Memorial Day Weight Loss CHALLENGE!!!!!



  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    My results for Week 13:

    Last weigh-in (5/6): 178.0
    Current weight: 176.6
    Goal weight by Memorial Day: 175
    Goal weight loss a week: 1.5 lbs

    Pounds lost this week: 1.4
    Pounds lost since beginning of challenge: 16.6

    I am almost there! Of course, my final goal is more like 140-150 - maybe I can get there by Labor Day. Or Halloween! :laugh:
  • JJAE53
    JJAE53 Posts: 97 Member
    My 7th Weight In

    Start Weight: 183
    Weight by Memorial Day: 171
    Current Weight: 173.75
    Loss this week: 1.25 pounds
    Total Loss: 9.25 pounds

    Still think I may not reach my goal. I only have one more weigh in before Memorial Day, and It isn't really reasonable to expect a 2.75 pound loss. Oh--I could do it, but it would be a water loss--not a real weight loss. But I'll be so close that I'll be very happy with what ever I lose!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hmmm, traffic on this thread seems to have died off. But I just had to post because I HAVE MET MY MEMORIAL DAY CHALLENGE GOAL!!!!!!

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    My results for Week 14:

    Last weigh-in (5/13): 176.6
    Current weight: 173.8
    Goal weight by Memorial Day: 175
    Goal weight loss a week: 1.5 lbs

    Pounds lost this week: 2.8
    Pounds lost since beginning of challenge: 19.4

    Thanks to all of your for the inspiration! :flowerforyou:
  • momandwife
    momandwife Posts: 151 Member
    Congrats cp005e!!!!!!! I agree ...... this thread really has really died off ..... there's just a few of us left posting to the end.

    My Tuesday weigh in .....

    Starting weight (2-19-08): 145.5
    Last week's weigh in (5-13-08): 139.5
    This week's weigh in (5-20-08): 139.0
    Weight loss this week: 0.5
    Overall weight loss for this challenge: 6.5
    Goal weight at the end of this challenge: 135 pounds
    4 pounds to go!!

    I doubt if I will make that ..... 4 pounds in one week ..... not very likely at all.

    I will post on Tuesday - the day after Memorial Day - my final results for this challenge.
    I see that there is a 4th of July challenge going on - I may join that one just to keep me on my toes.

    Good job to all of those losing weight ....... one pound at a time!!!! It's amazing how this site has opened my eyes to everything that enters my mouth!! I always think ..... "now, how am I going to log this when I get to my computer ...... how many calories is this ........ how much walking/exercise will I do today to offset this lunch/dinner" It is DEFINITELY an eye opener!!

    Thank you MFP!!!!!!
  • momandwife
    momandwife Posts: 151 Member
    Here's my Memorial Day weight ......

    I missed my goal by only ******** 2 POUNDS ********* :grumble:

    AAAAGGGGGHHHHH!!!! :angry:

    I started this challenge at 145.5 and ended at 137.0 ...... my goal was 135 pounds.

    My ultimate goal is 130 pounds ....... I WILL MAKE IT ...... with the help of MFP and the encouraging words on the boards!!!!

    THANK YOU!!! :drinker:
  • JJAE53
    JJAE53 Posts: 97 Member
    Well, momandwife, I missed mine by 2 pounds, too!

    I started at 183, and today I'm at 173. Not a bad loss, and I'm looking forward to losing the rest!

    Thanks to everyone who posted on this challenge. You were an inspiration to me!

  • momandwife
    momandwife Posts: 151 Member
    crownmaker -

    Good job on your weight loss with the Memorial Day challenge!!

    I have now joined the surviving summertime weight loss challenge - I think it ends Labor Day. The challenge just kept me going - gave me something to strive for. Doesn't it feel great to lose this weight?? I am almost excited to get on the scale and see what I've accomplished. Next week I will measure again and figure how many inches I have lost overall - that is a real eye opener!!

    Good luck in your weight loss!! Without MFP I know I couldn't have done it!! It just makes a difference to see on the computer screen what is going in my mouth and how many calories/fat grams I am consuming!

    Reach for the stars ..... I know you can do it!! :flowerforyou:

    -S :tongue:
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Weight Started Challenge: 182

    Today's Weight 175

    I did it!

    Thanks for the Challenge

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