Morbidly Obese & Exercise



  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    Hi. I looking for friends who have a LOT of weight to lose and have a challenge with exercise. I'm currently 325 lbs and 50 years old. Even walking becomes painful after a few minutes. Ideas, personal stories and mutual understanding needed.

    you can 'punch' whilst being seated. just sit there and pretend you're punching something with both arms.
  • 3ofmine
    3ofmine Posts: 136 Member
    Hi. I looking for friends who have a LOT of weight to lose and have a challenge with exercise. I'm currently 325 lbs and 50 years old. Even walking becomes painful after a few minutes. Ideas, personal stories and mutual understanding needed.

    I haven't read any other posts so I'm sorry if this is repeated but I will tell you what I started out doing. I started out not even being able to walk for 5mins without my back KILLING ME and being so out of breath it was scary(I sounded like I was having an asthema attack)...I would walk out to my mailbox and to my front porch(about a grand total of 60-80ft round trip) when I could do that I started walking down to the lake(across the street from my house) when I could walk there easily I came right back..when I could walk my road I started walking at the walking track(it honestly took a good 2-3weeks). I would also get on my gazelle and I couldn't go longer than 5mins at first but I did 5 mins for about 3-4 days and then moved to 10mins and so on...After a month I walked in walmart and didn't even need a cart(I always had to get one and park by the carts so that I could make it in)..I am up to being able to walk 15mins or so at a time before I have to stretch my back. I have found now that I don't have to stop my workout I can stop and stretch a little to loosen my back and keep going I don't have to sit down anymore. I used to have to completely stop and sit down. It seems like a slow process and it's so frustrating because you WANT to do it but if you haven't been active or worked out in awhile your body needs time...I am down 24lbs but honestly I feel like I've finally been put in the game! I never thought losing 24lbs would change my life so much there is so many differences I already am finding in myself. I just need to work on endurance. Goodluck and if you want a friend to help keep you encouraged you can feel free to send me a friend request this is hard and frankly I'll take all the help I can get :)

  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I started out at 301, with the 'walking off the lbs' videos by Leslie Sansone, and Aquafit Classes. They were less strenuous on my already sceaming knees!

    After I lost some lbs, I started on some intense Cardio, and went to the Jillian MIchaels 30 Day Shred :)
  • AmyH2323
    AmyH2323 Posts: 46 Member
    I have a friend who teaches water aerobics she says it is a great place for people to start exercising. I recently started an exercise program and love it. I go to bootcamp twice a week with a group of friends. It was really hard at first because of my weight, but I just do what I can do and if there is something I can do yet I change it to something I can do. I like it because we do each exercise for a minute and then rotate. Find a friend to go with you. That is what make me go every week.
  • jennnnn2u
    jennnnn2u Posts: 133
    Hi. I looking for friends who have a LOT of weight to lose and have a challenge with exercise. I'm currently 325 lbs and 50 years old. Even walking becomes painful after a few minutes. Ideas, personal stories and mutual understanding needed.

    I haven't read any other posts so I'm sorry if this is repeated but I will tell you what I started out doing. I started out not even being able to walk for 5mins without my back KILLING ME and being so out of breath it was scary(I sounded like I was having an asthema attack)...I would walk out to my mailbox and to my front porch(about a grand total of 60-80ft round trip) when I could do that I started walking down to the lake(across the street from my house) when I could walk there easily I came right back..when I could walk my road I started walking at the walking track(it honestly took a good 2-3weeks). I would also get on my gazelle and I couldn't go longer than 5mins at first but I did 5 mins for about 3-4 days and then moved to 10mins and so on...After a month I walked in walmart and didn't even need a cart(I always had to get one and park by the carts so that I could make it in)..I am up to being able to walk 15mins or so at a time before I have to stretch my back. I have found now that I don't have to stop my workout I can stop and stretch a little to loosen my back and keep going I don't have to sit down anymore. I used to have to completely stop and sit down. It seems like a slow process and it's so frustrating because you WANT to do it but if you haven't been active or worked out in awhile your body needs time...I am down 24lbs but honestly I feel like I've finally been put in the game! I never thought losing 24lbs would change my life so much there is so many differences I already am finding in myself. I just need to work on endurance. Goodluck and if you want a friend to help keep you encouraged you can feel free to send me a friend request this is hard and frankly I'll take all the help I can get :)


    Angel, you just said something so important here. I am having very similar feelings in that I have only lost 18 pounds but I can't believe what a huge difference already. One of the doctors at my work said something today that really put it into perspective though. Think of it as bags of sugar which are 5 pounds each and you can see why losing even 18 and 24 pounds is so huge. 24 pounds is like almost 5 bags of sugar. Imagine carrying 5 bags of sugar around with you all day. When she said that to me, I realized why I was already feeling so much better! I'm now thinking of every 5 pounds as one bag of sugar I've been able to put down. Good luck to you!
  • bamasweetthang
    believe me I am doing zumba at 335 lbs and let me tell you i am the biggest one there and when i leave my hair is soaking wet. I know i am not doing exactly what they are doing but i am trying my best and like you said, keep on moving and i do. after each song i get a swallow of water and wipe my forehead with my towel and then i am back at it. i don't know how much i have lost in weight or inches but will be doing my check on loss on july 7th that will be one month that i started the body by vi and my new way of getting this weight off
  • Dorkaleena
    Dorkaleena Posts: 59
    Hey there. I'm 43 years old and I weigh 446 lbs. I've lost 22 lbs in the last 5 weeks by watching my caloric intake and exercising with a mini arm cycle. It's basically a set of bike pedals on a stand and you "pedal" with your arms. When I started I could barely get through 10 minutes. Even then I had to do it in short bursts and spurts with rests in between. I'm up to 35 minutes done in just two bursts now.

    Just this week I added a Core Strengthening DVD by "Chair Dancing". All the exercises are done while seated in the chair. After 3 work outs with it I am standing longer, walking further and feeling stronger. It really does work. I'll be getting their Aerobic exercise once I move up a level in intensity with the strengthening DVD.

    When you are ready to start, you have to start where you can!
  • jennnnn2u
    jennnnn2u Posts: 133
    what is this DVD you speak of?? This sounds like a great way to start out. i might look into that as a supplement for the bike to mix things up when I can't get to the pool. Great suggestion!
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I started out obese (and am now "just" overweight) and I had a number of concerns about exercise as well. I decided to start with very low impact exercises. I'm not even sure you would call the them exercises as it was more like just getting in the practice of moving! I watched a few Sit and Fit videos at home, gradually worked up to walking a little bit and then went on from there. Once I got moving, it became easier to increase my overall activity. Right now I'm focusing on increasing my cardio activities I take things at my own pace (Slow and Steady) and it seems to be working so far. Whatever you do, it's better then "not doing" and as the popular adage goes, "No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping the guy on the couch!" Yes, invest in a pair of really good shoes, see an orthopedic doctor if you start feeling pain in the knees and back, and take it one step at a time!

    I do want to add that if you are a competitive person, having someone to work with or against can be a great motivator; but if you are not, stay away from people involved in highly intensive exercise programs (e.g. CrossFit) as the attitude an be somewhat... discouraging. I'm one of those people who believes the mind set is as important as the activity; but others may disagree so you can take that last bit with a grain of salt :-)

    Fantastic reply! You helped me out too with your response.
  • Dorkaleena
    Dorkaleena Posts: 59
    Jennnnnnn Here is a link to the site I got the DVD from. The DVD's are reasonably priced at about $15.00 and they have multipacks that have all 3 types of DVD's for about $52.00. (Stretching, Strength and Aerobic) I'm really enjoying the Strength one I have!
  • divalivious
    divalivious Posts: 213 Member
    Recommend swimming or water aerobics especially deep water that way there is no pressure on your joints cause your weightless with the water. Its a great work out for your core.

    Going to a good running shoe store to get walking shoes. I was always buying shoes from various places and not spending the money on the shoes. I actually went in a few years ago and got someone to fit me with proper shoes for what I was doing and OMG massive difference. Happy Feet!
    Might want to have your feet checked to see if you need supportive insoles as well that can make a difference with your walking.

    I know when I started walking I was lucky to do 15 mins but those mins add up. After a week add 5 more minutes. If your body isnt hurting and your comfortable with that time frame add more sooner. I have been walking for a few months now and I am up to 40 minutes and have included hills.

    You will get there just have to have some patience with yourself but definitely dont give up.
  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    walking is the best place to start! Do little bits and gradually increase your time/distance. Also, you can try "stationary" cardio like a row machine or shadow boxing.

    And maybe the best thing is swimming - it removes the pressure your body feels during normal exercise but still is a great workout. Man, I wish I could swim. :(

    Exactly & with lots of water - This is how I got started 22 months ago!
  • patchesgizmo
    patchesgizmo Posts: 244 Member
    I started with small walks, still doing 2 small walks a day, but now adding in some Richard Simmons or other exercise dvd's to the mix also. I am also doing my lower back strengthening exercises to get my back into shape. I am currently 261. so I little bit at at time.
  • LisaKunz
    LisaKunz Posts: 73 Member
    I started out by not even exercising on purpose. I couldn't. Too overweight - everything hurt - I couldn't breathe. I just started counting & logging the walks back and forth to my car at work. Then I thought, "Well, if I can walk 5 minutes to my car, I can walk 5 minutes in the middle of the day." So I did. Just 5 minutes, once a day at first, then twice. I had to bring deodorant to work to reapply after those little excursions. Then it eventually got to 10 minutes, now I don't think I have a limit; I even belong to a fitness center and can do the weights, bike, and elliptical! And yes, the good shoes thing is SO important.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    i know if you were like me theres NO WAY IN HELL you will get in a swimming pool,:noway: so other than that i started with walking,a little at a time as you say the old knees hurt like heck:cry: but do it everyday and over the weeks it will get farther and farther without you even noticing! and faster too!:drinker:
    i was nearly 400lb to start,:wink:
  • MsTanya77
    MsTanya77 Posts: 357 Member
    You may want to try the Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds videos if walking outside or on a treadmill is too difficult. These videos allow you to walk in place and start at 2 miles and go up to about 4 miles.
  • Reesecup312
    Reesecup312 Posts: 277 Member
    I started here 3 months ago at 298 ounds and I am 51. I started off with walking away the pounds videos doing a 1 mile in home walk. It is about a 15-20 minute workout and it really helped my stamina. I also started spending more time in the pool! It's great on the joints. I have lost 43 pounds and now I can do the 4 mile in home walk which is about 55 minutes, and I can do the elliptical trainer for 45 minutes. The more you exercise, the easier it becomes and you are able to go farther and longer when the weight starts coming off and it will as long as you eat right. I don't eat back my exercise calories because I haven't had the need to. I have enough fat to provide the necessary exercise fuel for a long time!!
    Good luck to you!
  • doggiesnot
    doggiesnot Posts: 334 Member
    Try DDPYoga!

    My wife and I just started it, and it's great! No impact to joints. It's awesome!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I was on the high end of obese, on the charts, but not morbidly obese, but I'll try to help. I have had experience with joint pain, shoulder surgery, now a broken foot, blah blah blah. I have met several morbidly obese friends while working out at the YWCA. Most of them did water aerobics and water exercises until they lost enough weight to start walking, etc. It's easy on your joints, you can even wear a floatation device (yes, they have them for all sized people) and 'water jog'. It burns calories like crazy and when you get out of the water, you feel limp then later, like you've been at a spa all day. It is so relaxing. Once you start losing those pounds you gain the confidence to start the other exercises and and become, best of all, healthier and happier.
    Good luck and I'll say a prayer that you find what works for you! <hugs>