recommend doing these two workouts back-to-back without being mentally and physically prepared.
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    I just wanted to thank everyone for the words of encouragement.... And apologize for making this short. I just never know when the computer will just shut off.

    I have had the flu sense Friday. Sleeping a lot. I hope I kick it soon because there is a weight loss competition that I may want to try that lasts for 3 months. What the heck. I may not win but at least it gives me something to shoot for. But I am so drained right now and my head just plain hurts that I havent even tried to get involved yet.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day. :smile:
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    tron, I hope you feel better soon. I'm so sorry you got the flu!
  • Texssippian
    Hi all! Sunnysmiles: your talk about swimming made me get in gear make it to deep water aerobics TWICE last week! Meant I had to leave work at 4:00 but I don't need to be tied to the office. Not sure I can do it this week. I have late meetings several days.

    About the mom thing, I talk to mine everyday too since my dad died last year. (I am actually down from two times a day or more right after he died.) My mom gets rattled when something happens that she cannot control (which has been a lot this past year.) I try to redirect her to something that she can control like how much she is exercising or what she is eating. My mother-in-law lived with us the last two years of her life. She knew all my husband's buttons and was constantly pushing them. I used to kick him under the table at dinner when he would get into an argument with her about something stupid like was there was an oak tree in the front yard or the back yard at the house where they lived.
    We worked out a code. (This was during the Gulf war.) She would say something that I could tell would get my husband going. I would quickly say: "I hear they launched another scud missle, I wonder if it will land." Scud missle was the code for his mom's button pushing. I was going to school at night (crazy time with full time job, two little kids, etc.) When I would get home, Bill would give a "war report" for the day: several scuds, but none landed or a Patriot missle (his ability to redirect her) intercepted or one landed (he got suckered into the button push.) Work out your own internal code. Or tell her exactly what you ate (along with calories, sodium content, etc. from your MFP food log...) We are all very proud of you and support your efforts. Hang in there. Your mom has had 48 years to perfect her button pushing. Also, understand the psychology of putting a behavior on extinction (not reacting to it as you did in the past.) Initially, the behavior you are no longer reacting to will increase. If you respond to the increased behavior, you have taught the other person to that increasing behavior is better so ithe behavior gets worse instead of better. Think of trying to get a coke out of a coke machine (ok bottle of water). If you push the button and nothing comes out, what do you do? Start pushing the button mutiple times. If the drink comes out after pushing mutiple times, then next time you go to that machine you will immediately start pushing the button mutiple times. Think about that next time you try not react to your mom. You have to REALLY not react as she escalates otherwise next time she will start with the escalated behavior. Don't mean to dis your mom. This is human behavior 101. (Can you tell I am married to a psychologist? He is going to get busted tonight with trainer... He has not logged his food in MFP for three weeks now and was going to try to recreate everything he ate to turn in to her tonight.!)
    Tron: hope you get well from the flu.
    Sing: I agree about the holiday game plan which must begin now.
    Alf; You look great in your pigtails. Go zumba! I don't think I am coordinated enough. Did take belly dancing classes twice!
    Stiring: That candy is escalating its desirability as you try to put it on extinction.

    Hope everyone has a great week.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello everyone!!!! About being "bad" this weekend, do NOT get me started on that!!! :grumble: :explode: :laugh: I am glad it is in the past, HAKUNA MATATA!! :laugh: Not that today was any better, but it was much better than Sat and Sun. But I did have a nice weekend spending time with my daughter and grandbaby. I did make time to workout so that was good. Yesterday morning my husband and I head out for our long run and towards the middle of our run it started pouring and it was in the 50's :noway: I was soaking wet and so cold!!! :noway: I did yogaX today, hard work but so relaxing at the same time.

    Tron, I hope you feel better soon!! :flowerforyou: :heart:

    Stiring, I hear you with the temptations. They are all over the place. Yes, Sing, we really need to stick together starting NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I went to my brother's yesterday because we were welcoming my sister in law back from DEA Academy. I ate all sorts of snacks, then ate dinner and when it came time for dessert what do I get? A piece of carrot cake AND pumpkin pie, yes, one each!!!!!!!!! Did I need to do that????? NO Why did I do it? Cuz everyone else was doing it...BAD EXCUSE!!! :grumble: I have no social willpower whatsoever!!

    On the subject about moms, not much to say about my mother, not that she has not pushed my buttons but it does not happen very often. My concern is my daughter. Everytime I see her (once or twice a month) she seems to have gotten bigger. It is very hard for me not to say anything to her and I think I have been pretty good at trying to be supportive or just ignore it. I think the best thing I can do is to continue to lead by example and hopefully the time will come that she will want my help and I will definitely try to help her as much as I can. She told me she is disgusted by her weight gain. I have encouraged her to eat healthier, stop eating out so much, etc. I not only worry about her but I also worry about my grandbaby. She is feeding her the same junk she eats.

    On a more positive subject. Are you dressing up on Halloween? My husband and I will be pirates this year. We got our costumes today. Last year we had the 70's look. Let me see if I add a pic to my profile. We started this last year, we had never really got into it before except with the kids taking them trick or treating.

    MK, Duffy, Swiss, texasmom, Annaliza, Tex...I miss you!! :flowerforyou:

    Have a great evening!! :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Tron, I'm very sorry you're under the weather...get well soon !! :flowerforyou:

    Stiring, I agree 100% about P90X being a "show muscles" program. While it is superior to almost all strength programs on CD, it is lacking a few things. The good: Arms, shoulders, back and core. The weak: legs and cardio. Yes, it does take crazies like us to do Insanity and P90X back-to-back. That's a problem for me. When I want to do cardio alone, Insanity seems to incorporate pushups into even a pure cardio workout. I know I should not do strength 2 days in a row (same muscle groups), but if it is part of the workout, I'm doing it. I just can't seem to bring myself to skipping over any part of the workout, although I am tempted to shorten the stretching. No wonder I pull muscles! :grumble:

    I'm going to try my best to get a workout in tonight. I am already tired from last night's rehearsal and getting home after 10:30 pm. I got to bed at 11:30 and was up at 4:45 am. I need to visit my mom after work and then a dentist appt. at 6 pm. Hopefully I can get a short workout done after that.

    Alf, I'm so glad you had a good time with your Granddaughter. I just can't stop thinking about my Grandson. He is a true delight and I adore him more than I can say. Like you, I have ZERO willpower in a social setting. Thank goodness those things don't happen all the time! Our daughter-in-law seems to be like your daughter. A beautiful young woman, a great mom, but she either refuses to take control of her weight or just feel too overwhelmed by it to do anything. When she does WW points system, she does great...until the weekend. They like to go out with friends and have drinks, appetizers, entrees AND dessert. She probably consumes enough in one evening (calories) to cover 2-3 days of normal eating. What worries me is that these bad habits will rub off on her son.

    This halloween I'm dressing up as the Michelin Man!!! :laugh:
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Good morning all!

    I am not dressing up for Halloween, I live in a condo, where people have to be buzzed in so no one comes trick or treating to us, and I don't have kids to take trick or treating. We used to go over my friends house and my husband would walk around with them and their girls, and I would man their house for the trick or treaters, but the girls are amost 13, and they don't want extra grownups around on a night like that now!

    I managed to add a little running in my treadmill routine last night. Then I went to do the weight machine, and for some reason I couldn't stop yawning, it was absolutely driving me nuts. This was a new one for me. (Now I'm yawning because I'm talking about it) So I gave up and soon as I left the gym, the yawning stopped. So, I went to weigh myself of my Wii Fit, and it told me its been 500 days since I began Wii Fit. Well the day I stepped on the Wii Fit for the first time, was the official beginning of this journey, so its quite an anniversary. I celebrated by doing a session of Rythm Parade and Rythmic Kung Fu on the new Wii Fit Plus. Both are very short exercises, but they are fun.
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Congrats Zebra on 500 Wi Fit days, that is an amazing accomplishment.

    Stiring, Texsssipian, and everyone, thanks for the support and comments re: Mom thing. It is a long standing pattern that I sometimes am better dealing with than others. I don't know why my Mom has perfect timing to hit with her comments when I have my period, makes it harder. But I did resist the sugar and though I dreamed about eating a gallon of ice cream I did not do it, or anything food destructive. My Mom always told me she was concerned I would be like my grandmother, who died at an early age of being heavy, has become a self fulfilling proficiecy for me. And when my Mom sees me heavy she says things like, see I was right. I was held on a very tight rein with food very early, and when I was old enough to be on my own (college) I gained a big amount, and then yo yo around.

    Alf ... re: daughter gaining weight and mentioning it to you ... you are right NOT to bring it up to her, the more you may bring it up to her the harder it can be for her to tackle it when she is ready. For me, exercise had to start before I could eat right, perhaps that might be the same with your daughter.
    Perhaps a fun dancing DVD for her to play with with your granddaughter might inspire a lot.

    I am going to start on the new Wi fit Plus today, that is my goal ... I will report back tomorrow to tell you if I did ... but I am promising myself I will begin. If Zebra can make it 500 days, wow, I can make it 1 (at a time).

    Texsssipian ... glad you are enjoying the pool. I just love it and find it a challenging workout, especially if I add resistance to it. I use my water proof MP3 player and enjoy the music while I exercise.

    Everyone have a great day.
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    I do have to say it wasn't 500 days of working out on Wii Fit, but 500 days since I started working out on it. But it keeps a calendar, and even after I graduated from using it as much, I have always gone on it and weighed msyelf, so that I get a stamp on my calendar everytime I do a serious workout. I can go back on that calendar and inspire myself to see how often I've worked out, I can even look at my weight trends and then match it up to what happened on the calendar to keep myself motivated.
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Successfully used Wi Fit Plus today ... haven't used Wi Fit in a while but it's good and a nice tradeoff on days I don't go to pool.

    I did 35 Fitty credits (or time, though I think I was on over 50 minutes total). I did 10+ yoga poses, pretty good posture, think the pool has helped me there. Did hula hoop, step aerobics and then advanced step aerobics. Not bad for the first time in a while. All I can tell you is I like the yoga poses linked together, and I was dripping when I finished it all.

    I also want to start doing some strength training moves I used to do on the balance ball, those moves are great for core strength training, could use that.

    You guys are all an inspiration ... one step at a time and I will become more healthy.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hey everybody!

    sunny and zebras, I have you to thank for my husband buying a Wii Fit Plus this weekend! Actually, he wanted it on his own, but I agreed to it largely based on your feedback here. I haven't tried it out yet (too busy!), but he did and enjoyed it. I think of it as a great way of monitoring activity and a way of having fun that doesn't involve sitting on the sofa and eating cookies. So thanks for all the talk about it.

    Speaking of sitting on the sofa and eating cookies....that's what I did last night. :embarassed: Actually, I'm not embarassed about it. I baked 7 different kinds of cookies/brownies/bars for my husbands co-workers, and it dawned on me yesterday that this really is my holiday baking since I'm not going to have my household goods before Christmas in Korea. So, last night, I enjoyed a little holiday cheer with some samples of my baking. I'm happy that I didn't eat all 7 kinds....but I ate 5 of them. But no harm, no foul. If I went over on my calories (and I probably did, despite the tough workout I did yesterday morning), I'll even out eventually because the good thing is I know what I did, I know what caused me to do it, and I won't be creating a similar scenario again anytime in the near future. And, most importantly, I actually really enjoyed sitting there and eating my desserts last night. I know that sounds weird, but I did. :tongue:

    singfree, I'm actually not too concerned about doing things like push-ups or the other body resistance training moves in Insanity on back-to-back days or even back-to-back with strength training days. In fact, I've heard that if you are using less than about 10lbs, it's even okay to strength train on consecutive days (as long as you are listening to your body, of course). So if I were you, I wouldn't be too concerned about that aspect of doing a P90X/Insanity rotation. My bigger concern yesterday was that I really worked out my chest during the P90X, and I was afraid my form would suffer (and potentially cause some injury) during Insanity. If I had been a little more aware than I was, I would have made sure I kept enough energy for the Insanity workout. But you are already familiar with both workouts so you won't have the same problem! :happy:

    I did Plyo today....only one more time before I finish the program. :drinker: I also did some cardio and leg work. I've got dinner guests tonight so it is a busy day for me. I think the first shipment of our stuff will be headed out the door a week from today, and I've got so much to do before then. But I have to get through dinner tonight first.

    Hope this finds you all doing well.
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428

    On the subject about moms, not much to say about my mother, not that she has not pushed my buttons but it does not happen very often. My concern is my daughter. Everytime I see her (once or twice a month) she seems to have gotten bigger. It is very hard for me not to say anything to her and I think I have been pretty good at trying to be supportive or just ignore it. I think the best thing I can do is to continue to lead by example and hopefully the time will come that she will want my help and I will definitely try to help her as much as I can. She told me she is disgusted by her weight gain. I have encouraged her to eat healthier, stop eating out so much, etc. I not only worry about her but I also worry about my grandbaby. She is feeding her the same junk she eats.

    MK, Duffy, Swiss, texasmom, Annaliza, Tex...I miss you!! :flowerforyou:

    Have a great evening!! :flowerforyou:

    Does your daughter live close enough to you for you to offer babysitting service while she gets in a workout?? Just a thought..........she may feel overwhelmed and guilty about trying to find time to do something healthy for herself; you know we all put our children, hubby (and everything else) before ourselves when our children were young.

    I'm still around and working out, just have been really busy at work and haven't had time to get in and post, much less reach everything I've missed!!!:ohwell: :ohwell: Weight is plateaued at 128-129, I'm sure it's going to stay there until I find a new way to burn calories..........should really get on the Nordic Trak at home the nights I don't stop at Curves, but I seem th find a million excuses why not to do it!:laugh: :laugh: Nobody to blame but myself - lately I'm an idiot!:laugh: :laugh:

    Stiring, Sunny, Zebras, Sing, thank you all SO MUCH for the encouragement over the last few weeks; one of these days maybe I'll be able to offer some encouragement to you...........even though I'm a bad example of what NOT to do in the month before your 47th birthday:laugh: :laugh:
    Gotta run............
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Hello everyone.... I am starting to feel better so I plan on working out tomorrow. But now I have my Step dad (more dad) to worry about. He had a minor stroke that left him confused for a little while about a year and a half ago. Well the other day he was getting confused again saying things like he talked to his mom a couple of days ago (she died over 25 years ago) as well as other things so my mom took him to the VA in Reno. At first they thought he was fine because he didn't "act" confused so my mom had to ask him a couple of questions in front of them so they'd see what was going on. They did a CAT scan and an MRI and they said it didn't look like he had anymore strokes and now today they are going to do a spinal to see if he has an infection and have him talk to a psychiatrist to see if he has post traumatic stress syndrome. Yesterday he thought he was back in Vietnam but remembered my mom but today he doesn't even remember her. He know he knows her but doesn't remember her name. Its so strange that he is getting so confused so quickly.

    I really hope you all have a great day. Keep up on all the hard work you are doing and I will try my best to do the same.
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Stiring, I'd be rich if Nintendo gave me a commission. My co-worker's cousin, whom I have never met buys whatever I recommend (she is already fit), and calls my co-workers and says "How's Wii Fit doing?" the changes in the Wii Fit Plus are inspiring me to use it more again.

    MK you're welcome , we know you are encouraging us too, just by participating here. This is the nicest online community I have ever experienced.

    Tron, sorry to hear about your stepdad, I hope he'll get better. We are dealing with my mother-in-law who suffered mini strokes last year. We struggle with accepting that she will always be confused. I hope that they will find that your stepdad has something fixable.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    This cold weather is getting to me already! The leaves are not yet at peak color. I love the fall weather when the temps are normal (65 degrees). Today it will struggle to get out of the 40s. I even had some frost on my car the past 2 mornings.

    My diet seems to go to heck when I am stressed. Our year-end physical inventory at work has been moved up to Nov. 9. Usually it is in early Dec. I'm in charge of organizing the whole thing. Sometimes I wish I could be back punching the clock and having no such worries. Anyway, I tend to stress eat (usually junk stuff). I know better, but I can't seem to break these bad habits. On the bright side, I was able to do a short workout after work and before my dentist appt.

    Tron, my Mother gets very confused at times. She is 80 and very frail (78 lbs). Even though she eats well in assisted living, I think that many years of poor nutrition and no exercise played a major role in her current condition.

    Does anyone get Fit TV on your cable or sat. provider? There are a few good workouts on there. I know that Cathe F. and Gilad have shows. I should record a few and do some other workouts just for fun.

    Stiring, I'm planning to do an Insanity long cardio workout today. It will fit in nicely with my after work plans. Holiday baking...that's a good way to think about it. Do you know what kind of holiday things will be happening in Korea? Living in the Northeast, we are guaranteed an old-fahioned, Currier and Ives type holiday. I remember my friends when they moved to Orlando, sitting under a palm tree on Christmans day, rather than shoveling snow! We have a nearby Christmas tree farm that offers horse-drawn sleigh rides. I would love to do that someday in Bavaria.

    Have a great day!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Good Morning Sing and All:

    I don't know if the channel I have is Fit TV per se, but this particular channel does not allow for DVR recording, which makes no sense to me, since I doubt any particular program I would want to use would coincide with my available workout time. Oh well.

    Sing I know what you mean about stress eating, I am Queen of it. Still haven't found a way to channel the stress into something more productive!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Good morning!

    Good to see you, mk. You are doing great. I mean, a stable weight is better than an increasing weight, right? :tongue:

    tron, I'm happy to hear you are feeling better, but I'm sorry to hear about your step dad. I don't have any words of wisdom. It scares me when my mother gets confused (she'll be 80 in January), but she hasn't experienced anything like you've described. I hope he is okay.

    sing, my eating is going bad really fast right now because of stress. I woke up this morning and said to myself 'I can control this, I can control this' so I'm going to try to control it again today. But the past four or five days have been my worst days for eating since I started this whole thing up in January. I need to find a better solution to my stress problem, that's for sure. The only good thing is that all the extra calories seem to be giving me alot of energy for working out! :laugh:

    Regarding the holidays in Korea, I know that Christmas is a national holiday over there, and I've read there are signs of Christmas everywhere as the holiday approaches. What those signs are....I don't know. I've heard it isn't quite like Christmas in the US, but that's okay with me as I like to experience different things. The winters are damp and cold. From what I understand, they are like the winters in England (where we lived for four years), so not much snow and ice, which (again) is okay with me. I had enough snow and ice in Alaska to last me a life time. So I don't expect Currier and Ives, but it won't be Los Angeles, with the palm trees and sunshine, either!

    Our dinner guest last night has spent quite a bit of time in Korea, so I learned alot about what to expect over there. It was a great discussion, and I'm getting more and more excited about the opportunity. We even got our plane tickets yesterday. :drinker: I don't know how much I'm looking forward to that long flight, though. :ohwell:

    Off to do Shoulder/Arms and ARX this morning, followed by a little cardio (to work off that sinful dinner I created last night). I have to get my immunization shots this afternoon (I was supposed to get them last Friday but the clinic wasn't ready for it). They've warned me about side effects (fever, headache, body ache, etc) so we'll see if I'm up to much working out tomorrow. It's yoga day tomorrow, so if I need to skip it, I will. I really want to stay on track and finish this program though.

    The good news is our guest last night hadn't seen me in about 18 months and his reaction to seeing me was 'Holy Crap! Your husband told me you've really gotten into fitness and he wasn't kidding!!' He called my arms 'chiseled'. :laugh: That made me feel good. Now I just need to get back to healthier eating to keep these 'chiseled' arms.

    Hope everybody enjoys a great day.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Stiring, at least I know that this stress thing is hitting all of us. Now...how do we deal with this Devil wrapped in sweet, delicious chocolate? Oh no, the holidays are not even here (except of course in the malls) and visions of sugar plums (?) are dancing in my head. I just had some tuna on wheat bread for lunch and a cup of green tea. My mouth is watering and my belly is growling for something bad!!!! Gotta take control now!!!!!!

    Anyone else feel like this at times?