40+ Club - Fall Fitness Fanatics



  • mkwood10
    Hey, can you come over and do some painting around my house? :laugh: I have a gallon of paint I bought about a year ago (Nov) to paint the bathrooms and it is still in the pantry. :noway: Do you think it is still good? :laugh:

    Take care!! :flowerforyou:

    The paint is still good; it'll just have to be stirred VERY well. What I use is a paint mixer blade that fits into my husband's drill; works much better than trying to mix it evenly with those stupid paint stir sticks they give you. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only procrastinator when it comes to home repair/renovations! We had paint for our bedroom sit for almost 2 years before it finally got used. I love my husband dearly, but having to wait for him to finish other repairs so I could paint about drove me crazy!!:laugh: :laugh:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning! Monday must have been a very busy day, not too many of us checking in??? :brokenheart:

    I was FINALLY able to get (most) of a P90X workout in yesterday. I ran out of time, though. Not enough hours in a day. Alf, I did most of the Chest/ Shoulders/ Tris workout. It felt really good to hit the weights again after many weeks. I'm surprised that I'm not sore, but my muscles really felt the workout. I also did 15 miles on my bike. Not a bad workout day. Tonight I will do P90X Plyo and maybe a portion of an Insanity workout.

    I hope everyone is well and please post soon!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Awwww Sing, don't feel lonely :brokenheart: Mondays can be pretty busy for most people. WTG on starting P90X. You are not done with Insanity right? I am still not sure I want to try it, it might be too intense for my aching knees. :noway: I was supposed to do plyo this morning but chose to do xstretch instead. Last night I felt that little discomfort in my hip flexor area so I preferred to skip plyo this week. And since I started my workouts on Mon instead of Sun due to the 10 miler on Sun I was not going to have a rest day this week. So today is my rest day this week. I am sure my husband and I will have our long run on Sat and then I will start wk 3 on Sunday as usual. Sounds like a good plan for me.

    Thank you for your suggestions about the paint. I need to get it done...:laugh:

    Have a great day!!! :flowerforyou:
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Happy Tuesday all.

    Since I achieved my goal of 60 minutes on the elliptical and 60 minutes on the treadmill on Sunday, I decided to add weight training to my routine last night. We have one of those Precor machines that has all sorts of different exercises built into the one machine. I found the arm stuff easy at the basic weight and will increase my weights next time (thank you Gold's Gym on the Wii!) But I was very surprised how hard the leg curls were for me. That's the one where you sit and push the bar up with your ankles. I figure my legs should be super strong from carrying me at my weight and considering how I've built my endurance up on the elliptical and treadmill, so I was very surprised.
    So, now that will be my new challenge to get better at that.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Good morning! :flowerforyou:

    alf, glad to see you were okay to do your run on Sunday. Keep taking care of that leg, though!

    zebras, good job on the workouts. Strength training is a great addition, and as you found out, can hit your muscles in ways you didn't know they could be hit. :tongue: You are doing great.

    singfree, happy to hear you were able to get in some P90X. I can't imagine how good it felt to be lifting weights again. And that's a killer workout to start with!

    I started week 3 of the second phase of P90X yesterday doing chest/shoulders/triceps (so I'm with you this week, alf and singfree!) It felt good. Today is plyo. I can't believe I'm near the end of phase 2 already. This program is flying by. I have to look at my calendar to see if I get to take the whole rest week next week or if I'm going to have to shorten it again. Right now, I kind of hope I get to take the whole week. While I feel good and strong, I also feel like I could use a little break from these tough workouts.

    We attended a dinner event on Saturday night, and the lady I was sitting next to (I've met her a couple of times) said that I looked 'buff'! I just laughed!! :laugh: Now, that's not a word I would have used to describe myself, that's for sure. But, nevertheless, I appreciated the compliment. I guess the working out shows. :tongue:

    Hope everybody has a great day!!
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Monday for me since i am just back from yet another wedding in Cali. Speaking of how to deal with the holidays I feel like that is probably how I should view this wedding season! I have not been thinking ahead since the menu is always a surprise. I like buffet because I can load up on salad and vegies and skip the breads and potatoes. Friday's weigh in will let me know how I have done again! I do consider dancing excercise! At least I can feel all the muscles that I worked the next day! September could also be considered a Holiday in itself since we celebrate 4 birthdays in this month!:smile:

    So glad not to have to paint ANYTHING right now! :tongue: :tongue: I can if I have to. I remember six months of not sleeping on my right shoulder after a sanding, painting, re-sanding and re-painting adventure! Realloy admire you handy types! (Tron!):flowerforyou:

    Also Tron, cannot believe that busdriver opened the door for you son and sent him away! That is scary to think this man is in charge of a load load of children twice a day! When our kids were in grade school their bus driver decided to take them right past our house and with him for the rest of the route because they thought that would be fun. I had no idea where they were!:huh:

    Well back to journalling food and excercise and of course MORE LAUNDRY!

    Have a good week all!:heart:
  • mkwood10
    Hello and happy Tuesday to all!:laugh: :laugh:

    Burned 488 calories last night at Curves!!!!!
    I may make it to the 500 calorie mark yet!! To paraphrase Dori..........just keep trying.... just keep trying ..... just keep trying....... (I loved the movie Finding Nemo!!).

    My daughter's much happier and finally pain free, as they took the stent from the kidney stone removal surgery out yesterday. Hopefully her life can settle back down now - she's missed almost 2 weeks of work and class because of this.......... I've told her I'll cover the salary she'll be short from work. The kid's on a super tight budget this school year because of the recession. She lost more than half of her scholarship money :frown: :frown: from several sources because they couldn't afford to give as much due to their financial losses in the stock market. It's a terrible cycle.......hope things get better soon.
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Well I talked to the sub-bus driver yesterday who turned out to be the supervisor also. He wanted to tell "his" side of the story... That's fine I listened. He said he saw my son coming up to the back of the bus just as he was starting to pull away. My son then started hitting the side of the bus and when he got to the door he was scared he was gonna run him over because my son was near a cement pillar. So he (the bus driver not my son) then "copped an attitude" (his words) and told him to get off the bus after he opened the doors. He said he did that because he didn't know the kids and didn't know if he was gonna beat someone up or even belonged on that bus. Well my first thought would be.... Here's some dumb kid who missed the bus NOT here's some kid being threatening to another student. Not to mention he couldn't have run over my son, he would have had to 1. go over the curb my son is on a sidewalk and 2. hit the cement pillar on the sidewalk. Then I told him... You didn't even bother to ask him if he was supposed to be on that bus you just kicked him off. I gave him a VERY LONG speech about what I thought of the situation and told him about my son almost getting hit and how that would have been HIS responsibility if that happened. He didn't seem to think so but I did help out in the grade school and know what they said was their responsibility when it came to the kids getting dropped off so I think he needs to check his facts on that one. After I was done he did appoligise and said he took blame for not letting him onto the bus but could I talk to him about him feeling he was gonna hit him... Sure, if he really felt this way I am more than happy to do that as long as next time he opens his mouth and asks the kid, do you belong here, and doesn't just throw him off.

    Other than that I steamed cleaned the carpet yesterday. I went over it so many times. Actually started at 11am and didn't finish til 5pm. I had to get ready because my husband was taking me out. So today I am gonna go over the carpet a few more times then figure out how I'm gonna dig my equipment out. Its in a storage area under my house and there's a ton of stuff in there. That's gonna be the hardest part of the whole thing.

    Sorry I didn't talk to everyone individually< I will next time I just feel this is long enough....:happy:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    YAY!!! Hello everyone!!!

    Just checking in quickly before I go home from work.

    Zebras, you are doing GREAT!! Keep up the good work!!!

    Hoosier, you are a real globetrotter!!! Back to reality now!! Hey, dancing can be great exercise. I tend to overeat at buffets and make bad choices. We stay away from them!!

    MK, it won't take much more effort to hit the 500 cal burned mark. Happy to know your daughter is doing well!!

    Tron, I think that you were talking to yourself with that bus driver. He really doen't get it!

    Stiring, yesterday's workout was tough and I am just now starting to get a bit sore. Feels good, though!

    Alf, no I'm not finished with Insanity just yet. I am going to use it as part of my total workout routine. The daily pounding will kill my joints otherwise.

    Have a great evening!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    I did the P90X Plyo workout yesterday. It's amazing that I thought it was a tough workout 2 years ago when I originally bought P90X. After the Insanity workouts, X Plyo is relatively easy. Tony & "the kids" were sweating and puffing. I hardly broke a sweat and my heart rate was not very high. That must mean that I am actually "fit". I know I have a long way to go, but I feel as though I can finally get over the hump...IF I maintain a good diet. That is the key to it all. But it's the toughest thing for me to conquer.

    Today is "Back & Biceps" and "Ab Ripper X". My muscles are now a bit stiff & sore from Monday's workout, but it hurts so good!!! (sounds like a song).

    We are on the final stretch of our remodeling project. Fresh paint & crown moulding in the bathrooms. Today he is painting the living room & dining room. The big task will be to de-construct and re-construct the area above our gas fireplace for our new TV. We used to have the old style TV there, but the new LCD TV will not fit in that space. He will then put small glass tiles around the entire area. I can't wait! One benefit to being "empty nesters" is having some extra cash to do a project like this. Hopefully our Grandson will not have an accident and spill something on the new carpet.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    singfree, I was curious how you'd feel about plyoX after having done some of Insanity. Thanks for the feedback. It kind of makes me more excited to get the Insanity workouts because while I enjoy plyoX, like you, I'm just not that challenged by it. Good luck on Back and Biceps and ARX. Those are my workouts today, and I can't wait! Love back and biceps!

    tron, I'm glad you talked to the bus driver, but I still think he was completely wrong in what he did. He never should have left your son to find his own way home. But good for you for talking it out with him. I hope nothing like that ever happens again...to your son or any other child.

    mkwood, great job on the workouts! And I'm happy to hear your daughter is feeling better.

    hoosier, again, with all of the stuff you've had going on this summer, I think you are doing amazingly well with everything. I probably would have given up weeks ago trying to even think about proper eating, so my hat's off to you!

    Like I said, I'm doing back/biceps today and probably some cardio afterwards if I have the time/energy. My eating is still good during the week. I have more problems on weekends, but I've not given in to any really unhealthy temptations yet. Yes, I used the word 'yet' because, no doubt, I will. :laugh: I mark my 'anniversary' every month (the 17th) of when I started on this journey. So it has now been over 8 months since I've had a bowl of ice cream or a piece of pie or some french fries or a bag of chips or whatever. I don't miss most of it....but I would be lying my teeth off if I didn't say that right about now, I'm craving a peanut butter cup ice cream dish from Cold Stone! And the great thing right now is that I feel like I'm in control of my diet enough that if I were to have one, I wouldn't cave into the 'just one a week' that turned into 'just every night' kind of sweet habit that got me where I was in December. So......maybe I'll try to take my 'lifestyle' to the next step soon by eating a sweet and see if I can get to a better balance of eating those dessert foods I enjoy in small portions, not very often, and completely without guilt. That's my goal with sweets right now.

    Hope everybody enjoys their day!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Stiring, thank God we don't have a Cold Stone Creamery near us, because I love that peanut butter cup mixture they do. My other favorite no-no is Ben & Jerry's Phish Food, and I am proud to say I haven't bought that in a very long time.
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Hi everyone!!! Hope you all are enjoying some fine fall weather! It's going to be 80° here today!

    Just wanted to pop in and say thanks to Stiring for the great response to my question about holiday eating.

    I think you've hit upon a wonderful way to deal with it. I too love stuffing and I think choosing the one thing that says the holiday to us, and then enjoying that without guilt should make it easier to get through.

    Christmas will be much much tougher, though, heh. What do I pick? The tenderloin roast? The au gratin potatoes? The cocoa meringue pie? :devil: LOL...I just foresee a lot of extra workout time during those 2 weeks when the kids are at home and there are cookies and pies and cheese and spreads abounding!

    Also wanted to post that I've passed my goal of 45 decline situps this week. YAY!!!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    I do have a picture of my son on my profile... Check him out and see what a "bully" he looks like. :laugh:
    This bus driver just had an attitude and was trying to justify himself hoping I would understand. But I thought his reasoning was inexcusable and the more he talked the more irritated I became. Dont mess with my kids. It doesnt go over very well at all. Unless they did something to deserve it that is.

    I am afraid to get on the scale this week. I have been so busy that I havent been logging in my food nor getting any exercise in either. I have started taking a fiber substitute because I have IBS but gosh, it bloats the heck outta me and gives me gas. I know what your thinking.... too much info.... but its true. Is this normal for all fiber substitutes? I dont think I like this side affect.:grumble:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    tron, your son looks like a brute!! :laugh: In all seriousness, he looks like a really nice young man. I don't blame you one bit for being irritated. I wish I could answer your question about fiber substitutes, but I can't. But I hope your body adjusts....or find something that doesn't make you feel so poorly. :flowerforyou:

    zebras, don't get me started on Ben and Jerry's ice cream. I mean, my husband and I flew back from Germany one summer to visit the northeast, and we made a special trip to Vermont just to go visit our good friends, Ben and Jerry. It is ridiculous how much I love their ice cream. It's like a drug to me. And I wish I had only one favorite flavor, but....no! I have to crave all kinds of different flavors at different times. I'm surprised they haven't had to file for bankruptcy since I've stopped eating ice cream. :tongue:

    cardigirl, I'm glad you liked my recommendations for the holidays. Yesterday I was listening to a podcast that was done around last Thanksgiving, and the nutritionist on the podcast mentioned that the average American woman eats about 2000 calories for Thanksgiving dinner. Yikes! That really served as a wake-up call for me. Even though it is just one day, I still have to ask 'Does anybody ever need to eat that much in one meal?' It just seems so....excessive....to me.

    And kudos on the decline sit-ups! How do you do them? I was thinking last night as I was watching The Biggest Loser that I've never done that style of sit-up, but don't know if I can do them reasonably at home. So I'm curious what equipment you use to do them.

    Had a great workout this morning. I felt really strong and was able to go up in weights and reps! :drinker: I love days like today.
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member

    Stiring, the bench looks something like this, though I swear the one I use is at an even steeper angle. I feel like I'm hanging upside down on it.

    Anyway, I do as many as I can the first set, then try to do half again the second set, and the third set I try to finish out with at least ten. I'm boxing with the trainer while I do it. i.e. when I sit up I hit one-two and then go back down.

    It's fun and exhausting at the same time.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Thanks, cardigirl! I don't think I could do ONE of those, much less ten on my third set! That's amazing!!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Ah, the best-laid plans...down the drain!! :grumble: I got home yesterday ready to do a good P90X workout. My carpenter asked (pleaded) me if I could help him finish painting the living room moulding so he could install it today. SOOOOO, no exercise for me yesterday, except for a walk at lunchtime (I don't count that as exercise, only the stuff that gets my heart pounding). I will do that workout tonight and maybe a quick bike ride.

    I really need to start journaling my food intake. I'm disappointed that I can't say no to junk food. Like Stiring, once it becomes a habit, the junk food will not be quite as appealing to me.

    Cardi, I used to do crunches on a bench just like that. It really works the abs, especially when you pull yourself up and touch opposite toes. Works the obliques big time. Very good workout, you are doing great!

    Well, gotta go for now. I need to start my workday (6 am). Take care!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hey everybody. I hope you all are having a good day. It has turned hot and dry again in LA. It is hard to believe that other parts of the country are experiencing signs of winter....and I'm in shorts and flip flops and burning up. Oh, well. I never thought I'd miss winter again after two winters in Alaska....but I must admit to missing the signs of autumn this year. Snow?....not so much. :happy:

    singfree, sorry to hear you didn't get your workout in. I'm always cranky (crankier? :tongue: ) when I don't get a workout in when I had planned on doing one. Hopefully things will work out better for you today.

    Regarding food habits, it has taken me months to realize that I really am a habitual eater. I suppose most people are. But everytime I read that habits can be broken in two weeks and formed in two more weeks, I shake my head. It takes me WAY longer than two weeks to truly break a habit. Maybe I'm just a slow learner. :laugh:

    Anyhow, like I said yesterday, the habit I need to stay away from more than anything is my habit with sweets. It seems for the better part of my life (from when I was a child), I eat pretty healthy all day long (I've never been a snacker and have always eaten a balanced breakfast and lunch without any junk food or sweets), but I like to end my dinner with a sweet....be it a cookie, a few pieces of chocolate, or a big old piece of cheesecake. It matters not....as long as I have my sweet. And that is where I get into trouble because the progression usually goes just how I listed it....from cookie to chocolate to big dessert...and I end up eating a big dessert every night of the week until I realize I need to lose weight. For me, if I'm going to re-introduce sweets into my lifestyle (and I want to because I think there needs to be some balance there), I have to be convinced I can control that habit.

    So what I've been doing lately is changing my current habits around just to convince myself that I am in control of my food. While none of my current habits are as strong as my sweet habit has been (though peanut butter comes a close second!), I'm doing little things to change the order/time that I eat certain foods (especially when I know I'm craving them at a certain time) to show to myself that I control the habit, and it doesn't control me. So far.....it is working out really well. I've not even changed what I'm eating....I'm just changing WHEN I'm eating certain things to prove to myself that I can manage the habit-based cravings.

    Just as an example, like I said, I like sweet stuff after dinner. And for the past number of months, that has been met with fruit. Over the past two-three weeks, I've moved my traditional bowl of fruit from after dinner to my afternoon snack. And the after-dinner craving is all but gone now.

    So it's kind of based on doing things like this that has me convinced I'm ready to start introducing some of the foods I love so much that I know put the weight on me back into my diet. I really thought it would take about a year to re-train myself, but I'm thinking I'm just about ready now.

    As I go through this, though, I'm going to make sure that I track everything I eat because I still want to be accountable to myself for what I'm eating. And then, eventually, I'll hopefully get to a place where eating healthy with proper portions AND enjoying some less-than-healthy food options will become balanced and natural.

    Enough of that! Did a tough cardio session this morning followed by YogaX. Both went well, though I tweaked my knee a bit doing the yoga. I think it will be fine, though. I'm going to go for a walk and see if that doesn't help ease it up a bit. If nothing else, I'm almost at my rest week :drinker: so I'll have some time to heal.
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600

    Sounds like you have a good plan of attack. I think if you keep your sweets most of the time to more natural sugars, you won't get a big attack that ends in multiple slices of cake and ice cream like it would for me!

    It definitely does seem like bad habits take years to break and good habits mere minutes, doesn't it?