how to slim down really fat arms ?



  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    Another vote for kettlebells! My arms were terribly flabby before I lost weight - cellulite on them any everything - and I zapped them with a shedload of cardio but I also swear by regular kettlebells. They toned my arms really well and added a good shape, as well as getting my heart pumping. I'm like a broken record but I swear by those things.
  • SanDFit
    SanDFit Posts: 76 Member
    So, I have really fat arms as well. Its just hereditary I think. I tried doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day shred but it didn't work as my overall weight didn't change with 30DS. Then I tried going to the gym and doing 50 mins of cardio, 5 times a week. It has been 3 months and I have lost 2.5 inches on each arm. So losing weight overall (22lbs) by low carbing and working out has helped me lose inches on my arms. Hope this helps.
  • KateL1969
    KateL1969 Posts: 98 Member
    My bingo wings look a lot better shape just by committing to doing 20 pressups a day. (10 when I get up, 10 when I'm getting ready for bed) I have lost an inch and now have some muscle definition but still have a way to go. If you measure them now it will encourage you when they start to shrink. Initially I could only do 2 pressups without collapsing!!!! Your strength builds quickly though. Good luck.
  • deadgirl81
    deadgirl81 Posts: 412 Member
    This will make your arms stronger, it's tailored to any current fitness level, and it only takes a few days a week:

    And as a bonus, when you do finally lose the extra fat, your arms will not be flabby!

    Think I'll be checking this site out when I get home - thanks very much :)
  • merisendabills
    This! strength training helps a lot!
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    A lot of people can't do this but
    I took up horse cart driving!
    I could not believe the work out it gave my "wings"

    Im sorry to giggle, but this reply has made my day!!!

    Anway, Lift heavy, as already stated a million times, you cant spot reduce, but you can definitely shapre your body by lifting heavy. I'd also (though Im biased) recommend pole dancing for fitness. Before I started heavy lifting I gained a lot of definition and strength in my arms by doing pole, like a LOT. Its a great full body strength workout and can be cardio too. Now by pairing the two Im hoping to become a beast :)
  • stephanie_pephanie
    Have you tried Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones workout? I'm astonished how toned my arms have become since doing this one and I think Jillian has a very motivating way about her!
  • dawnp1833
    dawnp1833 Posts: 264 Member
    The link to this video on "how to get rid of your batwings" was in my in box today, so I thought I'd share it here.
  • BOLO4Hagtha
    BOLO4Hagtha Posts: 396 Member
  • littlelol
    littlelol Posts: 539
  • JessieD006
    I have been using the P90X Lean program just 4 months ago I was 162bls. Because of the Lean program, I am now 140bls. I have been working on my arms. I find that using light weight Bands helps ALOT! you can get them at Five and Below (RED) Go to this site as well for the workout! I LOVE IT! Especially for my arms\

    1) Make sure you include 30min LIGHT JOG cardio before this workout to warm up you muscles.
    2) Drink lots of water
    3) Be sure to eat (250 calories) within an hour after your workout. This helps speed your metabolism
    4) Green Apples, grapefruit, kiwi, and oranges help speed your metabolism as well.Be sure to eat two of any of these fruits a day.
    5) No whole wheat or white bread! FIBER WHOLE GRAIN is best!
    6) Eat plenty of protein: Chicken, turkey hot dogs, sirloin, tuna fish
    7) Workout 5-6 days daily 60-80mins each day
    8) Get 7 to 8hrs of sleep everyday

    I hope this helps answer your questions
  • JessieD006
    I have been using the P90X Lean program just 4 months ago I was 162bls. Because of the Lean program, I am now 140bls. I have been working on my arms. I find that using light weight Bands helps ALOT! you can get them at Five and Below (RED) Go to this site as well for the workout! I LOVE IT! Especially for my arms\

    1) Make sure you include 30min LIGHT JOG cardio before this workout to warm up you muscles.
    2) Drink lots of water
    3) Be sure to eat (250 calories) within an hour after your workout. This helps speed your metabolism
    4) Green Apples, grapefruit, kiwi, and oranges help speed your metabolism as well.Be sure to eat two of any of these fruits a day.
    5) No whole wheat or white bread! FIBER WHOLE GRAIN is best!
    6) Eat plenty of protein: Chicken, turkey hot dogs, sirloin, tuna fish
    7) Workout 5-6 days daily 60-80mins each day
    8) Get 7 to 8hrs of sleep everyday

    I hope this helps answer your questions
  • cjsupreme
    I have a similar problem, I'm 5'1' 130lbs and my arms have always been the part that is hardest for me to tone and slim down, as my shape is stocky and very squat. Recently I've joined a new gym, I've been going for two hours everyday day. I tried The Insanity workout previously but I get bored quickly if I don't have something taking my mind off the exercise, but I did see results from insanity within the 15 days I did it (if you have the concentration span to do this, do insanity!! It's incredible but hard, but is worth it). So I took the principals from that which is high intensity interval training to my gym workouts and it's going great!
    I do minimum of an hour cardio, elliptical or something similar which works the whole body. I fill the hour with a burst here and there of going flat out as hard as I can, then back to normal, and repeat. As long as I'm sweating once I'm off there I know I'm ok. Then I move to strength training for an hour. I've been doing a lot of ab work on the floor which is helping my arms too, planks, push-ups. Planking and bringing alternate knees to elbows. But then I do my arms with free weights. Bicep curls, triceps kickbacks and chest presses. I use 10lb weights and do high reps. My arms always feel a little swollen the next day, but if I don't work them out now, I know by the time I lose the weight from the cardio, I'll have those skinny stick arms which aren't attractive at all. It takes time to budge that weight from the arms! But I am seeing a major difference in my overall body shape and my arms.

    I Have also cut my calorie I take in half (I'm in taking 1200 cal or less), cut out sodas, sweets etc and ensuring I stay away from anything I know is processed craap-in-a-box. Now I'm honestly not eating anything crazy like some of these diet regimes order you to do, I'm just eating things like mulitgain wraps or bread if I want carbs, peanut butter (good fats), tuna/chicken snack kits (bumblebee), white meat only, lots of veggies esp spinach and drinking lots and lots of water.
    I've learnt from past attempts to get healthy that fruit and juice seems healthy, but it is loaded with fructose (sugar). I feel it's ok as a treat! Honestly cutting sugars has been the hardest thing for me but it has done the most good in my diet change!
    Also stay away from scales!!!! They are bad! Muscle weighs more than fat. Use a good old fashioned tape measure, and keep track of your inch loss!

    Good luck to all!!!

    It will never happen over night, so keep it up! And don't forget.. CARDIO CARDIO CARDIO!
  • happyrelation
    Every body is different. A pound is 3500 calories. The more muscle you have, the faster you'll burn the fat.
    You need weight training 3 times a week, alternating days. Cardio is fine too.
    You have to eat and burn calories to take you under your maintenance calories. For instance, there are calculators out there to do maintenance is 1800 calories a day. If I were to eat 1500 calories a day, that's 300 calories a day less than what it takes to maintain my body weight. 300 times 7 days is 2100 calories. Not quite a pound. So, let's say my goal is to workout 3 times a week and add cardio 2 times and I burned 1900 calories through that. 1900 plus 2100 is 4000 calories.
    One pound being 3500 calories, I've just lost just over a pound in a week.
    4 1/2 pounds a month times 6 is 27 pounds.
    Plus, people that are very overweight, tend to lose more in the beginning because there's water weight etc. that comes off faster.
    But that's the basic foundation.
    I'm doing a program just for women at It's amazing with great support from women doing this program or have already succeeded.

    Just remember...
    Less calories, build muscle through weights, eat protein and carbs through veggies and fruit. You need fat in your diet, don't cut it all out. There are good fats. Dump the diet sodas, they won't help, and actually have been proven to hurt weight loss.

    Good luck