huge rant!



  • I say lose her, seriously stress is not good for your health, there are many affects. I say you worry about you, maybe stay her friend but just tell her you need to take a break, time for yourself for a little while.
  • mkrainville7409
    mkrainville7409 Posts: 40 Member
    I had a friend like this ... it was a TOXIC friendship. She actually pushed me over the edge and into two years of counseling. because I kept telling myself that I was a good person for being her friend ... like I was doing her a favor.

    but in all honestly the push pull toxic friendship is not worth it in the end. it is awful. it is why I became so fat. because I am a stress eater. I would immediatly find myself eating when ever we would fight. just awful...
  • MernyMac
    MernyMac Posts: 37 Member
    A true friend WOULD NOT do this to you......18 years old you say ?.....she's still playing childish highschool games, and it sounds like they won't stop anytime soon.....Run young lady....Run like the wind !!!.......She is NOT your friend...
  • you don't have to stop being her friend, just try to get some supportive people in your life and maybe spend MORE time with them and less with her.
  • skinyZ
    skinyZ Posts: 89 Member
    @ country mom : thank youu. Yes you should tell your kids to ditch lol it is really hard and i think its hard for some people to think in my place if your not really in the situation. I just prefer to see the good in people & so far it ends up like this

    from what you have said, shes a b****, plain and simple, you seem like a good person, a wise person once told me that anyone who is in your life and doesn't make it better shouldn't be there

    enjoy your life and dont waste time on b****es
  • nothing1994
    nothing1994 Posts: 1,936 Member
    People dont like me is why i dont have more friends. Some comments seem to blame me for this
    Thanks anyway to those comments that are blaming me

    For the supportive comments: yea i kmow i need to find another friend the only problem is people at my current school / work didnt want to be friends. Hopefully things change. Thank youu
  • LoveAustralia
    LoveAustralia Posts: 33 Member
    I read the title of this as Hugh Grant.............Awkward
  • skinyZ
    skinyZ Posts: 89 Member
    People dont like me is why i dont have more friends. Some comments seem to blame me for this
    Thanks anyway to those comments that are blaming me

    For the supportive comments: yea i kmow i need to find another friend the only problem is people at my current school / work didnt want to be friends. Hopefully things change. Thank youu

    no one is blaming you honey, i personally get annoyed when hear that so called friends are unsupportive of people trying to be better in their lives, its not right and we dont need them :flowerforyou:
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    blah blah blah

    love yourself

    the end
  • MustangSally74
    MustangSally74 Posts: 59 Member
    Ok girl, you need to get yourself around some more positive people! This girl that you call a friend is not sounding like much of a friend. You need to find you a good plan and stick to it. Look to this site for encouragement. Good luck to you :)
  • willy79
    willy79 Posts: 11
    WOW, u just layed some serious smackdown on urself!!! If u think its you then maybe theres something u need to change or u have a confidence or rejection issue. I'm not a shrink but I've seen it before. I used to have a rejection issue and it can stop you doing things and making friends. Why do u think its u?
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    So ive been under alot of stress and time managment has been horrible do to the fact its been the last month of school with last minute assignments and diplomas. I havent been there for my mpf friends or logged food for probably 2 weeks or something. However i appologize to my friends and will get back on track !

    Now that thats out of the way...

    To add to my frustration is my only (in real life) friend. She seems to just want to crush my happiness
    All the time and its really annoying. She doesnt let me eat healthy what so everr. Shell buy the biggest / fattest meal for me and say i should stop trying to loose weight. She says "you dont need to". Im friggin 5'2 and 260 pounds!!! How the heck do i "not need to"?!
    Besides the weight loss, she dosent want me to move in with my bf or even be with him! She says i need a new man etc when she knows we are perfectly fine together. She tries to get me to be mean to her bf so he can hate me. Yes she accually said that.when i asked why she said "because itll be funny!" She says we should both ignore him so hell get mad and itll be funny yet when we see him they are tickling each other, making out, etc. WTF ? Why does she try to ruin everything?! It cant be jelousy because shes the one turning heads -even men with gfs stare- wherever we go. She has the body, looks, and ..
    Fakeness. Yes i say fake but thats a different story.

    Bla!!! Im so annoyed atm

    When she says that you don't "need" to lose weight, I would just look calmly at her and say something to the effect of " I know you love me no matter what size I am...however, I DO need to be healthy, and eating like that is NOT the way to get there".

    When she wants you to do stupid stuff, tell her that you don't have time for stupid childish stuff like that.

    When she says that you need to leave your BF, tell her you'll leave him when she leaves hers...

    I'm glad you want to be healthy. I am the same height you are, and I started out at 228lbs. I felt pretty crappy ( health issues mostly) at that size, so I can only imagine how difficult it is to have another 30lbs to carry around. It is amazing what losing 15lbs can do--I feel so good now, and I am looking forward to losing more. Hopefully this summer you will have time to exercise and get stronger. Just yesterday I made some 6' tall guy look bad on one of the weight machines at the Y--I did 40 reps at 90# on the back extension, he did 12 reps at 120# :)
  • nothing1994
    nothing1994 Posts: 1,936 Member
    I think it could be me because similiar situations have happened - not to this extent but i generaly get used then left so shes yet to leave o.o
    Now im confused.
  • brneydgrlie
    brneydgrlie Posts: 464 Member
    You definitely need to distance yourself from this girl. It sounds like she is only pretending to be your friend. And probably wants you to stay heavy so she can go out with you and feel prettier in comparison - yes, there are immature and insecure women who do this. It also seems she does not want you to be happy with your boyfriend, because then you won't "need" her anymore, see who she truly is more clearly, and drop her like a hot potato (as you should!).

    It is great to want to see the good in people, and maybe someday she will actually live up to the good you see in her. However, right now this girl is toxic, and you do not need other people's issues bringing you down.
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    Shut the front door.

    Seriously, put her on the other side of it and...shut the front door.
  • nothing1994
    nothing1994 Posts: 1,936 Member
    Ahhh i cant keep up with comments because im on from my phone so ill just say thanks again everyone and i think i secretly knew i needed a new friend but just didnt want to face the fact id be friendless. Ps. I do reply to her when she says stupid things like be mean to so and so etc
  • noirnatural
    noirnatural Posts: 310 Member
    I understand being friends with her because she was the only one willing to be your friend at that time...I get that, its hard to be in an enviroment where you feel like you don't have any support...
  • harleygaljojo
    harleygaljojo Posts: 111 Member
    Please think more of yourself than to keep this person areound. True friends do not try to sabatoge a friend that is trying to have a healthier, happier life. Run, Run, Run, I'm sure you can find someone that will support you in what you want to do,.
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    @ anna, when i told people about this before they said shes "trying to be a good friend" that she dosent want me to be hurt or something anout weight
    honey im so sorry, but at the weight you posted, a good friend would be concerned about your health enough to help you get healthy. it sounds as if she wants to stay the hot friend. ive been there before. at 18, she is old enough not to play games like this. Im gonna friend you, if you ever need to talk! my kids are 20,18, and 12. im a good listener!
  • rhonniema
    rhonniema Posts: 522 Member
    I'd rather have no friends than have a friend like that.