Morbidly Obese & Exercise

mushymom Posts: 13 Member
Hi. I looking for friends who have a LOT of weight to lose and have a challenge with exercise. I'm currently 325 lbs and 50 years old. Even walking becomes painful after a few minutes. Ideas, personal stories and mutual understanding needed.


  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    walking is the best place to start! Do little bits and gradually increase your time/distance. Also, you can try "stationary" cardio like a row machine or shadow boxing.

    And maybe the best thing is swimming - it removes the pressure your body feels during normal exercise but still is a great workout. Man, I wish I could swim. :(
  • sbfmama77
    sbfmama77 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi friend! Just know u can't start by doing a marathon. Just move any u can more than normal! Whether it be short 5 min walks spread out over the day. And as time goes on add a couple min to each walk as u get used to it. Any movement more than what u do now is going to benefit u! And maybe try some water activity to help w the pain u feel. Taking the pressure of the weight off in the pool could really help to move more! Good luck and know that u can do it! It will take time but if u dont give up it WILL get easier!
  • justdazed
    justdazed Posts: 57 Member
    The best thing I ever did was invest in a great pair of shoes. It helped with foot pain so so much. I echo suggestions to try swimming, if not something else low impact (elliptical?)

    Take it slow, stretch, focus on small accomplishments at first. You can do it!
  • mushymom
    mushymom Posts: 13 Member
    Wow. Thanks to everyone for their advice. I love swimming. And I could use a new pair of shoes! It's amazing to see that there are lots of folks who really do care. You've made my day :smile:
  • tanyaslosingit
    tanyaslosingit Posts: 178 Member
    I started out obese (and am now "just" overweight) and I had a number of concerns about exercise as well. I decided to start with very low impact exercises. I'm not even sure you would call the them exercises as it was more like just getting in the practice of moving! I watched a few Sit and Fit videos at home, gradually worked up to walking a little bit and then went on from there. Once I got moving, it became easier to increase my overall activity. Right now I'm focusing on increasing my cardio activities I take things at my own pace (Slow and Steady) and it seems to be working so far. Whatever you do, it's better then "not doing" and as the popular adage goes, "No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping the guy on the couch!" Yes, invest in a pair of really good shoes, see an orthopedic doctor if you start feeling pain in the knees and back, and take it one step at a time!

    I do want to add that if you are a competitive person, having someone to work with or against can be a great motivator; but if you are not, stay away from people involved in highly intensive exercise programs (e.g. CrossFit) as the attitude an be somewhat... discouraging. I'm one of those people who believes the mind set is as important as the activity; but others may disagree so you can take that last bit with a grain of salt :-)
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    I would think short walks multiple times a day, swimming for sure, and maybe even get one of those floor pedal bikes? (I don't know the proper name)
  • cristaine
    cristaine Posts: 87
    I would suggest a good pair of shoes, just walking (short distances first, with a ramp up each week) and perhaps something like yoga or stretching, as it will prevent a lot of stiffness and potentially injuries also. Agreed, swimming is also great if you are ok with that.

    Just know that every light to moderate activity you do with take more out of you when you first start, so don't compare yourself to anyone else but you. Use your previous efforts as the barometer to mark your progress.

    And one last thing, DON'T confuse DISCOMFORT with PAIN. EXercise won't always feel good. You will likely want to stop. It won't be comfortable and you WILL be causing stress on your body (and if you are like me, your psyche some times too lol) but discomfort means you are pushing yourself to give it your A game.... PAIN means you have gone too far.

    Listen to your body, MOVE to loosen up your joints and strengthen your muscles (and endurance) and best wishes!
  • lindseym1983
    lindseym1983 Posts: 209
    I have heard that squatting down and throwing punches to the front and sides is a way to get low impact way to get some cardio in and heart rate up.
  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
    And maybe the best thing is swimming - it removes the pressure your body feels during normal exercise but still is a great workout. Man, I wish I could swim. :(

    Have you heard of aquarobics or aquafit? I do it and there are women and a man in the class who can't swim. The man told me he's had a fear of water all his life, but he's working on it and spends lots of time in the pool - in the shallow end. The classes I've been in were all done in the shallow end, with the option of staying near the sides for people who were nervous. Aquafit is a good calorie burner, but you don't get hot and sweaty - you're in water that cools you. I find it "splashy fun" - how many ways can you think of, of jumping up and down in the water, jogging with no pain in your legs or feet, suspended with supportive floats you wrap round you while you cycle your legs in the water, work your arms with foam dumbells or floats like boxing gloves that increase the resistance of the water.

    Can you tell I like it? :happy: Oh, and don't feel self conscious, it's a class that is good for big people and I'm sure there would be others there too.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Start with walking, and it just gets easier from there.

    To see the very inspirational story of a 429 LB man who couldn't walk for more than a few minutes, completely transform his life with fruits and vegetables, watch a movie called "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" streaming free at right now.
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I started at 255 lbs back in February/March. So far I have lost 26lbs. I know how hard it is to get motivated. I really like strength training as well. Even just getting a pair of light dumbells that you can use while watching tv helps. Doing leg lifts while sitting in a chair are great also. When you get a little more strength you can add some fitness bands for more resistance. Strength training is going to add muscle more quickly thus raising your metabolism, even while resting. Strength training also helps to fight osteoporosis. I love Pilates, of course with modification for my size. You just do what you can do. It is great when you can finally do exercises you were not able to do.

    I have been extremely thin in my life and now very heavy. When I was thin I didn't understand what the big deal was about losing weight. People don't realize how always being the fattest person in the room beats you down. I am self conscious about eating in front of people and I always wonder what people are thinking. There is definitely something that happens when you reach triple digit numbers to lose. You get overwhelmed just thinking about how far you have to go. But you can do it! And just getting started is the hardest part of all. So you have done that. Yeah, for you! Everyday is a new day and you do what you can that day and don't worry about tomorrow. When you get up tomorrow you do what you can that day and the next and the next. God bless you on your journey to health.
  • murdie
    murdie Posts: 85 Member
    If weather is bad you can use "walk" dvd's like Leslie Sansone. When I started that's what I did. Now I can do Turbo Fire. I was slow and it was really hard at first, but believe it or not, it will get easier! Don't give up! You can do it!!
  • jenniferlmartinez
    jenniferlmartinez Posts: 95 Member
    Have you tried sit exercises? Its a start. Or walk around the house like one lap around the house several times through out the day. marching in place for 5 minutes and doing 6 times through out the day. I use to weigh 300 pounds and now i'm down to 266 the last time I checked which was last week. There was alot of things I couldnt do because I ran out of breath or was in pain. Juse remember not to give up!
  • shbretired
    shbretired Posts: 320 Member
    Also there are exercise programs on tv, would be beneficial even to do sitting exercises for your arms, back etc.

    agree with above poster on building up your walking, make sure to use supportive shoes & maybe even support socks for the ankles/calves.

    if you can walk on grass or dirt paths, not on concrete or black top.

    How about a school track? Don't forget the sunblock ☺

    Swimming yes, I enjoy that.

    After getting the walk where it's more comfortable for you, suggest throwing in some exercise bike, or other activities.
  • shbretired
    shbretired Posts: 320 Member
    Watch biggest loser, for eating/exercise tips.

    Climb stairs over and over again
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    I agree with the previous posts that suggest investing in a good pair of walking shoes and get moving. Just walk a little everyday and add distance and/or time to your walks as you feel comfortable. Don't over do... listen to your body and do as much as you can.

    I also love the swimming the suggestion! Just find little activities to keep you moving. Park a bit further from the store, if you are able to take a flight of stairs then do that instead of the elevator, etc. Those little activities don't sound like much but they add up.

    Just keep moving, you can do it! :flowerforyou:
  • ladypeaches59
    Many YMCA locations have aqua-aerobics, especially for those of us who aren't 21 any more......*pout* and are fluffy. You might check that out. Also start slow with some stretches and build us your stomach muscles and lower back, with just even small movements like little lunges.....that will also help your knees slowly start to get stronger. Take it one day at a time, and, girlfriend, go out and buy yourself something bright and cheerful to wear while you're walking, or proud of yourself for taking this step, it's not easy...but you are worth the time and effort......and I"m right there with you........*sigh* You go girl! :flowerforyou:
  • velsbree
    velsbree Posts: 69
    get DVD's I will cheat myself if i don't follow " a leader" there are older ones that have chair aerobics combine that with 2 short walks a day. You will do this step by step
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    When you can: stand instead of sitting, and walk instead of standing. Even if it's just a couple of minutes.

    Take things in small doses. Do you have any stairs you can climb? Even if it's one flight at work, try it once a day, then build up.

    I actually started walking DOWN stairs at work. 7 flights, instead of the elevator. Now that I do it, I wonder why everyone isn't taking the stairs's easy.

    Make sure you have good shoes, too. They can make a difference, especially if you're in pain.

    Finally, if you watch a lot of tv, try to reduce your viewing time. Supposedly, doing anything else, even while sitting, burns more calories. Reading, scrapbooking, knitting.
  • stuartadair1
    stuartadair1 Posts: 46 Member

    When I first went to the gym I did 15 minutes on a bike. My heart rate went to 200 bpm and I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I kept at it, doing a little more each day and now I move >600 calories per day on a cross-trainer plus 30 minutes of weights. I struggle to get my heart rate to more than 145 bpm. I'm the fittest fat-bloke around.
    Just need to control my eating now...

    So, keep at it. Start very gently and slowly and remember "Never, Never Give Up"