And on the seventh day HE feasted



  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    Another thing to consider, is how will a big binge effect you psychologically? I know we all react differently, so we each need to pay attention to what binging will do to us. For me, if I eat foods with a lot of refined sugar, I will be very happy at the time, but the next day, I will crave more refined sugar. After a while, when I decide to "be good" again, I have to go through withdrawls that are painful... Similar to quitting tobacco. If I ate a lot of calories, I will want more calories the next day. So, for me, it is better to minimize the "cheats." I am human, and I do eat them, but, I always seem to pay for them later. So again, I try to minimize them and remind myself before eating a treat, what that response will be.

    I agree. Alot of the times, I think psycholocially, we let ourselves get the best of us; either when it comes to eating or even working out. That we let the physical hurdle challenges overcome us and lead to failure. Or playing the numbers game to the point that we miss a goal by a few pounds or calories... we give up. Even worse, we let a meal or a binge completely unmotivate our routine. Sometimes its simple as chalking up a loss and moving on, or atleast just staying on track. I know for me... when I give-in or screw up, I tend to let it slide for a few more days of failures. I can't do that.

    Alot of making goals and sticking to them, is about understanding and acknowledge your own weaknesses. What your made of. I think there is a fair balance between setting goals that are way to lax....and way to overboard. All that comes from trial and error, unfortunately. But thats what can make it fun....if you make it fun; not work all the time.

    If you think a "binge" will honestly set you up for success. Then do it. Nobody here is going to be an expert for you. If you think even one "binge" is enough to sabatoge the rest of your life, then be that extreme. In the end, don't fool yourself.

    Webster defines "binge" as a drunken celebration, or spree! If that is how a person feels about food that is a problem. I hope through all of this I learn to eat to live, not Live to eat! enjoy, be healthy and happy!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Another thing to consider, is how will a big binge effect you psychologically? I know we all react differently, so we each need to pay attention to what binging will do to us. For me, if I eat foods with a lot of refined sugar, I will be very happy at the time, but the next day, I will crave more refined sugar. After a while, when I decide to "be good" again, I have to go through withdrawls that are painful... Similar to quitting tobacco. If I ate a lot of calories, I will want more calories the next day. So, for me, it is better to minimize the "cheats." I am human, and I do eat them, but, I always seem to pay for them later. So again, I try to minimize them and remind myself before eating a treat, what that response will be.

    I agree. Alot of the times, I think psycholocially, we let ourselves get the best of us; either when it comes to eating or even working out. That we let the physical hurdle challenges overcome us and lead to failure. Or playing the numbers game to the point that we miss a goal by a few pounds or calories... we give up. Even worse, we let a meal or a binge completely unmotivate our routine. Sometimes its simple as chalking up a loss and moving on, or atleast just staying on track. I know for me... when I give-in or screw up, I tend to let it slide for a few more days of failures. I can't do that.

    Alot of making goals and sticking to them, is about understanding and acknowledge your own weaknesses. What your made of. I think there is a fair balance between setting goals that are way to lax....and way to overboard. All that comes from trial and error, unfortunately. But thats what can make it fun....if you make it fun; not work all the time.

    If you think a "binge" will honestly set you up for success. Then do it. Nobody here is going to be an expert for you. If you think even one "binge" is enough to sabatoge the rest of your life, then be that extreme. In the end, don't fool yourself.

    I am laughing today about my before and after 'binges'

    Last year would have been Grand Slam breakfast with side of white toast and butter, pan pizza with extra meat, cookies for snack, dinner of huge meal and 1/8 of a chocolate cake.

    4000 calories.............the 1st week I was here I wrote what I ate.......didnt change anything, and it was 4k cals with huge fat grams

    This tiime my 'binge' was just under 2000 and the worst of it was the sugar.........over load.

    So I am making changes for the better.

    Now psychologicically, it has effected me all day. I didnt want to eat this morning, guilt over took me upon waking. I am counting ever sliver of food.............
  • xsargex
    xsargex Posts: 768
    [I am laughing today about my before and after 'binges'

    Last year would have been Grand Slam breakfast with side of white toast and butter, pan pizza with extra meat, cookies for snack, dinner of huge meal and 1/8 of a chocolate cake.

    4000 calories.............the 1st week I was here I wrote what I ate.......didnt change anything, and it was 4k cals with huge fat grams

    This tiime my 'binge' was just under 2000 and the worst of it was the sugar.........over load.

    So I am making changes for the better.

    Now psychologicically, it has effected me all day. I didnt want to eat this morning, guilt over took me upon waking. I am counting ever sliver of food.............

