How do I stop eating 6,000 calories??



  • MooMooooo
    MooMooooo Posts: 306 Member
    When I first started I was eating between 2000 and 3000 calories each day.

    Way too much for my 5'1 tiny frame.

    It took months for me to really WANT IT and make the changes.

    My advice? Just keep logging and when you're ready - GO FOR IT!
  • Sandrad509
    Sandrad509 Posts: 14
    I started with 2000 calories but try to stick to 1500-1800. If I do have more fattening food I definitely look at portion sizes. But I do agree you really have to want this for this to work. Good luck! Remember we are all here for the same reasons and are here to help support one another!
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    I looked at your diary.

    Firstly, congrats for being honest to yourself. You've apparently recorded everything. Great job. This is an important first step.

    Secondly, look at what you are eating. Look at the calories. Try to think how you can cut back. Some things should be obvious to you when you review your food diary.

    For example:

    1 - You have way too many items in there. You are snacking like crazy. Stop this. Snacking is the number 1 killer for Americans. Eat 3 good meals, if you need more have some fruit or veggies (red peppers are great).

    2 - Stop drinking just about everything but water. Your milky drinks are packed with sugar. Stop drinking them. Switch to water.

    3 - Stop the sweets. You are snacking on sweets like crazy (chocolate, candy, etc.). Have an apple if you need a bit of sugar, have a banana, eat some carrot sticks, drink lots and lots of water. But stop eating the chocolate/candy.

    4 - Start walking every day, even if it's just 30 min after dinner. Record it here. It will help your body, plus it will show you how much you need to work to shed calories. So if you must eat those chocolate chip cookies, at least you'll know that you will need to walk 45 minutes later to compensate. This will hopefully put a "price" on your snacking, making you think more about your decisions.

    In summary, you are eating 3x what you need to be eating. It's not sustainable without serious health issues down the road. Please, examine your diary and adjust.
  • hh6roberts2012
    Don't cut down too fast .. set a goal a week or two from now where you wanna be down to the goal calories intake. Lots of fruits and veggies like every one else said.. with so many high calories foods its easy yo over eat... my husband and I went to eat at applebees. We shared an appitizer and one meal.. after I was shocked to findout we had eaten over 3000 calories togeter.. and that was just dinner.. its hard to really get used to the amount of calories but eating better more filling food will help you get used to it.

    I use chopsticks and I pack my lunch and snacks in two Benton boxes.. for me the whole process of preparing my meals beforehand helps me stay motivate
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I looked at your diary.

    Firstly, congrats for being honest to yourself. You've apparently recorded everything. Great job. This is an important first step.

    Secondly, look at what you are eating. Look at the calories. Try to think how you can cut back. Some things should be obvious to you when you review your food diary.

    For example:

    1 - You have way too many items in there. You are snacking like crazy. Stop this. Snacking is the number 1 killer for Americans. Eat 3 good meals, if you need more have some fruit or veggies (red peppers are great).

    2 - Stop drinking just about everything but water. Your milky drinks are packed with sugar. Stop drinking them. Switch to water.

    3 - Stop the sweets. You are snacking on sweets like crazy (chocolate, candy, etc.). Have an apple if you need a bit of sugar, have a banana, eat some carrot sticks, drink lots and lots of water. But stop eating the chocolate/candy.

    4 - Start walking every day, even if it's just 30 min after dinner. Record it here. It will help your body, plus it will show you how much you need to work to shed calories. So if you must eat those chocolate chip cookies, at least you'll know that you will need to walk 45 minutes later to compensate. This will hopefully put a "price" on your snacking, making you think more about your decisions.

    In summary, you are eating 3x what you need to be eating. It's not sustainable without serious health issues down the road. Please, examine your diary and adjust.

    Great a step two. Step one is to start making wiser choices...once that happens, she can work on cutting the non-essentials
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    I wish you good luck. Its SO easy to eat large amounts of calories when you're not monitoring them!

    Firstly I'd chop out anything with refined sugar to start with and see where that leaves you calories wise. A piece of fruit rather than cookies or sweets will save you a lot of calories and fill you more because of the fibre.

    Once you are used to that try selecting lower fat options of things you usually buy and grill/bake rather than fry etc. I'd chop out mayo completely because it adds a lot of extra calories - even the lower fat versions.

    Once that is done switching white breads to wholemeal will help add more nutritionally sound and filling carbs into your diet. Just don't try doing it all at once or you'll feel deprived.

    Oh - and alcohol only when you've got spare exercise calories you don't feel the need to eat.

    Finally, look at the diaries of members on here who have lost a fair bit for inspiration for meal choices.
  • herownkindofwonderfull
    herownkindofwonderfull Posts: 307 Member

    I am new to this. I put it in most of what I ate today and it is around 5,744 (I cannot remember everything) but this program says my goal should be 1,530.

    Is this right? I know I eat more than some other people but is 1,530 really manageable? I am not very active but now I think I should start! Please feel free to send me any advice.

    OP- use the tools on this site or google a calculater and look up your BMR. You should eat slightly over this number to prevent yourself from going into starvation mode. Keep in mind that you should also eat less than your TDEE, which you can also calculate online.

    Friend me if you want! I've lost about 20lbs and eat about 1750-3000 calories a day, pending on my exercise (what you burn, you should eat back- also to prevent your body from going in starvation mode). Feel free to message, etc. if you'd like as well! You can do this!
  • herownkindofwonderfull
    herownkindofwonderfull Posts: 307 Member
    Some people eat Low Carb - I say cut out all the noodles, breads, chips and crappy carbs.....stick with the protein, nuts, veggies and cheese....way better then processed stuff.

    I agree with this, but not on cutting out noodles and breads. As a rule of thumb, do not cut out carbs! your body needs them! Just make sure that they are complex carbs ie: whole grain bread, whole grain pasta, brown rice, etc. White breads, white rice, and regular starchy pasta is FILLED with empty carbs. Your body can't process them as efficiently, and it can lead to weight gain and fatigue!
  • k2charmed4u
    k2charmed4u Posts: 282
    It is more than manageable to eat 1500 cals. My target is 1510 a day and I usually eat between 1450 and 1600 with exercise also. I split my day into 4 meals.

    Fruit Smoothie (around 330 cals):
    Apple, Papaya, Peach etc
    with either nutmeg or cinnamon and honey

    Breakfast (around 230 cals):
    Banana or apple
    Yoghurt or Belvita biscuits

    Lunch (around 400 cals):
    Salad or sandwiches or beans on toast

    and Dinner (around 550 cals):
    New potatoes, roast, baked or mash
    with lots of veggies (carrots, parsnips, courgetts etc)
    Chicken or lamb

    Or Veggie Thai curry (I love homemade thai curry)

    I would recommend reducing your cals gradually maybe cut 1,000 off what you eat at the minute for the first week with plenty of exercise. Let your body adjust to lower cal intake and work your way down over a course of a month to the 1500ish cals per day. I also recommend high cal burning exercises like swimming, cycling and tennis to help you burn more.

    P.S. feel free to add me if you want more help and have a look at my diary. I keep it open so people can see and it keeps me in check too. I lost 56lbs before on 1340 cals per day a few years ago. Put most back on when I stopped counting cals and now i'm at it again and 16lbs down on 1510 cals :smile:
  • ms_walker
    ms_walker Posts: 30 Member
    Good on you for logging. I think that you should log you current eating and drink for a week or two to see how you truly eat, then make small gradually changes. For example, one change a week from some of the following

    change to lower fat milk
    make all cold drinks water
    eat bread once a day
    switch to lower cal snacks
    reduce rice/potatoes/pasta portion and make up with vegatable
    smaller portion sizes
    bake or grill instead of fry

    These small changes will help you on your way to making bigger changes

    Good luck
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    Great a step two. Step one is to start making wiser choices...once that happens, she can work on cutting the non-essentials

    True. You need to walk before you can run, as they say....

    Again, OP, the key first step is recording everything. You have done this, so congrats! This is extremely important. Keep it up, please don't stop!

    Now slowly but surely start to make better choices. Every little bit helps.

    Educate yourself. Knowledge is power, it will let you take back control of your body.

    Good luck.

  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    Start with making smart changes that don’t deprive you of what you want, but are wiser in the long run. Your bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich with coffee and chocolate milk was 1210 calories day. That was nearly your whole day…try this instead:
    Orowheat sandwich thins instead of hamburger bun – 100 calories
    1 Egg poached instead of fried – 70 calories
    Sargento ultra Thins cheddar cheese (1 slice) – 45 calories
    Jenny O Turkey Bacon (2 slices) – 80 calories
    Coffee (this was fine)
    Fat Free half and half (2 Tbsp)– 30 calories
    Splenda or stevia (1 tsp) – 0 calories
    Silk Chocolate Almond Milk (1 cup in a grab and go container) – 120 calories
    Total Calories: 445 calories. That is a savings of 765 calories!

    Now lunch, instead of the turkey/bacon/cheese sandwich and chips that you had for 1272 calories, try this:
    Orowheat sandwich thins instead of hamburger bun – 100 calories
    Sargento ultra Thins cheddar cheese (1 slice) – 45 calories
    Jenny O Turkey Bacon (2 slices) – 80 calories
    Sliced Smoked Turkey Breast (3 slices) – 90 calories
    Light Mayo (1 Tbsp) – 45 calories
    Dijon Mustard (1 tsp) – 10 calories
    Romaine and tomato  - 10 calories
    Veggie Straws/Chips (40 straws) – 120 calories
    Pear  - 52 calories
    Diet Dr Pepper – okay, but try crystal light instead if you can
    Coffee (this was fine)
    Fat Free half and half (2 Tbsp)– 30 calories
    Splenda or stevia (1 tsp) – 0 calories
    This is 582 calories – a savings of 690 calories

    Now for dinner…you had three times the serving of spaghetti noodles and a total calorie count of 1960 calories. Try this instead:
    Spaghetti Noodles (2 oz) – 200 calories
    Marinara (1/4 cup) – 140 calories
    Steamed Broccoli (1 cup) – 30 calories
    Grilled Prawns (1 cup) – 280 calories
    Garlic Bread (1 slice) – 100 calories
    Garden Salad (2 cups) – 60 calories
    Light Italian Dressing (2 Tbsp) – 35 calories
    Honey Brown lager (12 oz) – 180 calories
    1025 calories for a savings of 935 calories

    For snacks which totaled 1302 calories:
    100 calorie chips ahoy snack pack – 100 calories
    Babybel cheese – 70 calories
    Emerald Cocoa Roast Almonds (1 oz) – 150 calories
    Air Popped Popcorn (2 cups) – 160 calories
    Banana – 112 calories
    Juice Box – 100 calories
    Lemon Loaf Cake – 130 calories
    822 calories for a savings of 480 calories.

    With the revisions, you go from 5744 calories to 2874 calories. You are still high, but from there, you can start making other changes too…less sweets, more veggies, etc. Hope this helps!

    This is some of the best, most practical and thorough advice for starting out that I have ever seen! You absolutely owe it to yourself to start making fundamental changes like this. They won't be jarring to your system, and will be easy for you to maintain and then change even more until you slowly make your way to eating less and even better. It CAN happen, I swear! I honestly could not physically eat 6,000 calories in one day at this point. 2,000 for me is very very high, and usually leaves me feeling ill and bloated at the end of the day unless I've exercised.

    This is a journey, not a race. Take your time, you've made the first BIG step just by logging what you're eating and realizing it's time to make a change! *(*hugs*)*
  • aleham
    aleham Posts: 44
    I took a look at your food diary and the best advice I can give is for you to drink more water.

    Everyone else has already suggested great stuff relating to your food, but it's easy to forget that sometimes people over eat because they confuse hunger with thirst.

    6,000 calories is way too high for someone who wants to lose weight. You don't have to completely cut out carbs, but you definitely need to eat less carbs and try not eating them after 5pm. Less carbs and sugars, more protein and water. Think about eating foods that have good, natural fats like nuts and fish instead of chocolate.
  • aleham
    aleham Posts: 44
    That being said, I honestly think you should seek the advice of a medical professional, like your local general practitioner.
  • higgins1988
    i manage 1200 just fine most days unless i have a binge which can take me up to 3000 tops :S

    the first step is to look at what you currently eat and try and find lower calorie alternatives such as low fat cheese, wholemeal bread, etc - this should drop your calorie intake quite a bit without depriving you. See chocl8girls thoughtful post.
    the next step would be to reduce the amount you eat at each sitting - you don't need 1200 cals for breakfast, 500 max will give you plenty of energy until your next meal.

    good for you for logging everything though, it's so important!

    add lots of friends on MFP, it's helped me so much :)
  • cwalsh1989
    cwalsh1989 Posts: 10 Member
    Wow, to be honest I would struggle to find 6000 calories! 1530 is very reasonable if your looking to loose weight.

    Set yourself goals where you decrease a little everyday until you reach the 1530.

    Just be truthful with yourself and critical of your diary. Looking at yesterday you ate such things as m&m's and a larger. Such things should be easy to cut out, they dont fill you up and are wasteful calories. Try cutting snacks and drinks out such as these first, then once you feel good with this, start looking at meals as a whole and making them more healthy.

    But you are right in what you said, you need to get active, being activly will make you feel really good and earn you those extra calories if you do fancy a fe m&m's that day.

    Good luck!! The whole fo MFP are behind you!
  • stupidloser
    stupidloser Posts: 300 Member

    I am new to this. I put it in most of what I ate today and it is around 5,744 (I cannot remember everything) but this program says my goal should be 1,530.

    Is this right? I know I eat more than some other people but is 1,530 really manageable? I am not very active but now I think I should start! Please feel free to send me any advice.

    Holy crap! That is alot of food.
  • jammasterduggs
    your valuations retrieved from MFP are wrong to start - 170g of spaghetti is never 600 cals and 280 cals for grilled prawns? this should be more 250 - 300 for spaghetti and around 100 - 150 for prawns

    this alone on those two items has just saved you near 500 calories

    use the packet info per 100 g then divide what your using - never use someone elses input on mfp as they may be wrong or not put in all hte other info like protein / carbs / vitamins etc
  • Poods71
    Poods71 Posts: 502 Member
    Going from nearly 6,000 cals to 1,500 does seem huge and really daunting, but if you make small changes in your diet you will find it a lot easier. Even if you don't manage to get that low straight away just cutting back a bit each week till you get used to it will definitely start you in the right direction. Tips that I would give would be: -

    1. Drink load of water. Don't know if you haven't logged all your water but you don't seem to drink much at all. I have to forced myself as I never feel thirsty but it definitely helps.

    2. Choose low calorie food to replace the foods you already like e.g. low fat mayo, semi-skimmed milk, low fat cheese etc. You will be amazed how much you will save just doing this.

    3. Have as much fruit, veggies and salad as you can it bulks up a meal with hardly any calories and there are so many delicious low fat salad dressings out there it doesn't have to be boring.

    4. Cut right back on the sweet snacks, they are diet killers. I find if I check the calories on a bar of chocolate I end up not having it or swapping for something lower calorie as most chocolate bars are the same calories as a meal!

    If you try lots of small changes, even if you don't hit 1,500 straight away, it will make a big difference.

    Good luck and I hope some of my advice helps. Just some stuff that worked for me :flowerforyou:
  • StarkLark
    StarkLark Posts: 476 Member
    Holy crap! That is alot of food.
    Thanks for this insight. :huh: