40+ Club - Fall Fitness Fanatics



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Hey everybody! Good to see so many checking in this Friday.

    tron, welcome back! I'm glad you enjoyed Zion again. I love your new profile pic! You asked about Jillian Michael's new diet pills. From what I understand, these are natural pills that are a combination of caffeine and white willow bark (aspirin). Jillian has advocated such a pill on her radio show many times. That being said, as far as I recall, she never advocated them as 'diet pills', as I understand they are now being marketed. And I think it is off her usual message to be seen as advocating and/or marketing 'diet pills' even if they are natural products and ones that she has always recommended. Many people don't understand the specific ingredients in diet pills....they just know she is recommending diet pills. So many people, based on her influence, may opt for cheaper, less natural pills thinking they are just a different version of what she is offering. I would have preferred for her to market her 'diet pills' as caffeine stacks, which is how she talked about them on her radio show. But, of course, they probably wouldn't have sold as well with that name. I like Jillian, but I would be lying if I didn't say that I think she has gone a bit 'big business' recently, and selling this product as a diet pill is one example of what I mean.

    mkwood, don't worry about the weight gain. I'm sure it is temporary. I'm lucky that my husband has, at least in part, accepted some healthier habits. Of course, it helps that I'm doing all of the work, which translates into his not minding what I feed him. But left own his own......:noway: We went out to dinner last Friday when we were in San Diego. I had researched the restaurant and ordered a Greek Salad with 350 calories. My husband ordered a hamburger and fries (1800 calories)....and then ordered a second batch of fries on top of that. :huh: So while I'm happy he's willing to eat what I serve him (and asks for things I make), I'm not so sure he would be doing the same on his own. But I can't do anymore than I'm already doing since he's a grown man.

    duffy, I'm so sorry to hear about the continued injuries. Is you neck pain where you had your surgery? I hope you get to feeling better soon.

    Hoosier, if I had the summer you've had, I'd be celebrating the fact I'd only gained 3 pounds! You've done amazingly well given everything you've been doing lately.

    alf, I think as long as you feel good and have enough energy, you are doing just fine. I don't know how accurate most body fat calculators are. I know I have been measured as low as 18% and as high as 24%...so who knows. That's one of the reasons I just don't pay much attention to stuff like that. That being said, I think it is important to make sure you get enough to eat, so keep listening to your body. But be aware that you may not always feel as hungry as you should given the type of workouts you are doing (which can curb the feeling of hunger). That's one of the reasons I make sure I take in a minimum number of calories per day (about 1800), and then eat more on top of that as signs of hunger tell me are necessary. But if you don't want to get back into calorie counting (and I can so understand why you wouldn't want to), I don't think you need to....unless you continue to lose weight.

    zebras, good to see you!! You don't need to hide under a rock. As you can see, everybody here goes through stages where they are eating healthier and/or unhealthier, so don't feel badly about it. :flowerforyou:

    Friday check-in.....my weight is relatively stable still (99 this morning, but I'm fluctuating a couple of pounds on any given day right now). My measurements seems to be the same. I have had alot more energy this week (minus Tuesday morning when I was coming off my sugar high from Monday) which has been a pleasant surprise. So....all is well. I've been eating well this week. But tonight.....I've got a date with a bottle of wine. I'm hoping I stop with one glass. If I don't.....oh, well. It has just been that kind of a week (and day!)

    I did P90X Back/Biceps this morning. I loved this workout!!! It is a toss up whether I liked this workout better than shoulders/arms or not....but they come close. I felt great when I completed it. Of course, now my arms feel like jello :laugh: ....but that's a good thing, right?

    Hope everybody has a great weekend!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Thank you for the complement on the picture. I like it, its a nice picture but what I like most is my husband is being sweet for no reason.:laugh:

    So Jillian's diet pills are just a bunch of caffeine? Still never thought I'd see the day where she associated herself with things like that but.... Whatever.

    Today I scrubbed the heck outta my downstairs part of the house. Its so nice when its this clean. Doesn't seem to last very long though. I want to start on the upstairs tomorrow but that will take quite a bit longer, its the kids area. I really only have one kids left up there but when the girls left the only took what they wanted and left the rest for me to deal with.... Thanks girls.:grumble:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I am hoping to get my computer fixed today. Not sure if my son can do this or not. Keeping my fingers crossed.
    I have been doing very bad the last couple of weeks. Since I don't have my own computer, I have not been logging in my foods and when I don't do this, then I don't eat right. I did go to my Zumba class this morning. I am now doing this three times a week. I need to do more weight in order to have a more shapely body. I am determined to begin to eat right now and get back on track.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hi Everyone!!!! How is your Sunday?? I hope is great!

    I started phase 2 of P90X today. I enjoyed the workout today. Yes, Stiring, I love it!!!! I did not push as hard since it was all new. I know I will do better next time. Stiring, did you do all your push ups on your toes? The push ups he does in this workout are tough. :noway: I did most on my knees. :grumble: I really need to preview biceps and back so the workout runs smoothly. I had to pause the dvd a lot because I did not preview it. My bad...

    Swiss, WTG on going to Zumba 3x a week!!!! :drinker: Isnt it a fun workout!!!! I am getting my certification on Oct 3rd. I can't wait. I am hoping to start teaching soon somewhere. My goal is to teach in my neighborhood's community ctr but I have not asked yet the Homeowners association how that would work. I would also like to teach at the Air Force Base. Ditch the Workout Join the Party!!!!!

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: alf, I absolutely love Zumba. I have been going twice a week since spring. I have just added the Saturday class this week. I find myself dancing at home when one of the songs comes on the radio. My kids think it is so funny. I think it great that you will be teaching a class of it. This is something that I could never do...I am not a very good dancer but I still enjoy it.:love:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    alf, that's exciting about you teaching Zumba! Good for you!! :drinker:

    I'm glad you enjoyed chest, shoulder, triceps. I had difficulty with that workout as well because it seemed to move quickly. I'm hoping I feel like I have a better workout with it this week. I'd highly suggest watching back/biceps before you do it because it too moves quickly. But I LOVED that workout!

    And here is me :laugh: when you asked if I did all of the pushups on my toes in the chest, shoulder, tricep workout. I can't imagine I'll ever be able to do a one-arm pushup on my toes, much less a clap/plyo pushup. :noway: No, those were definitely done on my knees. I did the rest of the pushups on my toes...for what it's worth. But I didn't really push the number of reps during that workout, that's for sure.

    I did legs/back this morning, and this workout is finally beginning to grow on my. I felt good afterwards. I actually added KenpoX on at the end today because I had the time. I don't come close to getting my heart rate up enough to call this a cardio workout, but I do find the drills fun.

    Swissmiss, don't feel badly about your eating habits. Like I said the other day, we all have our days. I've been eating more than I should this weekend (and had way more wine than I should), but.....oh well. In the words of Scarlett O'Hara, tomorrow is another day, so.........:flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. We were away at a wedding this weekend in Lancaster County (Mt.Joy). It was all very nice. Since my wife was singing at the wedding, the bride put us up at a magnificent inn called Cameron Estate Inn. The reception was also held there at an adjacent banquet hall. I was only going to be a page turner for the organist, but at the last moment the priest wanted all of the responses sung, so my wife pressed me into duty as a singer. Of couse I ate too much and had a few glasses of wine, but we had a great time. It's the only time my wife can get me to dance with her.

    Mondays will be my "off" day starting today. Susquehanna Chorale rehearsals begin tonight, so I don't have very much time after work. Hershey is about 50 miles from my house, so I only have an hour after work to eat and shower before leaving.

    You've heard it before, but I am really going to make an effort to eat a very clean diet, at least during the week. When I eat rich foods, my body does not feel quite right. I guess that's a good thing, though!!

    Thanks to all who've been asking about my leg. It is feeling much better, since I haven't done Insanity for a few days. I will start that again tomorrow. I'm hoping for the best. I really want to begin P90X again. My arms are getting skinny from not using weights for so long. Stiring is going to kick my butt with those magnificent arms!!!

    Alf, I think you've found your calling in the fitness industry. You can be a great role model for those women (and men) who are in terrible shape and need help as they grow older. I just KNOW this is for you!!!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning gang!!! :drinker: And I am actually having a cup of coffee, mmmm :laugh: Getting ready to go out for a run with my husband. The weekend was not bad at all. On Sat morning we did a little over 13 miles. It started raining at the end which felt good. I had a glass of wine yesterday with dinner, would you believe that???

    Stiring, I am a little sore this morning from all those push ups yesterday. I do too hope I can do better next week. I am hoping to do plyo tonight since I am running this morning. I feel the same way about Kenpo. Have you tried Cardio X? I have not even looked at it. I dont think we do it in the classic version, do we?

    Sing, glad to hear from you. It sounds like you had a nice weekend. Do you think is true that men hate dancing? That is what my husband says. :laugh: He says the ones that dance are either gay or just want to pick up women. :laugh: :noway: About Insanity, I just couldnt imagine not doing any strength training for 60 days. I am sure you miss it.

    Have a wonderful day!!! :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Alf, personally speaking, I think that I would enjoy dancing more if I were better at it. For now, I limit myself to slow dancing with my wife...the feeling of a sexy woman close to you is one that might put off someone who was gay. Needless to say, I enjoy that aspect of dancing. I know what he means, though. I have to say that even I might think that some of the pros are of that persuasion, although the male pros on DWTS seem to be pretty attracted to ther parners (and not for their dancing abilities)!!!
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Good Monday morning to everyone, hope you all had great weekends! I had a killer workout on Friday with the trainer, and he had me do this exercise, lateral jump squats on bosu with squat thrust in between reps, that just about killed me. Two sets of ten each. Phew. If that doesn't work the fat off of me I don't know what will. :laugh: Plyometrics is hard!

    Weight the same today as last Monday, :cry: , but I think I'm not drinking enough water...so am trying to remedy that this next week and see if that makes a difference. Still, fit into my smallest jeans this weekend, and could even zip them up and walk around and breathe at the same time! :drinker:

    Alf, congrats on the upcoming certification! I'm betting you'll be great at motivation for your clients! And very impressed with the 13mile run. WOW!

    Stiring, still bowled over by your "guns"! Amazing!!!!

    Sing, sounds like you had a great weekend! My choir is starting up tomorrow, and it is so tough to fit a meal in between work and choir...which means I eat after 9pm sometimes. Not good. :( But still, don't want to give up the choir!

    Swiss, so glad you've found Zumba! Our gym offered it for a short time, but couldn't get a class going. Not sure why. Hopefully it will come back and I can try it then.

    Here's to a great week!
  • Texssippian
    Hi all! Back from New Orleans. Successfully got my brother-in-law discharged from the hospital and settled into the temporary apartment. My little sister did not know how much work that would be and originally thought I was being silly for insisting on being there when he was discharged. We got all the equipment he needed set up and got his meds organized and got home health and physical therapy set up. He is doing remarkabley well considering how sick he was.

    The physical therapist said he needed to get up about every hour and move around. He was getting mad at me for reminding him it was time to get up, so I made a deal with him: every time he got up and moved around, I would do ten sit-ups. It worked! He was doing much better with mobility when I left on Sunday. I am still sore from all the sit-ups I did, but for a good cause!

    Cooked a lot of Richie's favorite foods since he had been on severe dietary restrictions prior to his transplant. Did not eat a lot of it. My sister is now skin and bones so tried to fatten her up too. The apartment is two blocks from the hospital and one block from the Miss. River so I was able to go walking on the levee where there is a bike/walk path. That was a lot of fun.

    Now need to get back in the swing of things before flying out to Jackson Ms on Sunday to be with my family for the first anniversary of my older sister's death on next Tuesday.

    Have not had a chance to read through the posts but will do so soon. Take care everyone. TxMs
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Another busy week is shaping up here. The next few days here at work we will be having a lot of officials and dignitaries walking around :grumble: . We just completed a multi-million dollar upgrade to our production facility, and the powers that be want to show it off. I'm not very comfortable with all of those bigs shots hanging around.

    This week I am trying to limit my carbs (a bit). I've been eating a lot of carbs and bad ones at that! So, I need to clean out my system with some good healthy food and a lot of water. Back to the Insanity this evening and maybe some weights. I'm getting tired of not doing strength training. GRRRRR! Now I am motivated!!

    Tex, this is really good news about your BIL!! Now make sure that you and your sister eat right and take care of yourselves.

    Cardi, keep up the good work and don't get upset over not losing. Obviously you are losing inches which is a great sign!!

    Alf, have you noticed any improvement with your running while doing P90X?

    Have a great day!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Guten morgen!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Hey Sing, behave this week at work, they are watching you...:laugh: :laugh: Join me and Stiring and do P90X!! I know I know...yes, I feel that I have so much power and endurance during my runs. I just want to take off...:laugh:

    Back and biceps today. Great workout!!! I have to increase the weights on some exercises next time around. I really enjoyed this workout as well. So :drinker: to another great X phase!!!!

    Tex, glad to hear everything is going so well with your BIL. :drinker: :drinker:

    Have a wonderful day!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Happy Tuesday All! I've done a little run and so far so good with my IT Band. Picked up my new running shoes yesterday and have a new brace for the IT band so hopefully I'll be back on schedule for my Half.

    Stiring - Yes the neck problems were similar to my previous problems but not at that level of severity. I have noticed an improvement since I dropped CX. I may need to remove some of the overhead presses as the Dr. and more strenous guidelines for lifting weight over head. Maybe I'll just have to keep the weight light.
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Hope everyone is having a terrific morning. :happy:

    Alf... How much weight are you lifting now? And congrats on getting certified! Thats amazing. What exactly is zumba anyway?:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Sing... Have fun with all the officials coming around.:laugh: I dont know about your line of business but in my experience those people dont know how to do half of the job that the normal workers do. Their just good talkers or better at paper work:wink:

    Tex... You seem to be constantly running lately. Be sure to take care of yourself. And so happy to hear you BIL is doing so well. How long do they think he will need to be in the apartment?:flowerforyou:

    Cardi... Your doing such a great job. Keep it up.:drinker: I need to get a trainer. Maybe after the financial situation gets a bit better I will.

    Well I got my sons old room cleared out plus my daughters closet in the room he moved into. The thrift stores wont take anything toy wise except for stuffed animals so I had to throw a lot away. Sad really. But I took out 6 garbage bags worth of stuff, some broken and garbage some not. I got the bunk bed down and out and started patching the nail (and tack) holes. Now I just have to get some paint. Trying to decide if I want to paint it a light minty green or beige. Afterward steam clean the carpets and turn it into a gym.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Hey all!

    TxMs, so happy to hear about your brother-in-law. You have had so much going on recently that I am simply amazed at how well you are doing and your wonderful attitude. :flowerforyou:

    alf, glad to hear you enjoyed the back/bicep workout. I loved that workout and can't wait to do it again. I did chest/shoulder/tricep this morning, starting week 2 of phase 2. The first 10 minutes were painful and I was wondering if I would get through it. But then my strength kicked in and when I got to the final exercise, I was like 'Man, that's over fast!" I love being able to say that at the end of workout! Anyhow, I did better with it this time, though I still had to pause in a couple of places just to make sure I was where I needed to be. I'm still doing one arm pushups and plyo pushups on my knees, but both felt better today. I'm not going to be going up on my toes for those ones anytime soon, though! :laugh:

    singfree, sounds like you had a great weekend. I'm sorry to hear this might not be such a great week at work, though. Keep us posted on Insanity. Right now, based on everything I've read about the program, I think I'm going to do it a bit modified. The first month, I think I will do as recommended by Beachbody. But I think I will do a modified version the second month, cutting down on some of the Insanity workouts and adding strength training in on some days. I really don't want to go 60 days without strength training, and I have just read too many comments about how people are getting burned out on Insanity during that second month. So I'm hoping this is a good compromise. Any suggestions/input you have on that would be much appreciated.

    duffy, I'm happy to hear your IT band is doing better. I imagine you are a bit frustrated by the issues with your neck, though. But if not lifting heavy weight is the answer....then you are doing the right thing. Just continue to take care of yourself, especially as you are preparing for this run next month.

    tron, sounds like you are making great progress on your workout room! Isn't it maddening about toys and thrift stores. I was stunned when I heard they can't even take BOOKS!! I'm glad I don't have little children with lots of toys around because I would have a very hard time throwing perfectly good toys away. But that seems to be about the only option (aside from passing them down among friends/family) these days.

    All here is well. I didn't take a day off working out this weekend like I normally do, but I'm feeling really good and energetic today. My eating habits seem to be on track right now, which is good. That is the area I've been struggling with the most lately. I'm thinking I might just need to mix things up a bit as I've fallen into a rut and am getting bored with what I'm eating. But as winter approaches (or what passes for winter in Los Angeles :tongue: ), I'll probably experiment around with some different foods to see if I can't make it interesting again.

    Hope this finds everybody doing well!
  • Texssippian
    High all! More good news! my BIL gets to come home to Miss next Tuesday! That is the first anniversary of my older sister's (Gretchen) death. I will be in Miss so MIke (Gretchen's husband), my mom, my youngest brother and I are going to New Orleans on Tuesday to help move Blanche and Richie back to Mississippi. What a wonderful way to honor my sister and what a happy thing to happen on that day! All the prayers are support could not be more amazing! World traveler that I am these days, husband and I are going to San Francisco the next Tuesday to see our son on his 25th birthday. Need to do lots of time on the treadmill on the highest incline to get ready for walking in SF!

    We go to the trainer tonight. I have not logged my food this past week but had not gained any wwight while in NO. My abs are starting to not be sore after all the sit ups I did last week to encourage my BIL to get off the couch...

    Stiring: I am working toward arms like yours. At least mine don't wobble when I wave.

    Tron: Love the picture. Yea getting a room back from your kids. We turned our game room into a gym.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Well, today at work we will be crawling with big wigs. Oh the humanity! Now I know why I could never be a politician or top management. Lots of chap stick being used on lips & butts. :laugh:

    Alf, I would love to join you & Stiring in P90X. Thank you for the offer! Actually, I will start today.

    Stiring, I am also getting burned out on Insanity. It is a wonderful workout but it is ver repetitious. So, like you, I am going to use it as PART of my workouts. That way I can get my cardio & strength workouts and not feel like I'm missing something. Also, it will be easier on the joints.

    Tron, love your pix! You look great!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Buenos dias!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker:

    Tex, great news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Yoga for me today. :yawn: I could not hold some of the balance poses today for some reason. :noway: But I did 90 mins of it. I think I am going to try a new Zumba class tonight, might invite a friend to go with me. They opened a Zumba Ctr not too far from me so it will be a good opportunity to do some networking. Tron, Zumba is a cardio/aerobics class with latin music. It is a lot of fun. It just feels you are dancing a whole hour. I have burned as much as 500 cals in an hr doing it. Some people burn more. I am not certified yet, the certification is on Oct 3rd. :drinker:

    Sing :drinker: for joining us. BRING IT!!! I don't think I am going to get Insanity, especially if I am going to start teaching Zumba soon, hopefully. Once I am done with the X I will probably do a hybrid using ChaLean Extreme, P90X, Zumba and running. That should be enough. :laugh:

    Duffy, good to hear from you. Take care of that neck! Glad you are still able to run. When is your half marathon?

    Have a great day!!!!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • mkwood10
    Good morning all........:smile:
    It's been a crazy, hectic and scary week so far....... our youngest daughter has been dealing with a bladder infection and kidney stones (at 20!!!) for the last week and ended up having surgery yesterday afternoon to have one removed that was blocking the tube between her kidney and bladder....ouch!!!
    She's doing OK now, but it's been an extremely exhausting ordeal, and I'm not even the one who had the kidney stones!:laugh: :laugh:

    She's a college senior and decided that she ought to deal with this on her own because in a couple of years she'll be out of college and won't have me 20 minutes away to help out! Hard for her to understand that it's OK to be emotionally independent when it comes to most things, but not a medical crisis!!!!! :explode: :explode:

    She went to the ER on Monday by herself (called and told me she was going), called a friend to pick her up from the ER to take her to the urologist's office 20 miles away for an urgent consult. Didn't call me until she was already on her way and told me I didn't have to come to the urologist with her. Got mad at me when I showed up, but DID accept a ride back to the ER to get her car (she was on morphine earlier and couldn't drive). Told me she was scheduled for surgery at 4:00 the next day (Tuesday), but her dad and I didn't have to come to the hospital until she was back in surgery..........she'd have a friend/roommate take her to the hospital and hang out with her before surgery:explode: :explode: . It was ALL I could do to keep her dad from strangling her when I told him what was going on!

    Her attitude was better yesterday before surgery - apologized for being a little b*tch and was glad to have us there at the hospital. They kept her back in the pre-op room for 3+hours because the surgeon was running late; 45 minutes from the time they took her back to surgery to when the surgeon came out and told us he'd gotten the stone. 2 hours for recovery room stuff, and we were able to take her back to her apartment (refused to come home with us). What a day........don't want to repeat anything like that EVER again!!!

    Kids...........ya gotta love 'em but you don't always have to like 'em and what they're doing!!!:laugh: