How do I stop eating 6,000 calories??



  • doggiesnot
    doggiesnot Posts: 334 Member
    Look at portion sizes when you add your foods, too! If it says 1.0 servings and the serving size is 1 cup, and you know you had a half cup, change the servings to "0.5". You don't have to have "1" of everything, as far as serving size goes.

    Eliminate soda completely.

    Avoid adding things like cheese, sour cream, salad dressing, mayo, ketchup, BBQ sauce. All those things add up! I use mustard a lot lately.

    Do not use pre-packaged food at all, if you can help it. Even if it's WW, LeanCuisine, whatever. Just cook from scratch and you will have not only fewer calories, but also less sodium.

    Drink water, half your weight (lbs) in ounces. So, if you weigh 200 lbs, drink 100 oz. per day of water. (Not soda!)

    There's so much more, and this is the right place to learn.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Oooh, one of my favorite tricks is to use shredded cheese instead of slices or cut blocks. I find that if I use shredded I get the same amount of coverage on my (eggs), visually, for .5 oz as I do with 1 oz of either cut or sliced.
  • obeserat
    obeserat Posts: 218 Member
    Under medical advice I have reduced my calories to 1200 and the doctor advised me not to eat back my exercise calories. I am a 6 foot male weighing 295lb
    I would love to manage on 1530 , but for the time being I'm on 1200. I usually have 2 poached eggs and toast for breakfast.,
    soup and a roll for lunch (or something similar) and I usually have about 600 calories for a more substantial meal
    in the evening , if I feel hungry between meals I eat a satsuma (22 calories for a small one) or something like that .
    I started on this restrictive diet just over 2 weeks ago and have lost 8kg (17lb) so far. I also lost 17lb the MFP way
    due to my weight I was allowed 1880 calories on MFP
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    Olympians eat 3,500 calories a day. WOW 6,000 is A LOT.

    It appears you are binge eating or eating mindlessly.
    Measure everything and make every bite count.

    If you feel like eating, carry a flashcard and list 5 activities you will do before you will eat something. Example:
    1) Take a 15min walk (then wait 20 mins, if you still want to eat, do activity #2)
    2) 50 sit-ups (then wait 20 minutes. If you still want to eat, do activity #3)
    3) Drink 16oz of water (then wait 20 minutes. If you still want to eat, do activity #4)
    4) Clean the bathroom (then wait 20 minutes. If you still want to eat, do activity #5)
    5) Walk up a flight of stairs twice. (then wait 20 minutes. If you still want to eat,then eat!)
  • bikinibeliever
    bikinibeliever Posts: 832 Member

    I am new to this. I put it in most of what I ate today and it is around 5,744 (I cannot remember everything) but this program says my goal should be 1,530.

    Is this right? I know I eat more than some other people but is 1,530 really manageable? I am not very active but now I think I should start! Please feel free to send me any advice.

    Well if I was you, i'd cut out about 2,000 calories and start there. Jumping that low makes no sense from your starting point. Over time decrease them as you lose weight.

    100 % agree with this^^^^^
    If you start out to drastic you probably wont carry through, Good luck!
  • thisgirlsonfire
    thisgirlsonfire Posts: 34 Member
    1500 calories is manageable. 6,000 Oh Boy! Were do you find the time to fit this amount of calories in. You may want to evaluate your behavior and how that effects your eating habits. Feel free to check my web-site out for tips and words of wisdom.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member

    I am new to this. I put it in most of what I ate today and it is around 5,744 (I cannot remember everything) but this program says my goal should be 1,530.

    Is this right? I know I eat more than some other people but is 1,530 really manageable? I am not very active but now I think I should start! Please feel free to send me any advice.

    If you ate like you did on Monday every single day, you'd be gaining weight at a rate of well over a pound per DAY. Is this happening? If it's not, you are burning off far more than you think (do you exercise a lot? - the site likes you to track your exercise and eat the calories you burn back).

    As to the actual caloric content, yes, you can cut back. Based on small changes to what you eat today, here are a few ideas (keep in mind that your diet needs a makeover, but these changes will get you started on a downward trend calorie-wise without drastic changes).

    Breakfast: Keep the egg, in fact double it. Keep one slice of bacon if you need it for flavor. Keep the coffee, even with flavorings if necessary but if you can learn to drink it black do so. Drop everything else and add oatmeal with cinnamon, A half cup of oatmeal will fill you up pretty well for not too many calories.

    Lunch: Is actually not that bad. Drop the Doritos. The rest isn't optimal (a lot of processed food, few raw things), but if you add a bunch more romaine, some green vegetables, carrots, celery, whatever floats your boat you'll fill yourself up more effectively and get some nutrients going on there.

    Supper: Cut everything exactly in half and eat a plate of vegetables with it. Swap wheat noodles for what you are eating now - they're more filling. Cut the beer by two thirds if you can manage it.

    Snacks: Keep the cheese and the banana, drop EVERYTHING else. If you need snacks, add vegetables, eat small amounts of nuts, and drink lots of water.

    Cinnamon gum helps during the transition phases when you are lowering your calorie intake, as does LOTS of water.
  • mklaroch
    mklaroch Posts: 2 Member

    The best thing you can do is substitute the high fat creams, sugars and white pastas for something else. Put milk in your coffee instead of cream that can save you some calories and substitute white pasta for whole grain. Whole grain pasta is more filling which means you will eat less of it. Also the high fat, sugary snack foods such as chips, cookies and cakes you might want to save those for once a week instead of everyday as a treat. It's not hard to eat 1500 calories. In fact I average about 1200-1400 per day by incorporating fruits and veggies and whole grains. Good luck!!
  • Shannon2714
    Shannon2714 Posts: 843 Member

    I am new to this. I put it in most of what I ate today and it is around 5,744 (I cannot remember everything) but this program says my goal should be 1,530.

    Is this right? I know I eat more than some other people but is 1,530 really manageable? I am not very active but now I think I should start! Please feel free to send me any advice.

    It is absolutely manageable. You simply have to make better choices. Fruits and Veggies and lean meats...I am set at 1500 calories and there are many days that I can't eat them all.
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    cut out dissert, sweats, cut back on noodels eat more vegg+fruit+fish or chicken, and portion control, also walking is great
  • londongirl2012
    londongirl2012 Posts: 151 Member
    You can do 1500. If it seems overwhelming, make small changes to work your way there.

    Some suggestions I can make right away from looking at your 5,000 calorie entry:
    1. Cut back on the full-fat dairy (use low-fat milk instead of cream in your coffee, and buy low-fat cheese)
    2. Get in more fruits and vegetables, but especially vegetables! They are both filling and nutritious for very few calories.
    3. Bring the number of sweets waaaaaay down. Some people here have one day a week or one meal a week where they allow themselves dessert. Others, when they crave chocolate, go for a couple squares of good-quality dark chocolate, which is satisfying after a small amount.

    Just those three things will bring you much closer to your calorie target. Once you've incorporated those changes, then you can start tweaking even more to get to your target (preview: bye-bye bacon and fried eggs).

    cut down your cals slowly aim for 2500 at first then lower to 2000 and you should lose weight maybe 1500 but not les than that, esp if you are heavier than the average woman you need more, (look up BMR cals when you're more familiar with this site and cals) and drink more water this hydrates you and helps keep you fuller in-between meals, look up lower fat recipes or other peoples diaries for suggestions on how to eat healthily/less calories, add me if you want to :)
  • hkevans724
    hkevans724 Posts: 241 Member
    This has to be a joke, who eats over 5,000!calories??

  • jlb1191
    jlb1191 Posts: 8
    Hi, I too am new here. First let me say just by glimpsing through your foods yesterday...OH MY! I myself do not eat alot but I also do not move alot..and today I had a candy bar..UGH!! Little slip up, taking a walk to burn that off. have WAY TOO much bacon...twice in one day...I haven't had bacon in months! Also you seem to have alot of snacks and bad ones at that...try to replace those M&M's with fruit. Right choices are key! Start with changing the choice of foods and then start moving! I myself am having a light dinner tonite and topping that off with a brisk walk for that babe ruth I ate today! Good luck and hang in there!!!
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    Not buying it!
  • LeanMeanFitnessMachine
    It is absolutely managable - it just takes discipline.
  • aerochic42
    aerochic42 Posts: 822 Member
    While I'm at the beginning of my change in lifestyle to be healthier and wasn't eating that many calories to start with, here are a few things that have helped to start change my outlook. 1) I realized that I was/am a victim of bad portion judgement. Servings are a lot smaller than I thought they were. Measure it all at least until you learn what a portion looks like. I'm not saying that MY serving size isn't still technically 2 servings, but I am becoming more aware of it. 2) Log for a few days without changing anything to try and and detect habits. Other posters have mentioned logging beofre you eat it ( which sounds like an idea I need to try), another idea that has helped track patterns is to include the time when I eat. I like a snack around 2:30, therefore I need to plan ahead by bringing in fruit or veggies to eat then instead of hitting the vending machine. I also have a bad habit of grabbing junk when I get home from while cooking dinner or trying to figure out what to eat . 3) Cognizant thought. Be aware of not only that you are eating, but try to think why you are eating (hungry, habit, stress, lack of will power, other). If it's a food that you don't really like, try to figure out why you are eating it. If it's something you love, slow down and savor it.

    Other posters have some good ideas for changes in your food intake, Remember that each of us is different, and that sometimes more smaller steps are better than 1 large unsustainable change. When the wagon runs you over all is not lost, Recognize the bad choice and move on to a good (or at least better) choice at the next opportunity.
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    I eat 1100 a day.. it isn't that hard at all.. I know for sure that 5,000 calories a day isn't good for you. Just make better choices.. Fruit and veggies raw are amazing!! =) Use wheat noodles, and low fat sauces..

    Sweets were a problem of mine, I could eat 2 candy bars in a day, a whole bag of doritos, I started getting soda's again.. all of that adds up.. cut that kind of stuff. Make smaller healthier meals.
  • mkatsanevas
    I try to stick to 1200 calories a day. Its very manageable. Three meals at 300 and 2 snacks at 150. No one needs more than that. What could you posibly be eating to get to 6000 calories..... ;-) lol
  • SoozeE512
    SoozeE512 Posts: 439 Member
    It's amazing what you learn about your eating habits when you first log on to this site. The number the site recommends sounds reasonable. My advice is to slowly cut back one day at a time so you body can adjust to a smaller amount of food, otherwise you will probably feel like you are starving yourself. Replacing high calorie items with fresh vegetables also helps to keep your numbers down and help you stay full.
  • Rayrayy3000
    Rayrayy3000 Posts: 9 Member
    As the food diary says the more you exercise the more you can eat a really easy way to be able to eat more with out putting on weight is to walk if you walk quite fast say how you would if you was late to work for 40-50 you could burn about 300 cals i did this twice today and burnt 640 cals so this meant i could eat more which i wont as i want to loose 20lbs but a really go thing to use is the Pedometer GPS app on iPhone(you can probably find it on other phones or similar apps) which tells you your speed how many calories you've lost and loads more and can track different activities like roller skating, cycling etc and it tracks your route so you can see where you want to go and make it a daily routine.

    AND really important make home cooked meals the rubbish thats in processed or restaurant foods can really add hundreds of cals eat lots of veg and fruit because you can eat tonssss and it wont be many cals. Since you have cooked your foods you can accurately check cals and very quickly loose weight.

    Home cooked meals if healthy means you can eat a lil bit more and feel full BUT the key is veg and fruit they dont have to be raw you could fry them in 1 teaspoon of oil or grill or roast them some in 1 teaspoon of honey steam them and with that add some carbs to fill you up so you dont get hungry eat snack on junk so with that maybe with each evening meal half a cup of rice or pasta or 1-2 slices of bread, lentils beans.

    Literally measure every thing by cup size, teaspoon, and table spoon. So carbs no more than 1 cup but aim for a half a cup, vege and fruit as much as you want in moderation, oil and butter and margarine 1 teaspoon lean meats and fish little less that a cup about 2/3 of a cut.

    Drink lots of water as it fills you up and has many other benefits!