A little embarrassing...but I'm going to ask anyway!



  • shawndella
    shawndella Posts: 7 Member
    Water, water water! Your body is going through changes right now, good changes, but it is trying to adapt. Drink lots of water and then drink fruit juices also. Drink water before you get thirsty.
  • losermomof3
    losermomof3 Posts: 386 Member
    I have issues too...I take fiber pills to help boost it along.
  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member
    For me, it is a cuppa joe or tea. Works every time :)
  • jellybeanhed313
    jellybeanhed313 Posts: 344 Member
    There is a powdered drink called Natural Calm. It is calcium and magnesium. Easy to take and keeps you regular. You can find it at health food stores. Its marketed as an anti stress drink.
  • focus4fitness
    focus4fitness Posts: 551 Member
    I love prunes, and bran cereal. Both work well.
  • notnormallyacaloriecounter
    i take a stool softener with my vitamins every day and it really helps. also, fiber one has some really yummy products you could try ( you don't know you're eating fiber!) here's to hoping for a good poop! :drinker:
  • MirandaEnlightened

    Benefiber seriously does the trick until your body is used to the changes in food. Once your body decides "ok we are eating this stuff now, cool" then you should be back to loosy goosy! Worked for me!!!
  • Dwamma
    Dwamma Posts: 289 Member
    Increase water and fiber!!!!!.....you can try Calm a magisum supplement if you really need to ....been that way all my life....
  • ChaoticMiNd
    ChaoticMiNd Posts: 247 Member
    I'm in the same boat!!! It's making me crazy lol I know another 5 lbs will come off if I can just poop!! All the suggestions are nice they really are, but I am doing all of these even the water...I love water. Seriously considering a laxative myself. :embarassed:
  • RochelleR81
    Go to wal-mart or anywhere for that matter and start taking a Pro-biotic this will make your regular everyday
    also you need to start taking a supplement everyday if you do not do so now purchase Fish Oil take it 3 times a day it will help keep you regular and not bloated
    you can also eat oatmeal for breakfast
    Drink Plenty of water to flush your system
  • holliph
    holliph Posts: 88 Member
    Your body is most likely just adjusting to the change in diet. It does take a couple weeks. Good chance you're also eating less food so there is less volume going through you. Fiber and water will also help.

    winner winner chicken dinner!!!!

    this is exactly correct!
    the body is undergoing a metabolic change with you changing your lifestyle for the better. Give it time to adjust. Some people will find that they go from having a movement a couple times a day, 1x a day to maybe every other day.
    adding external chemicals to the body will add a whole new monkey wrench to it...so if you handle it another day wait...high fiber/ruffage will help try not to add any pill/suppository unless you are close to the end of day 3 with no movement
  • TinaBaily
    TinaBaily Posts: 792 Member
    Wow, you're getting some pretty good advice here. I especially like those who pointed out that if you're eating less, you're going to eliminate less. I've had a "going problem" most of my life, until I developed diverticulitis (infection/inflammation of the pockets on my large intestine--and it's very painful) and had to learn to really watch my fiber intake. I aim for over 30 grams a day, if possible.

    Water is my friend, and yours. Beans, lentils, onions, lettuce (someone mentioned that--it helps me out, despite not being high in fiber), prune juice if you're really in a bind (no pun intended), unpeeled fruit is good, but many vegetables have more fiber in them than fruit, amazingly enough. Oatmeal is fantastic at helping to move things along, and I love to cook a serving of old fashioned oatmeal with 1/3 cup of Craisins in it for breakfast, which gives me 6 or 7 grams of fiber right there. Raisin Bran works well, too. But, what really works for me, and many others I've noticed, is my morning cup of coffee.

    Best of luck, and hopefully you'll be sitting happy very soon! :blushing:
  • holliph
    holliph Posts: 88 Member
    Your body is most likely just adjusting to the change in diet. It does take a couple weeks. Good chance you're also eating less food so there is less volume going through you. Fiber and water will also help.

    winner winner chicken dinner!!!!

    this is exactly correct!
    the body is undergoing a metabolic change with you changing your lifestyle for the better. Give it time to adjust. Some people will find that they go from having a movement a couple times a day, 1x a day to maybe every other day.
    adding external chemicals to the body will add a whole new monkey wrench to it...so if you handle it another day wait...high fiber/ruffage will help try not to add any pill/suppository unless you are close to the end of day 3 with no movement
  • frenchgrapes
    frenchgrapes Posts: 19 Member
    When your fiber is limited due to diet and/or WLS, Smooth Move Tea is very helpful. Otherwise, try to get in more fiber and water and eat less starchy foods. Before WLS, I used to get in a minimum of 25 grams fiber every day to help control blood sugar and to be regular. Now I rely on Smooth Move Tea and days with as much veggie fiber in it as I can get, usually including a veggie burger and broccoli. Broccoli, broccoli - the super food!
  • LinaBo
    LinaBo Posts: 342 Member
    Aside from all of the other great suggestions here (prunes, pears, water, healthy fats, etc) I have a couple more suggestions:

    Make sure that you are walking enough, or otherwise moving your mid-body area in a similar fashion, as this aids digestion. Too much sitting can actually hinder your digestion.

    Make sure that you are ingesting plenty of fluids (water, juice, milk) with your fibre. The fibre can't work properly if it isn't sufficiently hydrated.

    Apricots, berries (especially raspberries and blackberries, which have 8g of fibre per cup), and tomatoes are also great for fibre. When I was a kid, I spent many summer vacation's on my grandparents farm, picking fruit and veg. This included tomatoes which, being awesomely home grown, were tasty enough to eat out of hand like an apple. My mom warned me about eating too many, and I learned just why! Grab yourself some cherry or grape tomatoes and snack on those for awhile. If that doesn't sort you out within 3 days, I don't know what will, and it's time to see your doctor.
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    I recommend getting into taking Psyllium Seed Husks. Somewhat costly $10 for 2 weeks I'm using the Yerba Prima brand which was the cheapest but had good reviews. I super recommend this if your on a Low Carb diet.

    Also taking a Lactobacillus Acidophilus-Probiotic helps also. I recommend pill form over yogurt since your getting ALOT more Probiotics and dairy products seem to back me up.

    That and water keep on drinking. When you get past a certain point your body doesnt retain water it'll just pass through. Clear is the key.
  • amberleighM04
    lots of water and I have a small bowl of bran or raisin bran cereal every evening.
  • kuttinupgirl
    1 tsp of Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar twice a day will keep you regular and has lots and lots of other health benefits! Helps with weight loss too! You can research all of the benefits online and read testimonies galore! It is available at health food stores, don't buy the Heinz brand at grocery stores.
  • HeidiSmith419
    HeidiSmith419 Posts: 71 Member

    About 1 to 2 inches in diameter and 18 inches long.

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/112905

    OMG! if I saw a turd that big in my toilet I think I'd be going to the ER! LOL
  • BandForAlyAnne
    BandForAlyAnne Posts: 321 Member
    take some kind of digestive health supplement for now, but this is very common. i can say from my own experience that your body gets used to the change and high protein in a few months. i eat high protein(70g-90g) and about 1350 cals a day and my bodies gotten used to it. at one time in the beginning i was lucky to go once every 4 days. o.O lol