40+ Club - Fall Fitness Fanatics



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    tron, I'm so sorry to hear that bad news. Your family is in my thoughts as is the family of this young man.

    sunnysmile, congrats on the great workout and weight loss. I'm curious about these DNA-customized supplements. Care to explain a little bit more?
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Tron, I am so sorry about your daughter's friend. :cry: That is so sad.

    About the BB products, I think I am going to just stick with the products I have for now. As you said Sing, I don't think you ever outgrow P90X. I am planning on doing another ChaLean Extreme round after I am done with the X, through the Holidays. I am also hoping to start teaching Zumba soon so that will be part of my cardio along with some running. My plan is to do another round of P90X sometime next yr before summer.

    I have been extremely hungry lately!!! Do you guys get like that sometimes? I am just a little concerned because since I am not logging in my foods I might not be eating enough. I am still at the same weight, give and take 2-3 lbs, but I think I have lost inches since last time I measured. I have bought new clothes lately because some of my clothes are just hanging off me. :laugh: Now that I am on this subject, Stiring, I know your husband knows you better than we will ever know you but I think he is wrong to think that you will not stay at your weight. I really think you will. You have worked so hard to get to where you are and you have learned so much about fitness and health in general that I am pretty confident you will not go back to where you were in 08. Get rid of your big clothes Stiring, leave your past behind and dont take it with you to Korea. Donate your clothes to a good cause. I really thought you had already gotten rid of it. :laugh:

    Sunny, 30 laps??? Awesome!!!! :drinker:

    Where is everybody else????? Duffy, how are you??? Swiss, I miss you!!! TexasMom, Texmp (great to hear about your BIL), Annaliza, you are missed! MK, keep up the good work. I know I am forgetting other, old age you know...:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    tron, I'm so sorry to hear that bad news. Your family is in my thoughts as is the family of this young man.

    sunnysmile, congrats on the great workout and weight loss. I'm curious about these DNA-customized supplements. Care to explain a little bit more?

    Here is probably more info then you want.

    Well my sister in law recommended I try these as she has been using them as well her Dad, brother, etc. So I looked into them. I was DNA tested for I like 12 or 14 different genes that they know affect health and that they can help regulate or mitigate health issues for. Depending on whether I showed a normal gene, 1 variant or 2 variants (from parents) on the gene determines how they customize the supplement for me. I don't understand all the science behind it but I know that the company has been around for over 12 years in the DNA /gene field, is publically traded, and only began selling the customized supplements in the last year. They are now beginning to customize skincare for your own DNA also, which is exciting to me as I am 48. I have not tried that yet.

    There is much more I can tell you, but you might want to check out this website and then we can discuss more in general if you want. I am tracking my first 30 days on the supplement in another posting and am finding an increase in energy, less hunger, less cravings and a general feeling of wellness that I haven't felt in a while. Might be from the supplements, too soon to be certain. But my friend noticed how much faster I started back into exercising after being sick and we think it's from the supplements and my husband has noticed my energy (and lack of normal complaints recently about hunger). I also stopped eating in the middle of the night (yahoo).

    I will say they cost around $100 a month, but include vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and I think I read that they are equivalent of eating 5-8 fruits/veggies per day in ORACS (but don't quote me), plus some. I don't know if you take supplements, but I am replacing Costco Multivitamin and Align probiotic with this. One thing I saw recently on the website is that they no longer charge for the DNA testing, which is good. I paid $199 for that.

    This is the website where you can get more info and order should you want to try it. They have a 90-day return policy, I believe. (Did I write too much?)

  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Tron, I'm very sorry for your loss. He sounded like a fine young man. We need more people like him. I'm sure he touched many lives in a positive way.

    Sunny, the DNA health products sounds interesting. I'm sure that over time, science will be able to prescribe even more precise nutrients that our individual bodies can use effectively.

    Stiring, I agree with Alf. You really know your body and what it takes to keep it in top condition. I believe that if you gain any weight it will be lean muscle, which will not cause you to buy larger clothing.

    Alf, concerning the appetite, I get like that sometimes. Personally, I think that your body is craving nutrition. You said that you are losing inches so your weight must be good too. Something small with both carb & protein might work. Maybe a slice of whole grain toast with peanut or almond butter and a nice hot cup of herbal tea. Simple things like that usually do the trick for me.

    I am still doing pretty well with my diet, although i slip a bit. Even small changes in my diet will help. Yesterday I did a long (month 2) workout of Insanity. Today I will do a shorter (month 1) workout and some P90X for strength. Even after a few days, I can feel my body changing. Those Insanity workouts will produce some awesome results if my body holds up to the pounding. I'm MUCH happier being able to do hybrid workouts using both programs. I must say that in the fat shredding phase I will do probably 2/3 Insanity and 1/3 X. After that I will evaluate my goals and design a plan to build a bit more muscle. As I told Alf, I have a very hard time building muscle size. But I am afraid to eat a lot more cals necessary to build that size. I would much rather look lean than bulky.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    sunny, thanks for the information on the supplements. It's really interesting that it has impacted your cravings. I'll be sure to find your 30-day update thread! And, no, you didn't write too much. Have you seen the length of my posts? I can say nothing with more words than anybody I know. :laugh:

    alf and singfree, you guys are so wonderful for having so much faith in me! You have no idea how much that means to me. :flowerforyou: alf, I love that you said I shouldn't take my past to Korea with me, and you are right. I've spent this past year trying to create a new me with a new view of eating, food, fitness, and health. I have absolutely no intention of tossing that away just because I'm moving. In fact, I'm spending a good part of my time right now trying to figure out the best way of managing this move while still doing my fitness and eating properly. I think I'll get rid of some of those clothes today (donate them to a good cause, of course). Thank you again! :flowerforyou:

    alf, regarding the hunger, I got very (VERY!!) hungry towards the end of Phase 2 of P90X (where you are at right now). I agree with singfree that your body is telling you that you need more food....so listen to it. I think that is normal with this type of fitness program (and add to that all of the running you are doing!) That massive hunger ended about a day into my recovery week, but I'll let you know if you can expect more of the same in Phase 3. I have a feeling it will be the same, though, because this phase is all about 'shocking' the muscles, and, for me, that usually makes me even hungrier than usual. So I think you should listen to your body....and eat!

    I did Chest/Back yesterday in my first workout of the final phase of P90X. It felt really good! I was able to do more pushups than I did the last time I completed the workout AND up my weight/reps in some areas. I was happy. Today is Plyo. It looks like we might be leaving about a week earlier than I anticipated (and, thus, perhaps sending our stuff our earlier than I anticipated), but I should still be able to finish this final phase before we do that. I hope!!

    I previewed the Insanity fit test yesterday. Yikes!! If the test looks that hard, I can't imagine what the workouts look like. :noway: I think this program is going to be perfect for me over the next couple of months. singfree, I'm concerned about whether my body will hold up to the pounding as well, though. I have a feeling with everything going on, though, I won't be able to follow the rotation exactly, so, hopefully, that will allow my body to heal between workouts, and I'll still get some good results. Once we get settled in Korea, I'm also hoping to incorporate some resistance into my schedule, depending on what the base gym is like over there. It will probably be about 70 days after we leave here before we get our household goods in (and my weights!), and I really hate going that long without lifting. I've done it many times before, but I've never liked it. :grumble:

    Hope everybody has a good day.
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Tron, so sorry to hear about the loss of an awesome young man......you all have my sympathies and thoughts:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: When I was in jr high and high school, there was a period of about 8 years where a young person from our county was killed in a car crash every year,. Unfortunately I knew all of them, from my first cousin (he'd just left our farm) to athletes from other schools I'd competed against thru the years, to a girl I'd gone to confirmation with. It was a depressing reality for all of us in the same age range, and the saddest part is that alcohol was NOT a factor in most of the deaths..... just teens being teens, I guess.

    All.........I think the idea of a holiday stay motivated group is awesome......should we just make it part of the 40+ Club or create a new thread????

    On a good note - I am ECSTATIC to report that yesterday I did something at Curves that I've NEVER done before...................... broke the 500 calories burned barrier!!!!!!!: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I couldn't believe it when the computer said 502..........woo hoo!!!!!!! :bigsmile: I figured 460 or so, didn't seem like an extra hard workout, but I'm not complaining:laugh: :laugh:
    Now if I can just continue to do it........that's almost better than the scale moving downward.......almost, but not quite :wink: :wink: :tongue: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Have a great day!!!
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Tron, very sorry to hear about the loss of your young friend. May your good memories of him help you through this time. It's always sad to hear of one lost so young. :heart:

    mkwood, congrats on breaking the 500 calories burned mark. Feels great doesn't it?

    stiring, that is exciting news about Korea. And I agree with Alf and Sing, I think you've made a life change and therefore are unlikely to gain back all the weight you've lost. You've got great tools in place to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle now. Personally, I'm giving away my larger clothes, so I don't have the back up of having them "just in case."

    About being hungrier, I find that when the weather turns colder I start craving "comfort" foods like beef stew, pot roast, waffles, etc. I think we're somewhat "programmed" to want to eat more in the fall to "get ready" for winter. Heh. But I do find that I can go several weeks, and not splurge and then suddenly want to eat all the time.

    I had my physical last week and my doctor was ecstatic at my progress. I can't remember if I posted this before or not, so if I did forgive me. Old age, you know. :laugh: Anyway he said I was a completely different woman and looked amazing! YAY!!!

    Still working out trying to balance wanting to improve by working out every day with taking the appropriate rest times. It's hard not to go into the gym every day but I find I need to take an off day, or some weeks, two, or my body doesn't recover and I don't have the energy for the cardio. It's just some more tweaking I'm doing to my program.

    And...I'm down another pound. Wheeee!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good afternoon!

    Stiring, I'm glad that you took a look at the Insanity Fit Test. Why not give it a try, as you can treat it as a good cardio workout. It takes about 30 mins to complete and you will get an idea of what to expect. I guarantee that it will leave you gasping for air (in a good way of course)!!

    MK, way to go on hitting the 500 mark! Let's not start another thread about the holiday motivation group. This is the only one I usually have time for anyway. I feel that we are all friends here, and friends can and will help to motivate each other, especially during the holidays.

    Cardi, I agree that with the cooler weather brings thoughts of comfort food. I usually make a big pot of veggie soup which is very good and guilt-free. You are doing great and your Dr has confirmed it!!!!
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    MmMmmm, veggie soup! With crusty whole grain bread and BUTTER!!!! :wink:

    It does sound good, think I'll be making a pot of soup soon too! Thanks for the idea, Sing!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Share your veggie soup or any soup recipes!!! Healthy of course...:laugh:

    Yes, the good thing is that I have reached for healthy options to calm my hunger lately. I would reach for almonds, string cheese, whole wheat english muffin with almond or peanut butter. YUMMY!!!!

    I am doing legs and back today. I was too tired this morning to workout. I hope I get to workout, I really dont like to workout in the evening. Then my plan is to rest, maybe stretch tomorrow. I have two full days of Zumba workshops this weekend. :drinker: Can't wait!!

    Talk to you tomorrow morning!! Reporting Day!! :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Veggie Soup: I usually just improvise, but here goes!

    Sautee diced onion, celery and minced garlic in a bit of olive oil until tender.

    Add a big can of Swanson's FF chicken broth (or 3 small cans)

    2 large cans of diced tomatoes

    Large bag of frozen mixed veg, your choice

    1 bag frozen sliced carrots

    1 can dark red kidney beans


    Bay leaves

    1/4 cup low sodium soy sauce (replaces salt and adds flavor)

    Pepper and any other seaonings that you like (if you like hot sauce or peppers, go for it).

    You can add any seasonal veggie or just about anything that you desire. It's really hard to mess this up.

    Bring to a boil, then simmer for about an hour. Enjoy!

    This makes a BIG pot of soup for very little money. You can even freeze some for later use.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Happy Friday and Reporting Day!

    This week I had very good intentions. I did pretty well for the most part. I finally started strength training again to supplement my Insanity workouts. I really think I will be happier doing it this way. The nutrition is a work in progress. I know what I must do, but sometimes fail miserably. On the bright side, my diet is far better than it was, just not where I would like it to be.

    I'm glad that we are all on board about sticking together and encouraging one another as the holidays approach. Remember friends, it's the little things that add up and put holiday weight on. Saying NO to just one extra treat or helping of Gramma's rum soaked fruitcake (no problem saying no to that...bad analogy).....pumpkin pie, mincemeat pie, humble pie or pie in the sky...whatever...helps in the battle of the bulge. Don't stop exercising...add a few minutes. Enjoy the quality time with family and friends. That's what it's all about. You will show your love for them by being the healthiest person that you can be. I'm gonna do it and so are you!!!!!!

    Sorry about the sermon, it was actually aimed at me.

    Have a great weekend!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Thanks for the recipe, yummy!! And the sermon, I am going to need it!! :laugh: Well, I am at the lowest weight ever as an adult, 122.6 :noway: Maybe I should start logging in my foods again, I might not be eating enough. But the only time I've felt ravenous has been the last 3 days. It makes a lot of sense that I am almost done with phase 2 of the X and my body needs more fuel. Maybe I should add more volume of the things I already eat. I have been eating very healthy lately, no problems there, thank God. What do you guys think? I feel great, good energy, looking great .

    Remember we were talking about not eating sweets etc. Last night I kept dreaming I was eating tons of Halloween candy and cookies. :laugh: :laugh: :noway:

    25 yrs ago today I gave birth to my beautiful daughter Jossie. I called her already. She was mad because she had to to work today. :laugh: Welcome to adulthood. :laugh:

    Have a wonderful day!!! :flowerforyou:
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Happy Friday All. Even happier cause we get to wear jeans today to work for charity. And I've been told I look cute now in jeans!

    I'm holding strong at 61 lbs lost, but lost a half inch off my waist this week. Eating wasn't too bad, exercise was great. I am continuing doing an hour on the Elliptical 5 times a week and resistance 10 is getting slightly easier, I don't have to talk myself out of quitting before the hour is up anymore. This week, as you know, I added weight training on the Precor machine. On the nights I don't do the weights, I do a second hour of cardio on the treadmill, and on my last visit to that, I was able to walk 3.1 miles in the hour, some of that at inclines all the way up to 10. At one point, I was able to do 3.6 MPH at incline 10 for a short period, so I am definitely improving on my speed on hills!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Happy Friday All. Even happier cause we get to wear jeans today to work for charity. And I've been told I look cute now in jeans!

    I'm holding strong at 61 lbs lost, but lost a half inch off my waist this week. Eating wasn't too bad, exercise was great. I am continuing doing an hour on the Elliptical 5 times a week and resistance 10 is getting slightly easier, I don't have to talk myself out of quitting before the hour is up anymore. This week, as you know, I added weight training on the Precor machine. On the nights I don't do the weights, I do a second hour of cardio on the treadmill, and on my last visit to that, I was able to walk 3.1 miles in the hour, some of that at inclines all the way up to 10. At one point, I was able to do 3.6 MPH at incline 10 for a short period, so I am definitely improving on my speed on hills!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

    Zebbie, you are an inspiration. You ALL are inspirations to me. When I get a second I will post my veggie soup, I make it in the pressure cooker but you don't need to ... it's a variation of minestrone so it's tomato based, and I love it. I freeze it also. My husband and I sometimes add chicken breast to it for a meal in one bowl.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Morning! :flowerforyou:

    singfree, you just keep on giving us sermons because those words are what I need to be hearing right now. I think I'll need at least a weekly reminder, if not a daily reminder, of those philosophies between now and January.

    zebras, you are doing so great! Your workout schedule looks pretty intense. Good for you!! :drinker:

    alf, I weighed in really low this morning as well (97.1). To be perfectly honest, I don't know whether to be concerned about it or not. For the most part (except for the increasing stress levels right now), I feel pretty good and energetic. But, at the same time, I realize I'm about five pounds below where I should be right now. I suppose my suggestion to you would be to monitor your weight (even if just weekly) and really listen to your hunger levels. As long as you are eating healthy, I don't think there is an issue with eating more. And I don't think you'd need to go back to tracking your calories to do that. But if you continue to see weight loss, you might want to track your calories.

    I know, for me, I'm anticipating not being able to workout as much and being in a situation where I'm going to be in less control of what I'm eating over the next couple of months, so I've actually cut down on my calories trying to 'prep' myself for how much I will be able to eat when I'm not working out. Probably not the smartest thing to do since I don't actually need to cut those calories right now (and I'm even more active now with all the move stuff I'm doing). But I'm uncertain whether I'm going to change anything right now about it. I'm going to continue tracking my weight, and if I lose another pound, then I will try to do something to gain some back. But I know, without a doubt, that I will be gaining some weight over the next few months simply because my routine is going to be all out of whack.

    Off to do P90X Shoulders/Arms. I enjoy this workout. singfree, I think I'm going to take your advise and do the Insanity fit test on Sunday. I'll probably do it again right before I start the program, but I figure this will give me a taste of what to expect!

    Hope everybody has a great day and a wonderful weekend!
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Good morning!

    Happy Friday and Reporting Day!

    This week I had very good intentions. I did pretty well for the most part. I finally started strength training again to supplement my Insanity workouts. I really think I will be happier doing it this way. The nutrition is a work in progress. I know what I must do, but sometimes fail miserably. On the bright side, my diet is far better than it was, just not where I would like it to be.

    [>b<]I'm glad that we are all on board about sticking together and encouraging one another as the holidays approach. Remember friends, it's the little things that add up and put holiday weight on. Saying NO to just one extra treat or helping of Gramma's rum soaked fruitcake (no problem saying no to that...bad analogy).....pumpkin pie, mincemeat pie, humble pie or pie in the sky...whatever...helps in the battle of the bulge. Don't stop exercising...add a few minutes. Enjoy the quality time with family and friends. That's what it's all about. You will show your love for them by being the healthiest person that you can be. I'm gonna do it and so are you!!!!!![/>b<]

    Sorry about the sermon, it was actually aimed at me.

    Have a great weekend!

    Thanks for the pep talk Sing!!! And the recipe for soup. I may make that this weekend. It's gorgeous and fall here today and soup is just the ticket!

    Worked out today, but gym was crowded, time was short, so I didn't get the full work out in. :cry: So, I'll just add a few more minutes to tomorrow's AMT and stair climber workouts. Did go up 5 lbs in weight on some of my arm exercises. YAY!!!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful wonderful weekend!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Hello everyone. I hope that all is well with you. I haven't been around lately as I am sure you know and have come to expect. I do log in my information while I am at work but I do not want to push my luck, using my work computer for personal things, so I don't message here.
    I am up to three Zumba sessions a week now. I really need to do more strength training but I don't have it scheduled like I do the Zumba so it is easy to get lazy.
  • Texssippian
    Hi all! I am back from a great trip to San Francisco to see our son in graduate school. We had a wonderful time with him and did tourist things: took a shuttle tour of S F and saw the King Tut exhibit and de Young art museum. (King Tut was in Dallas earlier this year but we never made it, had to go to S F to see him...)

    We did LOTS of walking up and down the hills in S F. Quite a work out. I have not bee as faithful at home but plan on picking up the pace now that the major trips are over for a while. Going to Austin next weekend to see our daughter but that is the extent of our travels for a while.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Take care all. TxMs
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Wow, Tex, you are the Traveling Queen!!! :laugh: Glad your family is doing well.

    Swiss, great to hear from you. (((((((((((((((( ( ZUMBA LOVE)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) See my new picture? I am officially a Zumba Instructor!!! :drinker: I completed two workshops this weekend. I burned close to 1,000 calories each day!! :noway: It was so much fun. I can't wait to start teaching. I need to start getting my music and routine ready and start making some phone calls and visiting gyms, studios, etc. My plan is to sub first and if possible then find a place where I can teach permanently.

    My doctor called the house today while I was at my workshop and spoke with my husband. She said my iron levels are low and I need to take iron pills. :noway: She said I can pick up my prescription tomorrow. I also have mild osteoarthritis. Xrays were taken of my knees last week. She said I should only do low impact exercises and if I have pain take motrin or tylenol. My husband said I should stop running. I want to continue with my half marathon trng, it is in Nov, but I might reconsider running after I finish it. My doctor said that if I continue doing high impact exercises my condition might stay the same or get worse. What I love about Zumba is that I can make it low or high impact so that should not be a problem for my condition. What do you guys think about that?

    Good night!! :yawn: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: