Anyone successful with Shakeology?



  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    It's nice to have people on here not trying to sell me things.....I know I'm very hurt, especially considering she didn't give a **** about my well being or weight loss goals when I didn't have money for her precious shake....haha I was blind! Ah well....maybe they'll be tasty.....I also rarely eat breakfast (bad I know) so maybe this can be my brekki :drinker:

    A hard lesson learned, for sure. At least you can use the Shakeology so you're not technically "wasting" your money.

    You could use the cash to wipe your bum, too, and it wouldn't be technically wasted... :wink:
  • dasaucywench
    dasaucywench Posts: 56 Member
    The only thing it seems to do for me is give me energy & help me keep me regulated! No weight loss this is my 2nd month.

    I concur....lots of energy and so forth but like someone else mentioned, I would rather eat my calories than drink them!
  • jfatheree78
    jfatheree78 Posts: 78 Member
    I use Shakeology and love it. I've been drinking it for about 11 weeks and have lost 25 lbs. Did the shake alone make me lose weight? No. I have changed my diet and started exercizing. You do not need the shake to lose weight - it's not a miracle in a bag, but it does help. It helps give me more energy and it helped with my sweet cravings. It's a perfect replacement for breakfast because I used to stop and get a fast food breakfast on the way to work so now I spend my money on a nutritious shake instead of crappy processed food and it's much healthier for me. The shake keeps me full for about 3 hours. Also, my cousin is a nutritionist and was very sceptical when I told her I was using the shake, but when I showed it to her she was very impressed. She spends more money just buying the ingredients that are already in the shake. That made me feel better about the amount of $ I am spending on it.

    You already ordered it, so you might as well try it. Beachbody offers a bottom of the bag guarantee. If you decide you don't like it for any reason, even if you finish the bag, you can get a refund less shipping charges so you really have nothing to lose by giving it a try.

    It was crappy of your "friend" to act that way. Obviously the small commission earned on the shake was more valuable to her than your friendship. The coaches I know aren't like that. I'm sorry you had that experience.

    As for ways to prepare it:
    My personal favorite is chocolate with almond milk and banana. Sometimes I add peanut butter if I can afford the extra calories.
    Good luck with your journey!
  • KetoBella
    KetoBella Posts: 141 Member
    This subject always stirs up drama from the well meaning folks that consider mutli level marketing the same as a pyramid scheme. The bottom line is if you have ever bought Mary Kay Cosmetics or Tupperware to mention just a few successful companies that use the MLM business model you will realize it is not a pyramid scheme and the choice to sell products through distributors does not make the product a scam or anything to be warned from.

    I also see people saying how it is so much more expensive. I looked up the cost for the protien powder figured out based on the amount of servings it makes they come out to about $2.00 per shake. If that is a meal replacement then I figure I would be hard pressed to have a complete meal for much less than $2.00 and for about 100 calories. Even if you add a little fruit and some dairy to it you are still less than $2.50 per meal. That seems quite reasonable and convienant as well.

    I am not advocating pro or con as to using any meal replacement shakes however it is distrubing to misinforrm potential users of a product simply because of a bias against MLM marketing. I know the bias isn't against protien powders in general, it only gets people all stirred up when they refer to Shakeology or Visalus.

    To the OP there is no magic in any protien shake, however they are filling, they taste good, the calories are easy to work into your calorie budget and they are convienant. Hopefully you will not find sawdust or sand in your bags instead of the PP you ordered and you will have not been scammed.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    No arguments please! I was just curious. The story behind this was even worse....for months and months my "friend", who was also a Beachbody coach, wanted me to buy it. She was extremely persistent. I never had the money for it up until a few days ago. So when I got online and ordered it (I was proud to be 'taking that big step' if you know what I mean) I told my friend and she was so excited!! Then when she asked if I had ordered it from her site I said no, that I didn't know how to do that.....her next text was "Oh Amber.....smh." Then on Facebook, "I am SO frustrated right now!!"

    Like, HELLO! OUCH. Talk about just being a number. When I mentioned that it's not right to ONLY support someone when it benefits the other person, she hit the wall and deleted me....

    So now, I feel like I really have been ****ed over -_-

    If you only did it for your friend cancel the order or send it back,

    ^ This if it's not too late
  • speedracer2007
    speedracer2007 Posts: 53 Member
    No arguments please! I was just curious. The story behind this was even worse....for months and months my "friend", who was also a Beachbody coach, wanted me to buy it. She was extremely persistent. I never had the money for it up until a few days ago. So when I got online and ordered it (I was proud to be 'taking that big step' if you know what I mean) I told my friend and she was so excited!! Then when she asked if I had ordered it from her site I said no, that I didn't know how to do that.....her next text was "Oh Amber.....smh." Then on Facebook, "I am SO frustrated right now!!"

    Like, HELLO! OUCH. Talk about just being a number. When I mentioned that it's not right to ONLY support someone when it benefits the other person, she hit the wall and deleted me....

    So now, I feel like I really have been ****ed over -_-
  • speedracer2007
    speedracer2007 Posts: 53 Member
    You will be successful on Shakeology if you are determined to. But others are saying is its nothing special as you can be successful using other quality products. There are many on MFP using Shakeology and swear by it . I say try it be determined be successful you'll feel good about yourself and will therefore gain self confidence . Then try other things like whey powder or just normal healthy foods . Good Luck I think you will do well .
  • SueSlick
    SueSlick Posts: 268 Member
    I also purchased Shakeology on auto pay & cancelled after 2 months...not because I didn't like it, but it really triggered my IBS. I absolutely loved the ease of use & always knowing i had at least 1 healthy meal already planned each day. It appears to be so healthy, I mean they claim to have a lot of nutritious stuff in there. The taste is also very good...I like the chocolate, my daughter prefers the green berry. When mixed with almond milk or frozen fruit they make a great, fast meal replacement. I had to drop down to 1/2 scoop per serving to offset the gastric effects, but i still think it is a pretty good option if you are watching your weight.
  • matchbox_girl
    matchbox_girl Posts: 535 Member
    You guys have all helped, thank you. I tend to be a very trusting person and I guess I assumed (and made an *kitten* out of me) that my friend would actually be serious about it and not be using me for profit....but then again, it makes sense now. Ahhhhh well. I'll move on.....*sniff*

  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    You guys have all helped, thank you. I tend to be a very trusting person and I guess I assumed (and made an *kitten* out of me) that my friend would actually be serious about it and not be using me for profit....but then again, it makes sense now. Ahhhhh well. I'll move on.....*sniff*


    Your friend must not know that she could have called and gotten you switched to having her as a coach and still recieved the commission. As long as it's close to the time you ordered that is done fairly regularly. Just remember there is a 30 day money back guarantee. :smile:

    Personally, I liked the shakes but it did nothing for me. I was pretty much at goal when I tried it. I don't have any health problems for it to fix. It has helped a lot of people become healthier and lose weight for sure. I just can't peronally testify to those things because I didn't need them to be done.
  • mmreed
    mmreed Posts: 436 Member
    so many BETTER options that cost LESS.

    I tried it - and while it has some good things - like the psyllium fiber ect... you can get much better nutrient and suppliment fortified shake mixes at your local vitamin shoppe

    much much less. better tasting.

    there isnt anything special about Shakeology. its average for a shake. only thing special is the high price.

    Those that feel shakeology does help, and is a great part of your regimine, look at options that are even better and save money.

    I too dislike how MFP is a Beachbody recruiting grounds. Way too many posts with hidden agendas, and "coaches" with no education or fitness/nutrition skills looking to just build thier "downline business"
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I'm happier with making my own shakes with organic produce. :) Hope you enjoy them though!
  • jfan175
    jfan175 Posts: 812 Member
    I wish we could have talked earlier. i could have gotten you a giant discount. I used Shakeology last year. It helped in terms of keeping my cravings under contol. helped me with me slim my tummy. I just recently started drinking it again. if you have any questions just private message me!


    That is coffee thru the nose spit on the screen funny!
  • Debbiedebbiey
    Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
    Still lovin'em, 2months in. Cancelled due to lack of $. Put it this way, it helped me so much with cravings for sweets&choclate that I'm even thinking about trying to get a pt job at their warehouse, it's located 20mins from my house, to get the discount to drink it forever! THAT'S how much I like it !!!! I've weaned down to every other day bc I'm close to the bottom of bag, alternating w/plain ok choclate whey.... Nasty! Waaaahhhh! I don't think you'll be sorry, if u don't like it send it back, well I'd try the recipes for shakeology protein balls first !!!
  • Hotwheelslou
    Hotwheelslou Posts: 2 Member
    I've used Shakeology for about a year now and I would never stop using it. It's not a protein shake and its not a weight loss shake but it can be used for weight loss if that is your goal. The reason I drink it is for the nutritional value it provides my body. If you ever have a chance do a google search on the ingredients. I sometimes drink it twice a day. I eat clean and I exercise. Over the past year I've lost 45 pounds. So it all works for me. I will also say that since drinking Shakeolgy, I don't get sick very often like I used to. I have lost my cravings for sugar and junk food, and I feel great! I agree that its expensive compared to other shakes. But it also has much more than other shakes. And besides, I don't put a price on my health. So I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing because it works for me.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    The shakes don't make you lose weight they just help replace meals and fill in where you may be lacking in certain vitamins..I received free samples and enjoyed the chocolate but I had to still put in the work ...exercise and eating right regardless of the shakes..I don't believe the shakes do anything special to speed up the weight loss process in any form or create success. Sometimes life can get a bit hectic its nice to have a smoothie or shake you can just it one self made or one purchased. I wont say the shake take away my cravings for anything I still want a Big Mac and a Snickers Bar but I don't want to fit them into my calories hahahah I rather have my food.