40+ Club - Fall Fitness Fanatics



  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Reporting day again folks! TGIF !!!!

    It's been a long week, hasn't it? Unfortunately I did not even come close to my eating and exercise goals for various reasons. I think that when the construction and distraction is finished at my house, I will be able to get back to a more normal routine.

    Nothing much to report. Just hanging in there with my weight. Having done very little exercise, I feel a bit "puffy" around the middle. Not enough exercise, too much junk food and way too much sodium will do it every time.

    We don't have anything special planned for the weekend. I would like to get out and do some hiking & biking though. I'm considering going to the Apple Store and buying a new iPod Touch. Do any of you fine ladies have one? I like the idea that I can access the internet with it so that I can check email, train schedules, weather, etc.. when we are in Germany.

    Have a great weekend!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning!!! Just a quick check in, weight a little under goal which makes me happy because I slipped some this week and I thought my weight would be higher. I did complete all my P90X workous except for plyo the other day. I did great today with legs and back. I concentrated on negative pullups to keep getting stronger and see if I could do at least one real one in the future. :laugh:

    My baby is sick :sad: :sad: He has had a fever for a couple of days. He felt normal this morning but now is coughing. I feel so sad when he gets sick because he cannot tell me what is wrong. He is autistic, non verbal. He gave me a big smile this morning when I checked him and his skin felt normal so I think he is getting better, hopefully. The teacher said there is something going around the classroom. :grumble: :noway:

    Sing, going hi tech, huh? I don't have it but my SIL has it, he loves it. Go for it!!

    Stiring, I need to take time to read your posts about how you deal with cravings, etc...you are such an inspiration to me. Months without junk!!! Impressive!!! I could not last a week. Who wants to be in a challenge with me???? The other day my husband and I were at the mall and passed the Godiva Boutique. I saw a bag of chocolate popcorn and started salivating. The craving was so intense that even the price of $15 did not stop me from buying it. Then I thought, well, I can eat a portion (1/2c) and share the rest with my husband and son. YEAH RIGHT!!!!! Little by little I ate the WHOLE bag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :noway: CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I should have known better than to buy a big bag of chocolate pop corn. Oh and on top of that I ate a piece of chocolate they gave me for joining their rewards program. :angry: So see!!!! I need an Intervention :laugh:

    Have a great day!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Alf sorry to hear your son isn't feeling well. I hope he feels better soon. If we have a no sweets challenge, I have to finish up about 2 cookies before we start. My husband re-connected with an old friend who happens to own an on-line cookie company, and some came yesterday. And as much as I have been eating healthy I'm not giving up these wonderfuly lemony cookies! But I told him no more after that!

    I am reporting that I did very well last weeks except for the cookies arriving yesterday. I have lost one lb this week, and except for last night, my eating was where I wanted it to be. I also added doing the weights on the Precor machine to my routine.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member

    Quick check-in....pretty much everything is the same. My weight is a little down this week, but less than a pound so nothing to write home about!

    singfree, I have an iTouch. I have the first version of it (two years old) and I love it! If you are looking for a good iPod with internet access, I highly recommend it. I download TV shows and movies on to mine as well as music, and that comes in handy on plane rides and things like that. Using the internet on it took some getting used to, but for quick checks (like weather and such), it is ideal. Since I got my first iPod about five years ago (and I've had many now....one for every occasion I say!), I've joked that when I die, they'll have to pry my iPod from my cold, dead hands. I love my iPods!

    alf, I'm sorry to hear about your son. I hope he feels better soon! Just out of curiousity, if you feel well, and if your weight is staying the same, why do you want to give up the sweets? Is it for overall health because they aren't healthy foods? Or is it because you get the sense you shouldn't be eating them because they are labeled 'bad' foods and such? I know these sound like strange questions, but I'm trying to figure out why it is so hard for me to go BACK to eating sweets since I don't actually understand my motivation at the time for NOT eating sweets. We are coming at this from opposite ends of the spectrum, but I honestly don't know if it is the feeling of guilt (the 'I shouldn't') that is stopping me or my not wanting to put less-than-healthy foods in my body. When it comes to fried foods and crap like that, I can definitely say it is the latter. But with sweets, I'm having a hard time figuring out why I won't let myself eat a few spoonfuls of ice cream. I mean....that would be harmless, but I don't do it. I'm thinking it is because I still attach a sense of guilt to those foods, and I really don't want to. So I'm curious your motivation...if you don't mind sharing, of course.

    zebras, great job on the weight loss and eating well! How did the weight lifting go? I hope you enjoyed it.

    I hope everybody has a great day.
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600

    It wasn't bad. First try I did everything on the lowest. The leg extensions hurt my knees in a weird way, but it wasn't a damaging kind of hurt. I always think my legs must be super strong because I can do so much cardio now, and they are still hauling a lot of body weight around every day, but this apparently uses the muscle so differently, that it hurts. Wondering about my positioning for this, too, since my legs are super short for my already short height.

    I'm curious now about your aversion to sweets. If you were to have a little, would it now taste bad to you? I definitely noticed about myself that I don't want things as sweet as they were. Never in my life did I want peanut M&Ms, and now that would be my treat of choice if I was to have a treat. And I definitely think about sweets less and less the more I stay away from them. A complete aversion to sweets would probably be a miracle for me. Everyone would think I was kidnapped and replaced by an alien lookalike!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Alf, my thoughts & prayers are for your son, I hope he recovers quickly. Yes, I am slowly joining the hi-tech revolution. I still don't know how to text!!! That's OK. I'm with you on the sweets thing. I could wipe out a whole pound of that stuff easily. Now if I could only be more like Stiring. You are doing GREAT with your workouts!!! Pullups are HARD. It took me a long time before I could do unassisted ones. I need to get back to doing pullups 3 times per week as before.

    Stiring, I'm going to buy the Touch 3rd generation with 32 Gigs of memory. I tried it out at the Apple Store and really like how it operates. It's supposed to be a lot faster and brighter than the 2nd generation iTouch. And at $299, it's a pretty good value! I'm a big fan of Apple products since we switched to an iMac from PC a few years ago. Stiring, are you hesitant to eat sweets because they are not really "good" for you, or are you just not craving them? Sorry about the questions, but I am just curious about it. I think that if I can stay away from sweets & junk food, I will be much better off. I really don't "need" it, so I would like to be able to not crave it. I need to get my nutritional "life" in order. i can't be successful doing this half-a** (half-hearted). Any suggestions?
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Hello everyone... My exercise was horrible this week but I was really busy with the work out room. Yesterday I bought the adhesive silicone so hopefully my husband will fix the trim on the window so I can paint it this weekend. Then I just need to buy new doors, base board, stuff like that but at least that can wait. I dont "need" to get them done right away. I'd like to but I dont need to:wink:

    I am planning on starting on the weights this Monday. Maybe alternate between weights, treadmill/stair stepper, and 30 day shred? I dunno. I'll figure it out along the way I guess.

    As far as eating, String you are so disciplined. I dont think I could ever eat that clean. Maybe after the kids move out and if I get the husband to do the same but I always feel like someone is trying to sabotage me. I will do so well and someone will bring me something I know I shouldn't eat. BUT I do want to lose at least 15 lbs by Thanksgiving. So I had better stop making excuses and get busy on that.

    Alf... Sorry your son isn't feeling well. Its so hard when their sick especially if they cant communicate with you. Hopefully its just the flu and he'll be fine in no time.

    Sing... My daughter has the newest ipod. They are pretty cool. You can even put movies on them. She doesn't have movies but she has TV shows on hers

    Zebras.... You sound like your doing awesome... Keep up the good work
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    zebras, yes, make sure your leg positioning is right for the exercises you are doing. I've found that leg extensions on a machine puts alot of pressure on my knees, and I don't like doing them. If you continue to get uncomfortable on machines, have you thought about free weights? Things like squats and lunges can be done without weights (you can build up slowly as you get used to the movement) and work the muscle wonderfully. Just a suggestions in case you continue to experience some degree of discomfort with the machines.

    singfree, that iTouch does sound like a good deal! I think that's what I paid for my 8GB one two years ago. I think you'll love it.

    Regarding sweets.....here's my issue. I wish, as zebras asked, that they didn't taste good to me anymore, but that isn't the case. Actually, after not having many sweets now for over 8 months, it is amazing how good something simple like a chocolate chip (a single chocolate chip) can taste. I mean, it tastes so sweet and creamy and so soothingly sinful. Just one chocolate chip has that impact on me now. And because of how rich the food tastes, I actually don't want much of anything sweet....just a bit is enough to satisfy me.

    But I really want that little bit, so by continuing to say 'no' to myself, I DO feel like I'm depriving myself. And I know that deprivation is just not a good thing, especially when it comes to long term success. I don't feel like I'm depriving myself when I don't eat chips. But if a dessert is offered at a dinner, I won't even eat a small bite or two. And, unfortunately, in the back of my mind, I get jealous of those people around me who eat their desserts. In the long run, I think that is LESS healthy for me than actually eating the few bites of the dessert.

    But I guess I feel like my cravings for sweets are so strong, and they are the source of my weight problems (without a doubt) that I'm afraid I will go back to my previous habits. And I don't WANT to go back to my previous habits. I think the stumbling block I need to get over is actually trusting myself enough to feel like I am in complete control of what I'm doing. So it really has nothing to do with cravings or health and has everything to do with fear (fear of going back to the way I used to eat), and I really want to get over that. In fact, I would say that I NEED to get over that if I'm going to be successful in this lifestyle for the rest of my life.

    About the cravings....I will say that I don't crave sweets much at all anymore. I can go days without thinking about sweets, much less wanting to eat any. And that is very liberating. I credit that with eating more cleanly and eliminating processed food almost entirely from my diet. And it seems that when I do have a piece of chocolate or a bite of a sweet, the cravings don't seem to go on, so I'm actually not too concerned about them returning IF I keep the eating of sweets to a minimum. But there are nights when I want a apple crisp, or a bowl of ice cream, or a piece of cheesecake, and I won't let myself have anything even though I eat well, I workout hard, I have no weight to lose, etc. And that just doesn't seem quite right. If I don't crave this stuff but once every few weeks (because there are times when a dessert is in front of me, and I don't actually want to eat any of it), would it hurt me to have some? Intellectually, I believe that answer is no. But, again, emotionally, I actually am afraid it WILL hurt me.

    So....there you go. More info than you probably needed! :laugh: Again, regarding all of the other foods I've let go in my diet, I don't have any issues at all.

    So my recommendation to you, if you really do want to give up on sweets and junk food, is to learn what is in those foods and what they are doing to your body. That, right there, is why I'll never eat another McDonald's hamburger, drink a glass of soda, or eat a cheeto as long as I live (well, unless I'm starving to death, of course). And back to my issue with sweets, I don't want the processed crap (like Reese's peanut butter cups or a Snickers bar) anymore because I've learned what is in those foods, how they are made, etc. And they are pure crap for the body. But there really ARE healthy sweet options, and I'm still avoiding those, so my issues with sweets obviously go beyond what is in the foods. But if you are really thinking about eliminating those foods from your diet, I would highly suggest that you do it through knowledge. I think it's best when eliminating foods to be able to say about that food 'I don't WANT that anymore' as opposed to 'I shouldn't eat that anymore'. The former, for me, is a clearly conscious decision. The latter.....is less convincing to me, and I don't think is something that can be sustained over the long run. Just my opinion, of course, but that really is the at the core of what I'm struggling with right now and sweets.

    I hope that makes sense. :flowerforyou:

    tron, good luck on the new workout schedule! I think alternating weights/cardio/circuit would be good, but just make sure you take a day off in between 30 day shred and doing weights again (unless you are using super-light weights, of course). Thanks for the compliment on my 'discipline'. After reading this long-winded post, though, you may actually celebrate that you don't have my eating habits since mine are a tad....obsessive. :bigsmile:
  • Texssippian
    Hi all! Trying to post and pet the bossy cat at the same time so he won't walk on the keyboard!

    I'm back from my trip to Mississippi and New Orleans. My brother-in-law Mike, had family over to his house for shish-ka-bobs on Sunday night. This was the first time he has had any family over to his house since his wife (my sister Gretchen) died a year ago. He and I spent Monday morning doing yard work in his backyard. The yard was always Gretchen's territory but he felt like he was ready to start taking care of things. I am glad I was able to help. Also, 3 hours in the Mississippi humidity is a work out.

    On Tuesday, Mike, my mom, my yougest brother and I drove to New Orleans. Tuesday was the first anniversary of Gretchen's death. My younger sister, Blanche, and her husband Richie were supposed to be able to move back to Mississippi that day four weeks post liver transplant for Richie. We got to their temporary apartment just as Blanche was on the phone with the transplant coordinator. Richie's bilirubin numbers were increasing so they had to go to the hospital to see what was going on. I went with them. Turns out Richie had a blocked bile duct. He was admitted and they stented both bile ducts via endoscopy (We are living in a wonderful age). The four of us from Mississippi headed back to Ms but very glad to be there to support Blanche and Richie when they heard the dissappointing news that they were not going back home just yet. We all made it through the rest of the day. Mike took me to the airport on Wednesday and I flew back to Dallas and hit the ground running at work. Richie was discharged from the hospital yesterday back to the temp apartment. He goes back to the doctor on Tuesday to see how he is doing. Blanche said last night that he is getting stronger and stronger and is not using the walker around the apartment and is building up the length that he can walk. Much better than when he was discharged post transplant on the 9th of Sept and had to have Blanche and me help him get up off the couch and had to rest after walking 10 feet.

    Anyway, have not been very good about working out this past week but did a lot of emotional work outs. My husband and I are flying to San Francisco on Tuesday for our son's 25th birthday and to see how he is doing in grad school. We will be back on Friday. After that, we have a couple of weekend trips to see our daughter in Austin. With my sister's death, my father dying 9 weeks later right before Thanksgiving, Richie going into liver failure right after Christmas, and my mom having a bad ruptured disc in February, I have spent a lot of time in Mississippi. I appreciate all the support you all have given me.

    We will be doing lots of walking in SF up and down the hills so I know I will get exercise while I am there. Really grease laden junk food has no more appeal to me. I will be somewhat careful in what I eat in SF.

    Sunnysmile: Welcome! This is an awesome group for support.
    Hoosier: dancing at weddings counts as exercise.
    Tron: The ugliest I have ever been to another human being was when an adult did something to one of my kids. I guess it is the maternal protection instinct. You go girl!
    MK: glad your daughter is better. It is so hard to figure out boundaries with kids when they get into their 20's. I like it better than the pushing of boundaries in their teens...
    Cardi: 45 decline sit ups! Very impressive. When I first started with our trainer, she had me do 9 plain sit ups. I felt like I had had major abdominal surgery for a week after. I think I am better now, but sure could not do what you are doing.
    Stiring: good to think about sweets with some kind of nutritional value and stay away from the really bad junk. I really enjoy the lowfat yogurt. don't like the kind with artificial sweetner. Have you tried any Greek yogurt? Very good.
    Alf: sorry your son is sick. I hope you have a good pediatrician who understands his special needs. Those kind of docs are hard to come by but worth their weight in gold!
    Sing: Living through renovations in your house is aerobic too!
    Sorry if I left anyone out. Cat has now gone to bug my husband. I plan on doing weights plus cardio later today. Need to figure out all the upcoming trips and write them down on the calendar I am looking at a spinning class on Saturday mornings. Also, noted that the deep water aerobics class at the natatorium has moved from 5 pm to 5:30 pm weekdays. I am going to shoot for at least one day a week to leave work early to be able to do that. Have a great weekend all. TxMs
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Hey zebras ... if I am correct in the weight machine I think you are using then you might consider replacing leg extensions with seated leg lifts with ankle weights instead. I know you know all the physical therapy I went through and the one machine that all the doctors and therapists hate is the leg extension that you use to push forward. The one you are standing to push backward they like more. They are concerned with damaging the knee on these machines. There are some good alternatives that give the same outcome I can show you if you want. You are right on the money when you say positioning on these machines is key ... shortness works against you with these machines unless it really lets you customize the settings ... these machines have to be so carefully set up so as not to hyperextend and stress the knees. I am so proud of all you have accomplished, I would hate for this exercise to cause an injury that could push you backwards especially when there are alternatives.

    Do others agree? or am I overreacting to this machine based on physical therapists comments.

    Thank you all for welcoming me to the group. I am today going to try the pool again, it's been several weeks of broncitis and asthma issues. I love swimming, aqua jogging and water aerobics. Are there other people on this board that like using the pool for exercise?

    I also have noticed what Zebras did about taste changing when off sugar for a while. I still like sweet things, must admit I use splenda to sweeten some things, but I am not having cravings anymore. I have developed my own kind of fruit milkshake that I make in the vitamix and use that as a replacement for ice cream often. Ice cream was my downfall. Most people wouldn't use my recipe for these fruit shakes as it can include a raw egg white and sometimes a raw egg for protein, but I like it and haven't yet gotten samanella in the several years I've been doing it,

    Happy Sunday to everyone.
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Hey Stiring Wendel,

    I can relate to what you say. I read somewhere (and this helped me) that a person really only tastes an item in a very satisfying way in the first three bites of the food.

    Try it next time you have something sweet, or anything you find very satisfying. Bet you will LOVE those first three bites, but the FOURTH won't be nearly as satisfying.

    I discovered that certainly is the case with pizza (something I adore). And ice cream too. And other foods.

    I need to remember this so that when I want to have something I can enjoy three bites and then push it aside. That is hard to do, but if I find it less satisfying, then why take the fourth bite. I don't think I became overweight because of three bites ... it was all the extra ones after that.

    Anyone have a thought on this?
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    I hope everyone had a fine weekend. It was a nice weekend for us, a bit busy though. This week is the home stretch of our home renovation. We should be finished (I hope) on Friday as the new carpet will be installed then. We have to move the furniture to the garage and take up the old carpet on Thursday.

    My friend and hero Stiring has given me the inspiriation to FINALLY make the push to eating clean. I know that I can do it. It is the final obstacle for me to conquer. Starting today i am going to journal all food and exercise and monitor it closely for a while to see how this clean eating plan affects my mood, weight and body fat. Should be interesting!!! Stiring, keep your combat boots ready to kick my butt if I falter!!!!

    As far as the leg machines goes, I think that it is a matter of the "depth" of the squat that causes problems in the knees. Yes, I'm saying this from experience. My left knee is not great, but i can use ALL of those machines ONLY if I don't squat too deeply. Your body will tell you how far to go. Of course, this is only my opinion as it relates to ME. Please listen to your body and your health care professionals.

    Sunnysmile, welcome to our group!

    Alf, my best and fondest wishes are with you. I hope all is well.
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Thanks for the advice y'all. Since I don't have knee problems, I decided to take the pin out and do the leg extensions with no added weight and get used to the movement first, there is enough weight in the equipment itself to get started. I can't do the one where you lie face down on the bench and engage your hamstrings because my boobage makes lying that way too uncomfortable (TMI)!!

    The weight machine has sort of a sitting up crunch, where you hold these straps kind of over your shoulders and bend forward. How effective do you all think these are? I'm not big into lying down on the floor to exercise! At this stage, if my only choice is the floor, they probably won't get done.

    Sunny: I really do think I enjoy the taste of many things long after the first three bites. Case in point, the Evil Chuck's Steak House, we went to last night for my brother's 50th, I really savored every bite of my Filet, my potato, my salad, my bread, see where the problem lies? I can't stop!

    I hope everyone has a great Monday!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    singfree, you really do flatter me. :flowerforyou: I know you can do this, though, because you are so focused and determined. But I have my combat boots on…..just in case. :tongue:

    sunnysmile, I agree with you about the 3 bite rule. That’s definitely all I really need. I’m going to start trying that more and more because I think that’s a good way to make sure that I can keep myself in check. If my 3 bites starts becoming 4 or 5, I will know I need to back off. Thanks for thinking about that!!

    Well, I say that about 3 bites, but I had a whole bowl of ice cream on Saturday!! :blushing: Let me explain, because so much has happened since Friday. I am seriously going to need my MFP friends to help me out over the next few months because I am going into a ‘season’ that has consistently been one of my toughest when it comes to food. I wish I could say that season was Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas, but it isn’t.

    For me, that ‘season’ is…..moving. Yes, we learned late Friday afternoon that after just 15 months here in Los Angeles, we are headed on. And this is going to be one heck of a move….because we are headed to Korea. :noway: And we are headed there probably around Thanksgiving (so not only do I have the move to deal with, but the holidays on top of it!!). I always lose control of my diet when we move because I get too busy to work out, we are living in hotels and such for extended periods of time, we are without our household goods for a couple of months (and since I’m a home exerciser, that’s HUGE for me when it comes to fitness, but it also impacts how we eat as well). So….I’m already trying to think of ways of managing this without gaining too much weight. I’m just going to have to be really strict with my diet, and I know it. So any help/advise/encouragement is welcome. I’m looking forward to the move since we’ve never been to Asia. But, as I said above, this isn’t going to be our easiest move with the military. But we’re old pros now I guess....which is why I know I always gain weight when we move!! :laugh:

    I think I’m going to be able to finish the P90X rotation without any problem, and I’ve ordered Insanity to do through the move. I figure that might be okay because it doesn’t require any equipment. So that plan is still in place. I’ll also have access to the base gym when we get to Korea, so if I can keep myself mentally strong, I should be able to stay fit. We are only authorized one car over there, so I see a lot of walking in my future….and that’s a really good thing! Talk about a change from the ‘drive everywhere you go’ culture of LA.

    So, anyhow, I had ice cream because I promised my husband months ago that we would celebrate any good news (and this is exceptional news for him given the job he has been selected to do) by sharing a dessert together. So we went to Cold Stone. I could have ordered healthy options, but I didn’t. I couldn’t eat the ice cream in one setting (it was too much), but I did enjoy it in two parts. And, boy, did I enjoy it!! But I worked it into my calories for the day and didn’t go over. I didn’t feel guilty. And I don’t feel tempted to do it again anytime in the near future, so all is well there!

    This is my recovery week for P90X, so I’m going to do Core Synergistics today and maybe a little KenpoX….and then it is off to tearing the house apart!

    zebras, I've never done that kind of ab workout, but you do get a good ab workout by doing things like squats and such (anything where you need to keep your core stable in order to do the exercise). I know there are standing core routines out there (there are some moves in P90X), but I can't think of them right now. But if you feel that exercise is working....then it is working! But let us know if you want other alternatives, and I will give it some thought. Personally, I've always found that kickboxing (I do DVDs) works my abs/core as well as anything.

    I hope everybody enjoys their day!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Stiring, talk about culture shock!!! Then again, it might not be too bad after living in So. Cal. (just kidding)! I hope you will get used to the cold weather too. It's nice to know that no matter where you are, we all are as close as the computer. Best wishes to you and your husband on this newest adventure!

    So far so good with food intake. Small bowl of cereal for breakfast, steamed brocc./ caulifl. mid-morning, tuna for lunch. Mid-afternoon snack of yogurt and maybe some applesauce. Some grilled salmon & veg. before I go to choir rehearsal. When I get home tomight I will have a protein smoothie & some almonds. I'm trying to spread out the cals as evenly as possible throughout the day. I think it's doable even with my hectic schedule. Suggestions from all are appreciated.!!!!!!

    Thisis a "light" exercise day for me. Tomorrow I will do Insanity and some P90X for strength. I will need to up my cals a bit due to heavier exercise.

    So this is my plan of attack: Try to maintain about a 40/40/20 ratio and still get enough good nutrition to fuel the workouts. I think I will add an extra protein shake to get the additional cals (EAS Vanilla Whey Protein, 1/2 banana, 1/3 cup pineapple, FF milk & ice). That combo really tastes good to me.

    My goal is to shed the last of the fat by Thanksgiving (just in time to put it back on)...naaaaa. I won't let that happen. I estimate that with a FAT loss of 10 lbs, I will be around 10% body fat. With determination and the encouragement from my friends here at MFP, it WILL happen!!

    Thanks all!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Sing... Have you had a doctor look at your knee? Measure both knees and see if its swollen. My husbands knee was sore all of a sudden and it was a torn meniscus. He had to have surgery, didnt take long to heal cuz it was micro surgery but it sure feels better now.

    String.... Korea?!!!! How exciting. Are you excited? I'm not used to moving like that so I'd be worried about moving so far away from family. But it seems like you've been quite a few places. Have you ever been to Korea before?

    Well I got the window fixed and painted this weekend. I found some trim to put up around the window I just need to find the other square decorative trim the go's in the corner so I can paint the and have the hubby put them up. I just wish I new where that little bugger was.

    I also bought a "dancing with the stars" video this weekend. I want to build up a collection of different stuff to do because of the boredom issue I seem to have.

    Today I am gonna start on some weights. I'll let you know how that goes. Everyone have a terrific day! :happy:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Tron, yea I've been dealing with a tender knee for a number of years. A few years ago I had it examined (and MRI) by an Orthopedic Surgeon. He said that it was just from overuse and that the only treatment was Motrin & rest. So it looks like I have to deal with that from time to time, depending on how hard I exercise. That is why I do a lot of biking and no running. As I start doing less Insanity and more strength training, the inflammation should be manageable.
  • mkwood10

    For me, that ‘season’ is…..moving. Yes, we learned late Friday afternoon that after just 15 months here in Los Angeles, we are headed on. And this is going to be one heck of a move….because we are headed to Korea. :noway: And we are headed there probably around Thanksgiving (so not only do I have the move to deal with, but the holidays on top of it!!). I always lose control of my diet when we move because I get too busy to work out, we are living in hotels and such for extended periods of time, we are without our household goods for a couple of months (and since I’m a home exerciser, that’s HUGE for me when it comes to fitness, but it also impacts how we eat as well). So….I’m already trying to think of ways of managing this without gaining too much weight. I’m just going to have to be really strict with my diet, and I know it. So any help/advise/encouragement is welcome. I’m looking forward to the move since we’ve never been to Asia. But, as I said above, this isn’t going to be our easiest move with the military. But we’re old pros now I guess....which is why I know I always gain weight when we move!! :laugh: I hope everybody enjoys their day!

    Stiring....Korea, huh? Do you know where at yet? I have a friend there now in Seoul and they love it so much they extended for another 2 years!! No, he's not active duty anymore; he runs the maintenance operations at the big Army hospital there. My husband spent '96-'97 there at Camp Humphries and he said it wasn't bad compared to what we had at Camp Casey back in '82-'83!! That was an adventure - the things you'll do when you're 20 and a newlywed!:laugh: :laugh: I hope all goes well with your move and the transition. I would LOVE to have some fresh, authentic bulkogi....yum yum!!!
  • LittleEva44
    40+ club that's me!!! I power walked 3 miles during my lunch hour today (Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. On Tuesdays I do weights). I am training myself to run (as per suggestion from Prevention magazine). I RAN (yes, I said RAN) a quarter of a mile all around the "large" track at work without stopping (I work for the Army/Civilian so don't salute me :laugh:

    I am soooooooo proud of myself! Check out my "exercise log". I am power walking again tomorrow, 29 Sep, and running a quarter of a mile AGAIN :glasses:


  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Ok... My very first day of weight lifting. I dont know all the technical terms but here's what I did. Anything else I should be doing let me know.

    Bench Press-heavy bar (I dont know how much it weighs) + 20lbs- 3 sets of 15
    Leg Lifts- 25lbs- 4 sets of 15 (too easy, next time I will up the weight)
    Backwards leg thing- 25lbs- 3 sets of 10
    Butterflies- 2 1/2lbs- 3 sets of 10
    Curls- small bar + 15lbs- 3 sets of 10
    Sit Ups with 10lbs- 3 sets of 15
    Holding heavy bar on shoulders and turn side to side- 3 sets of 10

    I plan on doing more or upping the weight depending on how sore I may be. I have never done weights before so I want to see how my body reacts before I push too hard considering I dont know what I'm doing. Let me know what you think and if you think I should add to my program or any other advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks:happy: