huge rant!



  • myogibbs
    myogibbs Posts: 182
    In my humble opinion, I think she feels threatened by the prospect of you being happy, having a boyfriend...and most especially you becoming fit & healthy. I had a good friend once that was SO MUCH FUN to be around, but inevitably the world revolved around her & her drama (s)...if I had a problem that I wanted to discuss, she listened for a minute, then turned the conversation back to her. When I started dating my husband, she got mad at me for something stupid I sent her via email, b/c she couldn't just get mad at me b/c I had a boyfriend & she didn't. Then I decided that some friends are just poison... & when the negative outweighs the is time to move on & choose yourself. I think you may need to do some soul searching & decide whether or not her "friendship" is worth working on...or is she just poison? If it is worth all means...go for it & give it all you have...but if not...please choose yourself...YOU ARE WORTH IT...
  • nothing1994
    nothing1994 Posts: 1,936 Member
    Someone here said - sorry the pg wont go back for me to get the name- that people can sence ive been used before etc. Its my mistake because i trust people so much and end up telling them myself that ive been used alot before
  • monyango
    monyango Posts: 166
    TOXIC. She wants you to be dependent on her and I'm sure she's afraid that if you lose weight you'll be happy and not want to be around her. I'd tell her she needs to be more supportive. If she doesn't, kick her to the curb. You don't need that junk in your life!
  • willy79
    willy79 Posts: 11
    Ur welcome. Everyone involved in this thread is in support of u. As the saying goes "you can take a horse to water but u can't make it drink" The advice being the water. Its ur decision ultimately. Good luck with it. Hope u make the choice the makes YOU happy.
  • The reason you only have one friend is because she's controlling your life and keeping everyone else away. You need to do something about it. But if you prefer, keep on complaining about it and doing nothing.

    ^^^^^ THIS!
  • SavageRabidBeast
    SavageRabidBeast Posts: 481 Member
    she may get lots of attention but that doesn't mean that she doesn't have self esteem issues. There are lots of gorgeous people in the world that just don't think they are beautiful or even that people just like them for their looks and nothing else about them
  • nothing1994
    nothing1994 Posts: 1,936 Member
    One thing for sure: shes not the WHOLE cause people stay away from me.
    The reason is that im Arab but born / raised here so its a long story but in short, the arab "community" sabotaged my life because im "westernized" ... another diff story
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    maybe she loves yu,life is weird??????
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    She's no friend, she's a manipulative sociopath. Run away fast and don't look back.
  • nothing1994
    nothing1994 Posts: 1,936 Member
    @ willy: i know, thank you so much & also to everyone else
    @savage: i know i just ment its sooo hard to believe
    She gets asked out atleast once a day and knows she turns head
    She knows everyone thinks shes innocent bcus she has said it to my face
  • nothing1994
    nothing1994 Posts: 1,936 Member
    @ Clio: if thats love.. then what is dislike
  • cressievargo
    cressievargo Posts: 392 Member
    I confronted her peacefully and ... not being ruuude and she listenes to it then argued a bit then asked if we can go to the mall to shop. Outta nowhere in the middle of the friggin mall she freaked out "crying" and saying sorry she was "trying to be a good friend!" Etc etc. People stared like im the bad guy. This is always the case with her
    She looks and acts innocent soo nobody believes my rant in person lol. Just saying this because some people said i should confront her; i have. Many many times. >_< i really do need a new friend huh..

    She was seeking attention, and unfortunately you unknowingly fed right into it. She sounds like a very toxic person, one that always has to be the center of the matter what...whether it be from playing the victim or something else.

    Quite frankly, her friendship is probably what is keeping people away from you...not anything about you. You also need to change your mindset - because if you go around assuming that no one wants to be your friend - they will pick up on your prickly body language and stay away.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    One thing for sure: shes not the WHOLE cause people stay away from me.
    The reason is that im Arab but born / raised here so its a long story but in short, the arab "community" sabotaged my life because im "westernized" ... another diff story

    That's a whole other problem to solve for yourself. You face hardship and difficulty just being who you are but that doesn't mean it ultimately has to cost you friendships, relationships, and trust of others. Like with anything in life, you can't let the circumstances drag you down into a pit. If you do, then you can't fix it. That problem can be fixed, though not overnight.
  • BandedTriaRN
    BandedTriaRN Posts: 303
    So ive been under alot of stress and time managment has been horrible do to the fact its been the last month of school with last minute assignments and diplomas. I havent been there for my mpf friends or logged food for probably 2 weeks or something. However i appologize to my friends and will get back on track !

    Now that thats out of the way...

    To add to my frustration is my only (in real life) friend. She seems to just want to crush my happiness
    All the time and its really annoying. She doesnt let me eat healthy what so everr. Shell buy the biggest / fattest meal for me and say i should stop trying to loose weight. She says "you dont need to". Im friggin 5'2 and 260 pounds!!! How the heck do i "not need to"?!
    Besides the weight loss, she dosent want me to move in with my bf or even be with him! She says i need a new man etc when she knows we are perfectly fine together. She tries to get me to be mean to her bf so he can hate me. Yes she accually said that.when i asked why she said "because itll be funny!" She says we should both ignore him so hell get mad and itll be funny yet when we see him they are tickling each other, making out, etc. WTF ? Why does she try to ruin everything?! It cant be jelousy because shes the one turning heads -even men with gfs stare- wherever we go. She has the body, looks, and ..
    Fakeness. Yes i say fake but thats a different story.

    Bla!!! Im so annoyed atm
    Don't let a jealous friend hold you back from your happiness... go for it!
  • Pohudet
    Pohudet Posts: 179 Member
    Your so-called "friend" is an awful person. You do not have to "officially" break up with her. Just try to see less of her and more of other people. If she brings you any food, tell her: yuk! I don't eat that. If she says something that is toxic, say to her: You are so annoying!
  • nothing1994
    nothing1994 Posts: 1,936 Member
    @ sara: yes i know, i did say thats a diff thing
    Its much more complex than this lol
    @poh: shes much more controllinh than that
    Its difficult to explain...shes very sneaky
    Im pretty sure the only way out is to keep her out forever
  • vvanm
    vvanm Posts: 157
    From your rant it seems you know this friend really well and you know exactly what she does that is weird. You can keep the friend, just change your reaction to her so the you are not affected badly. I have a friend who sends me candy when I say I'm on a diet, likes to make digs about things I like, and other toxic behaviors, in spite of having some good qualities. As long as I'm mindful that that is the way she is, insecurities and all, I just don't react and know it's not personal. Your beautiful friend is a lesson to all that having great looks going for you does not solve the inner struggles or the ability to sustain friends. That comes from deeper work on ourselves.
  • SashaMegan
    SashaMegan Posts: 110 Member
    Just "break up" with her. You don't need negative people in your life :flowerforyou:
  • nothing1994
    nothing1994 Posts: 1,936 Member
    @vvan: like i said before shes more controlling than that
    .i cant really explain it but a exple would be that she put om boxing gloves we have and "jokingly " beat mr up just to eat the food she bought. I know people will say i let it happen so my reply to that is yes i probably did
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    Make a mutually agreed upon plan to talk. Communicate to her exactly how her behavior affects you. Let her know you feel like she is trying to sabotage your attempt to get healthy. When she understands exactly which behaviors you are talking about, ask her if she can support you in your mission. If she say "yes", give her a big hug and go from there. If she still insists you don't have to lose weight or continues to try to get you to eat stuff you don't want to eat, just let her know you can no longer spend time with her. Then go out and find a new "best friend". I have never had a "best friend" who didn't look out for me the same way I looked out for them. I can't imagine subjecting myself to being treated in that manner. I would be gone