40+ Club - Fall Fitness Fanatics



  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Hi everyone! Sounds like there were wonderful holidays all around.

    I did well with my eating (except for some, um, fried clams and onion rings on Saturday at the beach) and am down a pound this morning!!! Yay! We'll see if it sticks.

    Stiring, love the new profile pic. You look great and those guns you're sportin' are awesome! I have to say, I have the same reaction to sugar now, as you do. Went to a birthday party a couple of weeks ago and before I knew it, I'd eaten a cake with frosting. Felt terrible the next day. Interesting how our bodies adjust so well to a healthy diet.

    Texassipian, can't wait to see your new pic as well. Hurry up! :wink: Sounds like the yard work was more than enough of a workout for the weekend. And yay! for your BIL. May he continue to improve more and more!

    TexasMom, those skating pics are cool! Looks like such fun! Also, am jealous of the pork ribs you had over the weekend.

    In fact, all of youse with the smoked pork, stop making me so hungry!!!! :laugh:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hi everyone!!! :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Stiring, GUNS OF STEEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: PRETTY IMPRESSIVE! Looking great girl! No wonder you can do so many pushups! 103 degree weather, hey that is the weather here...:noway:

    Texasmom, thanks for sharing the pics. Your husband has got to be in great shape for all those competitions. Your son competes as well? That is great!

    My weekend was good. My daughter and grandbaby were only here until Sat afternoon. She had to return to post since there was a rumor about a recall. My grandbaby is so cute, I cannot stop hugging her and kissing her. She gets upset sometimes from all those kisses. :laugh: She is a handful but she melts my heart when she puts her head on my shoulder. :heart: I am just a little frustrated with the things my daughter feeds her. I could not help to make some comments and she got defensive. I really dont want to tell her what to do but...I am sure you understand where I am coming from. My grandbaby is only 13 mos old and I can see already how she prefers sugary drinks over water or milk. My daughter even said to me after one of my comments "oh well, you fed me the same things." True, but I did not know any better...now I do. So the only thing I can do is to lead by example. As long as my grandbaby is around me she will be introduced to good/healthy foods. That is all I can do. It is hard but in the end I am just Grandma.

    My husband and I jogged 13 miles yesterday. :noway: It was good!!!! I did Core Syn today and loved it. I could not do some of the exercises so I have new challenges. :drinker: I felt pain while doing Sphinx pushups so I did the rest on my knees. Chaturanga runs, OMG! (sorry if it is confusing for those who have not done P90X).

    Take care! :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • annaliza
    Good afternoon everyone!

    Cardigirl - I am proud of you for running!!! That's how you start - run, walk, run - 30 minutes is fantastic!! Congrats on your weightloss!! I'm at a plateau right now...Im hoping to see the scale move soon.

    Alf - wow, 13 miles is a lot!! I can only do 8 miles at a time but I'm hoping to build up to it. I'm glad you had a great weekend your grandbaby. She sounds so precious!!! You know, it's opposite in my family...they kind of tease my husband and I for not giving my kids anything sweet except rarely. And we try to feed them healthy so they like veggies and fruits. Of course, grandma always tries to slip them cookies and sweets, so I have to keep an eye on my MIL lol

    Stiring, your new profile pic looks great! Good job on keeping your eating under control - and hey, licking the icing off a cake is not too bad...at least you didn't eat the cupcakes! lol, that's what I would have done.

    Tex - Yay for BIL!! I am very happy for your family.

    Sing, indulge yourself!! You deserve it! And that sounds like a great time, too!

    I've been doing well. This Thurs we are taking our dog to the vet to get his ears cropped (he's a doberman). I know, some people find it cruel, but my hubby insists on getting his ears done. It wouldn't bother me for him to have floppy ears lol

    I'm still on this stinking plateau. I weighed myself at the gym today (a day early than my normal) and I'm still the same weight. I doubt very much anything is going to happen tomorrow either, but what can you do? I'm just going to keep at it but it's frustrating...the scale hasn't moved in over a month.

    Ohh, the bell is ringing...time to go home.

    Have a great evening everyone!
  • mkwood10
    Hi all! Hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend!:wink::smile::smile:

    I'm supposed to get weighed and measured today, but I'm afraid I won't like what the scale and the tape measure say . :blushing: :embarassed: :blushing:

    Went on a Harley ride yesterday with friends and ended up eating an early dinner at Logan's Roadhouse. It's a new chain similar to Texas Roadhouse, from what I can tell. Anyhow - awesome steakhouse; AWESOME food!!! Couldn't resist the appetizers - we were starving, so the guys ordered mozz sticks, deep fried mushrooms and stuffed baked potato skins:grumble: . Limited myself to one mozz stick and 1/2 baked potato skin, but shouldn't have had all of that before the meal. Had the 6oz filet mignon and ate about 3/4 of it, maybe 1/3 of the HUGE baked sweet potato and most of my caesar salad with very little dressing drizzled on it. :grumble: :ohwell: I didn't even attempt to log it; I just skipped Sunday's entries completely. I don't want to know how many calories I ate yesterday, even if I didn't eat any lunch!!!! :ohwell: Didn't weigh myself this morning, but I KNOW that scale's gonna say back up over 130:mad: :sad: I SO WISH I had my teenage metabolism back:tongue::tongue: I miss being able to eat anything and everything that looks good:grumble: :tongue: :laugh:

    But.......whether I weigh and measure or not, I WILL GO TO CURVES ON MY WAY HOME TONITE!!!!!!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    mkwood, your meal yesterday sounds like my entire weekend.:mad: :embarassed:

    annaliza, I am constantly at a plateau. Hate that. Let me know if you know of how to avoid them.

    alf, good going....I don't think that I could last for 13 miles.

    cardi, great that you are still down a pounds after that meal. You really must be watching the rest of your foods.

    stiring...great pic.

    I did quite bad this weekend and do not want to step on the scales, but I know that I will. My family has been going through some rough times with my son getting divorced. It looks like battle time and I don't want to have to deal with the emotions. Hearing about all your grandchildren is bringing it all to mind, also. You are so fortunate to have them close by where you can see them so often. Be sure to give them lots of hugs and kisses.
  • Texssippian
    Swiss: So sorry for the family drama. Keep up the exercise and taking care of yourself. You are worth it and it will help bring a calmer, more rational mind to the family drama. Prayers and supportive thoughts to you!

    Alf: 13 mile jog? I would do well for 13 blocks walking with my husband. Let that grandbaby melt your heart. That is what they are made for.

    Annaliza: My weight is not dropping rapidly either. My thought on it is that your body is getting used to this weight before it drops down more. Sort of like letting the concrete harden before you add more to the structure. You are not moving up in weight so it is a good thing! Also, size matters more than weight. I am 20 pounds heavier than I was last time I lost a lot of weight but I can fit into clothes I wore when I weighed less. I think it is solid muscle weighing more... maybe not, but it is a good little mind game for me.

    Marla: good choices at the restaurant. Go curves!

    My big news: Brother-in-law Richie is being discharged from Oschner tomorrow! He has been hospitalized (this time) since July 26. His liver transplant will be two weeks post tomorrow. Tomorrow is Richie and Blanche's 20th wedding anniversary! What a great way to celebrate. I am flying down to New Orleans tomorrow to help get them settled in the temporary apartment. We celebrated our 20th anniversary in New Orleans too. Daughter who was a freshman in high school came with us and my parents met us in New Orleans. Both parents lived in New Orleans when they were children. My grandmothers were friends in college which was how my parents met.
    Any way, New Orleans has very many special memories, not the least of which is Richie's new lease on life!

    Thanks all for your support and understanding. I think of you as very good friends. TxMs
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Is it Wednesday already? I'm not complaining!! I hope everyone had a restful night's sleep. The last few weeks I've been sleeping much better, which is unusual for me. I even get around 7 hrs per night, which is VERY unusual. I guess my body is trying to tell me something.

    Alf, we have the same problem with our daughter-in-law. She usually feeds our Grandson good things, but sometimes she gives him such crap...french fries, etc...We just shake our heads in disbelief. Our DIL is struggling with weight loss, but she has no willpower to do much about it. She will do the WW points system, which seems to work, but then falls off the wagon after a few days. I hope she gets back on board before it's too late.

    Swiss, sorry about the family troubles. We're here for you! Please take care of YOU first!

    MK, I can hear my arteries clogging already with the "Roadhouse" appetizers! Tasty stuff, but not worth the pain (indigestion and scale weight)!! You can be my "get back on the wagon buddy". I've been a bad boy recently, and need to really clean up my act.

    Stiring, your pix looks great! Are you finding the strengh emphasis of P90X is good for you? Has your diet changed at all? Whatever you are doing, keep up the great work!!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Hi All! Long time no post. Busy with several home renovations - one of which has required moving my daughter into the office while her room is being redone. I have been blocked from the computer in the mornings cause heaven forbid she get up before noon:laugh: Now kids are finally back to school.:drinker: I've been focusing on my half marathon training as right now I'm about a month out. This weekend I had my first ever IT band issue during my long run. I'm hoping it is due to my old shoes and the route being very banked. Sorry I don't have time for a long post but hope to catch up over the next few days.
  • annaliza
    Morning everyone!! (no good, either lol)

    Ok, so this week I have GAINED 3.5 lbs!!!!!!! I don't know what's going on!! I've been eating well, working out 6 days a week, drinking more water. WTF? I think some of it might be muscle because nothing is fitting tighter (lol, it shouldn't with only 3.5 lbs) and I do see more muscle definition in my arms rather than just my legs. But right now I'm totally frustrated and ready to quit MFP. I'm wondering if Weight Watchers will work better for me or maybe my body is in starvation mode.

    Tex, thanks so much for the kind words and encouragement. I looked over my weightloss since I started and you are right...you can see a pattern just like that...lose some....level off for a bit, lose some more. I only hope that I start losing some more soon lol. And YAY for BIL!!!!!! Have fun in New Orleans!

    Swiss, sorry to hear about your son's divorce. Divorce tears apart a family but also keep in mind that it will be for the best in the long run. I agree with Sing....take time out for you....and give your son lots of love and encouragement...it's a very hard time for him and the family as well.

    Duffy, good to hear from you! Lol, kick your daughter out of bed! Who sleeps until noon?? (ok, I admit, Im a tad jealous....wish I could sleep until noon lol).

    Sing, I'm so glad you are getting more sleep!

    MK - I would LOVE to have my teen metabolism back! Did you go to Curves?

    Well, back to work! Take care all!!!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Hi everybody!! Hope everybody is enjoying their day.

    mkwood, don't worry about your meal on Sunday. You've been so dedicated that I hope you simply took the time to enjoy it. I read a great tip yesterday. It said if you eat a less-than-healthy meal, to make sure you follow it up with five healthy meals/snacks. That way you know you are eating healthy 80% of the time. And when you eat healthy 80% of the time....all is good!

    Swissmiss, I'm sorry to hear about your family troubles. Please just take care of yourself. :flowerforyou:

    Texssippian, great news on your brother-in-law. I am amazed how quickly he is being released from the hospital. I hope everything continues to go well with him. Have a safe trip to New Orleans.

    duffy, good to see you! I've been wondering how your training is going. I'm sorry to hear about the IT band situation. I hope it is temporary. From what I understand, that is a relatively common complaint among runners. The only 'cure' I've heard (aside from rest and such) is using a foam cushion to massage the area. Hope it feels better soon!

    annaliza, I wouldn't worry about your 3.5 pound weight gain. I read in the thread you started that you've just started weight training. That can most definitely make you retain water (even if you are drinking more water). A couple of months ago, I posted some information that Cathe Friedrich provided regarding weight gain and strength training. (Note: Cathe Friedrich is the DVD instructor I follow most often). She wrote: "Now I will admit that any weightlifting program can cause temporary water weight gain. When you begin any new weightlifting program your body will retain water in the beginning. This is because your body’s muscles will temporarily store more glycogen when you start a new program and this attracts more water to your muscles. This is one reason why your muscles swell. After your body adapts to the new program your body will stop storing excess glycogen and the water retention will decrease." I ALWAYS gain weight when I start a new weight training program or change a program. I gained weight going from STS to P90X! So don't sweat this weight gain because I am sure it is temporary.

    That being said, I think doing some strength training will definitely help you with your plateau. I think anytime you shake up a fitness routine, the body will respond. So keep at it, despite the temporary increase in weight. Strength training really is good for you!!

    singfree, I definitely agree that your body is telling you something if you are sleeping more! Enjoy it while it lasts. I know I go through stages where I sleep 7-8 hours....and stages where I sleep 5-6. I think I'm in the latter stage now. :grumble:

    I started on the second part of P90X today with Chest/Shoulders/Triceps. It was a good workout, but I'm sure I will feel better with it the more I do it. But I felt good and worked out after it was over. I couldn't manage the one-arm pushups on my feet though. :laugh: I can't imagine I'll ever be able to do one-arm pushups (or plyo pushups) on my toes. But I was able to do both on my knees, which kind of surprised me. alf, I think you'll enjoy this workout!

    singfree, you asked how I'm liking P90X and the strength emphasis. While I love the different exercises Tony has incorporated into the program, I would be lying if I did say that I miss my more traditional weight lifting that I do with Cathe and what I did in STS. Tony uses more body weight exercises than I'm used to. I think that's great because it is providing me with some great options for exercises for when I'm travelling and such. But I actually prefer more traditional weight lifting, so.....That being said, I can't argue with the results I'm getting right now! As far as my diet, I've actually decreased the number of calories I was taking in (by about 300 a day) and am easily maintaining my weight. So my body is responding very differently to this type of workout as well (I don't need to eat as much :cry: ). I'm happy with the program, and it is more challenging than I thought it was going to be when I first started it. But I will also be happy to get back to more standard weight lifting when it is over. But I think there will be a place in my fitness regime for P90X for the next few years without a doubt.

    Thanks, all, for your compliments on my new profile photo!

    Enjoy the remainder of the day!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I want to thank all of you for your concern. I just have to let go of my grown children. Easier said than done. I did well the past two days and will continue doing so. I do have my husband helping me.:heart:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning gang!!!!!!!!!!!! Swiss, (((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    So happy, as always, to hear from all of you! Everyone is doing so well. MK, that Harley ride sounds like so much fun!!! I am glad you enjoyed it.

    Annaliza, hang in there!!! Be consistent and it will pay off in the end. Like Nike says, "Just do it" :laugh:

    Duffy, great to hear from you!!!!! what type of GU product you use? I bought a variety of individual packets yesterday to try with my husband. Now that we are doing longer distance we need a pick me up along the way...Sing, have you used energy gels,etc?

    Stiring, good to hear you liked chest, shoulders arms. I will be doing it on Sunday for the first time. Any pointers? I need to look at it before then. I did core syn again today. I really like that workout.

    Ok, gotta get ready for work. I am also dropping off my puppy at the groomers, her first visit. :noway: She is a mess!! :laugh:

    Have a great day!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good afternoon!

    I've been pretty busy here at work, so I apologize for not checking in sooner.

    I'm planning to take a bike ride later if it's not raining. I have to work (again) tonight, but that's ok. we are going to a wedding in Lancaster County, leaving tomorrow afternoon. The B&B should be wonderful! It's a Victorian mansion out in the country. I think it belonged to Pres. Garfield's grandfather. It will be cool and rainy tomorrow, so maybe we will use the fireplace in the room :blushing: .

    Alf, no I have not used any gels yet. I usually don't need to supplement during long periods of exercise if I eat some carb before the workout. Water is my main requirement. Do you drink Gatorade or anything like that while running? I find that I can't eat while exercising. I prefer a fairly empty stomach so my breathing is easier. I know a lot of people who eat a banana or clif bar during long workouts. My wife runs out of steam a lot quicker than me. I guess it's an individual thing.

    Stiring, I kinda thought that your caloric requirements would decrease with P90X, due to the lower amounts of cardio. I'm with you...I will use "X" as part of my exercise arsenal. Same with Insanity. I will ultimately use Insanity as a weight-fat-loss tool and "X" as my strength workout. My main problem will ALWAYS be my diet. I do well most of the time, but there are days that I would like to forget.

    Annaliza, Stiring is on the money with her response to you. Glycogen is the most probable culprit here. Don't be afraid to drink a lot of water. I know it sounds silly, but you really need to keep the water intake high to flush the system. This will also help the liver function better and more efficiently. Squeeze some fresh lemon in the water which can actually help to emulsify fat and get it moving out of the body. Anne Louise Gittleman has written some good books & article about this. I really think it works!

    No, I'm not a doctor, but I recently stayed at a Holiday Inn Express!!!

    Have a great day!

    Don't forget Friday check-in!!!!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Hello Everyone!!! Zion was awesome. I just love hiking the narrows. I would go there every week if I didn't live so far away.

    Aprilvet... Your doing insanity also... Wow! Good for you...

    Texasmom.... No, I dont live near Zion National Park. It actually takes me 11 hours to get there. I know, crazy for a weekend trip huh

    String.... All's I can say is WOW!!!!!! Your looking amazing! I cant believe the muscle tone already!!!!

    Alf.... 13 miles!!! Thats awesome. I'm so glad your husband is out there running with you. As for the baby and her eating, hopefully her mom will realize that feeding her healthy foods sooner rather than later is whats best for her. But we all know that we cant make mom do that, she has to learn on her own.

    Annaliza..... Your babies are beautiful. I wish mine were young again. As for the weight gain, I'm thinking the same thing as everyone else. Its probably water weight. Unfortunately I dont know whats causing mine but I wish it would stop.

    Swiss.... Sorry to hear about your son. Divorce is a tough thing but hopefully both parties will be reasonable and make it as smooth as possible. Take care of yourself first and foremost.

    Sing... Hows your leg feeling? Getting any better at all?

    Texssipian.... You BIL sounds like he is doing unbelievably well in his recovery processes. Thats awesome!

    So, what do you all think of Jillian Michaels new supplements? I haven't checked them out but when I heard about them yesterday it was kinda shocking to me that she would put her name on stuff like that.
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Hello All! Just going to jump right in even tho not too much new posting wise. Just busy busy with getting home from Calif. Had a wonderful time with friends and family and enjoyed my friends daughter's wedding. Now to do a little committee work, GEMS girls club, PR for our small Christian school, ktchen committee, Sunday school. There is no end for the stay-at-home Mom! Working on the plans for the next wedding. I suppose I should weigh in tomorrow. Kind of curious how my generally not over-indulging program is going. Tomorrow will tell!

    Oh my goodnes String!! Check-out those guns! I love it! I do tend to muscle easily but you put some real work into those lookers! I like it alot!!:drinker: :drinker: Love the SD Wild Animal Park. That is the area where I grew up. My High School was right over the hill from there!

    TexasMiss - Praying that you BIL moves home easily and the transistion is smooth!

    Swiss My heart is with you as you lend your wisdom and support in a situation that is difficult. Our kids will always need us one way or another, I suppose:brokenheart: :brokenheart:

    Annaliza -- You know you are looking and feeling good. :happy: :happy: Go with the positive and kick the scale out of the way for a bit!

    On to the house and all. Hubby is going on a 14 day hunting excursion including packing into Idaho on horseback! Figure this will be a good time to get a lot of projects done (or sleep in:happy: :happy: ) It will be interesting to see how all the climbing and physical activity will go! He has been on the stationary bike but still carries an extra 60+ lbs.!! Hope he will continue the excercise when he returns!

    I will report back tomorrow rain :sad: or shine :happy: on the scale's verdict. If the numbers are up, it's back to logging calories on MFP I will go! Until tomorrow!

  • mkwood10
    Happy Friday to everyone!!!

    Well, I was right - the scale at Curves said 130 Tuesday AND yesterday :frown: :grumble: :grumble: . I know it's not permanent weight gain, but it's still so frustrating!!

    On the bright side - the weather forecast doesn't look nice enough to go to the lake either day, so I will be able to actually cook and eat healthier this weekend........IF I cook!:laugh: :laugh: I really need to; I've got 3-4 meals worth of good food sitting in the fridge - I just need to make myself prepare the meals instead of joining the neighbors for pizza or eating out. It's hard when the hubby's already at the neighbors when I get home from working out - most days they've already started cooking and drinking from their new kegerator :drinker: (beer fridge with keg taps) before I get home.

    The hubby just doesn't understand when I say he needs to cut back on the beer, eat better and lose some of that weight.....or else he understands but just doesn't want to do it!!!!:grumble: :grumble: At least he does't grumble when I get home later because I've worked out, but I really wish he'd do something healthy for himself........ I've even told him I don't want to be a young widow, but it goes in one ear and out the other - SOME MEN!!!!:explode:

    OK,OK, I've whined enough............I really should get some work done today :laugh:

    Have a good weekend all.........
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    TGIF! For some reason, even though this week was a short one it has seemed really long. Probably because I'm still resting my IT band and haven't been able to run. I'm hoping to get back out and do a short run over the weekend just to see what happens.

    ALF: I have several favorite GUs. Espresso Love is my #1 fav because it has a decent jolt of caffeine I usually only use it in races. I also like the Vanilla and Lemon - one of those has no caffeine (I can't remember which).

    I'm currently not doing any strength training I started having some old neck problems and I'm trying to figure out the cause. It might be from the higher mileage running I'm doing for the half or lifting the heavier weights in the PUSH phase of CX. More likely it is a combination but I'm already registered for the half in Oct so I decided to take it easy on the weights and see if there is any improvement.

    Glad to hear about all of the success and hopefully I'll be getting back into the MFP swing of things.
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    I said I would, so here is the report... up 3 lbs. from my lowest:grumble: :grumble: so back to logging the calories I go! I figured I would be after all the traveling and celebrations. Time to stock up on healthy food again too! The next two weeks will be a good time to focus without my hearty eatiing farmer at home! Other major component... back to the gym and walking. The good news.. I'm not starting out at 160 this time.:smile:

    MK, I understand the frustration about the less than heathy lifestyle husband... :grumble: I have used all of the lines you have, and probably way too many times. I really try to provide healthy food and encourage anything positive. Afterall, not so long ago I wasn't all that concerned about all of it myself. Meanwhile I'm gonna try to enjoy good days! We are both healthy and can have fun together.!

    Have a great weekend everyone! I'll be around! :smile:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello gang!!! :drinker:

    MK, dont even get me started on husband issues...geez!!!! :grumble: :grumble: My post would be way too long...so you are not alone...:flowerforyou:

    Tron, that is such a sweet picture. You are so beautiful. :flowerforyou:

    duffy, sorry to hear about your injuries. Take care of yourself. Thanks for the GU suggestions. I will try and have my husband try the packets I bought and see if they help.

    Hoosier, dont sweat those 3lbs. You will be back on track soon. You have been so busy with family I could not keep up with fitness and eating healthy myself.

    I am about 2 lbs down. I dont make a big fuss about it because lately my weight has been fluctuating between 123 to 127. My goal is to maintain now around 125lbs and continue to challenge myself to get stronger and fitter. My measurements have stayed about the same. According to my caliper measurements I lost about 2% body fat,down to about 17%. That is kinda low I guess for me...it is in the lean category. Again I dont trust those measurements 100%, I am no expert. I do feel and look leaner, a lot of my small clothes are loose, I can pull down my jeans (sz 4) without unbuttoning them. :noway: I have not been counting calories. I have been listening to my body and eating small clean meals frequently, every 2.5 to 3 hrs. I am not so sure if I am eating enough so that might be the cause for the weight loss now but I feel fine, with energy. What do you guys think?

    I did 90mins of yoga this morning. :noway: It is still way too long but I am happy that the poses are getting easier to maintain. I am running an 8 mile relay race tonight, the proceeds go towards the SA Zoo. I hope it does not rain. I will be the last one, it is just 2 miles so piece of cake...:laugh:

    Take care!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    I'm just writing from under my rock to say hi. Didn't even want to look at the scale this morning. Have to get my act together. I need a couple of weekends in a row with no parties or trips to get me under control.

    Just found out I need reading glasses too.

    You all sound like you are doing great. Everyone looks good in their new pics, etc. etc. I am proud to be associated with such a wonderful group!