How often do you go to the gym



  • AlphamaleBAMF
    AlphamaleBAMF Posts: 373 Member
    I don't have a trainer but I go 5-6 days a week, sometimes 7. Sometimes i slack off and only go 3-4.

    I usually walk 40 minutes to and 40 from gym and do weight training when I get there. Then I do cardio for about an hour or so.
  • itsDorian7
    itsDorian7 Posts: 105 Member
    Well since I work there EVERYDAY. But for my own workouts I go 5x a week.

    ^^ Same here.
  • emstaley4
    emstaley4 Posts: 76 Member
    Right now I go 2x a week, Tues/Fri for 1 - 11/2 hours and sometimes 2hrs. I go to a private gym with a trainer so alot of times it's one on one or just a couple of us. It's a killer workout.
  • majones_orl
    majones_orl Posts: 195 Member
    3 - 4 and all cardio. Working to get into weights.
  • jplord
    jplord Posts: 510 Member
    I go at 5 am, 3 times a week and do the circuit room or the treadmill. 30 minute sessions each time.
    I go in the evening 3-4 times a week (sometimes the same day) and do a 60 minute Zumba class or 30 minutes of treadmill and 30 minutes of circuit training or rowing and elliptical, or machines only for 30 minutes. Zumba is the best burn.
    I hike on the weekends 60 to 120 minutes with hills and at a 3.5 mph pace, or go to the gym. Sometimes I spend 60 min to 120 min gardening and to count I have to work up a real lather, not just get my shirt wet.
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    I go Monday, Wednesday and Friday but I also run on the others days.
  • ChristiH4000
    ChristiH4000 Posts: 531 Member
    5x a week is what I do, but start at 3 and work up to more as your schedule and your body get used to it.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    I go 3 to 5 times per week. Stay for 1 to 2 hours per workout.
  • stupidloser
    stupidloser Posts: 300 Member
    Options pain, no gain. pound the pavement.
  • kclaurel1
    kclaurel1 Posts: 15
    never i have my own personal gym at my house :)
  • italiankid96
    Anywhere from 4-6 days a week (rarely 6) then again im 16 lol
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    Minimum 3 days. 30-45 minutes of weights and strength exercises and 30 minutes of cardio after, sometimes an hour if I'm not dead on my feet and sweating waterfalls.
  • sdoldsMD2013
    sdoldsMD2013 Posts: 128
    6 days per week, 60-90 minutes per session :-) I'm on a mission
  • smileymel27
    smileymel27 Posts: 171 Member
    I go 4 times a week:

    2x Zumba class
    2x Cardio + weights.

    However, being someone who has struggled with the gym, I think your first aim should be to go the 3x a week recommended by your trainer, just to get you into the habit of going (it usually takes 6 weeks to form a habit). Once you've managed the 3x a week, try adding 1-2 days and sticking with that.

    I think it is important for you to find something that works for you. I cannot go to the gym every day, I actually find it demotivating, and it doesn't fit into my schedule. So I compromised: less days per week at the gym, slower rate of weight loss. But it's something I can stick to, and THAT is what is important.
  • Kitzey
    Kitzey Posts: 214 Member
    I go to the gym at least 3 days a week and I work out a minimum of 6 days a week :)

    3 days a week mix cardio/weights
    3 days a week cardio

  • PaveGurl
    PaveGurl Posts: 244 Member
    hi guys

    I haven't been to the gym in like years. The trainer has set me a program but I wanted to know how many times I should go to see results.

    The trainer said mimium 3 times, he's set me to do weights first then cardio

    Ne help grateful

    Thanks in adVance

    Define "results."

    I go 3x/ week for 30 minutes of HIIT cardio + weights (hi/low) plus two yoga classes and a Pilates session.

    I started seeing "results" in the form of increased endurance and higher weight reps within 2 weeks. I started seeing "results" in how my body looked after 6 weeks.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    I go everyday. Workout twice a week with trainer for 60 minutes, and either swim or bike on the other days. :smile:
  • BrodeurNJ30
    I don't. I try to just do stuff outside at least 5-6 days a week. I generally go for a run, if not I will go inline skating, or biking once I fix my tire.

    I have a gym in my condo and since my knee's are starting to act up from all my running I may switch it up to running every other day and swimming the other days. Just to keep the high impact exercising to a minimum. May as well use the pool if I have it. That's what the condo fee's are for.

    There is also a small gym in there that I use during the winter, but generally the step machine or treadmill. I'm a big cardio person, I'm not big on weights. Plus I don't know how to properly use the weights! :)
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    Day 1 – Gym – 25 minutes heavy lifting
    20 minutes HIIT
    10 minutes warm up/cool down
    425 Calorie burn, give or take
    Day 2 – Rest
    Day 3 - 2-4 mile walk
    250 Calorie burn, give or take
    Repeat three day cycle
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Twice a week. I can't even make myself work out more often than that. You people are amazing.