    Thats what i'm talking about. What may be a successful goal to you, isn't necessarily a goal for someone else. If that what makes you feel good or keep you on point...then so be it. I think alot of people who find themselves getting bucked off their path to success... focus way to much on what the status quo defines "health" or "diet" or "exercise." You gotta do what works for you. What keeps you accountable. That doesn't mean, its always going to be the easy path. But setting yourself up for failure isn't necessarily the best option either. Like I said, finding a balance, obtaining some kinda success and progress.

    On here, time and time, i see people crying because the scale didn't move after 3 weeks of hard work.
    Perfect example of an unrealistic goal. Why not be satisfied or atleast accomplished for just making it to the gym for the "three weeks of hard work." That IS SOMETHING to be proud of.
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    How about changing the sentence to " And on the seventh day he fasted" One little "E" could really change things!
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    How about changing the sentence to " And on the seventh day he fasted" One little "E" could really change things!

    There have been studies showing fasting one day a week has positive effects on health.
  • xsargex
    xsargex Posts: 768
    maybe lower-case that capital "H" on "He" as well...we don't want anyone to get offended that you could be making a reference to God around here. It pisses off the natives and its AGAINST THE RULLLLES. :devil: :devil:
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    maybe lower-case that capital "H" on "Him" as well...we don't want anyone to get offended that you could be making a reference to God around here. It pisses off the natives and its AGAINST THE RULLLLES. :devil: :devil:

  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    maybe lower-case that capital "H" on "Him" as well...we don't want anyone to get offended that you could be making a reference to God around here. It pisses off the natives and its AGAINST THE RULLLLES. :devil: :devil:


    There was a christian thread that got disbanded because it is against the rules to discuss religion and politics. In religious texts God is often referred to as He with a capital "H" Sarg was part of the thread from what I understand.

    I believe he misunderstood your statement to mean the "e" should be uncapitalized in the word "he" rather than removed from the word "feast"
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    maybe lower-case that capital "H" on "Him" as well...we don't want anyone to get offended that you could be making a reference to God around here. It pisses off the natives and its AGAINST THE RULLLLES. :devil: :devil:


    There was a christian thread that got disbanded because it is against the rules to discuss religion and politics. In religious texts God is often referred to as He with a capital "H" Sarg was part of the thread from what I understand.

    I believe he misunderstood your statement to mean the "e" should be uncapitalized in the word "he" rather than removed from the word "feast"

    Feast, fast, I think I was clear. Rules are rules, I don't make them.
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    Feast, fast, I think I was clear. Rules are rules, I don't make them.

    I don't think he was upset with you rather upset with the rule. :flowerforyou:
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    I dont expect to pours 30 gallons of gas into my 20 gallon tank in my car and have it for extra the next day. I just over flows.

    What a great way to put it! I like it.
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    Feast, fast, I think I was clear. Rules are rules, I don't make them.

    I don't think he was upset with you rather upset with the rule. :flowerforyou:

    Perhaps a discussion with Mike about his rules would help.
  • xsargex
    xsargex Posts: 768
    hahahaha, I was being "facetious". MFP members should try looking that word up in the dictionary
    (i did).:noway:
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    hahahaha, I was being "facetious". MFP members should try looking that word up in the dictionary
    (i did).:noway:

    Sorry I misinterpretted it to be angry. :flowerforyou:
  • xsargex
    xsargex Posts: 768
    hahahaha, I was being "facetious". MFP members should try looking that word up in the dictionary
    (i did).:noway:

    Sorry I misinterpretted it to be angry. :flowerforyou:

    someone who can admit their faults, impressive. Thanks for the flowers; obviously I need sum. :drinker:
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member

    someone who can admit their faults, impressive. Thanks for the flowers; obviously I need sum. :drinker:

    Every man should get flowers.:bigsmile: :laugh:
  • xsargex
    xsargex Posts: 768

    someone who can admit their faults, impressive. Thanks for the flowers; obviously I need sum. :drinker:

    Every man should get flowers.:bigsmile: :laugh:

    i got some fresh vegetables, does that count? :ohwell:
  • azwildcatfan94
    azwildcatfan94 Posts: 314 Member

    someone who can admit their faults, impressive. Thanks for the flowers; obviously I need sum. :drinker:

    Every man should get flowers.:bigsmile: :laugh:

    i got some fresh vegetables, does that count? :ohwell:

    If it was broccoli or cauliflower, it counts :laugh:
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    i got some fresh vegetables, does that count? :ohwell:

    If it was broccoli or cauliflower, it counts :laugh:

    Lettuce counts too, especially red leaf.:laugh:
  • xsargex
    xsargex Posts: 768
    Lettuce counts too, especially red leaf.:laugh:

    Spinach! Now thats love. :smooched: